Gen regression speed is a joke and it needs to be buffed.

I've said it countless times. Gen regression speed is a joke and it needs to be buffed. Kicking gens is s joke. How is it possible to need 6 mjnutes for a gen to fully regress, but only 1.5 minutes AT MOST for it to be completed? It's absolutely ridiculous. We need at least losing a charge per second, as it already gains a charge per second while being repaired. It gets even worse when you take into account you can only kick it 8 times... What an absolute joke

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  • vBlossom_
    vBlossom_ Member Posts: 387

    Didn't killers got buff to gen kicking

    • reducing time to kick gens,
    • inflicting insta -5%
    • and disabling gen-tapping mid chase?

    Are we just ignoring that and demanding more? 🤨

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,866

    Thinking you forgot about the myriad of perks that regress large chunks of progress. Besides, your focus should be killing survivors not killing gens.

  • cclain
    cclain Member Posts: 37

    i'm ok with that if all aura reading perk are reamove and play hide and seek its possible again

  • k3ijus
    k3ijus Member Posts: 255

    Yes, it takes 6 minutes default for the generator to fully regress, and it takes 1 1/2 minutes to complete it, but

    -it passively regresses and loses a automatic 5%?,compared to the fact a survivior has to be on the generator for the entirety of it

    -killers can scan the area and remove survivors from the area,in most games if a killer wants to deny a nearly completed generator, they can

    -perks automatically regress generators without the need of even being near the generator.

    -surviviors can no longer instantly stop Regression ,meaning once you get a survivor off a generator they wont get back on,unless your oblivious to them.

    Perks like jolt and hex ruin would absolutely destroy generator progress, a charge per second would mean 3 genning would be effective again, just imagine scanning a area and denying anyone from stopping the regression, and on the rare chance they do and get any good progress, itd be instsntly lost whether it be from pop,jolt, pain res, or literally any other passive regression. By the time the 8 regression limit hits, soloq surviviors would be dead and maybe swf survivors could counter it

    Your objective is to kill survivors,not generators

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 750

    ans how am i supposed to kill survivors if i cant stop the gens so the game doesnt end in 3 minutes with gens popping?

  • dwight444
    dwight444 Member Posts: 366

    by not getting ran for the duration of 5 gens at the start

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,239

    because killer ALSO got nerfed by having 8 regression limit for these changes which does in fact come into play because 3 gen was one of strongest strategy for killer to prologue game+ it also comes many nerf that occured to perks like overcharge and call of brine as well as wide variety of other gen defence perk nerfs.

    those buffs for killer weren't free.


    While adding 10 seconds to generator repair greatly improved killer early game, the generator defence perk changes has greatly reduced their capacity to pressure generator and the map. So now, killer need more generator defence put into their base-kit. What is good way to do that? Increase generator charges per second from 0.25 c/s which laughably bad to 0.5 c/s per second. This will give killer more incentive to kick gens at base-kit and they will be more rewarded for their pressure if they manage to pressure survivors from touching regressed generators.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,239

    you can't kill survivors if the game is over 5-6 minutes vs efficient teams. killer need to be rewarded for kicking gens and downing survivors.

    Old ruin used to be 200% regression. changing c/s back to 200% soft-revert ruin without changing anything about the perks. Jolt is 8% regression and it spends 1 regression event. it is a perk that only trigger from m1 downs therefore it helps weakest killer automatically kick gens in a certain radius. often those with lack of mobility to kick gens. It is not particular good right now because regression is laughably bad. So if it does get buffed, it is buffing m1 killer more then m2 killer which is killer that need it most.

  • PetTheDoggo
    PetTheDoggo Member Posts: 15

    It wasn't without a price.

    I would rather have old regression perks and no 3-gen feature.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,866

    If the game is over in 5 minutes someone was doing something wrong. You say efficient survivors but was that killer efficient? Or just even effective? Killers currently are rewarded via those regression perks and the pressure a survivor on hook generated and the breathing room it can bring.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,239
    edited September 30

    play chaos shuffle or light out, modes that killer has no perks. the game is too fast REGARDLESS if you down 1 surivivor every 60 seconds. a co-op gen only takes 52 seconds. that means that for every hook you get as killer, you lose -1 gen. 5 hooks = 5 gens done. that's loss for killer. that is not counting the time it takes for killer

    A) move away from hook

    B) find another survivor to chase

    C) hook survivor.

    All this stuff is like 30 second itself. Yes some of this accounted for in healing time for survivor but given that a lot of these modes have 4 player running med-kits, med-kit heal > faster than killer doing all these actions + strong teams OFTEN DON'T HEAL and just rush gens while injured. they leave survivors on hooks sometimes for 2 minutes and that is 2 minutes of leaving survivor on hooks is free gen-rushing. when a killer picks a surivvor up to hook them than they unhook other survivor in time your carrying the survivor to the hook. this allows survivor to maximize gen efficiency and weaponize hook stages against the killer, even when killer is applying pressure. that is how you get these extremely fast game. this is large topic in itself to talk about which can be describe by the following TL:DR.

    You say efficient survivors but was that killer efficient?

