Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

BHVR, Dracula's Wolf form still doesn't have a clear identity.

Since Dracula came out, his 3 forms were mostly presented as:

  • Vampire form for anti loop
  • Wolf form for tracking
  • Bat form for map travel

Right now Wolf form its not even good for tracking. If the survivors are hidden and not moving it just doesn't track anything and when it tracks its mostly in chase where you usually dont need that form to follow the survivor anyways.

It has the orbs for a better chasing but why not use the Bat form and his far superior speed to chase anyways?

It has an "anti-loop" M2 but Vampire's form is much better for the anti-looping because its far easier to use and aim.

Right now Wolf form is just not reliable at all and mostly relegated as a "Vampire's form backup when you cannot M2 due to high walls or you have Vampire's M2 on cooldown". There is almost never a single reason why you should stay more than 3 seconds in Wolf form when with Vampire + Bat form you just have 95% of the gameplay already covered.

Wolf's M2 needs to be easier to use, right now is both hard to aim and easy to dodge due to having almost no time to aim the second pounce and the fixed time between pounces. Also his tracking tools really need something if you want the Wolf form to stay as the "tracking tool". Right now as i said his tracking tools most of the time only help in chase where you dont need them anyways.

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  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 711

    I feel like it certainly has its identity but could use buffs. In my experience its best used where hellfire's zoning and anti loop arent effective at the loop and a mini wesker could more reliably get the hit. Tall rock filler tiles, low LOS vault loops, the outisde half of shack etc.

  • Member Posts: 431

    I agree with you but i dont think his identity should be just "Vampire's form backup". Wolf form was presented to us to be useful for tracking, but it doesn't even do that well enough, as if the survivors are just hiding and not running, it doesnt track anything at all. Most of the time the tracking appears when you are chasing the survivor but on those times you almost never need it.

    Im fine if he is not that good as the Vampire form for getting hits, but at least he should track and find survivors reliably. Right now Vampire form can do what wolf form does, but much much better most of the time. I know that there are times like i said on the post that you are chasing on high walls where Hellfire is not that good, but even on a lot of those loops there are some window/pallet that you can try and get a hit with Hellfire more reliably than the Wolf.

    And even on those times where you will actually go and try to get a hit with Wolf's M2, is still hard as hell to aim and easy to juke and dodge, as you dont have any input on the time before the 2nd pounce and you need to adjust extremely quick for it.

  • Member Posts: 1,206

    Wolf form is antiloop. I hardly ever see them bother with anything but it.

  • Member Posts: 431

    Because his "tracking tools" are extremely underwhelming. Hell even his antitloop is underwhelming most of the time compared to Dracula's Hellfire, so its mostly used as a "Hellfire on CD/cannot hit with it? Wolf form".

    If BHVR doesnt want to give wolf form proper tracking tools its fine, but the form still needs buffs to not be just worse than Vampire and even harder to use.

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited October 2024

    it has identity. it is suppose to be good for high-wall loops and good for tracking survivors outside of chase if you don't know where survivors are. it is just under-powered… at both of those aspects. i think i proposed some changes to make it good.

    1. Increase radius that wolf can see orbs to 28 meters
    2. Make survivors drop orbs even when they're not moving. Spawns 1 scent orb every 6 seconds when Idle.
    3. Decrease pounce charge time from 1 second to 0.6 seconds making it easier to use pounce around high-wall loops and tight corners.

    the problem is that some post are now saying dracula is too good and i wouldn't want my bat form nerfed. The switching form buff from 5 second → 2.5 second has done so much for my gameplay on dracula. it is crazy how much better i am applying pressure with that singular change.

    Post edited by Devil_hit11 on
  • Member Posts: 431

    Your proposal number 2 i have also proposed on other topics many other times and i think its perfect. If the orbs appear when survivors are not moving it could definetly cement it as a "the tracking form". Your number 1 and 3 proposals are also decent but i think number 2 should be top priority. Again, i would be fine if he is not that good as anti-loop as long as he has good tracking tools. I would be fine to increase the orb spawn rate (to about 8 seconds or so instead of 6) if the survivors are not moving, as long as you have some tools to detect them.

    Also yes, the 2.5 second cd did actually change his gameplay a lot. Also, now bat form seems to be really good, but i would hate to leave Dracula in that state with a form that will almost never be used because others are good/decent. Knowing BHVR i dont want them to see their "excel file" and say "hey Dracula seems to be doing decent so he doesnt need any changes".

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    i still use his wolf form as ranged lunge. it's ok if you use it in conjuction with bat form between loops. think of like using wesker's dash between loops after breaking the pallet for him. it is same thing except bat form can fly over pallets if the survivor leaves the loop. there are narrow places where you can sneak his pounce in.

    It is just that in DIRECT loops like high long-wall jungle gym, if a survivor is far ahead of you, you won't be able to use his pounce or his hellfire. they can keep circling the pallet and you'll be too far behind. you can try to use bat form to close distance but it is also easy to misplay and get juked/outplayed. the same is true for those giant rock loops where hellfire doesn't go through. any type of filler pallet where hellfire doesn''t do the job, wolf form is suppose to carry the weight but it doesn't. I wouldn't say form is worthless but it is sub-optimal balance.

    Also, now bat form seems to be really good, but i would hate to leave Dracula in that state with a form that will almost never be used because others are good/decent. Knowing BHVR i dont want them to see their "excel file" and say "hey Dracula seems to be doing decent so he doesnt need any changes".

    yeah unfortunately, if survivor start complaining about the killer than the killer is more likely to get nerfed over buffed. i love playing dracula. him and chucky just fit me so well. it is like everything i have ever wanting in playing killer. i still play other killers for little bit of variety. some people say they're too easy though, so maybe increasing skill-floor on them would be ok.

  • Member Posts: 1,561

    I think what I'm bothered about is how quick they removed Dracula's Hug tech, yet: Wesker and Billy still have it?

  • Member Posts: 431

    Im totally fine if they remove those "bugs" so the killer itself can be balanced easier without having to take those into account honestly..

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