Heather/Cheryl's neck is to long and face needs a bit of improvements

this is pretty self explanatory but her neck should not be that long, it looks strange also her face model could use a little cleaning up, i found this picture and its exactly what i thought she should look like, it would be cool if the devs tried to make it more like this. I just hope that with the graphics update we get a model that is closer to this, but again HER NECK IS TO LONG PLEASE MAKE IT SHORTER. also make her eyebrows less dark
i'll leave a link to their reddit
Yeah that edit looks way better
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I love the edit, doubt they'll ever fix it but we can dream.
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I like Cheryl as she is currently, but your edit is fantastic.
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not my edit, I found it on reddit and put a link
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ya but I sure hope they do, with all this graphics update stuff going on
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Yours is a dream. I really don't like the face they made. I was super excited in the beginning. I tried really hard to like it, but I just don't. I P3 her and got her all the perks but now I never touch her and wish I had used those points towards Yui instead.
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yeah I was too, but we can be hopeful that it gets a little better once the graphics update is done, I remember reading from Peanits herself that the model we currently have in-game is of lower quality so it can run in game, so I'm assuming that once everything is done that it'l look better
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also not my edit I found it on reddit, i posted the link
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Personally i'd like to see her eye shadows reduced. In close up it doesn't look too bad, but in the lobby or in the game it looks way too exagerrated probably because of reduced resolution.
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I'm still baffled how badly they ######### up Cheryl, Lisa, and Cybil. They look nothing like low they're supposed to and their proportions are all wrong. Maybe someday we'll get a face rework.... hopefully???
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I wish she looked like that.
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Yes bring in the original!
And give her, her blue jeans please...
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Ugh, get some sleep Quinten!
..looking like a complete goblin🤢
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I still dont get why they ######### up Heather so much, they could have just used her character model from Silent Hill 3, moders do that all the times for a lot of games, go check GTA or Battlefront.
They also removed the brain from Pyramid Head, which it isnt that bad but still unnecesary.
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We need this change, they made poor Cheryl look anorexic; and that's not even TOUCHING upon horseface "Lisa" or crackhead "Cybil". I'll never know how these turned as bad as they did.
Edit: I completely forgot that I already commented on this post in basically the same exact way. Ooops....
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Eh personally I think Pyramid head looks better without the sagging brain. Wasn’t that removed in SH homecoming as well?
Cheryl could use some touching up but it’s nowhere near as bad as the fugly Cybil skin.
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With the survey they rolled out, hopefully we can comment on this and get them to try and update the model. They made my goat look like a pixar character.
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I made sure to put cheryl in the which character model do you want us to update thing lol
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same, i need justice for peaklent hill
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Please make this change, and fix her hair too, its all thin and wierd especially at the back its cut like its all the same length.