You made it a waste of a perk slot. How many times a match do you think your aurora is revealed a match? Imagine a killer With a weave atunement franklins demise and two other aurora perk build. The aurora will be revealed like 20-30 times a match and now you are lucky to get 6 hidden auroras a match (two before each hook). Unless they have new predator you escape chase and lose a token you were better off bringing a different perk. 3 tokens was very fair, but now two tokens only getting it back in chase just made this a waste of a perk slot. I am a survivor main and run distortion heavy. It is a niche perk, some games it doesn’t proc at all and i waste a perk slot or some games i thank god a brought it. On matches where killer has an aurora build all 3 tokens are gone before the first gen. Nerf aurora builds good killers dont need wall hacks. Survivors have their aurora revealed for anything, spawning in a match, unhooking a friend, going in a locker, completing a gen, taking protection hit, weave atunement franklins demise is also busted. Bbq chilli, no where to hide, and now the new predator perk. With new predator i will get two tokens back in chase then lose one as soon as i escape chase, that is sad. Distortion is nerfed to garbage tier perk. Make it so you still have 3 tokens but recharge them doing gens. So survivors have incentive to do the objective. Now instead of people hiding you sill have 3 survivors trying to steal a chase wasting time trying to get their distortion back instead of doing gens.



  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,381

    You should try running a full area build on someone like Huntess. Bring a map like Dead Dawg, hit some juicy cross-maps, it's fun

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,188

    I am a survivor main and run distortion heavy.

    Should be careful about doing that, perks get changed all the time. Unless the perk is helping you deal with performance issues that you can't play around (like needing Unrelenting as killer on Switch), you should avoid relying heavily on a perk.

    Make it so you still have 3 tokens but recharge them doing gens

    That's not as useful as you might think it is. I've seen many survivors who will get on a gen, work on it until the first time they hear the killer's TR, and then they never return to that gen. It regresses back to zero. They might as well not have touched it at all.

    Now instead of people hiding you sill have 3 survivors trying to steal a chase wasting time trying to get their distortion back instead of doing gens.

    It's a PvP game, interacting with the opposing side is supposed to be the fun part. Hiding and avoiding interaction with the opposing side should be discouraged, there are plenty of PvE games if you want that kind of gameplay.

    Also, that statement doesn't actually make any sense. Survivors who want to hide and not be seen will be trying to get in chase with the killer to get their Distortion tokens back? Um… seems unlikely. But you know, whatever, if my teammates will jump between me and the killer and take some aggro when I need a breather mid-chase, I'll welcome it.

    Distortion can help a survivor learn what aura perks the killer is running. Then, they can counter the perks through other means instead of relying on tokens. And if they can't counter the killer's aura perks, the killer will probably find them and chase them and then the survivor will get their tokens back.

  • Lentara
    Lentara Member Posts: 34

    Bro its killer-sided game, forgot abt it. They tryhard so much to do game more easier for killers

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,483

    True but based on the survivors I verse on the regular I won't win most matches like that, but a few distortion rats will get squished so maybe a win win

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 730

    Yeah...Distortion is dead.

    The vast majority of players will go down in chase in less than 1 minute (and that's only if we're talking about a pure M1 chase without traps or insta-downs). Nearly every chases will end on a hook unless something or someone gets in the way.

    This especially is bad for players that aren't very good in chase/newcomers since that perk essentially is now useable for very good players that can loop a Killer for ages but nearly useless for newcomers/casuals, which is weird because good players don't need to hide.

    All this change does is it will make those people hide in lockers more and bring entire builds around stealth instead of minimaly helping since rats didn't go into chase anyway and aren't good enough in chase to get much use out of the perk. Another change that makes a perk worthless and doesn't fix the core issue.

    If the intent was truly to make rats unable to hide the whole match while not helping, the perk should have been tied to gen repair instead so that aura blocking would be reliant on helping yoour team. All this does is make another non-gen-speed perk too bad to use over a gen-speed perk or Sprint Burst/Lithe.

