New Skully changes are really well thought out!
As someone who hated Skully's new rework and didn't enjoy facing her, you've fixed my personal gripes with her with the haste being rewarded with no input. I think this new iteration is a step in the right direction, rewarding her for using her power in chase to her advantage.
I cannot stress enough how you listened to both sides! thank you!
I hope this is the approach you take going forward with other killer balance changes (not the nerfing but listening to the community as you have!)
i think they're atrociously bad. they punish skull merchant for setting up a web and don't reward skull merchant for being a "trapping killer" and reward the player for only tunneling survivors.
skull merchant is now a worse clown. Because she's not dead completely, survivor are still going d/c but she is going to be unfun and unrewarding to play as.
the most fun part about playing skull merchant for me was setting up drones in advance and being rewarded with over-time haste effects map wide. that is exact part that they removed from killer and they left the most uninteresting part of her kit.
I am going to be so much more happy when she receives a rework. whenever that is.
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I am going to be so much more happy when she receives a rework. whenever that is.
Do you remember how Twins rework ended? Just saying
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I am just saying that this version of SM will be just as d/c or hated as current one but now the killer is not fun to play. so any rework is better than keeping the killer unfun.
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I don't think you understand how bad this will be to play against. Her playstyle is now "Put Drone at loop, spam rotate, injure, M1" and that's it.
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Yeah, I really hate they made rotating of drones mandatory. Thing is she will be terrible, if you won't do it.
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They did nothing tbh
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No I play against her often enough to know this will be better for me, I can now predrop and crouch until she breaks the pallet, if she focuses on rotating she is slower, if she recalls the drone she is slower.
Everyone here doesn't play against her it feels like lolDevil_hit11 you forget that she has undetectable and information on her side, she should never be doing better than clown at his job, her power also denies healing and injures. She is not a worse clown. I think when her new rework hits, she'll b even worse to you all anyways coz she'll likely lose what makes her frustrating and what all of you love about her that makes her easy to play.
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They are far from being well thought out. The changes exist to make her feel bad to play as in hopes that people won't play her.
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Considering they went back on some of the changes based on feedback, whilst also respecting those who dislike playing against her.
I think they did well to listen to both sides this time.0 -
They really didn't do that at all.
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They really did if you read the PTB feedback forums when it was live lol
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You mean how everyone was happy about Haste removal only for them to re-add it back. Or how they decided to randomly nerf her speed when using her scanner.
None of the changes coming to live have tackled any of the issues people have with the ptb version and are just as bad if not worse than the original ptb stuff.
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you could already crouch tech since 7.30, and she have never been better than clown at chases (not even close to him)
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I know that, but she only has one scan line now right? She also is slower while operating her radar to make it rotate. She does more than clown and has better 4v1 so… no?
Crowman it was mainly the haste gained by other survivors not in chase with her, which is 9 times out of 10 where she'd get it from, and the scanner was to nerf her spamming rotation to get free hits. It adds interaction with her, which is what she needs to be fun to play against IMOPost edited by Rokku_Rorru on0 -
i don´t know whats the relation between that and you being able or not to crouch in a pallet waiting but ok
doing more means nothing, freddy for example does a lot of things, none of them are worth it
clown hindered and haste are much much stronger than basically anything she can offer besides the clawtrapp itself, which is much much harder to get actual value from than his bottles
her interaction remains the same, but she´s bad now
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A step in the right direction? You mean the utter destruction of a killer… The only good thing I feel like was the 1 drone line scan and the change to haste..
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Because you have more time to obey the rules of her drones mid chase now, you're not reading what I'm saying at all are you?
Clawtrap value is so easy I'm sorry, punishing people for trying to help a slugged survivor, making it hard to loop around a hooked survivor, making it hard to get a gen done you are protecting. Also like why are you just like "Means nothing" no you just acknowledged it lol, it is more.
I'm sorry but Skully players opinions you can tell they've never played against her much. it's the popular opinion for a reason, these changes are a step to making her playable in general for people, and she can get more changes for her rework as people forgive behaviour over time.0 -
I'm confused, wasn't the most hated thing about SM that she dropped drones at loops and is now incentivized to do so MORE with this changes?
Attempting to use them as passive traps is pretty useless since they signal to survivors where they are now when they get close enough and are even easier to remove.1 -
No amount of changes will ever make me like this washing machine of a failure just delete her and to me she's still gonna be annoying, she's still not nerfed enough. I am glad she at least took away tricksters hate. Moral is some killers will never be liked simply cause their playstyle. I for example do not mind hag but people seem to despise her xd. Her rework chase theme is one of the few I enjoy theme remake wise.
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Time wasn't a problem with it, but space, in any decent pallet you could just do nothing for 300 years until she tries to break the pallet, in a filler pallet you would probably get a free scan or a free hit, she remains basically the same but even more clunky to use
If you think getting a clawtrap is super easy maybe you're doing something very wrong while versing her, and you can't get scanned if you're stationary so idk what are you even talking about with "PuNisHinG PeOplE for HeLpIng SurViVors" (why are you looping next to a hooked survivor too? And she can't place drones near a hooked survivor)
If doing more stuff = being better then freddy has to be the strongest killer in the game I guess, he can teleport, be invisible sometimes, have anti loop (hindered) have no terror radius, highlight survivors.. etc
This is not a step for making her better because they don't wanna to make her better to play for both sides, they wanna to rework her, completely change her power