Gen regression speed is a joke and it needs to be buffed.

I've said it countless times. Gen regression speed is a joke and it needs to be buffed. Kicking gens is s joke. How is it possible to need 6 mjnutes for a gen to fully regress, but only 1.5 minutes AT MOST for it to be completed? It's absolutely ridiculous. We need at least losing a charge per second, as it already gains a charge per second while being repaired. It gets even worse when you take into account you can only kick it 8 times... What an absolute joke
Watch this video
Didn't killers got buff to gen kicking
- reducing time to kick gens,
- inflicting insta -5%
- and disabling gen-tapping mid chase?
Are we just ignoring that and demanding more? 🤨
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Thinking you forgot about the myriad of perks that regress large chunks of progress. Besides, your focus should be killing survivors not killing gens.
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i'm ok with that if all aura reading perk are reamove and play hide and seek its possible again
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Yes, it takes 6 minutes default for the generator to fully regress, and it takes 1 1/2 minutes to complete it, but
-it passively regresses and loses a automatic 5%?,compared to the fact a survivior has to be on the generator for the entirety of it
-killers can scan the area and remove survivors from the area,in most games if a killer wants to deny a nearly completed generator, they can
-perks automatically regress generators without the need of even being near the generator.
-surviviors can no longer instantly stop Regression ,meaning once you get a survivor off a generator they wont get back on,unless your oblivious to them.
Perks like jolt and hex ruin would absolutely destroy generator progress, a charge per second would mean 3 genning would be effective again, just imagine scanning a area and denying anyone from stopping the regression, and on the rare chance they do and get any good progress, itd be instsntly lost whether it be from pop,jolt, pain res, or literally any other passive regression. By the time the 8 regression limit hits, soloq surviviors would be dead and maybe swf survivors could counter it
Your objective is to kill survivors,not generators
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ans how am i supposed to kill survivors if i cant stop the gens so the game doesnt end in 3 minutes with gens popping?
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by not getting ran for the duration of 5 gens at the start
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because killer ALSO got nerfed by having 8 regression limit for these changes which does in fact come into play because 3 gen was one of strongest strategy for killer to prologue game+ it also comes many nerf that occured to perks like overcharge and call of brine as well as wide variety of other gen defence perk nerfs.
those buffs for killer weren't free.
While adding 10 seconds to generator repair greatly improved killer early game, the generator defence perk changes has greatly reduced their capacity to pressure generator and the map. So now, killer need more generator defence put into their base-kit. What is good way to do that? Increase generator charges per second from 0.25 c/s which laughably bad to 0.5 c/s per second. This will give killer more incentive to kick gens at base-kit and they will be more rewarded for their pressure if they manage to pressure survivors from touching regressed generators.
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you can't kill survivors if the game is over 5-6 minutes vs efficient teams. killer need to be rewarded for kicking gens and downing survivors.
Old ruin used to be 200% regression. changing c/s back to 200% soft-revert ruin without changing anything about the perks. Jolt is 8% regression and it spends 1 regression event. it is a perk that only trigger from m1 downs therefore it helps weakest killer automatically kick gens in a certain radius. often those with lack of mobility to kick gens. It is not particular good right now because regression is laughably bad. So if it does get buffed, it is buffing m1 killer more then m2 killer which is killer that need it most.
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It wasn't without a price.
I would rather have old regression perks and no 3-gen feature.5 -
If the game is over in 5 minutes someone was doing something wrong. You say efficient survivors but was that killer efficient? Or just even effective? Killers currently are rewarded via those regression perks and the pressure a survivor on hook generated and the breathing room it can bring.
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play chaos shuffle or light out, modes that killer has no perks. the game is too fast REGARDLESS if you down 1 surivivor every 60 seconds. a co-op gen only takes 52 seconds. that means that for every hook you get as killer, you lose -1 gen. 5 hooks = 5 gens done. that's loss for killer. that is not counting the time it takes for killer
A) move away from hook
B) find another survivor to chase
C) hook survivor.
All this stuff is like 30 second itself. Yes some of this accounted for in healing time for survivor but given that a lot of these modes have 4 player running med-kits, med-kit heal > faster than killer doing all these actions + strong teams OFTEN DON'T HEAL and just rush gens while injured. they leave survivors on hooks sometimes for 2 minutes and that is 2 minutes of leaving survivor on hooks is free gen-rushing. when a killer picks a surivvor up to hook them than they unhook other survivor in time your carrying the survivor to the hook. this allows survivor to maximize gen efficiency and weaponize hook stages against the killer, even when killer is applying pressure. that is how you get these extremely fast game. this is large topic in itself to talk about which can be describe by the following TL:DR.
