We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Ok, this mentality need to stop. (Survivor players DC)



  • Doxie
    Doxie Member Posts: 150

    Another entitled killer. Lol. I can't believe a person who spent the same money on the game would tell me how exactly I should play this game.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,204

    It's because she didn't want to play a 3v1. Or if she was the one that was AFK, then it sounds like she didn't feel like playing against Xenomorph.. probably because playing against it requires more attention. That's my read on it anyway.

    Regardless, I doubt you're going to get any real talk here about exactly why. The forum is moderated and it's hard to get an honest dialogue going without triggering some wires here and there. So just keep that in mind.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,636

    bold of you to assume that dbd players have honor or will change their mentality about it… just to make an example i had players in the past that went so far for how much entitled they were that not only they chose the map offering, not only they took brand new parts with green toolboxes, not only they exploited anticamping basekit features aganist a killer that wasn't tunneling or camping, but they even forced me to dc, loosing all the bp that i earn during the match (cheat by dossing me)… so in short words, your request will fall on deaf ears since those kind of people are interested ONLY about their fun, they don't care about the others generally speaking… this is the classic deal with it if you keep play this game or play another game to resolve this issue

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,844

    If thats what you think of that's quite limiting. There's more depth to that sort of decision/playing that matters when you have a lot of time played.

  • Doxie
    Doxie Member Posts: 150

    I love the restaurant analogy except you got it wrong. Basically I came into the restaurant to have a cup of coffee and talk to a friend but you're telling me it's rude and I should order food and eat it and be quiet so you can enjoy your food. That's a much closer analogy. If you wanted a restaurant with quiet you should have chose one that caters to it. Nuff said

  • joybonru22
    joybonru22 Member Posts: 12

    bro didn't know that soloq was completely destroyed, on average dbd is played by soloq and it's so frustrating it makes people want to dc and go next. I really appreciate people who can win 5 out of 10 Soloq survivor matches.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,630

    Thank you, now I know what "pinata" is. :D We didn't have such things in my country.

  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 979

    First fix the issues that make people DC/give up in the first place, like overly oppressive killer powers, perks, unbalanced maps, etc.

    You can't blame people for quitting when there are too many things destroying the game experience. Too many killers lack any fun power to verse, every one has some form of anti-loop, there's plenty of aura reading perks or generator regression perks that can be annoying, and the maps keep getting changed which makes it more difficult to learn the map, also when there's also 5,000 variants of one map it's pretty much a guessing game, and having to deal with the new horrible tiles that the developers recently added makes it worse.

    There is a lack of variety with the newer killers, you can tell from Vecna and Dracula alone, things need to change, if you guys want people to stop giving up, first think about why they are.

  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 979
    edited September 28

    I never DC from seeing a killer from afar, I do try unlike some people who go next instantly. I agree right there that is a bad attitude towards the game.

    But when the killer puts survivors into lose-lose situations, it feels cheap and rather frustrating.

    Going down from a mistake the survivor made on their part is when I get mad when they DC, but if they go down because of something that's out of their power, I understand their frustration, because there is so much anti-loop in the recently added killers, and the tiles in the recently changed maps are terrible, like look at Haddonfield.

    I hope you understand my take, I agree that DCING is out of hand recently, but I try to understand why some people do when it comes to frustrating situations!

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,630
    edited September 28

    I understand your take. And I agree. There are situations that are out of our control unfortunately. And they are very frustrating.

    This is why I'm trying to encourage players to think about the others in the lobby - because 1 DC can cause a game, or even worse - make a chain reaction - 1 DC, second guy most likely will also DC soon and so on.

    And as a killer in such matches - forced to play against bots in a multiplayer pvp game is just sad to me. I wouldn't be bothered about the outcome of the match.

  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 979
    edited September 28

    Playing against Bots feels lonely in a way, whenever I verse a bot, it feels like a single player game with AI targets in a way. I agree that the people who DC should reconsider because it can ruin a match, but at the same time I understand why they did DC, there can be many reasons why they did, but if they DCED because they got mad over their mistake, than screw them lol.

  • mecca
    mecca Member Posts: 303

    Top killers have shown that it's not possible to win chases. Pallets are literally useless against the majority of killers, especially if they know what they are doing.

    I haven't said anything about killer having no agency but if you think unbiased then you'll see survivors have no agency. I think both sides should have agency.

  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 271
    edited September 29

    People are sick of how.unbalanced the game is in favor of killer. Thats basically all there is to it. They probably feel like "why should I have to quit playing the game because Bhvr. blatantly favors one side over the other". They're just trying to get to one of the small percentage of matches that are actually fun.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,636

    Those are facts, you like It or not this is the truth... You know that devs will never fix mmr since they aren't able to do a system that work on that matter. As i said, i got matches that despite seems disperate were completely reversed, both as survivor and as killer... For instance then a killer that isn't able to do hooks in a match should DC for your logic... DC Is never justified unless someone Is cheating period (it's can be considered a chance to learn from better players when you are aganist people stronger than you)

  • Massquwatt
    Massquwatt Member Posts: 433

    If they can figure it out, a low-priority queue for serial quitters should be implemented and swap it out with the DC penalty. Could it bork queue times? Maybe, but it'd be worth it if it leads to better quality matches overall. People who just disconnect because something hasn't gone their way, or they don't like the map/killer honestly really do deserve to play with others who think just like them. Hook suicides is another issue entirely though and admittedly I don't know how to address that in a meaningful way.

