We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

A Theory on The DC Epidemic: Perk Changes & MMR

I've been thinking about this for a while and came up with a theory about why so many people quit at the slightest inconvenience, an epidemic that pains me to say has stopped me from playing.

I just want to test this idea with everyone and see if anyone agrees.

I think it's the burnout of course, but why? It has to be slightly more than that and my idea is the combination of Perk Changes and MMR.

Let me explain:

You see, if you were a good player because of your perks - and let's be honest - everyone is helped by them - you won 🏆 a lot!

As a result, your MMR kept increasing of course. But, when your perks got nerfed, your mmr didn't change.

In order not to make this too long, my point is perhaps way too many players are in an mmr they should no longer be in but because it's so hard to drop now, they are stuck.

I think this also leads to "hot takes" with each side demanding perks be buffed and nerfed long after they've been available.

What do you think? Am I onto something or way off base?

Again, please be respectful 🙏

I'm a Freddy Killer main and a Nancy Survivor main. I played both roles until this new trend just made me say enough is enough and I'd like to see it significantly be reduced.

Thank you 😊 🙏



  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 1,668
    edited October 6

    Yes it makes a lot of sense. Dbd is more complicated than it seems at first glance and this has to be one reason for fluctuating mmr. Absolutely. A downward drop in mmr probably feels awful enough to DC.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,503

    This is my answer too, you said it better than I could. You can determine how your trial is going to go early on in a match, and since I don't let go on hook for me they just become bloodpoint matches where my goal is just to walk away with something for my time and effort.

    But I can see why a fellow team mate might just want to go to the next game. And if they're actively letting go then I won't unhook them unless I think the game is still winnable and they're just quitting in a moment of rage. Most of the time my judgement on that is pretty good because the games have just become that predictable.

  • Lixadonna
    Lixadonna Member Posts: 164

    Any Streamer will tell you Survivors quit because of Vault Hits.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,715

    I don't think these are the reasons why people quit so often because then we'd have seen it before.

    This has been a problem for a while but it wasn't anywhere near as bad as it is now, which is weird when we consider that the changes back in 6.1.0 were way more impactful and survivors were hit pretty heavily by that.

    There have also been quite a few nerfs to slowdown perks, so if perk changes were the reason we should see more killers giving up as well.

    I think a lot of people simply go into the game with false expectations. You won't get the "perfect match" and there will always be something that might be an inconvenience to you. That is literally your opponent's purpose. But because survivors have an easy way out of the game without penalty, there are 4 times as many survivors as killers per match and the survivor role generally faces more smaller inconveniences (bad team mates, killer you don't like, build you don't like, bad luck with the killer finding you etc.) it seems to happen a lot more often on the survivor side.

    How often have you had a moment in a match, where you as a survivor felt like: "Yeah, screw that."? I have had that quite a few times and with how convenient the way out is, it's no wonder that this has become such an issue. I think it would help, if hook suicides weren't a thing because then people would not have such a convenient way to end the match. Meaning, you'd have to stay in the game for a bit longer (or suffer a dc penalty), which would often lead to the immediate frustration subsiding before you are out.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,882

    I have never found a DBD video I agree with this hard. I think it goes a long way towards explaining why the current state of the game is horrendous, and why people are quick to hook suicide rather than face certain killers or even play out a match they're trailing in.

    He recently released a video about the "go next" epidemic that I mostly agree with as well, but that makes more sense after watching this one first.

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 742

    That’s always the cop out answer to disregard anything you don’t agree with, I play both sides equally and I’m solo when playing survivor so understand the frustrations of teammates quitting and ruining the game for the rest of us; but if you played both sides yourself then you would sympathise with the killer side instead of saying it’s always the killers fault for survivors playing badly then quitting. If they cared about the survivor experience they would stick it out.

  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 356

    I'm iri 1 on both survivor and killer, so I would stop assuming things about people simply because they can recognize killers haven't had to develop "thick skin" when they constantly get their hands held every patch with needless buffs and tweaks that nobody in the community asked for.

    I can tell you from experience that killers have way more going for them base kit than survivors will ever have. It takes one mistake by one survivor to snowball a game to a 4k. Killers can make 10 mistakes a minute and still 4k.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,228

    Is as good a theory as any. Personally, I'm of the opinion people disconnect not because of changes or balance, but a more simpler explanation of them not liking what is happening in that trial. Yes, there is MMR, but trials are as much luck as anything else, and it's probably because somebody feels hard done by (combined with a bad attitude) and just gives up, rather than pushing through.

    For me, you could have everything perfect and this would still happen, hence why I'm more of the opinion this is down to not being able to deal with their emotions + a selfish viewpoint of the game.

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 742

    Yet you made an assumption about me to try and devalue my own thoughts, bit hypocritical of you.