You say efficient survivors but was that killer efficient?
The killer being efficient has no impact on survivor being efficient. Survivor efficiency trumps killers. Killer can only attempt combat survivor efficiency through perks but perk are perk, they're not base game. that is the problem. that is why they buff base regression which at least buff killer base-kit to defend gens. unfortunately, the problem will still persist that gen-rushing will be too effective because the killer has no time to kick gens but at least reward for kicking gens will be there even if low impact. right now, it is no impact or so little that it doesn't matter.
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play chaos shuffle or light out, modes that killer has no perks.
Surprisingly we do well in those. And technically we want to point out two things there. One is that chaos shuffle both sides still have perks, just not chosen. Second, lights out no one has perks and both sides are at a mild disadvantage and the latest one has a big ol target that survivors kept putting on themselves so that goes down fast in the killer's favor.
that means that for every hook you get as killer, you lose -1 gen. 5 hooks = 5 gens done. that's loss for killer. that is not counting the time it takes for killer
A) move away from hook
B) find another survivor to chase
C) hook survivor.
Strange how when we get a hook we dont immediately lose a gen. There are no clean numbers in the trials. For a simple example: you down someone at a hook and see another survivor who has a toolbox. You quickly hook the first and can almost immediately start a chase with the second one. Sure, maybe on occasion that happens but its just as likely to go the other way in the killers favor.
4 player running med-kits, med-kit heal > faster than killer doing all these actions + strong teams OFTEN DON'T HEAL and just rush gens while injured
We see more toolboxes with people trying to rush gens. You seem to think that survivors are always doing this or that but then don't factor in the killer. They leave the sod on the hook while your harrassing another, if they're healthy they last longer, if injured trying to burn through gens they get caught quicker and now you got 2. The killer is in fact a factor on survivors as mentioned below.
The killer being efficient has no impact on survivor being efficient.
Yes. Yes it absolutely does. An efficient killer will always have a majority of survivors occupied till someone is dead. This reduces the survivors efficiency as theres less on the gens. Thats just basic logic. Think of it this way, whats that guy on hook doing?
Survivor efficiency trumps killers. … Killer can only attempt combat survivor efficiency through perks
Also false. Its easier sure, but killers are perfectly able to combat survivor efficiency through sheer brutality [theres probably a better word but we like this one].
that is why they buff base regression which at least buff killer base-kit to defend gens
we're pretty sure they buffed base regression kicks due to implementing the anti-3-gen thing so it would be more fair (unless your thinking about something else that we glossed over).
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Also false. Its easier sure, but killers are perfectly able to combat survivor efficiency through sheer brutality [theres probably a better word but we like this one].
I have had literal games as killer where i walk up to the survivor, hit them, catch-up, hit them. down every survivor in sub 45 seconds and I have still lost all 5 gens after 5-6 hooks. None of survivor are ANY good at looping and yet i am still losing as demogorgon. Some of these team have almost no gen perks either. you really don't understand how strong survivor gen efficiency really is vs killer hook efficiency. Killer have no chance against super efficient teams to hook enough times to win and this only becomes less and less likely with gen perks or items.
They leave the sod on the hook while your harrassing another, if they're healthy they last longer, if injured trying to burn through gens they get caught quicker and now you got 2. The killer is in fact a factor on survivors as mentioned below.
Killer can't be in two places at once. your either chasing survivor B or camping near survivor A. In both cases, you lose vs efficiency at base-kit because survivor can finish 3 gens in the time that survivor A goes to 2nd stage. After, they can bodyblock save the hook and if you tunnel, you risk decisive strike, dead hard, sprint burst+blood rush. In that time, survivor can finish last 2 gens. trading 1 survivor dead for all 5 gen completion is loss for killer if survivor plays correctly.
in order avoid the above problem, your expected as killer to leave hooks and play aggressively to put more pressure on the board but the problem is that you hooking survivors is slower then them doing gens. as i said, math is that if you just co-op every gen for 52 seconds and killer downs every survivor in 45-60 seconds, 5 hook = 5 gens. you lose. while increase gen regression will increase killer gen pressure if they kick gens, many killer do not have time to kick gens in fast-paced games but at least it will improve killer's base-kit in terms of defending gens.
in practice, killer will still need perks to begin regression like pain res and surge which is unlikely to be base-kit but killer buffs are baby-steps at this point.
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Went against an AFK Wraith running Corrupt Intervention, Ruin, Deadlock, and Merciless Storm. He slowed down the match without even being there, and it was frustrating as hell. We were all working on gens and the match took well over 5 minutes.
I'm sure a high MMR 4-man SWF all playing on PC can do everything perfect, but that's not the average player's experience.