  • satx3241
    satx3241 Member Posts: 102

    I rarely DC myself. I will only DC if I have a legit emergency or I get into a farming match. If others want to farm I guess more power to them, but I get zero enjoyment out of a match where everyone stands around the killer taking turns being hit, downed, and hooked twice just so they can get a bunch of points healing.

    I am a survivor main. Before the addition of bots I used to hate when other survivors DC'd because one less player made escape nearly impossible. In my personal experience though playing with bots is more likely to result in a team game than playing with the random survivors you get paired with in solo queue. The majority of people you get paired with as a survivor have zero intention of playing this game as a team. As a matter of fact I don't even consider this a team game. There are far more survivors that will very intentionally sandbag others every chance the get than those that will actually play as a team. They only time most survivors will 'help' is if it benefits them. Bots don't intentionally sandbag myself or other players and they don't miss skill checks as often as the random players you get paired with in solo Q. I know this isn't always the case but I would also assume most survivors that DC the moment something doesn't go their way are likely the same survivors that do intentionally sandbag other survivors and can't be trusted to play smart,

    So while I realize DCing is against the rules and shouldn't be done I figure I am better off with a bot than the type of person that DC's because things aren't going their way. That type of player wasn't likely to be of any real value anyway.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,872

    What killer are you playing out of interest? I tried to see in the comments but could not tell… certain killers are going to result in a high chance of DCs. Not encouraging it or saying it is right but it is what it is….

  • I had a situation in this match vs chucky. We are at 3 gens with 2 hooks. Two of my teammates are injured so I go for the save. I unhook and signal to the sable to move away from the hook. As I’m healing chucky comes right back for sable so I take a hit hit for her and then chucky commits to me and I get to a loop where the pallet was dropped already by someone else. Cool 0 chase there. I get hooked and now all my teammates are injured with chucky proxy camping me. They weren’t on gens and chucky was chasing them away from the hook so I took my attempts and went next. 0 chase time and then proxy camped in solo que with everyone injured. Yeah big waste of time and all of that because I tried to be a good teammate and not let the sable get tunneled.

    That match was just a waste of time and luckily next game I played vs a vecna and I got a chance to loop

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,287
    edited September 30

    Lately survivors have been DCing if they are first to be chased/hooked. If the air smells funny, maybe the map offering they put in got canceled, or worst of them all..the killer was someone else but trapper.

    I play everyday soloQ and the DCs are getting out of control, and no they arent oh my internet died dcs its literally after first chase or hook usually. Or hearing the terror radius / Seeing the killer.

    Worst is this is happening in chaos mode now all the time too. What..you got bad perks and got downed? Must dc. I feel like people can't handle disappointments anymore.

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,323

    i love your mentality

    i gotta agree with everything you just said

    as someone who also plays both sides (tho i do main killer)

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 742

    You can always get picked up by a teammate; the only time this could be griefing is if they down everyone and make no attempt to pick anyone up.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,716

    I don't believe there is a rule about this. I mostly play Nurse and Huntress myself (with a bit of everything else) and I don't see a significant difference of DCs.

    Since 2019, I got maybe 3 or 4 DCs because I was on Nurse (DC after I did a blink). Most other DCs could be attributed to a survivor blunder (getting down in a few seconds) or unhappy about the match (many many various reasons I will not enumerate).

    As for other killers, I also get DCs because the survivors don't like them (as in: as soon as the survivor sees me, he DCs). That includes Trapper btw.

    My impression is, of course, based on purely circumstantial evidence.

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 742

    They should’ve healed before trying for the save and if any one of the survivors had been using Kindred then they would’ve been able to do that easily, though if they were all trying for the save they should’ve been able to see each other.
    Also the reason Windows of Opportunity is so popular is because it shows which pallets have been already used by your team which is especially useful in solo queue.

  • Unequalmitten86
    Unequalmitten86 Member Posts: 201

    This is what I have seen and been told from various players.

    They paid for the game so they can play how they want to.

    Ok that's cool but if you're on here slugging away at 5 gens or face camping just to get the Mori, you are part of the problem.

    Slugging is part of the Meta.

    No it's not.

    You had lightborn

    Deal with it or don't play online games with the adults.

    Someone downed on first and said I was tunneling.

    Don't heal under the hook right after you were hung.

    Killers DC if they didn't get a kill or 4K at endgame.

    You are not supposed to win every game (this also goes with those salty survivors)

    Why did you down me when I was off the hook?

    Why did you try and take the protection hit if you didn't have endurance?

    There is also the DC hack that if a game isn't going well they disconnect.

    The most I have seen is DC with a map offering. Also there could be game frustration as well, there is slugging, tunneling, and yes face camping is making a return to get the Mori's. The problem with these tactics is that they are shown on streams and now that they offer drops from Twitch these tactics have gotten worse. Also I feel the sabos are frustrating as well. I have seen equal DC's between killers and survivors lately and if you give up that easily you don't belong playing online games.

    DC's won't stop because people are feeling entitled to win. Certain dodgy player tactics are creating a boring gameplay. Their team maybe not doing anything. I can't tell you how many times I have led a chase for well over 3 minutes and not one gen is done or even touched, when I get hooked they are all hiding. There are lots of factors but I feel they do need to punish habitual DC players and idle ones as well. DC'S should NOT happen only in certain situations, but I am no way promoting it. I mean emergencies do happen.

  • Unequalmitten86
    Unequalmitten86 Member Posts: 201

    I have also seen Killers DC for a lot of reasons too. So it's not just survivors. Survivors there are more of but Killers have this mentality too.