Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Scratched mirror and tombstone

Member Posts: 6,870
edited October 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

These add ons are probably the most boring ones to go against, when I play Myers even I don’t find it fun. I really wanna see Myers reworked or something and we need to revisit the add ons. Theres also that mori achievement which is so obnoxious to get because survivors can constantly hop in lockers.

Not that I blame survivors because I don’t like being tombstone’d at 5 gens because thats some BS.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 6,870

    i wish that was the case for my matches, because most of my teammates give up.

  • Member Posts: 404

    Some things are pay 2 win. It's embarrassing they are not nerfed. Imagine if survivors had an addon to instantly finish a gen? Oh wait ...

  • Member Posts: 3,192

    Agree on Tombstone Piece, but hard disagree on Scratched Mirror. SM Myers is very fun from both sides, and as close to actual terror/tension as this game gets.

    And SM isn't even strong, really (yeah, wallhacks, but T1 Myers is weak as hell, and it only really works on a handful of maps). It's just fun. I rarely play to win as SM Myers, I just want to scare the ass off of a few people and then let them go.

    Changing/nerfing the scratched mirror would be tragic.

  • Member Posts: 6,870

    I won’t even lie I am a little burnt out for this reason, but I also have a hard time staying away. Yeah SM can be fun at times but like my teammates just seem to not care about fun against Myers. Which is so sad because Myers is a horror icon for one thing.

  • Member Posts: 6,372
  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Still think Spooky Freddy was more fun, but I am biased here. Scratched Mirror is a close second.

  • Member Posts: 461

    Dude I am am avid object player, and because the perk reveals at all times when your aura is directly being seen, it's the most ######### unerving experiencie in the game.

    My last scartch mirror Myers game I remember watching the perk glowing but not knowing WHERE Michael was and I geniunly miss him every day dude

  • Member Posts: 1,855

    Scratched mirror Myer's devolves into the killer just waiting outside the anti-face camping range of the hook and going after whoever goes for the rescue. It is a boring stupid addon that is only scary for the first 2-3 games. Then its just a matter of "oh which corner near the hook is he hiding behind".

  • Member Posts: 6,372

    The funnest Scratch Mirror Myers trials imo are the ones that aren't going for hooks and kills, just the memes of jump scaring everyone.

  • Member Posts: 1,783

    Tombstone I can agree on; it's rather boring and I think it should be changed a bit. Scratched Mirror however is one of the best add-ons in the game for the fun factor. It's entire purpose is meant for jumpscares and memes. People who use it to try and sweat a win are using it wrong, full stop.

    The achievement also isn't that bad if you use the backpack strat on Meat Plant.

  • Member Posts: 378

    Scratched mirror is one of the best add ons in the game and lets Myers be legitimately scary.

  • Member Posts: 8,611

    Stand at safe pallet for 30 seconds while the Scratched Mirror Myers waits on the other side of the wall for 30 seconds. Myers eventually gives up and finds someone who doesn't understand how Scratched Mirror works. Incredible gameplay.

  • Member Posts: 1,227

    It's only fun if the Myers is going for jumpscares instead of actually trying to play. And even then it's not that fun because matches either drag on forever or are over in 5 minutes.

  • Member Posts: 6,870
  • Member Posts: 1,070

    Tombstone is the most busted add-on in the game by far, but it's the only reason that people buy Myers DLC so it's never going to get nerfed. It's super unfun to go against unless the killer will refuse to hook me because he wants to mori me - those matches can be hilarious. I played a match yesterday where I was the last survivor and Myers refused to hook me for like 30 minutes. He'd pull me out of a locker, get me to wiggle out, and I had Lithe so I'd always make it back to a locker. After about 30 minutes he had enough and finally hooked me. I had way more fun in that match than he did 😂

  • Member Posts: 478

    Mirror Myers can be fun if the killer wants to have fun. Otherwise its just a stupid wallhack for camper.

    On the other side, Tombstone needs to go. Nothing even to discuss about this.

  • Member Posts: 194
    edited October 2024

    If you can't find scratched scratched mirror fun ... You are doing everything in life wrong

    Now tombstone I agree. It's boring, no pips...almost what's the point except you get the moir's

  • Member Posts: 510

    I actually find them interested as survivor as it's one of the few things that's left that changes how you play.

    but i do agree with you for the achivement that was an utter nightmare to get when i finally got it i had the last survivor understood an gave the final kill to me.

  • jump scare mystery is my favorite build. Ever since our savior Burger King myers got removed (rest his soul)

  • Member Posts: 10,396

    I also find these add-ons really annoying to go against. They're some of most luck-based things in this game.

    Scratched Mirror Myers I hate with a passion, especially on indoor maps which they usually put an offering for. It's literally just, "Hey, let me hope to not go against SWF, and if so I get to noob stomp/annoy the heck out of some solos." Like I said, against coordinated teams with dedicated healing times and stuff, he's not too much of an issue. But other than that? Literally just pray all 4 players are smart and aren't giving free hits and downs, which to be fair is hard to do, because Myers just has wall hacks with this add-on... unlike when people blanket statement say that killers having aura reading in general is wall hacking. No, this is actually on-command wall hacks. I know he's slow, and this is probably a game-throwing add-on, but personally it's the most egregious thing in the game to me. I never tbag, except when I win against Scratched Mirror, because I want people to have as little reason as possible to play as it. You can excuse in this 1 instant, especially in comparison to people who insta-DC vs Spirit or Skull Merchant because they can't handle a slightly tougher killer/having to use strategy.

