If maps being made smaller is the new goal

jajay119 Member Posts: 1,177
edited September 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

then more strategic placement of resources needs to be factored in too. I personally don’t believe ‘RNG’ is much of a factor anymore as most of the more modern maps have near identical layouts. This is the layout of a cold wind map I’ve just had - no main building only the shack. The photos are taken from the same hook;

four gens virtually in a line on one side of the map and massive dead zones on the other 50%. Honestly, I said this way back in January but 2024 needs to be a year where they start seriously looking at their maps and trying to balance them properly. I’m over the maps getting smaller, but this type of layout is just abysmal.


  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    maps being smaller is their solution to immobile killers. if maps are big, killer will 3 gen because map is too big to patrol. it also means that every gen that is too far away is free gen for survivor. big maps are also grant free wins for survivor if killer doesn't 3 gen and the last 2 gens are spread out. a skilled survivor team will always prioritize spreading gens out to maximize walking distance if they're efficient gen-rush team. this is also more common and more popular now made… by that Deja vu perk. Before deja vu, only extremely skilled survivor with perfect generator map location knowledge would prioritize the correct gens, now it is just standard with that perk.

    In op screenshot, i don't see anything wrong. screen 2 has cowloop and screenshot 1 is a tile and tractor.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    You can‘t balance around weak and slow killers and leave the strong and fast ones untouched.

    the thing is, it doesn't matter that a map is smaller for fast killers because the killer that are fast cross the map regardless of what size is. Like billy doesn't care that eyrie of crow or rotten fields became smaller. Making maps smaller only benefits killer that are immobile. Like suddenly, the mobility between Billy and Cannibal become smaller therefore map mobility is less relevant.

    Something that dev have recently said is, "Due to longer gens, camping has become stronger". It is not gens taking longer that have made camping stronger. it is the map size. one of strength of mobility killers is that mobility killer are able to proxy camp more effectively at larget distances because they're able to return to the hook easier, often with intent to tunnel. The map size is why camping is stronger. Smaller maps allow weaker killers and all killer for that matter to camp hooks much easier because time it takes to return to the hook is significantly decreased. Hovering around hooks will be common the smaller map is. When a killer is immobile, like trapper, a trapper that is 50 meters away as opposed to 30 meters away has to evaluate returning to hook vs continuing a chase. The closer hook is, the less evaluation has to be given.

    personally, from playing a lot of non-mobility killers, map size for me as killer has never been the issue in most cases. for me, biggest issue is often god pallets/pallet with no mindgame and god windows, windows that survivor can loop and you cannot do anything vs said window. when you play immobile killers, dropping chase is a lot more time expensive so 0 mindgame type loops are a lot more hurtful for those killers because a mobile killer can drop chases in poor positions where as immobile loses a lot of time regardless of what action they take in a lot of situations.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    Gens taking longer did make camping stronger, that's why the hook timers were increased as one mistake was very unforgiving, and that change has helped ease up the pressure a little, why do you think reassurance is so good….?

    Gen taking longer makes gen-rushing less effective. Like i said in my post, the map being smaller is what is making camping more effective.

    if the smaller maps are to become the new norm, I feel killers need a wide range of reversions to the 6.1.0 ontop of S tier killers being adjusted.

    They already are being adjusted. Blight is weaker, Billy is weaker in next patch. the stronger killer have continuously been nerfed however the killer buffs don't necessary buff weaker killer to be any closer to stronger killer.

    it's also harder to hold W to get distance on mobility killers or use the fog to get away when they make a mistake.

    it doesn't matter that map size is small or big for mobile killer. it will be hard to get distance on said killer regardless of map size. Like i said, the map size is buff to immobile killers because smaller maps make mobility a less valuable asset.

    I still do not agree 60-80 percent kill rate

    No killer are remotely close to 80% kill-rate on average and barely any of them are 60%. On average, the dev goals are way off, not even remotely hitting the target.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,561

    Gens being longer does nothing with Hyperfocus Stakeout etc. if people want to gen rushm they will co-ordinate a way

    So you agree smaller maps are making the game more imbalanced then, that's what I'm getting from this.

    Also they need further adjustments, pallet breaking ability/palletvaulting + High mobility + Short cooldowns is incredibly overtuned, I'm not saying to lose all 3, but something needs to be brought down.

    It'd be better if killers with no mobility could gain the mobility the S tiers have, with a global mechanic like portals… which you glossed over. It solves a lot of problems without needing to rework every gd map.

    Map size does matter, and distance does matter, Shift W is one of the most complained about things.

  • tubalcane
    tubalcane Member Posts: 189

    It had to favor them. The game is getting so easy for survivors it's ridiculous. My 7 year old can just run pallet to pallet as a survivor to win. 25% of the pallets on each board need to be eliminated.

    You aren't a killer main, you're just saying that to make your point more valid.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,781

    In what world are you living. No way you say this game is too easy for survivors. I don‘t care wether or not you believe me, I mainly play killer and it is super easy 80% of the time. Even the kill rates show a clear picture of that. The only time I play survivor is with friends and I can‘t wait for 2 vs 8 to return, because it was so much more fun to play killer together than it is playing survivor together.

