A Theory on The DC Epidemic: Perk Changes & MMR

I've been thinking about this for a while and came up with a theory about why so many people quit at the slightest inconvenience, an epidemic that pains me to say has stopped me from playing.
I just want to test this idea with everyone and see if anyone agrees.
I think it's the burnout of course, but why? It has to be slightly more than that and my idea is the combination of Perk Changes and MMR.
Let me explain:
You see, if you were a good player because of your perks - and let's be honest - everyone is helped by them - you won 🏆 a lot!
As a result, your MMR kept increasing of course. But, when your perks got nerfed, your mmr didn't change.
In order not to make this too long, my point is perhaps way too many players are in an mmr they should no longer be in but because it's so hard to drop now, they are stuck.
I think this also leads to "hot takes" with each side demanding perks be buffed and nerfed long after they've been available.
What do you think? Am I onto something or way off base?
Again, please be respectful 🙏
I'm a Freddy Killer main and a Nancy Survivor main. I played both roles until this new trend just made me say enough is enough and I'd like to see it significantly be reduced.
Thank you 😊 🙏
Weirdly enough - I've had MUCH LESS DCs when I was playing Nurse, than Artist\Xeno.
That leads only to 2 conclusions:
- Players are burned out of playing against zoning\anti-loop killers.
- I'm a crap Nurse player…
When people playing as a survivors - they're becoming a mysteries…
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I think there's a few reasons but I don't think it's a perk issue mainly. i think specific killers, notably Skull merchant, Nurse, Blight, etc. No one wants to play an uphill battle or against something extremely annoying. I also think another big factor is people being very tilted from previous games or just don't like losing so being first down/first found increases the frustration and people just leave.
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I'm a decent Nurse and I get less DCs against her than against my Huntress or even Trapper.
My hypothesis has been that people felt more insulted getting downed by a Trapper a few seconds into the match.
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Possible reasons why people go next/DC;
An actual irl emergency.
Fighting an uphill fight against ridiculous odds (good Nurse, Blight).
Dealing with something unbearably boring (Skull Merchant, Basement Bubba, proxy-camping Hag etc.).
Tilted after getting out of a previously unbearable/boring game.
Tilted after going against a near-identical situation game after game (usually getting tunnelled/slugged for the 4k).
Getting downed first (due to the rampant tunnelling, getting downed first is often a sign that you'll barely play the game anyway).
Literally just salty.
Doesn't like the Killer.
Doesn't like the map.
Doesn't like the Killer's perks.
Sees a teammate with No Mither or doing an Invocation.
The first chase of the trial doesn't last at least 1.5 gens and is deemed lost.
Yeah I could go on but the point is that there's about a hundred reasons to DC/unalive on first hook and most of them are petty.
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I don't necessarily think it has to do with perks. MMR has been active for 3 years now. Most players' MMR is going to be more or less settled at this point unless they recently started playing.
Just my opinion, but I don't think anything will change with the DCs and giving up unless there are foundational changes to the flow of the trials themselves. It's getting worse because the game has been out for 8 years and players understand the game more than they ever have. The result of the trial is often more or less locked in within the first few minutes. It is rare to see survivors make a comeback. It happens a bit more on killer in my experience, but it's still unlikely for either side to come back from behind in a trial without the other side making massive mistakes.
Point being, if you're a vet player with thousands of hours and you've seen it before in the first minute of a trial, you might know with 99% certainty that the next 10-15 minutes are going to be a complete waste of time if you stick around. And one of the biggest flaws with this game is the insistence on forcing players to play through terrible games where the outcome is decided 10 minutes ago. Games are supposed to be fun, and I will never fault someone for valuing their time.
It's up to the developers to make the trials feel worthwhile. I don't have a solution. I'm not a game dev. But I can say that 30-50% of my trials on any given night feel like a complete waste of time, like I'm just watching a pre-rendered cutscene. I'm probably not the only vet who feels that way.
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Recently I've been hearing people say that the first chase is the most important. And given how Killers naturally get stronger as the match progresses while Survivors get weaker, I can see that point. It is EXTREMELY difficult to recover from a bad start as Survivor. The first Survivor who goes down within the first two minutes of the match likely knows this, that going down so early can doom the entire team, even if they don't give up. This is especially true if someone gets hooked in the basement.
This isn't the only reason, of course, but I believe it is the most common one.
tl;dr, I'm agreeing with what edgarpoop is saying.
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The most common reason people give up in my matches is due to unwinnable games and/or hard tunneling at five gens. Something like a strong killer having 4 downs before the first gen even pops is the most common reason by far. I actually don't get that many teammates who give up for silly reasons. I have data for my last 209 solo queue matches and in that time only 7 total people gave up or dc'd because they got downed early. People claim it happens every other game but it is not my experience at all.
