We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Suicides on hook/give ups need to be looked into

adaw0ng Member Posts: 696
edited September 19 in Feedback and Suggestions

Every other game I play of solo queue I run into players giving up on first hook no matter what killer, perks, map or even game mode (it's been happening in modifiers too.) It's a literal pandemic and it's getting impossible to play a normal game from beginning to end that is not a 3v1 at 5 or 4 gens because a survivor rage quits. As killer when I face this it's also boring and it makes me lose interest in queueing up for the next match.

4% is an outdated (and unfair) mechanic anyways, so maybe it's time to completely remove it and leave self-unhooking to perks that play around that (example: deliverance). Start being harsh with quitting/dcing/AFK-ing penalties. At this point it's seriously ridiculous and no other game I play has this situation where players instantly disconnect or rage-afk literally 10 seconds into the game and make it impossible for the full lobby to play. It's literally the only reason that makes me stop the game after a few matches if I get this often since I am literally not allowed to play a normal game and there is no forfeit option of any kind (Overwatch has it, League of Legends has it, and so on and so forth).

Please, be harsher on this since it's becoming such an issue and it will affect always new players more actually, since they will quickly move on from the game and not bother at all if they see the athmosphere is so negative and people just rage quit every other match. This will not be a good look for those new players coming next year for FNAF, for example.

Please, take into consideration adding a forfeit tab if there is an early leaver ("remake system" from League of Legends, or Overwatch), and start being harsher on quitting penalties. It's ridiculous that you can ruin other people's games like this without any concern of getting punished at the moment.

Post edited by adaw0ng on


  • Memesis
    Memesis Member Posts: 166

    Id even be totally fine with them buffing the AFC range if they completely removed the 4% attempt to compensate.

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 627

    Yes pleas bhvr, solo is unplayable half the time because you teammates a whiny babies who cant take an L. And when you play killer you get out lucked by the survivors, which can lose you the game on occasion just because they're lucky.

    keep the silly animation tho I like to dance on hook

  • brewingtea
    brewingtea Member Posts: 247

    Let them know in the survey. I gave them terribly low scores.

  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 271

    The thing is keeping the self- unhook allows Bhvr to not have to worry as much about making sure survivor players are happy with the balance of the game. If survivors feel trapped in games they feel they have no way to win then some might stop playing or disrupt the game in other ways. I can't see them "cracking down" on this like so many want. Instead Bhvr. should work on balancing the game better so survivor players don't feel they have no chance to win as often. (Or honestly they should have just kept the de-pip mechanic. The removal of that definitely increased the amount of players letting go on first hook.)

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 742

    Doesn’t letting go on hook guarantee they depip if that’s the issue? Where as staying in game you can pip even if you don’t escape?

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 749

    In a way. I agree that self-unhook basekit should be removed from the game, except maybe if you are the last two survivors, with like a 25% chances to kobe on 1st hook. Perks like deliverance and Slippery Meat can allows you guarantees self unhook; but it would definitely making Killing yourself on hook impossible. No more struggling and acceleration the process to 2nd stage.

    I agreed to these changes, specifically because I am sick of toxic survivors cannot not learn to take a L and learn to adapt and improve on their gameplay. Or just used the DC button. It almost as if DC I'd frown upon and rubs shame on them, Yet they decided to make it worse by not allow bots to play. Surely if they learn to play as toxic and respect the killer as much, they wouldn't resort to toxic means like tunneling and slugging as much.

  • cookie_crumbles
    cookie_crumbles Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 4

    Hmmm a harsher punishment? Longer penalties? Bro I literally get disconnected from the GAME server and it gives me a 5 minute penalty because "I raged quit" so no I don't think we need harsher punishments

  • Musxussu575
    Musxussu575 Member Posts: 52

    Nope. Y'all won't accept no punishment for DC'ing, so this is the alternative. Cause and effect. Live with it. It's what you wanted.

  • ppmd
    ppmd Member Posts: 122

    Sure, if you don't mind 2v8 queue times for killer or longer to return that sounds like a deal worth taking.

