We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

So am I just cracked as Dracula or is he really op?

I heard he sucks but I'm getting regular 4ks as him



  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 684

    I agree with this. Playing Drac is a lot of fun but I can't help but feel bad for survivors who make a ton of distance only to immediately lose it after swapping to Bat form.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,465
    edited October 1

    he's one of my favourite killers as well. i dislike following survivor arbitrary amount of time so i am fine with survivors gaining a low amount of time wasted.

    If i was to nerf him, i'd nerf his face-camping with fire pillar but that is just me. in theory AC should be changed to address this issue but it is whatever for now.

  • TheGopher
    TheGopher Member Posts: 13

    The survivor can stop running and hide, treat him like spirit there.

  • TheGopher
    TheGopher Member Posts: 13

    His hellfire is only similar, it's much worse and only usable on certain tiles.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,201
    edited October 1

    I believe that Dracula is stronger than they give them credit for.

    The Bat is an amazing cut-off tool and heavily reduces the amount of distance from a hit, you basically have a built in Save The Best For Last into your power… that being said, it can also be unfun to play against since the difference in distance really shuts down a lot you can do depending on map layout or resources (and lack there of resources)… but also unfun does not necessarily equal unbalanced either so I think it is fine as it is for now.

    Hellfire is… a bit too much. If Dracula ONLY had Hellfire, Id say "buff it" but Hellfire in its current state is really strong when you consider the fact that Dracula has multiple powers. The presence of holding Hellfire alone is strong enough to get hits solely from zoning pallets, and it makes bodyblock pointless and unhook extremely unsafe for you and the other Survivor… Pyramid Head does not have this issue as much since Rites of Judgement has more restricted turning compared to Hellfire.

    The Wolf form is fine. Im not a fan of the Haste you gain from Scent Orbs since a lot of people just use it to mindless run around loops or stack it with Haste perks to make playing against it really miserable. Honestly nerfing the Scent Orbs and buffing the Pounce would overall make it more fun to play as/against.

    A Dracula player who can utilize their entire kit can definitely put in a lot of work. The issue is that a lot of players dont want to learn the intricacies of when, where, and how to use all three powers to its fullest.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,945

    Nurse isn't op, there are many things you can do against her. Dracula is weaker than her so he's nowhere near op.

    He is a very fun Killer to play, has alot things to learn and feels rewarding when played well, as a Killer should be.

    Playing against him, for me at least.. I find him fun as well except his ability to punish unhooks like he can do with Hellfire. The unhooked Survivor should have at least 1 second more on i-frames so he cannot be put in Deep Wound immediately and be downed on the spot again. That's like the only unfair thing about him really.

    While at it, the same thing should be applied to Pyramid as well.

  • ImWinston
    ImWinston Member Posts: 225
    • reading this forum I understood that Dracula was one of the worst "new" killers. I actually think it's really cool, he's not the new Billy/nurse, but he's very strong. I'm starting to believe the reviews on this forum aren't very accurate. Maybe it would be better to specify how many hours of gameplay you have before doing a review/opinion.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,520

    You're completely right that this forum is terrible to get actual information from. Killer mains will lie to you, and then survivor mains will also lie to you. Because they are right, no matter what.

    I dont believe people posting hours would work. It would spin everything into a 'Clearly, my 3,125 hours is more than your 3,112, so your opinion is invalid.' Like MMR, we dont need to know hours to know they aren't as high as they think.

    The best way would be to try it yourself and form an opinion, but if you're deciding on purchasing or not… I'd just not. He's still the main course right now, and in a month or two, he will be nerfed into the ground, as per usual with this business model. This is based on history, not my opinion.

  • JustAShadow
    JustAShadow Member Posts: 174

    For some reason a lot of people complain that he catches up too quickly which is kinda weird because it's actually good design - it eliminates most of the shift W slog and forces survivors to play tiles against him, and while his chase powers are pretty decent they also give survivor enough options to outplay them.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,535

    Majority of the people here, from what I've read, placed him in high B tier / low A tier, but it was before last buff. Last buff really made him really strong A tier killer and raised his skill cap higher. I actually didn't plan to play him a lot, but this buff definately changed it.

  • JustAShadow
    JustAShadow Member Posts: 174

    Same. I wasn't a huge fan of him on release but the buff made the shapeshifting playstyle so smooth that he became one of my mains.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,294

    Please do humour me, cause if neither distance, nor obstacles, nor holding checkspots are an option against a killer, how exactly do you outplay him? Which options do survivors have to outplay him? I am actually curious to know, cause I'm at a loss. Don't play nearly enough to encounter him often enough to go trial-and-error until something works.