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Yes it makes a lot of sense. Dbd is more complicated than it seems at first glance and this has to be one reason for fluctuating mmr. Absolutely. A downward drop in mmr probably feels awful enough to DC.
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I think its a combination of several things :
-Horrible map design: Each new iteration we get is worse than the last one, you know when devs are "reworking" a map, they will destroy it for survivors. There are maps like borgo where you can get 5 pallets in the whole map. Also, they have been adding new tiles that super unsafe, you have very little chance to get if you are lucky one loop. Most of these tiles are just a super unsafe pallet that its there for nothing. If these arent enough for you, you will have a lot, and I mean a LOT of dead zones where there are not even props or not even a window, just plain surface. See new haddonfield, the main street can have 1 or 2 pallets top if not mistaken, then the rest is pure dead zone, and its a big street. Then the houses most of them where nerfed or semi nerfed.
-zone-Antilooping killers. Last killer we got have been anti loops killer, nemesis, xeno, vecna, dracula, unknown, etc. Can be fun for someone with a bit more experience, but the vast mayority of players are not in these group, and they find the killers very hard to even loop. Unironically the most fun killers to face are the older ones, and even the maps. Do you see someone using a map ofering for going to xeno map?
-Lack of comunication. We got a few QoL that are much appreciated, but solo q is still in diapers in comparisson to a 2 man or more swf. We dont have a wheel with some pre recorded messages, or a ingame chat with some limitations. We cant even see other peoples perks. The game push you to be selfish in your gameplay, you have to fight against that and be a bit more altruistic.
-Constant nerfs to useful perks and buffs to useless perks. Meta would be a lot more variable if we had more comunication. I would love to use more team perks, but why should I pick a team perk when i know my team mates wont be sync with me, its much more useful a second chance perk like DS or UB, even more in this tunelling and sluggin meta.
-Tunelling and Slugging Meta: Not sure whats the solution here, but at least we should try some things on PTBs.
-Constant aure buffing perks on the killer side and nerfing distortion. Not a fan of distortion but man, killer can use their strategies such as camping, tunelling, slugging, but oh hell no you wont use a hiding strategy. At this point there is almost anything in the game that doesnt revel your aura and because of this mindgames are useless in most loops so only solution is just hit W and pray to find a loop or a pallet near you.
- For godsake just implement a surrender option. You get you teammate killed at 5 gens because of a robot that will tunnel him out of the game asap, whats the point of continuing that game? It could be a 5 min timer, or something like that, but please this is a real necessity, a lot of games have this utility and it works perfectly, i dont know why this wouldnt be the case here. Im pretty sure even the killer will prefer to go next instead of finding themselves in a 2v1 situation where the 2 survivor will spend the whole time hiding waiting whos dying first.
-Devs trying to fix things that are not broken, and not hearing what community is really asking for.
-Unfair hitboxes and super unfair hits like vaulting a window, being on the other side and receive the hit anyways. Or being hit by a hatchet even when you are fully covered or out of huntress sight for example, only because of the super vague shape hitboxes. These also can be a ping problem, but cmon, why its always favoring the killer?22 -
This is my answer too, you said it better than I could. You can determine how your trial is going to go early on in a match, and since I don't let go on hook for me they just become bloodpoint matches where my goal is just to walk away with something for my time and effort.
But I can see why a fellow team mate might just want to go to the next game. And if they're actively letting go then I won't unhook them unless I think the game is still winnable and they're just quitting in a moment of rage. Most of the time my judgement on that is pretty good because the games have just become that predictable.
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I don’t know why survivors give up so easily; playing killer can be just as annoying and if I had a way to leave without getting a DC penalty I might use it when I get put up against a team with offerings that spread hook placement, Boil Over, sabotage and flashlights/bangs, Dead Dog or Errie as I know it’s not going to be a fun match.
I guess killers have had to develop thicker skin over the years and are just used to suffering. And talking about hit boxes what about that Head On hit box and how long it lasts, how about getting pallet stunned when you’re no where near it.
It’s always the same arguments, killer OP as they have a power where I can’t run pallet to pallet and make them break every one, or map traversal so I can’t just sit on a gen and knock it out faster than the killer can walk across the map to it.
It’s unfair killers can use aura reading it’s only fair when survivors use it etc etc.Fact is even when survivor was at its strongest there were still rampant DCs before the penalty and it was even encouraged by some ex fog whisperers. Survivors have always quit over the slightest thing because they only seem to be happy when making YouTube bully compilations and easily winning while rubbing the killers nose in it.
If a killer only moved the same speed as survivor you’d get DCs if they ever got a down probably.
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Tell me you're a killer main without telling me you're a killer main
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I have been saying this since patch 6.1, it's only going to get worse for survivors.
The devs have chosen their favoured side. The one with a 60% minimum kill rate, not the one with the sub 40% escape rate.