    Tombstone, whether it's the regular or the Tombstone Piece, is a really dumb add-on. Again, just pure luck hope to catch survivors off guard or perhaps take advantage of 1 moment of cockiness, and you get a free kill without ever having to hook or even injure them. Just hope that survivors feed you a crap ton of stalk, which some survivors enjoy doing on purpose sometimes (don't know why), and you can insta-mori them or their teammate who had nothing to do with you getting your power. What's even the counterplay to this add-on? Just know that they have it? Some make that seem easy, "Just do the math" like you can know they have exactly that add-on. Yes, it takes a long time to charge up, but that means it could be Tombstone, Infinite Tier 3, Tombstone Piece, Myers with no stalking add-ons, etc. And then sometimes he gets it like a minute into the match or sooner. Doesn't a quick Tier 3 pop make it seem less likely he has it, even though he might still have it? What if teammates just fed him tons of stalk? What if it was just in combination with a strong stalking add-on? What if it's 2 stalking add-ons? There's no telltale, no not even that supposed slight change in position of his hand, which you can scarcely afford to look for while in a tense chase. Even if you did know, some say the counterplay is to just hop in a locker. But that's more appeasement than it is counterplay. Jump into a locker for a free instant down, and then he might not even have it? What a waste! That would be like if Victor caught you in a locker, and Charlotte was always within range to pull you out before you shoved Victor off.

    It's funny how some people can love the design of 1 of these add-ons, but then despise the other. I think they're both despicable. Yes, killers need threat and lethality, but there's just got to be a better way than this. For all the reasons above, these just suck the fun out of the match. And I literally never look down on killer stuff like that; I'm super biased to them apparently. So you know I'm serious on this topic.

  • Member Posts: 10,396

    To me it's more like hit and run, which is a cool strategy, but doing it with this add-on is way the heck slower (more boring), and works on solo way more than it does SWF. So I don't think it's that healthy.

  • Member Posts: 1,855

    I don't even mind hit and run, I've just found with my games against SM myers its the hovering around the hook. That's the part that kills any sort of 'scared' factor i might get.

  • Member Posts: 679

    Yup piece/tombstone and mirror all need to just be yeeted from the game and then have meyers brought up a bit more in balance.

    Completely silly addons to have. Its an I win button against soloQ, unless you are bad at meyers. And 95% of your matches are against SoloQ

  • Member Posts: 1,667

    i can understand why tombstone addons aren't funny, but if you are being moried at 5 gen at this point it's just skill issue from the survivors at this point (stalking with myers will require a lot of time… by the time that he will reach tier 3 most of the gens should be already done). Regarding the scratched mirror well, it's the only FUNNY way to play myers imo… the only problem about this addon is that require an indoor map to be somewhat viable (you are so slow that unless a survivor will stay idle or run in a straight line, you'll never catch them… add also perks and you are screwed for good)… i don't see the point of complaining about scratched mirror myers honesty

  • Member Posts: 206
    edited October 2024

    These addons are probably the most boring ones to go against

    Hard disagree. I find it to be lots of fun. So it's clearly subjective.

    Additionally: "X Killer is so boring/terrible/unfun/bad to play against" is a thread that's made bi-daily on this forum. There's always going to be somebody hating a particular Killer and they REALLY need the World to know how they feel.

    when I play Myers, even I don't find it fun.

    Then don't play him. ezpz

    I really wanna see Myers reworked

    I don't. Love him the way he is.

    Achievement is obnoxious

    Outbreak Breakout. Some achievements are obnoxious. BHVR can't win every single time they make a new achievement.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Member Posts: 8

    I agree Its still boring bc even at 2 gens once Myers has the teir 3 w the inf combo it's such a cheap way to beat survivors. Just like tunneling it takes the fun from the game play. In my opinion. But like I've always said, dbd is a killers game.

  • Member Posts: 16,771

    With Scratched Mirror it depends how the Myers is playing. If they just go for Jumpscares and risk losing the game, because they want to have fun, it is also a fun experience for the Survivors. If the Myers just uses the lack of TR and the Wallhacks to camp, it is just super-boring.

    And I think it is a pretty dumb mentality to sweat when playing Scratched Mirror. Players are using a Meme-Add On and want to 4K, this is just dumb.

    Tombstone and Tombstone Piece on the other hand need to go. They should have gone years ago. Myers in general is pretty badly designed when it comes to his stalking mechanic, since he can get his stalk from someone not paying attention and just unloads it on the next Survivor he finds. And being able to kill someone immediatly, even if they might not have seen Myers all game is just busted. And there is not really any way to gauge if the Myers has a Tombstone Piece or not, because you dont know how much he stalked the other Survivors. And the counterplay of jumping into the Locker whenever a Myers is about to down you in Tier 3 is also not really good, Survivors should not have to give up in a chase just because so many Myers-Players are using the Tombstone Piece.

    (In comparison, Ghostfaces Stalking Mechanic is way better. When I get exposed, it is completely on me not paying attention and not on some other person in the Trial not paying attention)

  • Member Posts: 2,017

    Scratched mirror is only boring because map offerings still exist. They should have been retired or changed to prevent a certain map a long time ago.

    Tombstone and tombstone piece are the real problems in his add on list. They are remnants from "old dbd" that never got updated. Hopefully they'll get fully reworked once they update him.

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