Anyway, the problem is that the devs made generators a baseline thing instead of tweaking gen times and regression and all that depending on the killer. All killers, regardless of their powers, go against the same gen speeds. Requiring killers to use perks to slow down gens has resulted in a lot of unhappy people. For some killers, gens go too fast. For survivors, against some killers gens take way too long. The "happy medium" that's required because gens are treated the same across all killers means most players are not happy with the results.
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and enabling permanently unregressable gens just because you decided to grab surge or eruption AND adding +10 seconds to hook timers to give that much more time to gen rush.
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Did this actually happen? Ruin wouldn't affect you, at all. It doesn't regress blocked gens. It would only do something if a survivor decided to just leave a gen for some reason that wasn't blocked. I can only assume it's to prevent the typical play of 99'ing a gen. That gen is effectively finished and "eats up" the deadlock leaving all the other gens clear. Weird killer.
Corrupt intervention, just walk a few yards over to another gen and start.
Merciless storm is essentially a non-issue on PC, but I hear it's problematic on console controllers…it's strength is when the killer is putting pressure on you while you're on the gen which wouldn't even occur with an afk killer. Even then, it's a once per gen thing.
Deadlock doesn't last very long (it got nerfed)…but granted, this is the biggest time-waster for an afk killer. Not much of an issue if you spread out gens, though. Still…weird killer.
If you guys split up on gens for the first 4 it shouldn't have taken very long, at all. Even with deadlock in play, it only affects one generator at a time. Are you saying the afk killer is the frustration, or the perks? You literally had a no risk\no threat match with the win being handed to you, and you still felt it was frustrating to play…so I'm hoping it's just frustration at the afk killer.
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It really happened. It was frustrating in that it was annoying because we weren't able to blow through gens and just get out, but we also didn't earn a lot of points. It was a waste of time. I don't queue up to play gen repair sim, and I definitely don't queue up to play gen repair sim interspersed with down time of staring at the entity's claws wrapped around an objective I have to babysit. And Ruin did have an effect: since we didn't know where it was, we couldn't leave a gen while it was blocked off. Which meant when we got kicked off a gen, we couldn't go work on another one, we had to sit there and wait. (I did look for Ruin, but it wasn't in the spots I know of in Hawkins Lab.)
A few gens got blocked off twice while being worked on due to Deadlock plus Merciless (playing on Switch, I do a celebration when I hit all the Merciless skill checks because it is worth celebrating). My friend (also on console, PS4 specifically) got blocked off a 95% gen 3 times before he got to do the last couple seconds because Merciless got him once, then a gen popped and kicked him, and then another gen popped and kicked him. He earned the fewest Bloodpoints because of that and he was just really not amused after waiting through one gen being blocked off three times.
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Why did I read it as "Generator speeds need to be buffed."
I luckily saw the "regression" part before I ranted on why the speeds themselves shouldn't be buffed lol.
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I have had literal games as killer...
And we've had the opposite end where GF is getting downs and gens are not being done fast enough for them to get out. What your not getting is that there's many variable that affect survivor efficiency that the killer fights over. You keep saying that killer has no chance, yet they do. Heck if we can do it then those better than us definitely can, and we're not a particularly high bar to cross.
Killer can't be in two places at once. your either chasing survivor B or camping near survivor A.
You obviously haven't met Victor~
Jokes aside, the killer (bar the above) can't be in two places, but two survivors can be in one place. There's also the option of no ones being chased and survivors healing, a survivor being chased while near the gens, you breaking things to make that next chase shorter. It's not just a and b. We're also pretty sure your not supposed to wait and expect a survivor going to second stage, your supposed to be bringing harm to the other survivors, hence pressure them so they lose efficiency.
they can bodyblock save the hook and if you tunnel, you risk decisive strike, dead hard, sprint burst+blood rush.
Just for clarification, are they trying to gen rush or not as with this build gen rushing (by our definition and standards) is...not really happening.
as i said, math
And here's where we need to stop you. Clean math and numbers does not work in this game. How many variables are in a trial by default? How much RNG is here by default? How often do those clean numbers show themselves?
We can continue this song and dance if you want, but at this point we believe it would be pointless as neither you nor us seem like anyone will change their mind anytime soon.
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Both of which were quite unbalanced.
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No, its not a joke, and it shouldnt be buffed.
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One thing I was happy to see BHVR is adding in 2v8 is the rubberbanding mechanic for gen progression. As much as some people hate the idea, I think it would be very healthy for the game. If they can make a system that works, it could be added to the main game, and issues with gen progression/regression would be eased somewhat. Not to mention that the system would really only benefit weaker killers and solo queue teams.
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Well, but noone should act like everything improved for killers, when it's not true.