    It's better than a single-use thing, still not worth bringing unless you can confidently run the Killer for a while and manage to escape chase on the regular.

  • Yamskeezy
    Yamskeezy Member Posts: 16

    well said. I agree it should be recharged with gens. 1 token for 50% of a gen. Then you arent ratting you are doing gens and blocking wall hacks. Killers are so mad they have to actually play the game and work for kills.

  • Yamskeezy
    Yamskeezy Member Posts: 16

    Nowhere to hide, bbq chili, weave atunement with franklins demise will see heavy use diminishing tokens quicker than you can recharge them. And this is a combo i frequently run into.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 974
    edited October 3

    I don’t think the idea was to make it a fair change. They probably just wanted to get rid of it like they always do to perks, that are complained about.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,129

    I really like the change for Distortion today, it gives me use in chase which is where I use it most, to aid in mindgames. I see it as a buff plus it'll work now against scratched mirror as you can get it back in chase with him and other stealth killers.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,075

    It literally is a fair change though. It's an incredibly powerful perk that you actually have to do stuff to get now.

  • Rick1998
    Rick1998 Member Posts: 241

    if that's such a big deal use object of obsession instead . Also what killers are doing this because the best way to win is still having 4x slowdown perks .

  • DeBecker
    DeBecker Member Posts: 148

    That change is just trashing the perk. Like always if they hcange any survivor perk its dead.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,075
    edited October 3

    No, it was trashing it with one token. Now it has a pretty reasonable requirement that encourages people to engage with the killer.

    Also you've gotta ditch the us vs them stuff or thinking the devs favor a particular side. It's emotional nonsense.

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 730

    It's still trash for the vast majority of people.

    It's one thing to make a perk require contributing and helping teammates (doing gens, healing etc.) but being forced to spend time in chase automatically makes the perk worthless for most of the playerbase.

    Sure good players can effortlessly do chases that last 1+ minutes perkless (at least against most of the Killer cast), however those people don't really need it in the first place and are usually using it almost more as info than actual stealth.

    Newcomers/casual players now are forced to get chased if they don't want to be seen through walls, inevitably getting downed and hooked (and likely tunnelled) rather quickly and making the early experience worse since, let's face it, there's so much aura-reading that finding Survivors will never be an issue unless they creep around in lockers or are using certain perks, and that's what's going to happen: the rats that hid and didn't help while using Distortion will simply use lockers more and help even less.

    Not everybody can loop good, and no perks should require getting chased for a while for the chance of getting value (as there's no guarantee that the Killer even brings an aura perk in the first place) but everyone can contribute to the team by doing gens. Making gens grant tokens would have fixed the issue of rats without killing the perk for those that used it but actually played the game. The result will merely be that rats are now in lockers more and that other people will replace Distortion by a gen-speed perk or an exhaustion perk (likely SB or Lithe) to replace the lack of stealth by easier chases or genrush potential.

  • Atom7k
    Atom7k Member Posts: 263

    It is kind of arrogant to speak about an ingame mechanic as "hack". Distortion counters countless perks and add-ons all at the same time for a duration of 10 seconds while hiding your scratch marks on top. So basically to stay completly invisible you only need one perk and could counter the entire killer build.
    It was problematic because you didn't need to do anything to actually get value from it. So huge advantage for free and recharge is kind of free too.
    That position is impossible to defend. Nobody should rely on a single perk alone (well Windows users for sure do) and that is your key problem. You are getting dragged out of your comfort zone and you don't want to adapt.
    Fair. Doesn't feel good. But so do killers if they want to have fun with orbital huntress and they see nothing the entire game.
    In the end it's about balance and distortion was unbalanced in some way. If used effectivly you were invisible for the killer the entire match and that needed to change.
    The change is controversal and while being a fan of the nerf Im also not the biggest fan of how it got nerfed.
    You said "good killers don't need auras" well these people could tell you "good survivors don't need stealth, just get better at looping". Bhvr seems to push the game in the direction of more chases because thats what the game is about now. It did shift from hiding and searching to this and it is that way because matches became extremly fast over the years.
    We will have to see how things work out in a few weeks and if it really is as bad as you make it look like.
    Because if it really is too bad, bhvr will rework it. (except for windows they are super blind on that eye lmao)