  • Tits
    Tits Member Posts: 254

    Ill admit nearly everytime i try to soloQ we start a match, its something annoying like legion or doctor, he starts tunneling me off the hook, im dead alredy with nothing to show for it even with anniversary cake, next round, its something annoying like plague or blight, he starts slugging everyone with knockout not hooking. Everyone goes down. All die on 1 hook with nothing to show for it even with annivesary cake. Next round (you get the idea) eventualy u just cant take it anymore, u can tough it out but are u having fun? They do need to remove suicide on hook but they also have to find some way to get everyone in the same kind of mood to play this game otherwise its just 1 side having fun while the other is miserable (that goes for both sides). And its ok to lose in games u cant win em all but when youd rather lose faster because its not a fun time anymore lol something is wrong

  • Vellioh
    Vellioh Member Posts: 15

    With the introduction of bots the leave penalty needs to be addressed. 90% of the time somebody who wants to immediately suicide on a hook was doing significantly less in the game than even the worst AI would be able to do. On the same page if there is a leave penalty you have to be able to to exit out of the game on hook otherwise people are just going to afk in the middle of the field and get out of the game that way.

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 974

    I know I'm commenting on the thread almost a week later, but I think this is the biggest issue within the game right now. It ruins survivor matches even more than being camped and tunneling, because at least you can attempt to counter those, but you can't do anything if another survivor decides to give up.

    The 4% mechanic has to go, and so has the instant death for failed skillchecks on second stage. Yeah, yeah, it's fun when you manage to escape with it on the last second when all hope seemed lost, but that happens how often, once every hundred games? Most people don't even try escaping the hook unless they want o give up the match anyway, and when they try, the chance of escaping is so low that we almost never see it. And even when they DO escape, it's usually in the end of the game and the survivor ends up dead anyway.

    So, it's a mechanic that leads to one fun play every hundreds of matches, and while it's not doing that, people use it to give up and ruin matches all the time, AND they can do it without taking a penalty or leaving a bot. It ruins hundreds of matches more than it improves. It's not worth it, not even close.

    Unhooking yourself should only be possible with the aid of perks (Slippery Meat, Deliverance, Wicked) and the anti-facecamp mechanic.

  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 634

    what if I get no mither on chaos shuffle that’s go next every time

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 742

    You know that is a potential outcome when queueing for that game mode and are expected to play the game out to the best of your ability.

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 696

    If that bothers you have you thought about maybe not playing that mode? If you queue up for Chaos Shuffle expecting Dead Hard Windows Decisive Strike and Unbrekable maybe just play the normal queue then.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 941

    Based on BHVR's recent track record, my guess is that they are currently looking for fixes for tunnelling, slugging, gen rushing and going next on hook. It's just hard to know when those changes will appear.

    We're still waiting for surivors to be able to see their teammate's loadouts. It feels like that was over a year ago, but I might be remembering it wrong.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,447

    It would be great if BHVR did, but they're already basically said they have no plans to do anything about it. Then they also shown they will even reward you for hook suiciding with the SM nerfs coming. Fully expect this problem to only get worse.

  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 634

    nothing really bothers me on dbd but I don’t wanna play with no mither I don’t think it’s worth using.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,368

    I would rather have that ^, and then have full games than i would have games with people constantly DCing or giving up. they ruin the game for 4 other players every time they do that.

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 696

    Then you have to eat it, if you don't want to have to use it you can still play normal queue. Easy fix.

  • ppmd
    ppmd Member Posts: 122

    It may also cause bhvr to reverse the kill rate decisions they have been making too.

    But yeah I agree it'd be nice if it stopped happening and longer queues for better matchmaking etc but it may also have other knock-on effects.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,132
    edited September 28

    That literally has nothing to do with giving up, that's just general community disgust at her lol anyone who says otherwise doesn't pay attention.

    I think it's fine that people can choose if they want to keep playing or not. Do I think there should be a punishment for Hook attempts? no, there is no way to tell the difference between someone taking attempts as its their only option and someone doing it to get out quickly. The issue is with the mechanic itself.

    The answer would be to limit it to perks (then people would bring perks to get out early), or make attempts not use the bar up.

    I'd rather players DC and leave a bot than give up on hook and leave with nothing, there isn't really a win win situation here.