  • JustAShadow
    JustAShadow Member Posts: 174
  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,465

    what do you mean number of mistakes barely matters? any extension of chase is good for survivor. Idk, before they buffed dracula, i was losing a lot of games with him. you'd get outplay once or twice and lose. in some ways, it was more punishing to use his ability than not use his ability in regards to bat form.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,002

    It's just the transition into bat.

    Everything else is fine in my opinion. Gaining distance in chase is the reward for a survivor. Regardless of what play you do against Dracula, due to the transition speed, you gain no distance.

    I dint think this killer is too strong, especially when killers like Nurse are allowed to exist. I do think however, that this particular aspect makes him very unfun to face.

    A game is supposed to be fun. If it's not fun, people stop playing.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,465

    Regardless of what play you do against Dracula, due to the transition speed, you gain no distance.

    guess what, all the top-tier are exactly the same. Just to give few examples, Billy chainsaw allows you to zoom at the survivor making you gain no distance. Blight's rushes make you gain almost no distance. Spirit's phase-walk with MDR makes you get almost no distance. Nurse and Chucky are examples with reliable gap-closes capable of hitting you between loops and within loops.

    I do think however, that this particular aspect makes him very unfun to face.

    It sounds like every top-tier killer is unfun to face.

  • Jock21
    Jock21 Member Posts: 27

    No, he's just not a pushover against decent survivors like the previous multi-power killer they've released before (Vecna).

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  • Gastongard
    Gastongard Member Posts: 136

    As a surv main I like to face Drac, while the bat is really strong and seems a bit too op, its somehow mindgameable, as spirit. There is a lot of 50/50 mostly on windows, fast vaulting so he vaults on your side and in the second he transforms you slow vault and he ends up in the opposite side of the window. Something similar to when Weskers tries hitting you and vault windows or pallets x)

  • SpicySliceOfApplePie
    SpicySliceOfApplePie Member Posts: 27

    I don’t think he as a killer is bad, just boring and kinda unoriginal. It’s mainly his perks I dislike

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,294

    Nothing as detailed as a guide - a quick outline of how to play, say, a strong/long i filler and a say, trash pile gym. How do you avoid dropping the pallet way too early while also not giving a free hellfire hit?

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,373

    His Hellfire is extremely spammable, great at zoning and just dunks on loops entirely.

    His Bat Form is a Spirit Lite that goes over pallets and windows with like a 2.5s Cooldown (compared to Spirit's up to 15s cooldown). He can also M1 extremely fast out of it. If you throw on Dissolution he can shut down every dropped pallet with zero effort.

    He's extremely uninteractive in basically every way. Both Hellfire and the Bat need nerfs and the Wolf needs buffs because it's just not worth using as-is.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,877
    edited October 1

    In what way would increasing the transition time when leaving bat form, for example, be nerfing the killer's "skill expression"? There is no optimization needed for switching to bat form, holding W, and switching out of bat form. A longer transition would actually require more skill to play well, as you'd need to get in position to block windows and pallets without being able to see the survivor rather than (most of the time) just getting a quick M1 right out of bat form.

    Edit: I see someone else rightly made this point already. One day this forum will have a delete button. The same day people who only play one side stop commenting on every post, I'm sure.

  • SkeletonDance
    SkeletonDance Member Posts: 326

    The bat buffs made him quite strong now

  • JustAShadow
    JustAShadow Member Posts: 174

    You don't drop a pallet at him when he is already mid charging hellfire. Unlike Phead he can't cancel his power and still gain distance on you for free m1, he either has to go past you and block a pallet then cancel to get m1 or hit his m2. For the first scenario I'm not sure if any instructions are needed, for the second scenario you have to look at where he's aiming(similar to Phead) and dodge accordingly like you would do it against Phead. A lot of survivors I've versed have understood how to play around that so I usually flick at their direction with hellfire instead of looking at them while aiming and that usually ends up in a hit - so if Dracula is chasing you around, say, nornal Macmillan filler and he's not looking directly at you while holding hellfire then you can expect him to try flicking at you.

    What's also important to know is that it takes a pretty long time for Dracula to charge his hellfire so if you have enough distance or you are at a pallet while he hasn't pulled his hand up then he either wouldn't be able to hit you at all or he would have to guess and try flicking at you.