  • Yamskeezy
    Yamskeezy Member Posts: 16

    so you have a problem with survivors getting value out of distortion without having to do anything? Well lets take away all the killer perks and addons that show my aurora without them having to do anything. Thats all aurora perks for killers are: value without doing anything. So why take away my counter. Even with three tokens i cant charge them faster than you can reveal me. Before the change it was a gamble wether to bring it or not, now the perk is just dead. I think an effective change would be to charge 3 tokens with completing gens.

  • Yamskeezy
    Yamskeezy Member Posts: 16

    A good change would be: For every 30% of a gen you do, another token is granted maximum of 3 tokens. Devs have really gone overboard with aurora reveal on killer side. Modern distortion is literally the only counter. So what if its a hard counter thats GOOD, i chose to waste a perk slot to bring distortion so i should be granted my 3 tokens. And i shouldn't have to get hooked to get 2 tokens back. 3 tokens recharged with gens would be so balanced, people would run out of tokens and killers may still get some balanced aurora reveal before survivors could recharge. Killers would stop relying on crutch aurora perks. And devs need to stop bloating the game with aurora reveal on both sides.

  • Yamskeezy
    Yamskeezy Member Posts: 16

    right now the game is in a perpetual cycle of: killer find meta - survivor find counter - survivor counter gets nerfed - killer meta gets nerfed - killer gets buffed - then the cycle restarts. All the time survivor just gets nerfed to the ground. There has been no new survivor perks or buffs that are worth our time. And every time one does come around killers cry and it’s gone. And i hate the common killer argument “its a 1v4 its supposed to be killer sided”, its not an equal 1v4 you have the power to kill all of use we cannot hurt you. Its like calling one wild bear vs 4 kitty cats a 1v4 so the bear needs to be buffed to ensure a fair fight. No man, killers are already OP enough and have many great perk synergies and play-styles without the aurora reveals. Its wallhacks. You used a perk slot to get wallhacks, and i used a perk slot to counter it.

  • Atom7k
    Atom7k Member Posts: 263

    Cool, take weaves if you want, it is the only perk that (pre ptb change) guarantees aura without the need for the killer to do anything (aside from lethal pursuer which can only trigger once). Every other perk has a condition to activate, a timelimit and sometimes even multiple conditions.

    You act like you are scanned 24/7 in a match. I guarantee you, if you don't use multiple aura reading perks, you will never ever burn through distortion fast enough to actually see the survivor using it.
    If you use up all your stacks while being so far from the killer that they can never recharge it kind of is your fault.
    You are way to addicted to the idead to never be chased because of one perk.

    Your propose would buff distortion. Using up to 15 Tokens in a 7 Minute match is nuts. Even in a 15 minute match it means seeing nothing half the time. And that needs the condition for aura perks to constantly being triggered.
    You don't want balance, you wan't an op stealth perk so you never get chased.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,075
    edited October 4

    This "too much aura reading" thing annoys me so much. You're only ever going to see BBQ, nowhere to hide and lethal. Nobody's running awakened awareness or shattered hope. It's like saying survivors have so many gen rush perks and they're so problematic and pointing at stake out and fast track like they're huge issues instead of niche, mediocre perks. Survivors have so many ways of losing the killer! It's unfair! While gesturing at parental guidance like anyone runs it.

    Even bad survivors are gonna be able to get tokens back. If you hold w after getting hit that's half a token. If you have the brain to vault something at the end of that sprint you've probably gotten your token. Like what did these people do before tokens regenerated? Did they collapse and die when the killer saw their aura?

