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General Discussions

If Killer playstyles are needed then why is survivor numbers dropping?

I see a lot of arguments about slugging is justified, camping, tunneling etc. Then I see counter arguments about flashlight saves, pallet saves, and certain perks that survivors use. Now while slugging is a valid playstyle and sometimes well warranted, it doesn't need to be used every game, and that's what's happening. Before a killer even feels out who they are playing against they go for a slug or tunnel. Killers use the excuse basekit unbreakable is not valid that survivors should carry it, but why don't killers bring lightborn if your problem is flashlights,etc. Iron grasp. Now I know survivors use crappy tactics to not get the hook and they do deserve a slug, but that's 1 out of 4. I don't think killer mains realize that they need to be outnumbered. That being said there is a shortage of survivors and will continue to be if certain playstyles keep up. I am not saying stop what your doing, I'm saying stop using slugging as a crutch. Not only that there are literally so many aura perks you can probably see what they are doing while playing the game.

PS those who slug when there are only 2, survivors aren't falling for it anymore.

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  • Member Posts: 76

    huh???? all my friends still play i have 500 hours. i dont see any problems but sometimes survivor is realy hard.

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  • Member Posts: 377

    It's a general statement. Wait times for killer are up even when I play. It isn't that I'm not having fun, because some matches are really fun. I'm purely speaking of survivor rate drop because of playstyles. It isn't fun when you get slugged most of your matches for no reason. One day I played and it back to back matches of being slugged for absolutely no reason. I can't back the next day but a newer player or older player would just give up. There also hasn't been a bonus in killer since I can remember.

  • Member Posts: 1,845

    I haven't experienced a drop in survivors where I play. The incentive swaps between killer and survivor like it did prior to Lights Out as well.

  • Member Posts: 377

    That's my point. I'm not saying it's a drastic drop but a noticeable one. During 2v8 regular mode was just non existent and wait times but both sides were up. I'm worried that if they don't improve the way they approach slugging and tunneling it will get worse. I actual prefer to play with European gamers, y'all are the nicest!

  • Member Posts: 5,948

    2v8 mode is not the best example to use. This game mode brought something extremely unique that killers have awaited for years but little for survivors. So BHVR tried to get more survivors to play 2v8 by raising the incentive to extreme heights. I didn't play the normal mode a lot during that time but it seemed completely fine for killers.

    Regarding slugging, they recently removed one major reason why killers slugged (hooks now respawn after sacrificing a survivor), so that is something at least. It's not the simplest issue to tackle. A base kit solution was tested but players didn't like it because it eliminated any chance to slug, which brought in further issues such as survivors going down under a pallet being basically invincible because you had no time to chase any other survivors away, flashlights for pretty much the same reason (especially with Background Player) and it also eliminated any chance for the killer to capitalise on poor survivor decisions such as grouping up. It felt like no matter how bad they messed up, the game would bail them out.

    The most common form of slugging is probably slugging for the 4k and the best solution would be to rework the hatch. Even if you had a form of base kit Unbreakable for only the last 2 survivors some killers would try to bleed both of them out around the same time to minimise the chances of a hatch escape.

    With patch 8.3.0 Bloodrush will be reworked into a very powerful anti tunneling perk. So that is something at least. Tunneling will never completely go away unless you turn the killer into a bot. But there are definitely some routes that could be explored. Like more killer perks that incentivise hooking different survivors. Otzdarva recently made a video to suggest a mechanic that might help with the absolute worst cases of tunneling, which has also been suggested by me and others on the forums.

    I actual prefer to play with European gamers, y'all are the nicest!

    Is that so? I thought Europeans didn't have the best reputation. Either way, I'm sure you will find some very wholesome people no matter where you play. Good luck.

  • Member Posts: 767

    This is my experience in EU as well; survivor incentive for both the event and regular is 25%/50%, and despite that killer still gets into a game quicker than when I queue for survivor.
    I feel it means more people are playing in groups on the survivor side or my queues would be quicker when I’m playing survivor and the bonus is on survivor side.

  • I’ve not noticed a single difference in BP incentive, it always swaps between killer and survivor ever few hours with a 50% bonus.

  • Member Posts: 10,196

    There's no time to feel out a team. Even if you did, you could be wrong. I've literally seen survivors do the worst 1st chase possible, and then their next chase their brain turns on and they run you for 3 gens. So you play it safe and use strategy. That's what you'd do in any game, not just DBD.

  • Member Posts: 390
    edited September 2024

    Maybe it's because people are just fed up with all of it 🤷. Having the same boring experience each match gets old really quickly. Being left to bleed out for 4 minutes is possibly the most boring thing I've ever experienced in a game. Sadly their isn't a Give up button or a way to bleed out faster so I can try my hand at a different match.

  • Member Posts: 377

    I don't slug and I had to recently because when they redid the Silent Hill board they removed the hooks by the exit gates and all the survivors were in the courtyard so I could only hook one. It ended up working out for the hooks but slugging as a killer is boring for me.

  • Member Posts: 2,645

    I personally haven't noticed a drop in survivors at all, my queue times are under 30 seconds for both Killer and Survivor.

  • Member Posts: 377

    Wow. I'm waiting at least 10 minutes for killer and when I play survivor my lobby is usually empty then we play musical chairs with survivors.

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