    I want to add that there is no miraculous way to always outplay hellfire, a lot of it boils down to both sides trying to predict what the opponent is gonna do but I think that's how powers should generally work in this game.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,374
    edited October 1

    Both. Dracula isn't a pushover like some other laughably weak killers on the roster. He's in a great spot and a breathe of fresh air overall. This may be premature for some, but I'd put him easily in the top 5 killers in the game currently. He is very much a killer's killer. You don't feel as limited or that your hands are tied at certain tiles like other killers have historically struggled with. In terms of what you can do, the skill ceiling is much higher, if you get where I'm coming from.

  • TheGopher
    TheGopher Member Posts: 13

    Normally I might agree on nerfing him, but this update they gutted the Skull Merchant and nerfed the Unkown. Behavior just doesn't get how to balance a game

  • TheGopher
    TheGopher Member Posts: 13

    His bat form is very important for him, he needs it to get around the map. A really long cooldown would just make him feel like garbage to play.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,400

    He's solid imo. If you're performing well as him, it's probably a combination of you being good and some people misjudging his strength.

    A decent number of people on these forums want to be able to play super relaxed and not worry about complex mechanics, and Dracula's design inherently isn't that. Some people misinterpret that as "Dracula is bad" instead of "Dracula is not the kind of killer I want to play"

  • Unequalmitten86
    Unequalmitten86 Member Posts: 200

    I like him and a survivor and killer standpoint.

    I do feel he is a tricky one to learn but being on console it's difficult to switch through forms quickly and figure it all out. I'm sure I'll get there but I stick with wolf and Dracula for now. I do think he needs a stronger cooldown on switching forms and hellfire. The Hellfire is great and stops infinite loopers, but being on the survivor end to many who play him spam the Hellfire and it's annoying. He is fun to engage in a chase though. I love it and it's fairly easy to dodge. I think the bats are a little OP but you can see them coming, but it drags out a game when they can patrol to easily with batform. I don't particularly like the scent balls but I do understand them and the pounce is like you need that first pounce to judge where you land. This I have noticed from players and playing him on my own. All in all just slight tweaks. I don't feel anything needs to change on him but slowdowns to changing forms.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,465

    His bat form is most important power for him to be an effective killer. Dracula also has drawback in his ability. For one, he can't see survivors in bat form and he has those bat-noises that make it harder to track survivors. A survivor is suppose to juke bat form and make it difficult for killer to track the survivor. It is really same logic as spirit. Bat form is also not that good at loops. His other two abilities are for loops and they have their separate balance.

    This makes him difficult to balance, because all 3 should not be as oppressive as the one power of one other killer.

    He isn't difficult to balance because while he has 3 separate abilities, he is only capable of using 1 ability at a time and each of the abilities are suppose to have distinct strength and weaknesses in every instance of time. Bat form is entirely designed around excelling at catching-up survivors inside chase and moving around the map to enter chases. the pre-buffed version was overly punished and somewhat weak for killer to use. His bat form seems fairely balanced to me. a killer that uses bat form correctly will reap rewards for using the ability correctly while a killer that misuses bat form or his other abilities will find the killer not very effective.

    In my opinion, dracula is one of the most balanced killers that dbd has release in many chapters. The survivors have all the tools to succeed and loop dracula while killer has all the tools needed to outplay the survivor at every turn which is what a lot of other killer tend to lack.

    The transition to bat, as a catch up - tool, right now outperforms other killers by a mile. This is not only unfun to face due to the survivor not being rewarded for good gameplay in chase but also goes against the logic i stated earlier with the 3 powers in one.

    That is because other killer trash or overly punished by distance. if you ask me, the other killer need buffs to be at dracula's level but a lot of problems are fundamental to the games core. In my opinion, survivor shouldn't be rewarded massively for a single good play that wins them the entire match. they should need to outplay the killer multiple times over the course of a match to come out on top. Like I said with other killers, the top high-tier killer all are like that which is why they're high tier and more difficult to escape from than other killers. A lot of drawback you talk about are non-existent. Billy in current form has 0 cooldown and spams chainsaw 24/7 for even smallest amount of distance gain. Every loop is basically is curvable for the most part. Nurse you need to outplay multiple blinks to succeed vs her. the drawback you list for spirit and chucky make no sense. these two killer use their ability when they are in range of the survivor and both of these killer require you to outplay their respective abilities multiple times

    Oni is example of a killer where he is way over punished for failing and somewhat punished for succeeding. While he has same properties as the above listed killers, his ability artificial has like 90 second cooldown. It is way too easy to outplay Oni even a single time and than he loses. It is why i think Oni is one of the most over-rated killers. it is not balanced for high-level. it is balanced for middle level.