At the bottom of the care factor pile is solo survivor.
They do not care about solo survivor.
They will never care about solo survivor.
Its only Killer followed by SWF that they care about.
Stop wasting your time playing a game when the devs do not care about your enjoyment.
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Any Streamer will tell you Survivors quit because of Vault Hits.
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I think playing Survivor is pretty demoralising right now. According to those stats websites, I play 60% Survivor, 40% Killer and understand the frustrations for both sides. But Survivor feels a lot less fun at the moment and here are the reasons I think are contributing:
- Killers get buffs, but Survivor stays in the same place.
If I couldn't deal with Huntress when she had 5 hatchets, how am I meant to deal now that she has 7? Trickster at 4.4 meant you at least had a chance to loop him or maybe make it to the next loop. Now he's 4.6 he'll probably get a hit on you at the loop and then mow you down in the open with main event. I could go on, but I won't. I can't help but feel like this obsession with EVERY Killer in the game having a 60% kill rate is negatively affecting whether or not the Killer is actually fun to play against. If most players who main a Killer can reach 60%, that Killer is probably fine. That's what BHVR should be looking at when deciding on buffs or nerfs. Not occasional Huntress players like me who can't hit a Survivor with a hatchet when they're right in front of me.
- No really good Survivor perks since MFT
I know MFT was a controversial perk, but it didn't deserve to be nerfed into oblivion to become a perk you might run in an anti tunnel build. Since then, we've only had Champion of Light and Finesse. These perks can be strong, but require skill with a flashlight / flashbang or the ability to last in chase without being hit for 30 seconds. I have neither of these things, so bringing these perks is like bringing no perk at all. BHVR seem reluctant to introduce strong Survivor perks without significant downsides or a high skill ceiling. Perks are a Survivor's power. They need to be a little stronger to be worthwhile bringing to trial.
- The MMR pool is too big and nobody actually knows how it works
I strongly suspect there are only two MMR pools and the only thing the system really does is separate totally new players from the rest of us. Thanks to the ladder system, the pool to draw from is so wide you might have 100 hour players in the same trial as a highly experienced 5000 hour player. Sometimes I have ten times the hours of my oponents. Because the pool is so wide, I cannot rank down after losing trial after trial because there is no bracket below me to rank down into. Am I getting appropriate opponents? I haven't survived for 10 games, so why am I still going up against this P100 Wesker? Nobody knows. The system is opaque and whimsical, choosing my opponents at random. It is a source of endless frustration and bemusement to me.
- I'm tired, boss (and so is everyone else in Solo Q)
I'm coming up to 1000 hours in the game but my sense of progress has flat-lined. I haven't felt improvement in my Survivor abilities for months. As time goes by, I have less and less patience available to put up with unfun anti Solo Q strategies like slugging, camping and tunnelling. I'm so fed up with being found first and finding myself on death hook in the first 5 minutes of a trial. So fed up with all the usual Solo Q frustrations. These days, if I get two bad Survivor games in a row I switch to playing Killer or I turn the game off.
- Map reworks tend to favour Killer
Smaller maps obviously favour Killers. And calling the "loops" on some of these reworked maps a loop is stretching the definition to breaking point.
Post edited by tjt85 on25 -
I don't think these are the reasons why people quit so often because then we'd have seen it before.
This has been a problem for a while but it wasn't anywhere near as bad as it is now, which is weird when we consider that the changes back in 6.1.0 were way more impactful and survivors were hit pretty heavily by that.
There have also been quite a few nerfs to slowdown perks, so if perk changes were the reason we should see more killers giving up as well.
I think a lot of people simply go into the game with false expectations. You won't get the "perfect match" and there will always be something that might be an inconvenience to you. That is literally your opponent's purpose. But because survivors have an easy way out of the game without penalty, there are 4 times as many survivors as killers per match and the survivor role generally faces more smaller inconveniences (bad team mates, killer you don't like, build you don't like, bad luck with the killer finding you etc.) it seems to happen a lot more often on the survivor side.
How often have you had a moment in a match, where you as a survivor felt like: "Yeah, screw that."? I have had that quite a few times and with how convenient the way out is, it's no wonder that this has become such an issue. I think it would help, if hook suicides weren't a thing because then people would not have such a convenient way to end the match. Meaning, you'd have to stay in the game for a bit longer (or suffer a dc penalty), which would often lead to the immediate frustration subsiding before you are out.
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These are just personally experiences though. For me, when I first started in 2017, I rarely saw DC's when there was no penalty. The streamers I saw do it, normally did it at the end of the match. That way they would not gain pips. So while it did affect matchmaking it didn't leave anyone in a 3v1 all match. Of course this was the same era that MLGA also existed and played a big part for some people.