    The killer being efficient has no impact on survivor being efficient. Survivor efficiency trumps killers. Killer can only attempt combat survivor efficiency through perks but perk are perk, they're not base game. that is the problem. that is why they buff base regression which at least buff killer base-kit to defend gens. unfortunately, the problem will still persist that gen-rushing will be too effective because the killer has no time to kick gens but at least reward for kicking gens will be there even if low impact. right now, it is no impact or so little that it doesn't matter.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,866

    play chaos shuffle or light out, modes that killer has no perks.

    Surprisingly we do well in those. And technically we want to point out two things there. One is that chaos shuffle both sides still have perks, just not chosen. Second, lights out no one has perks and both sides are at a mild disadvantage and the latest one has a big ol target that survivors kept putting on themselves so that goes down fast in the killer's favor.

    that means that for every hook you get as killer, you lose -1 gen. 5 hooks = 5 gens done. that's loss for killer. that is not counting the time it takes for killer

    A) move away from hook

    B) find another survivor to chase

    C) hook survivor.

    Strange how when we get a hook we dont immediately lose a gen. There are no clean numbers in the trials. For a simple example: you down someone at a hook and see another survivor who has a toolbox. You quickly hook the first and can almost immediately start a chase with the second one. Sure, maybe on occasion that happens but its just as likely to go the other way in the killers favor.

    4 player running med-kits, med-kit heal > faster than killer doing all these actions + strong teams OFTEN DON'T HEAL and just rush gens while injured

    We see more toolboxes with people trying to rush gens. You seem to think that survivors are always doing this or that but then don't factor in the killer. They leave the sod on the hook while your harrassing another, if they're healthy they last longer, if injured trying to burn through gens they get caught quicker and now you got 2. The killer is in fact a factor on survivors as mentioned below.

    The killer being efficient has no impact on survivor being efficient.

    Yes. Yes it absolutely does. An efficient killer will always have a majority of survivors occupied till someone is dead. This reduces the survivors efficiency as theres less on the gens. Thats just basic logic. Think of it this way, whats that guy on hook doing?

    Survivor efficiency trumps killers. … Killer can only attempt combat survivor efficiency through perks

    Also false. Its easier sure, but killers are perfectly able to combat survivor efficiency through sheer brutality [theres probably a better word but we like this one].

    that is why they buff base regression which at least buff killer base-kit to defend gens

    we're pretty sure they buffed base regression kicks due to implementing the anti-3-gen thing so it would be more fair (unless your thinking about something else that we glossed over).

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,239

    Also false. Its easier sure, but killers are perfectly able to combat survivor efficiency through sheer brutality [theres probably a better word but we like this one].

    I have had literal games as killer where i walk up to the survivor, hit them, catch-up, hit them. down every survivor in sub 45 seconds and I have still lost all 5 gens after 5-6 hooks. None of survivor are ANY good at looping and yet i am still losing as demogorgon. Some of these team have almost no gen perks either. you really don't understand how strong survivor gen efficiency really is vs killer hook efficiency. Killer have no chance against super efficient teams to hook enough times to win and this only becomes less and less likely with gen perks or items.

    They leave the sod on the hook while your harrassing another, if they're healthy they last longer, if injured trying to burn through gens they get caught quicker and now you got 2. The killer is in fact a factor on survivors as mentioned below.

    Killer can't be in two places at once. your either chasing survivor B or camping near survivor A. In both cases, you lose vs efficiency at base-kit because survivor can finish 3 gens in the time that survivor A goes to 2nd stage. After, they can bodyblock save the hook and if you tunnel, you risk decisive strike, dead hard, sprint burst+blood rush. In that time, survivor can finish last 2 gens. trading 1 survivor dead for all 5 gen completion is loss for killer if survivor plays correctly.

    in order avoid the above problem, your expected as killer to leave hooks and play aggressively to put more pressure on the board but the problem is that you hooking survivors is slower then them doing gens. as i said, math is that if you just co-op every gen for 52 seconds and killer downs every survivor in 45-60 seconds, 5 hook = 5 gens. you lose. while increase gen regression will increase killer gen pressure if they kick gens, many killer do not have time to kick gens in fast-paced games but at least it will improve killer's base-kit in terms of defending gens.

    in practice, killer will still need perks to begin regression like pain res and surge which is unlikely to be base-kit but killer buffs are baby-steps at this point.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,144

    Went against an AFK Wraith running Corrupt Intervention, Ruin, Deadlock, and Merciless Storm. He slowed down the match without even being there, and it was frustrating as hell. We were all working on gens and the match took well over 5 minutes.

    I'm sure a high MMR 4-man SWF all playing on PC can do everything perfect, but that's not the average player's experience.

    Anyway, the problem is that the devs made generators a baseline thing instead of tweaking gen times and regression and all that depending on the killer. All killers, regardless of their powers, go against the same gen speeds. Requiring killers to use perks to slow down gens has resulted in a lot of unhappy people. For some killers, gens go too fast. For survivors, against some killers gens take way too long. The "happy medium" that's required because gens are treated the same across all killers means most players are not happy with the results.