    Wesker loop balance is very sad. vs good players, his regular ability is just too slow. he only gains viability in outplaying survivor at loops when using a tech that…. honestly at some point will likely get fixed because dracula wolf and blight hug tech which were similar tech got fixed. this guy is just waiting his turn. As for his actual balance, i think his balance was oriented that when a survivor is fully infected, wesker has advantage in this chase but when a survivor is not infected, he has disadvantage in chase. Previously when tunneling survivor off-hook, he was extremely oppressive in the chase as his 8% hindered penalty was easy to acquire with red herb+video device by hitting BT and the odds that you would ever loop him was next to 0. Since than, they have nerfed his infection the ground. To put it bluntly, almost nobody gets infected fully vs his ability as long they hold vaccine bottle. due to his balance being based off infection being strong or weak, He is very mid-killer in my opinion. He is balanced for middle level. He was balanced for high-level before when infection was strong but it was too strong. Now it is too weak.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,374
    edited October 1

    Dracula don't suck, see that's a myth. Dracula scrape with his fangs and lick up the blood. See…

  • Aceislife
    Aceislife Member Posts: 315

    Bats being able to go over vaults and pallets make him a better version of Spirit.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,002

    I did state, that what i said was not about strenght or the other aspects of his power, did i? If not, then i say it again. I dont think Drac is too strong by any means. This is solely about Draculas transition into bat as a catch up - tool not offering any reward for the survivor.

    This is not about the strenght of the killer, but the reception of the gameplay for the other side.

    A survivor is also not winning the match with one good play and gaining distance. Killers have huge comeback tools as well. Just saying.

    High level always is so funny to me. What is high level? Comp? Swf? 4 good solos?

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,465

    Killer catch-up in my opinion is single most important ability for killer. I would almost define killer that are "S-tier" from not S-tier solely on catch-up. that is how important it is. I am not saying a killer cannot be high-tier/strong without catch-up but if they are strong without this ability, they tend to be exaggerate killers with exaggerated gameplay strategy that is often perceived as broken/unfair. What do i mean by that? Skull merchant is an example of exaggerated character that exceled at 3 gens. She was high-tier by from an exaggerated mechanic that wasn't typical strong stable killer kit. The perception of this strategy was well, you know… lets not talk about details about 50 minute comp matches. Weakening Dracula's bat form would nerf dracula to a much lower standing killer that is less fun to play for killer and a lot less engaging for survivor because the survivor can play in ways that is less engaging in chase.

    I'm hoping he does not receive negative changes to bat form as we have not had such a complete killer for awhile now.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,002

    As I pointed out with the what, 5 examples, before, I have nothing against a catch up tool.

    Its about HOW the catch up tool is implemented.

  • emetSdidnothingwrong
    emetSdidnothingwrong Member Posts: 308

    He is strong but not even in the top 3, why are we talking about nerfing a killer who isn't even the top 3? He is the new and hot right now so more people are playing him but that will fade with time, there is no need to nerf him as people will move on to other killers after the honeymoon phase is over. I would argue we spend more time building up things that need it over nerfing stuff that is just an annoyance, this community is way to nerf happy for the "other side."

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,465
    edited October 1

    but you could say that about everything in the game.

    I don't have a problem with strong killers, but it is how killer is strong. Let's use a stereotype

    Michael Myer's purple tombstone add-on →Strong but unfair.

    Blight: Strong but fair killer.

    you don't like playing vs killer therefore killer needs nerfs. that is the logic your using. This is what this post was referencing " why nerf killer's skill expression? killer optimizes ability → survivor ask for nerf for killer playing well. :( ". It is like irrational.

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 877

    He's decent with a decent amount of tools. He's pretty good at contesting hooks but that could always be adjusted.

    I find it interesting that people have only realized the power of bat post buff...meanwhile I've always been playing Drac like this. Now that people aren't obsessing over Wolf form we can see what he's actually capable of.

  • Bookern
    Bookern Member Posts: 319

    Thankfully these concerns arent gonna be considered since Dracs Tome and legendary skin they NEED to make money from so he guaranteed wont be nerfed also Dracs Cycle of updates are finished so hes at the back of the line for a year or two Devs are to busy with Freddy and Skull Merchants reworks atm

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,465

    i was using bat form for 80% of the games before, even when it has 5 second cooldown. it was just…. idk less rewarding. it is hard to describe.