Current slowdown perks are very weak compare to past. Even with all those "buffs" that were mentioned, gen times are same or faster than used to be.1 -
i cannot really believe that we are arguing whether killer viability to slow the game down base-kit is valid or too weak. Just look video's math. It takes 6 minutes to regress a generator. it is laughably bad. you have to playing dbd matches that last 40 minutes for over-time regression to work. DBD isn't a 40 minute game. Only in dbd would we ever argue whether 6 minute regression is balanced…. /shrug. It is like arguing whether a 6 minute cooldown for pressing R skill in league of legends is balanced.
Previously, i was against buffing killer gen-regression because 3 gen could potentially be too strong. Well that potentially became a reality so much so that dev needed to change some base-kit rules of the game to fix this problem. Now that 3 gen are fair and balanced, Killer need MAJOR buffs to regression. 5% regression IS NOT enough. In practice, it would be nice if killer got rewarded for doing a variety of actions that rewarded spreading pressure and playing well as killer but before we even consider killer being rewarded in many ways to trigger regression, regression itself needs to be rewarding. it is not rewarding and i don't think many killer will agree that 4x slower regression is well-balanced.
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Don't go sounding like your accusing us, your apparently the one who refuses to believe that the killer influences survivor efficiency and all that.
It takes 6 minutes basekit, but then you have many MANY killers stacking slowdown after regression after you, guessed it, more slowgresson. When the killer is efficient or better than the survivors, what happens when these slowdowns are added to the basekit?
Second, as many like us have stated, your goal is to kill survivors not gens. If you're harassing survivors, incapacitating them, yada yada it takes them longer to do gens meaning more time to keep that going.
As we've stated, we don't see either party changing their minds.
Killers don't need major buffs to base regression (atleast currently, depending on what goes through the last change list we might change our minds). While it's not easy, while it may not be fun, while whatever you want to believe, many killers can infact get by with the current base kick and regression that follows.
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While it's not easy, while it may not be fun, while whatever you want to believe, many killers can infact get by with the current base kick and regression that follows.
Yeah vs bad/inefficient play.
It takes 6 minutes basekit, but then you have many MANY killers stacking slowdown after regression after you, guessed it, more slowgresson. When the killer is efficient or better than the survivors, what happens when these slowdowns are added to the basekit?
If the killer is dominating chase after chase… the game isn't suppose to be close. the killer is suppose to win. not get draws or losses as i refer to them or just barely win.
Second, as many like us have stated, your goal is to kill survivors not gens. If you're harassing survivors, incapacitating them, yada yada it takes them longer to do gens meaning more time to keep that going.
That is literally my post. If killer plays fairely, ends chases quickly, the survivor objective is faster than the killer. The time it takes to objective has low variance. Like the difference is winning game in 4 minutes if killer is afk standing still vs 6 minutes with killer applying pressure. the game needs more variance for killer.
that is also why killer often dislike gen speed perks because they add more variance to survivor's gen time. you know… like why does survivor need 3 minute gens when afk and 5 minute gens when 4 minute afk/6 minutes is already too fast. those speed perk are only balanced if killer has gen defence perks in which case survivor is using perks to counter killer perks which many killer dislike that part as well but that is another story.
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Omgs...against any group.
So what were getting ATM is that you don't want a comeback from survivors. You don't like how the game can switch from one side winning to the other (yes both sides can do this). That is what we got from this second paragraph. So we ask why not? It also semi proves that the math is never clean if things like that happen.
As we've said many times now, the killer themselves provide the variance to the time it takes survivors to do their objective. If the killer is pressuring them then the survivors will be taking longer. It's going in circles here.
We're pretty sure variance is not the best choice of words, "faster" seems accurate. This is just us being picky though.
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If it is a joke, why not playing without four slowdowns and using something thats not a joke? We had the prophecies that after the latest nerfs all those perks are dead. But we still see the same old perks being used. With the same kill rates. And we still have the same situation like before, that say: people are completely reliant on those perks cause they dont nkow how to play without them.
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survivor comeback should be in the form of looping and outplaying the killer in the chase. currently you do not need to outplay or loop the killer for any large particular amount of time to win. you just need be efficient on generators and survivor the minimum amount of time for each chase to succeed. as long as killer plays fairely and doesn't take shortcuts such as slugging, tunneling or camping, the survivor is likely to win.
as we've said many times now, the killer themselves provide the variance to the time it takes survivors to do their objective. If the killer is pressuring them then the survivors will be taking longer. It's going in circles here.
Killer do provide variance but variance is low impact. It is mostly on survivor to play inefficiently for the killer to be successful. The way killer currently deal with gen speeds is by tunneling. There are two forms of tunneling.