  • Yamskeezy
    Yamskeezy Member Posts: 16

    i will gladly take a chase, and i am sure i speak for most survivors when i say we are not scared of the chase we welcome them, we are just tired of having aurora revealed for completing all basic actions in the game. Spawning in, picking up an item, opening a chest, dropping a pallet/ getting a stun, escaping a chase, opening a locker, completing a gen, unhooking a survivor. And these are just off the too of my head i am missing many many more conditions where the killer does nothing and gets aurora value.

  • Yamskeezy
    Yamskeezy Member Posts: 16

    Most survivors with current distortion do gens or play normally when tokens are gone and they come back eventually on their own. Its a passive perk just like killer aurora perks. I never go out of my way to rat and gain tokens back.

  • Atom7k
    Atom7k Member Posts: 263

    You better speak just for yourself.
    If you are not afraid of the chase then whats the problem with being seen for a few seconds?
    As I said problematic perks will eventually be reworked (weaves is on the list). So most of these perks are not a problem to the majority of the community. Only to you.
    Just like windows is only a problem to a small group of people (I am part of that group xD ).

    A killer can only ever have 4 Perks as you know. So if he has a full aura reading build then he lacks gen defense, chase aid, endgame support and basically cannot use his entire build during this part of the match.
    I said it and I will say it again. Aura reading perks are limited, bound to conditions and are not an op tool to easily win a match.
    They have the potential to throw you under the bus, sure, thats what they are made for, but they can also backfire or provide no value.
    The only use for them is to either win a mindgames (which is very rare, might change after Sanshin Tactic rework is live) or to look for your next target for a chase. The only other benefit you have (if youre good) is to guess where all the survivors are based on the information you just got. So that way you can surprise survivors out of place or change your strategy.
    Overall, they don't really provide a ton of value.

  • Atom7k
    Atom7k Member Posts: 263

    I think it's usefull for beginners as they need to learn to recognize resources and tiles that are shaped the same across the maps. But at the same time it turns off the brain of a lot of survivors. Just like when you are driving your car with google maps all the time and one day you cannot use it and are completly lost because you forgot to learn the streets.

    If I use a build which blinds the survivor (running a build like that is tiring) you notice that almost all of them are like deers in headlights. They don't know where to run as they usually just go for the next resource highlighted to them so chases end very quick.

    The second problem I see is that almost every survivor runs it thus making chases kind of unfair on higher levels. These survivors know how to loop but still run this perk almost every match, leading to chases that are much longer then they should be.

    My problem here is that a single perk shows the survivor not only every resource in its reach but also it's status (pallet dropped or broken). This perk works as soon as the match beginns, has no downside, no condition to activate, never deactivates and is basically providing limiteless value for free.
    The value you get from it depends on the experience of the survivor but even beginners can double the chase time with this perk. Imagine what high level players can do with that.

    I don't think any perk should provide that much crucial information for free. The only counters to this perk are Hex Third seal (the worst hex perk in history) or ultimate Weapon.

    The effect of both perks will not apply long enough to make good use of it. So in the end there is no real counter and you see them running to pallet after pallet to window to pallet. Which is kind of annoying considering the chase wouldve ended 30 seconds ago because they would've not chosen that path without knowing about the resources.

    I think I said it earlier. No perk should grant huge advantages for free. And seeing every loop resource is a huge think in chase.

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 730

    Several things;

    When people say "too much aura-reading" it means that now almost any action has the potential to reveal your aura, down to simply escaping chase. Some of the stronger Killers, when wielded by decent players, thrive on aura-reading almost just as much as gen slowdown (Nurse, Huntress for cross-map or preemptive shots, Blight, Billy, Pyramid Head in loops etc.) and Distortion was arguably the only tool to reliably avoid getting hit by absurd nigh-unavoidable things (getting hit through walls by PH and Nurse with accuracy despite being out of LOS due to aura-read, Blight and Billy not wasting a single second before dashing at Mach 4 toward you etc.)