    The reason I say I feel killers have had to develop thick skin is because I’ve been playing since the console launch and things were so much more heavily in survivor favour and killers just stuck it out.
    Now things are evening out and survivors quit way more than killers did when the balance was completely skewed against them, in my experience over the years of course. And survivors in my experience still quit back then because they got caught first or lost a mind game and went down.

    If quitters are playing the game but quit when things don’t go their way then it screams they only have fun when they are winning and styling on the killer, and screw over their team if they misplay or get outplayed. It happens so early into the game that they don’t even know if the killer is going to tunnel camp or slug which is the usual excuse people give aside from crying killer op.

  • alpha5
    alpha5 Member Posts: 337

    Waiting for killers to show if they want to play charity and give survs a chance, or cutthroat and turbotunnel at 5gens is not rewarding in any way. To take a somewhat but not really extreme example if a Billy downs someone while Lethal is still active all 4 survs might as well go next. Staying even a single second after that is a waste of time.

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 742

    Lethal is like 8 seconds? You really shouldn’t be going down that quick let alone a second person lol.
    If you aren’t waiting to see what killers are going to do then what’s the point in queuing up at all at that point? Someone has to go down sometime; or is that the only time you’ll stay, when there’s 3 gens done before the first hook? What if killers just start DCing if they don’t get a down in the first 40 seconds, no one will ever get to play a full match out.

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 742

    I mean when killer shack had 2 windows, there was no entity blocker, and every running vault was a fast vault and killers vaulted half the speed they do now so it was literally impossible for the killer to catch someone there people still went down and died.
    Quoting stats the devs say to take with a pinch of salt anyway without knowing what happened during any of the matches doesn’t really mean a thing. Maybe 60% of matches have someone hookicide during the first minute or have at least 1 person locker jumping to avoid afk crows hiding for hatch as soon as the trial starts. No one knows and it’s pointless to assume anything from binary statistics with no context.

  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 271
    edited October 6

    Just for argument I would say if the killer gets one or 2 downs super early in the match survivors will have almost no chance to come back and win whearas if the killer doesnt get a down in the first 40 seconds it really doesn't affect their ability to still win in any significant way. Maybe against a super good team it would.

    Post edited by doobiedo on
  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 271

    It's not necessarily balance on who is stronger although i think thats part of it. But its like edgarpoop was saying, the flow of the game is flawed. I would say in my games the vast majority of the time it happens the game was lost anyway. I think you just remember better the times when the game was winnable and it happens, but from my experience that is more the exception.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,793

    But if a survivor is going to give up because of something that happened on a different match, why bother hitting "play"? At least let their teammates have someone who will actually try.

    I'm heavily against the idea of leaving the game because you dislike the killer, their build or the match isn't going your way. Before Wesker was released I had never left a match because of the killer, and even against him I've only done it thrice.

    From my understanding it seems to be what your comment implied:

    Things aren't "evening out" they are swinging heavily to the killers favor. DCs are a sign that the survivor experience is suffering with key pain points,

    To be honest, I don't agree with your comment here. Yes, the game is meant to be fun, but not every single trial will go the way a player wants it to go. We should never encourage, normalize or think the scenario where someone leaves because the match isn't going their way is something that just happens.

    They aren't disconnecting because they lost a chase to some random Freddy with 2 gens left and only 3 hook states.

    This is unnecessarily harsh and disproportionate to my comment, I was merely sharing an experience that I've had.

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 742

    I have far more people hookicide than DC on both killer and survivor combined; if we remove that option to bypass the DC penalty then it would be a great start and then we would only have to worry about actual DCs which are punished and running at the killer beckoning and which can be reported as not participating in normal gameplay.

    I would be happy if lobby dodging and last second item switching went away as well. Then while some will still presumably hard close the game instead, it at least goes some way to making it more difficult for these kind of players who want and easy out just because they don’t like the look of something or the game isn’t going in their favour.

    I personally would still like these quitters to be put into a queue together and they can ruin each other’s games and let the rest of us play normal matches wether they look like they’re going to be difficult or wins/loses etc.

    You can not like things in the game and give feedback on it but no one should be excusing this kind of behaviour unless extreme circumstances like hackers or game hostage situations.

  • Doxie
    Doxie Member Posts: 151

    I personally would love to see them bring back rank (at least with survivors). Honestly playing solo I feel I'm constantly playing with people who don't know the game. So if my rank goes up and I'm facing tougher killers and my team is not as good....it's a short match. Now there is no way to confirm this and this I feel I'm usually out with lower rank teammates and higher skilled killers.

    I literally had a killer join my stream and tell me they let me go in the end because my team was so bad. This is the norm.

    On another note …given the blood point bonus that's constantly survivor these days.... I think people are just done with the survivor role. Even with the bonus it still takes forever to find a match. The game just isn't worth playing when you are with a bad team and you find out pretty early if you are