The first form of tunneling is called hard-tunneling. Hard-tunneling is when a killer finds a weak in a team and repetitively tunnels that survivor out of the game. Some player will say that this is least effective form of tunneling but it has some pros and cons for whether it is most effective or least effective way to play killer. Some of the pros are that you can ignore a lot of survivor perks playing this way but we should discuss the negatives. one such issue is that hard-tunneling leaves a lot of hook-states on the board and can be a poor choice if killer loses too many gens for that singular tunnel. Usually killer that employ strategy generally tend to Slug in end game because if you slug 3 remaining survivors, you can completely skip all remaining hook-states. So that is first school of playing killer efficiently. Killer player like this also tend to Slug survivor for pressure where they will leave survivors on the floor that are not hard-tunnel target.
The second school of thought for playing killer which some people argue is the most efficient way to play killer is method called Soft-tunneling. Soft-tunneling is when a killer picks two survivors and repetitively cycles hook on these two survivors. this method is often the most efficient way to play killer for some players because it also avoids all anti-tunnel perks while allowing killer to win in least amount of hooks which is 6(7) hooks. Like other strategy, it has some pros and it has some cons. The cons of this strategy tend to be that since killer is picking two survivors, other two survivor are free to push generators and play with super greed perks. this can heavily backfire if survivor has load out related to gen speed because you are ignoring 2 survivor completely in order to kill-rush other two survivors. Another pitfall of said strategy is bodyblocking and other forms of altruism such as hook-trading, hook sabotage, flashlight saves can delay kills when alternatively hooking the survivor. Stealth is another vulnerability. if you can't find two survivor your tunneling, you'll end up spreading hooks and playing right into survivors hands. there we have two schools of killer.
A lot of survivor player's find these strategies to be polarizing on the survivor end. They don't like playing vs killer that want to win the game. If we are to promote killer to not tunnel survivors for pressure, the killer needs to have rewards and incentives to not tunnel and spread hooks at base-kit. this means that killer needs base-kit gen regression and game-delay rewards to not need these strategy to win. Now whether these strategy should be nerfed remains a hot topic in dbd but one thing is for sure. almost every killer agrees that killer's base-kit game-delay is ineffective and not really useful. that is why video is talking about the numbers and how these number should be improved to promote killer for playing in more interesting/engaging play-style.
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you just need be efficient on generators and survivor the minimum amount of time for each chase to succeed.
It might be your wording thats throwing us off but would that not be a survivor outplaying the killer? Cause really what else do you call that…
The variance killers provide varies on the player. There's no set level, some are able to provide enough to keep the survivors inefficient enough to win, others no. It's a human element in the mix on both sides.
The way killer currently deal with gen speeds is by tunneling.
Note that's how some (ok probably many) deal with it but how they deal with it doesn't translate as necessary and thats where we are arguing here. We don't need some in-depth tunnel definition as tunneling is not always efficient (ex: if you stay near a hook to tunnel survivors can do gens unimpeeded. The killer is being inefficient. ex2: If the killer is chasing someone across the map and drops that chase as soon as the unhook happens, but cant find the unhooked because they were smart enough to move first, then that's also the killer being inefficient. Ex3: trying to tunnel someone whos actually better than them).
If we are to promote killer to not tunnel survivors for pressure
This is a in general thing but we are genuinely curious as to why people think tunneling pressures the whole team. Until that survivor is dead, your only pressuring that sole survivor, anyone else in that crossfire is being inefficient (admittedly for a decent reason of trying to help a teammate). Every other survivor can pick and choose what gen to finish till the tunneled is dead.
If we are to promote killer to not tunnel survivors for pressure, the killer needs to have rewards and incentives to not tunnel and spread hooks at base-kit. this means that killer needs base-kit gen regression and game-delay rewards to not need these strategy to win.
Hate to break it to ya (ok not really) but those two things do not equal out. Specifically pointing at:
the killer needs to have rewards and incentives to not tunnel and spread hooks at base-kit
this means that killer needs base-kit gen regression and game-delay rewards to not need these strategy to win.
First, unless its borderline broken rewards or practically impossible to do, many killers will tunnel because its easy to do and often rewards them with dead survivors or salt depending on what that particular killer is in the mood for.
Second, rewards do not have to be regression or game-delay (though we wouldn't mind game-delay). Could be game speed up via something like everyones exposed. This is a literal split second thought, but hopefully the point stands.
that is why video is talking about the numbers and how these number should be improved to promote killer for playing in more interesting/engaging play-style.
