Knock out need nerf.

This perk is not always seen, however when the killer uses this perk, 95% of those who use it make the match miserable for the survivors.
The way is not to hook the survivors instead keep hit and down the survivors until they all in dying state and then hook them.
This is very unhealthy for the game and the killer should not be rewarded for making the match so miserable , And guess what? It's very strong against SoloQ and very weak against SWF with Discord.
I suggest adding a cooldown and making it only work with the last down survivor, this way it preserves the perk's identity while preventing misuse.
It's purpose is literally for slugging
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If you change it, the perk will be F Tier
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for knocking someone down without alerting flashlight savers of their location. Not slugging the whole team for 1 hook
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I hate this perk and slug play style too, but was pointed out to me just recently that Knock Out only works on basic attacks, therefore if you notice the killer is playing Knock Out for a boring 1-hook everyone slug, you can counter it by hopping into a locker before going down, so you're wasting a bit of the killer's time (he has to grab you out and drop you) and then other survivors can still see your aura in dying state.
So it's probably yet another issue with MMR not matching survivors with the same level of game knowledge, otherwise the Knock Out gap between solo queue and SWF could be smaller …
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True, but you have to think about that realistically there isn't a locker in every corner of the map, so finding one in the heat of a chase on some maps could prove to be quite a challenge haha.
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I think if there is a guy looking for a flashlight save following you and the killer until you go down is already aware of your location 99% of the time, so not revealing your aura wouldn't really do much in that case.
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its literally weak m1 perk….
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It needs a rework, not a nerf. It's already not a good perk, unless you have full soloQ group.
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It's a perk mainly used to waste solo q players time by slugging them until bleedout. It's always been like this and yet they buffed it during the big perk rework patch to make it more efficient against solo q. I've been saying for years they need to rework it (or just delete it) to stop the slug until bleedout builds that just add to making solo q a miserable experience.
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Weak or not this perk is abused to make matches miserable for survivors.
Take the worst gameplay in the history of the game like Forever Freddy, AFK Pig, Chess merchant, they are all average or weak and yet when misused they make the matches very miserable for the survivors.
I don't know why objecting to perk makes your match miserable.