    "Like what did these people do before tokens regenerated? Did they collapse and die when the killer saw their aura?"

    While not a game-breaking thing, we have to remember that some Killers were weaker back then and most of the more popular/stronger aura-reading perks like Lethal & NTH weren't even a thing. Also, Distortion was a trash perk without token regen and was rightfully buffed to make it decent at hiding against one or two aura perks (although a full aura build, Gearhead, or being a stealth Killer would just delete the perk) but doesn't grant much more than that.

    The issue with the perk was that some people, not the majority, was using it to be rats and were useless to their team. Weakening the perk to this degree and forcing interaction with the Killer wasn't the answer, why would a stealth perk require to actively seek the Killer? Newcomers/casuals can't afford to get chased often (and almost certainly getting hooked afterwards in short order) simply to block aura twice (and that's assuming the Killer brought aura perks and isn't a stealth Killer which turns the perk into a dead perk slot), the risk is simply too high for the (potential) reward for people that aren't very good in chase. Sure good players that can either lose chase and/or loop for long enough that the Killer drops chase will get some uses, but that's not the majority nor the ones that need it.

    Tying the perk to gen repair would fix the problems this perk can cause by making rats unable to use it unless they contribute (and put themselves in the Killer's patrol path in the process) without making chase the only way to get a conditional and limited stealth back. It would also mitigate endgame stalemate since Survivors would need to stop hiding to get back their aura protection.

    Newcomers/casuals would keep their stealth perk and make the experience less frustrating (after all, according to stats from BHVR themselves a few months ago, the average chase time in an entire match is around 1 minute, the equivalent of a whopping 2 tokens recharged in a whole trial, they might not even be used depending on the perks & Killer) but rats can no longer hide unless they do gens (which is also good for the Survivor team as a whole), win-win.

    I just hate seeing non-gen-speed perk just get thrown away and promptly replaced by a gen-speed perk or an exhaustion perk, lowering variety. Variety is the lifeblood of DBD and what sets it truly apart from other assyms that tried to compete with it. Bad/too niche perks should be buffed/reworked to be desirable, good perks shouldn't be nerfed into a state of unviability (although broken stuff like old MFT or old Ruin Undying need to be toned downed though).

  • codebibi
    codebibi Member Posts: 80

    exactly tying token to gen repairing and healing with 3 tokens like before would be perfect. it would force people to do the objectives and play like a team to keep their tokens to avoid aura reading. i think this would be the best thing to do honestly.

  • DeBecker
    DeBecker Member Posts: 148

    Its a fact that devs trash 90% of the survivor perks when going for a rework. They just did it again.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83

    I think all killer aura read add on should be gone and all aura perks should get pain res treatment. So all aura read killer perk should only be able to use 4 times max so killers should not have unfair 24hours free information and also they should only be able to use 1 aura reading or add on and can't stack them just like how survivors lost ability to stack endurances.

  • Atom7k
    Atom7k Member Posts: 263

    So basically make every perk killers have so useless while buffing gen speed into oblivion so killer will start tunneling for a living because there is nothing that helps them anymore.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83

    If survivors stealth is taken away so should killers free information perks. Remember 2016 when killer had to use scratch marks, grunts of pain and blood pools. Hey I can really push it to say lightborn should not fully negate any flashlight and should only work 4 token max. Or how is someone like chucky with rat poison allowed free wallhack hits?

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,066
    edited October 8

    Just pointing out, you have 2 stacks, with which you can work out what the killers aura perks are. Knowing the perks in play is plenty of the value for the perk just on its own...

    Once you know the perks in play, you can play around it with lockers if you really don't want to be found, only now it takes some actual effort on the survivors part to play stealthy rather than just have a perk that does it automatically for them with no interactivity. There are players who manage to be stealthy even without Distortion. Pre-running behind a rock while you have no scratch marks as the killer is only just moving into the same zip code as you is not being good at stealth.