We're going to repeat the following:
It takes 6 minutes basekit, but then you have many MANY killers stacking slowdown after regression after you, guessed it, more slowgresson. When the killer is efficient or better than the survivors, what happens when these slowdowns are added to the basekit?
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Because without slowdowns matches are even shorter, that's why.
It's not an happy choice, it's a forced one.As we've said many times now, the killer themselves provide the variance to the time it takes survivors to do their objective. If the killer is pressuring them then the survivors will be taking longer. It's going in circles here.
False, because your game view is totally survivor sided, even if you play killer (it's not the point here). The objective of the killer is to KILL. Not buying time AND/OR supply variance to survivors. The killer is not a tool, is a player like you, too ofter treated like a given service.
Yeah, gen speed is crazy, regression perks are bad for everyone, but it's mandatory or a killer will succumb in minutes (aka they'll not play at all).
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this is a in general thing but we are genuinely curious as to why people think tunneling pressures the whole team. Until that survivor is dead, your only pressuring that sole survivor, anyone else in that crossfire is being inefficient (admittedly for a decent reason of trying to help a teammate). Every other survivor can pick and choose what gen to finish till the tunneled is dead.
I am going to use an analogy to explain this. DBD survivor teams for killer is like house of cards. Ever heard of the saying, 'A chain is as strong as its weakest link". if you pull the bottom card away from house of cards, the house of cards falls. that is what tunneling is in dbd. it is pulling the bottom card of the house so that house fall down. the house of cards being the survivor team in dbd. Not tunneling in dbd is like pulling top cards of house of cards. Eventually the house of cards fall down if you pull enough top cards but it is least efficient way to drop the house of cards.
a large part of killer is taking risks at the correct time and getting away with said risk. everything you do as killer is a risk that can backfire. as a result, there is no full proof one size fits all that can be applied to every game.
Second, rewards do not have to be regression or game-delay (though we wouldn't mind game-delay). Could be game speed up via something like everyones exposed. This is a literal split second thought, but hopefully the point stands.
Sure, you can give every killer a mechanic where every time a survivor heals for 2 complete health-states, the killer can instant down a survivor by any mean. that is just weird though.
We're going to repeat the following:
It takes 6 minutes basekit, but then you have many MANY killers stacking slowdown after regression after you, guessed it, more slowgresson. When the killer is efficient or better than the survivors, what happens when these slowdowns are added to the basekit?
if a killer regression is increased and killers continue to use regression, they will have super game-delay. survivor can counter super-game delay with generator repair perks. It is like asking, what happens if survivors receive borrow time after unhooking for 60 seconds and they use Lithe+Off the record+Decisive strike. The survivor gets super anti-tunneling if the killer tunnels off-hook. Do you think a killer will ever dream to tunnel off-hook when the survivor is moving 10% faster for 60 seconds and has all these extra form of protection? Survivor may still use anti-tunnel perks like Off the record to combat soft-tunneling. traditionally Distortion used to block aura reading for survivor to prevent them from being soft-tunneled out of the game but in just few days/weeks, Distortion will be nerfed and only form of aura immunity that is reliable long enough will be off the record. Survivors will continue to use exhaustion perks and decisive strike will still be decisive strike.
So the answer to your question is, the game plays as it does now with few modifications to the base game. Killer will have to hard-tunnel less and soft-tunnel more to win. they might one day nerf soft-tunneling however soft-tunneling might not get changed because less killer will see need to soft-tunnel if their regression/game delay is rewarding when the killer chases all 4 survivors and wins. the result is that killer impact on winning chases will have greater impact on survivor's ability to complete the objective then what it is currently. Survivors will need to play a lot better to escape.
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…and we're totally survivor sided how exactly?…adding on if we're in some different reality where this was true how does the view make something false?
The killer (you, me, player number 703-40) is in fact a tool themselves. The thing thats nice is we chose how we wield ourselves here [almost sound like a fortune cookie]. We have also said this previously:
the "variance" the killer is providing is to make gens take longer (variance: the fact or quality of being different. In the scenario the quality [and we've all using this wrong here btw, but its kinda funny atm] is time.) The killers are not buying time for survivors, they are buying time for themselves.
And yet again, we see the word "mandatory". We can go back and forth saying "its true" vs "its NOT true", but at this point we feel like we'd get further punching through walls than changing anyone's mind.
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We understand the house of cards analogy but at the same time we're unsure how true that holds in this game. We've been able to get 3 out (usually swf but occasionally solo) every so often so long as everyone else is competent enough [maybe match making screwed up somewhere but this is a passing thought]. If nothing else we see it like janga with tunneling picking a block blind.
Everything both sides do is a calculated risk. For killer it is usually more punishing should they screw it up, but thats the game. Both sides taking risks to try and "win" [everyone's condition varies hence the quotes].
as a result, there is no full proof one size fits all that can be applied to every game.