  • tubalcane
    tubalcane Member Posts: 189

    You must be living in Disneyland. Kill rates are stupid. The game should be fair, not set easier/harder to some nonsense metric.

    Endless Pallets.
    Endless Windows.
    Tons of jungle gyms.
    Things like automatic pickup off hook eliminated.
    Anti-camp mechanic basekit that the killer has no view of but should.
    Borrowed Time basekit.
    Killer barely runs a buttcrack faster than survivor so survivor can literally w-key across a board while half a gen is done.
    Bloodlust is trash, chases end when someone gets hit and they get that easy mode speedboost after being struck.
    Faster than ever gens.
    A guaranteed flashbang mechanic.
    A bingo type freespace except instead of the middle of the board it's 2 gens guaranteed done on the first chase in most games.

    Should I keep going? How can they make it any easier for you? Maybe you want a new mechanic where once you are on the hook the killer has to run to the other side of the board or you get all your health states back? Or maybe a bigger board where you can more easily split up and once a killer starts a chase, even a fast chase results in 3 gens being done? Or maybe just six health states instead of 3?

    Stop trying to make the game easier and make it fairer. What you are proposing is more "why can't survivors just shoot fish in a barrel, it's more fun when I constantly win." If this wasn't true so many survivors wouldn't complain about tunneling.

    If so easy why dont you offer to stream so I can see how good of a killer you are? Maybe I'll learn from you. However, playing killer a few times a year when you survivor all the time doesn't make you a main no matter how much you say it.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,781

    I don‘t think you are interested in discussion anything, so just agree to disagree.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited September 2024

    Gens being longer does nothing with Hyperfocus Stakeout etc. if people want to gen rushm they will co-ordinate a way

    that is not what i am talking about. the perk have nothing to do with 3 survivors being efficiently on generator entire game.

    So you agree smaller maps are making the game more imbalanced then, that's what I'm getting from this.

    I disagree with said statement. Smaller map are bridge gap between higher mobility killers and non-mobility killer. The problem is that by bridge gap, it is creating unfun gameplay-style's. One of which is Proxy camping being more effective. High mobility killer already excel at proxy camping but you only face that level of strong proxy camping vs said killers but by making maps smaller, now every single killer is proxy camping at similar or closer strengths as each other. With proxy camping also incurs more tunneling. Just for reference, generator spawning closer because map is smaller also creates more 3 gens more often because killer is able patrol those gens that much more effectively. As a result, dev are nerfing killers on 3 gens, proxy camping and eventually… tunneling(Base-Kit BT haste).

    Also they need further adjustments, pallet breaking ability/palletvaulting + High mobility + Short cooldowns is incredibly overtuned, I'm not saying to lose all 3, but something needs to be brought down.

    again, i don't agree. Pallet breaking is still extremely slow. in fact, i'd almost argue that pallet breaking change did nothing other than buff brtual strength. They could just buffed brutal strength by 10%. High mobility is becoming less and less of factor and will continue thread downwards as long as dev keep shrinking maps. if i was guess next map that they will shrink, it will likely be disturbed ward because it is very big map. The type of high mobility that is relevant is catch-up health-state mobility. Mobility in the chase is good, mobility outside of chase is becoming not really important. it is still important on some maps but less so than before. Most killer power are ranging below 55% kill-rate and even worse win-rate that @ad19970 made a post about. so no, i don't think low cooldowns are over-tuned. high cooldown for killer power is plain unfun. No one like being an m1 killer longer than they have to be.

    It'd be better if killers with no mobility could gain the mobility the S tiers have, with a global mechanic like portals… which you glossed over. It solves a lot of problems without needing to rework every gd map.

    They're not going redesign maps to have portals. furthermore, homogenizing killer is generally unfun because it removes variety and choice. if everything is the same, does my choice really matter? Shrinking maps reduces severity of having low mobility. having low mobility shouldn't be auto-loss. it should be minor advantage for some killers and minor disadvantage for other killers. With giant maps, minor advantage becomes giant advantage and giant disadvantage.

  • tubalcane
    tubalcane Member Posts: 189

    There's no agree to disagree here when you are just blatantly and factually wrong. The game is easy mode for survivors and getting easier by the month. Killers got a few scraps, nothing like the camping and tunneling nerfs that have come along for them.

  • tubalcane
    tubalcane Member Posts: 189

    Are survivor mains this bad? How many more chances do you need? So entitled.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,561

    People arguing like it's us vs them is the problem, both sides have problems rn and only those who play both should have an opinion lol

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 859

    3 gens are just spawning so in 95% of the maps and its so bad sometimes its 2x three gen spawn with hooks by them so that no matter which way you try to approach you still will be in one and its disgusting cause killers lately has been abusing this and being wraiths 2.0 with hitting but not committing to chase when they see 3 gen spawns. Like having a 40mins match vs a trapper doing this along with trap disabling was so mind numbing yesterday.