    If you're complaining about losing 1 initial stack and now actually having to engage with the actual main feature of the game (chases) to get your free stealth back, I'm sorry I have to say, skill issue.

  • TheRealConsent
    TheRealConsent Member Posts: 235

    Survivors are so mad they actually have to get good in chase and not hide the moment they hear a heartbeat.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,075
    edited October 8

    Yeah and survivors will have to use their brains to discern what aura perks are in play and act appropriately instead of relying on a perk that singlehandedly deletes one or more killer perk slots. The horror.

    Like what did you people do before distortion recharged? Nobody used it. You had to use lockers and play around the activation requirements of aura perks. They're all pretty easy to figure out. Stealth play doesn't hinge entirely on one perk.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83
    edited October 8

    I love how killers think aura reading perks from add ons or perks arent as crutch or more of a crutch than distortion, obviously why distortion use sky rocket was cause of too much aura reading. I challenge a killer to give me a add on or aura perk that takes skill from their part other than BBQ that requires you to hook someone. What killers use to do when aura reading never use to exist? Side note I run OOO so don't ask for that to be nerfed please.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,066

    If you look at the history of DBD, killers would usually run crap tonnes of slowdown so that survivors had to at some point be on a generator so they could be found, and killers actually had enough time to find them.... but we keep nerfing that playstyle....

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,427

    If DBD was a 1v1 game, then previous distortion would have been fine. But it's not a 1v1 game, it's a 1v4 game. Distortion was too strong for what it did and it affected your teammates by making them easier targets. Now distortion requires survivors be a little bit aggressive for stacks instead of just hiding the entire time.

    Plus what people always seem to forget to mention when they bring up killer aura reading is the slot cost. If a killer is running 4 aura perks then gens should fly meaning that while the killer is capable of finding survivors, they lack the means to effectively defend gens. Not to mention many aura reading perks are still bad and don't see use. So ultimately survivors really only need to be prepared to deal with whatever the top 5 aura reading perks are.

  • Slaymore
    Slaymore Member Posts: 503

    Typical of BHVR to listen to whining killers - now with mori of last person you encourage baiting and slugging - add in taking away Distortion.

    There is little reason to play survivor any longer except during events/rifts - dead game in between.


  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83

    I'll side with you on this one that survivors who complain a out about 4 gen slow down aren't smart. I Say this for 2 reasons. We I have too much gen rush speed perks and add ons. If 2 survivors go on a gen it's still fast even without gen rush things. 4 gen slow down did nothing if a killer couldn't catch survivors to begin with so those who do complain. On 4 slow downs are silly.

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 632

    you act like getting your aura revealed is a death sentence. If you are automatically losing just because the killer knows where you are that is the biggest skill issue I have ever seen.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83
    edited October 8

    me healing or being heal by someone else aka nurses= takes no input from killer

    Me unhook and gets reveal = takes no input from killer

    Opening a locker and finding me still don't count as input from killer.

    Kicking a gen which requires a survivor to work on one also is no input from the killer.

    Hitting good(use to be great skill checks) on gen the killer sees me with yet again no input from killer

    Notice how far killers get free info for nothing but from survivors doing their jobs? @Crowman. I still need a answer why killers must be allowed free info. Also don't be shocked when things like nth be asked for nerfs.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,427

    It's a 1v4. The killer perks are going to be stronger on a direct comparison to what survivors have access to, because a killer only has 4 slots whereas a team of survivors has 16.

    Also everything requires no input if you ignore things that do require input. Gearhead requires you injure a survivor. Opening a locker is an input. Kicking a gen is an input.

    Nurses may not require a specific key press, but the killer still has to be close to you for the aura reveal and often means you already see or hear the healing action already. Nurses isn't even popular right now as it's not very strong for the slot.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,205

    Maybe it's time to take off the crutches.

    Or try Object. It's really underrated