Then tell us why you previously tried to apply math for this little show?:
as i said, math is that if you just co-op every gen for 52 seconds and killer downs every survivor in 45-60 seconds, 5 hook = 5 gens
either way, moving along
Sure, you can give every killer a mechanic where every time a survivor heals for 2 complete health-states, the killer can instant down a survivor by any mean. that is just weird though.
Shrug To each their own, we'd prefer weird and fun compared to same ol same old. The point is that it doesn't necessarily have to be regression or stalling the gens.
if a killer regression is increased and killers continue to use regression, they will have super game-delay. survivor can counter super-game delay with generator repair perks.
And what will everyone see each and every game? Survivors bringing gen repair perks each and every game, which in turn causes more killers to bring slowdown ad infimum. We used to see stacked slowdown after slowdown each and every game before we went asleep, when we woke up there was bloody variety on both sides, we dont want that changed. Also:
Do you think a killer will ever dream to tunnel off-hook when the survivor is moving 10% faster for 60 seconds
quite frankly we've seen some try…they don't count for competent nor have any impact on our discussion but we're throwing that there…[also isn't it 30?]
You keep either removing or ignoring the human element to this. Ignoring the fact you keep insisting its mandatory, this hinges a lot on killers tunneling less. As long as it's perceived as the easiest path to bodies or salt, people will tunnel. We've seen people tunnel during the eruption era (and others have also claimed to see it during this time) where slowdowns were arguably the strongest (if not most annoying) and the killer was rewarded (while not basekit) greatly for doing well in chases (ignoring those that camped a handful of gens). This is an extreme example but it is proof to us that people will tunnel should they wish, regardless of regression. While it currently isn't as extreme as that example and we can not speak for everyone, to us killers are rewarded enough atm and don't need more.
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You keep either removing or ignoring the human element to this. Ignoring the fact you keep insisting its mandatory,
it feels like your at major disadvantage for not using game-delay perks as killer. the game shouldn't feel like you need a particular perk to be successful. I don't enjoy running gen defence on killers. i rather run perks that are fun to use and have wide variety of choices and play-styles for how i play killers. the issue is that it is not viable enough to do that as killer currently. It is way better than before the 80 second gens, at least early game is but gens still feel too fast for killer when your ending chases rapidly vs efficient teams.
On average though, most teams are not very efficient so winning games on average is easy if your an experienced killer with decent killer. the game only feels skewed towards survivor if survivor team plays very efficiently and is good at the game. some killer will steriotype and say that "SWF is imbalanced" and what not but i think survivor is ok in balance. it is just that killer base-kit/base game could be improved a little bit such that killer is less reliant on perks. I think some survivor also feel the same for like…. anti-tunnel perks/exhaustion or like aura perks for soloq. I am pretty sure survivors also would like to be less reliant on specific perks as well.
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I understand this concern, but buffing base regression speed might be a bit overkill.
Actually, in the video itself, Ardetha (the video's creator) mentioned a solution: buffing the perks back to their previous states.
Ruin, Call of Brine and Overcharge should all have 200% regression speed, with CoB and Overbrine both having a condition that the speed cannot go over 200%, making sure that Overbrine doesn't come back.
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CoB and Overcharge definitely need buffs now that we have an 8 kick limit
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No it doesnt, buffing regression time regardless of the killer buffs them as a whole, Sure jolt will trigger and reward m1 killers, but pain res, CoB, ruin, and other regression perks will just be another buff to all killers, including m2, which ironically should deepen the gap between m1 and m2 killers.
I watched the video, and there was talk about reverting perks back to the original version or stop standardizing mechanics and differentiate it per killer. But blantantly buffing killers under the guise of “helping m1 killers” is not
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i would like this system it would make me less nervous to try killer more. and feel better if my friends and i have a bad round as survivor too. :)
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To be frank it is a disadvantage if you're going to compare using them or not as those perks buy time. We're going to reiterate that it's not easy to do, but it's very much possible to win against efficient survivors without these.
I don't enjoy running gen defence on killers.
Then don't? You may or may not lose for a bit until you adapt but then you eventually get to the point above.
On average though, most...
Shall we repeat how killers are not reliant on slowdown? (can't speak for players, but the role isn't) It's a similar vein for survivors, they don't need to run those things to be effective, but it helps. If you think killers need more that's all well and good but we don't believe that killers need more regression.
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no, we dont need to force killers to run those perks to be able to compete... that's awfully bad game design
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I still think any perks that change the speed of gens (whether positive or negative) should be eliminated, have kicks removed, and have gens automatically regress when not being worked on. That way, gen speeds are consistent and easier to balance around. Killers can't regress dump a gen any more, but survivors can't just speed them and finish a gen in under 30 seconds anymore (which is literally possible currently). Toolboxes might still be an issue, however.
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Its not a forced one, its going the easiest way. Good players dont have to run 4 Slowdowns. The game is just catering towards bad killer players in so many ways it became really pathetic. And maybe just 1% of this players will ever get better than average with this, but by erelying on this and several other strategies they can beat above average survivors.
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'cause it's always a skill issue, right. But this, of course, applies only for killers, as usual.
There's no point in arguing here, and btw: I'm against regression buff of any kind.
HF next.PS: oh, I forgot: never EVER mentioned about running 4 slowdowns as a forced choice. Stop putting words in my mouth, thanks.
Post edited by KoreWaPantsu on0 -
It's not an happy choice, it's a forced one.
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Regression needs a buff in general. Regressing at 25% of the repair speed is too slow. For a gen to regress 30 sec of repair progress, it needs to regress for 120 seconds. No one uses Oppression because regression is so weak. Even when you get to regress multiple gens at once from a single gen kick, it still isn't worth it. That just shows how bad regression is.
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To be frank it is a disadvantage if you're going to compare using them or not as those perks buy time. We're going to reiterate that it's not easy to do, but it's very much possible to win against efficient survivors without these.
hmm. i don't think so. i think efficiency > beat all killers especially if survivor use their progression perks or items. even with best killers, i still think you'd be at 0 gens. those various type of gen delay still matter even if though they're omega nerfed. the other perks on killer just don't have much relevancy until killer's base-kit pressure is improved(for good teams).
Then don't? You may or may not lose for a bit until you adapt but then you eventually get to the point above.
The thing, i can win like 90% of the dbd teams with whatever perks barring like…. weak killers… because i think that even weak survivors can beat weak killers even if killer is better than they are. after all, it is balanced for "weak" survivors to win in that case. The survivor just has to be below my skill-level as killer.
So in practice, i can use a variety of perks and win most matches. it is the very few matches that i do lose in which i find that i am playing at a drawback for not using the game-delay perks. that is the part that doesn't feel great.
Shall we repeat how killers are not reliant on slowdown? (can't speak for players, but the role isn't) It's a similar vein for survivors, they don't need to run those things to be effective, but it helps. If you think killers need more that's all well and good but we don't believe that killers need more regression.
fair enough. i just don't think 400% slower regression (0.25 c/s) is rewarding for killer. i don't see any killer agree with your point of view that killer's gen-kick or game regression is satisfactory. if anything, Ardetha's video is how most experienced killer feel about the game.
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Can't see the 4 slowdowns in any of my posts, I'm sorry. Running slowdowns is different from running 4 slowdowns, and, I repeat myself, I never say that.
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And we disagree. While its practically impossible to have all 5, good killers can kill good survivors without all poping.
The thing, i can win like 90% of the dbd teams with whatever perks barring like…. weak killers… because i think that even weak survivors can beat weak killers even if killer is better than they are. after all, it is balanced for "weak" survivors to win in that case. The survivor just
has to be below my skill-level as killer.
So the word choice is again confusing. So before we say anything we want clarification please: 1. what is a weak survivor 2. What is a weak killer (im being told to remind that everyone is "viable", aka capable of winning, depending on how much they work for it [and maybe some rng for map]) 3. what do you mean by "it is balanced for "weak" survivors to win in that case."
So in practice, i can use a variety of perks and win most matches. it is the very few matches that i do lose in which i find that i am playing at a
for not using the game-delay perks. that is the part that doesn't feel great.
Well, we can not tell you how to feel, but we do think its a mentality thing. We have various gimmicky/themeatic builds we use and can win a majority of the time. While we'd never to say each of them are those truly efficient swats, we do get them occasionally and can still win with gens as slinger to demo to damn near everyone save a few who we as players simply suck with.
i don't see any killer agree with your point of view that killer's gen-kick or game regression is satisfactory. if anything, Ardetha's video is how most experienced killer feel about the game.
Shrug they can agree or disagree we cant control people and we don't care. Everyones got their own thoughts, though we feel many here have a sheeple mentality at times. If you wish we could explain our tin foil hat conspiracy theories on "experienced" players. Side question, Ardetha is the creator of the OP's video?
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Yet DeBecker was talking about running 4 specifically, and you respond. And if you wish to go that super technical route, we do not see them claim that you specified 4 slowdowns nor did you specify you were talking about anything less than 4 slowdowns.
oh, I forgot: never EVER mentioned about running 4 slowdowns as a forced choice. Stop putting words in my mouth, thanks.