As far as dc'ing as killer goes, I still see killers do it, just not as often as survivors. To me the difference is that as killer, I can just switch up my play style mid match and still feel like I have a shot to get a kill or turn the game around. As survivor, no amount of switching is going to make my teammates be helpful or give me the feeling of hope for an escape. Even playing for hatch is still reliant on how the killer or teammates play as well.
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That’s always the cop out answer to disregard anything you don’t agree with, I play both sides equally and I’m solo when playing survivor so understand the frustrations of teammates quitting and ruining the game for the rest of us; but if you played both sides yourself then you would sympathise with the killer side instead of saying it’s always the killers fault for survivors playing badly then quitting. If they cared about the survivor experience they would stick it out.
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Agreed. Like many DbD opinions, players will still cling to the 2016 notion that killer is the more demanding role. That's not necessarily the case anymore depending on the killer. I'd also add that it's frustrating to lose to what are essentially auto-pilot killer abilities. For instance, I despise Vecna. I think Mage Hand is probably the single dumbest killer ability in the game. And it took me all of 2 or 3 games to learn Vecna vs dozens for Wesker, Blight, etc. So many killers post-2021 feel incredibly cheap from the survivor perspective. Abilities are passive, set-it-and-forget-it, M2 zoning, or just work on a button press without any technical input.
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That's not necessarily the case anymore depending on the killer.
Cries in Freddy.
And I definitely agree with ya regarding killer design, friend. I think it really went downhill after Pyramid Head. There are one or two exceptions, but overall killer design was definitely better in the past.
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I'm iri 1 on both survivor and killer, so I would stop assuming things about people simply because they can recognize killers haven't had to develop "thick skin" when they constantly get their hands held every patch with needless buffs and tweaks that nobody in the community asked for.
I can tell you from experience that killers have way more going for them base kit than survivors will ever have. It takes one mistake by one survivor to snowball a game to a 4k. Killers can make 10 mistakes a minute and still 4k.
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Is as good a theory as any. Personally, I'm of the opinion people disconnect not because of changes or balance, but a more simpler explanation of them not liking what is happening in that trial. Yes, there is MMR, but trials are as much luck as anything else, and it's probably because somebody feels hard done by (combined with a bad attitude) and just gives up, rather than pushing through.
For me, you could have everything perfect and this would still happen, hence why I'm more of the opinion this is down to not being able to deal with their emotions + a selfish viewpoint of the game.
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Yet you made an assumption about me to try and devalue my own thoughts, bit hypocritical of you.
The reason I say I feel killers have had to develop thick skin is because I’ve been playing since the console launch and things were so much more heavily in survivor favour and killers just stuck it out.
Now things are evening out and survivors quit way more than killers did when the balance was completely skewed against them, in my experience over the years of course. And survivors in my experience still quit back then because they got caught first or lost a mind game and went down.If quitters are playing the game but quit when things don’t go their way then it screams they only have fun when they are winning and styling on the killer, and screw over their team if they misplay or get outplayed. It happens so early into the game that they don’t even know if the killer is going to tunnel camp or slug which is the usual excuse people give aside from crying killer op.
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Things are not evening out though, it's just completely in killers favor. And when you say it was skewed against killer in the past, was it ever as bad as it is now for survivor, i.e. were the killrates at 40%?
Post edited by doobiedo on6 -
Why do people still talk about MMR as if actually matters? Everyone knows that there isn't any hidden brackets that match people fairly against others in the same bracket. You literally get to a soft cap and then get matched with everyone else that isn't in the new player bracket. The new player bracket is basically a grace period on new accounts which will probably last around 30-40 wins before you're at soft cap MMR and play everyone else.
The reason DC count is so high is because solo queue has been neglected for over a year now and people are generally just fed up of having 1 decent game out of every 10 or so games. It's basically been brewing for months and it's finally gotten to the point you can expect a hook suicide or DC in about 60-70% of you games these days. A chain reaction has started within the playerbase and it's basically became an virtual epidemic within DBD.
Like at what point do BHVR actually do something about it? Do we need to see 90-100% of all solo queue games have at least 1 person DC or suicide before they think about doing something? Its basically at a point now where people will actually start leaving the game for real if they don't sort it out.
Solo queue player satisfaction has to be at an all time low in this game. I guess if you partake in SWF or main killer only you'll be okay though, unfortunately that's not where the majority of the playerbase is.
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Lethal is like 8 seconds? You really shouldn’t be going down that quick let alone a second person lol.
If you aren’t waiting to see what killers are going to do then what’s the point in queuing up at all at that point? Someone has to go down sometime; or is that the only time you’ll stay, when there’s 3 gens done before the first hook? What if killers just start DCing if they don’t get a down in the first 40 seconds, no one will ever get to play a full match out.4 -
I mean when killer shack had 2 windows, there was no entity blocker, and every running vault was a fast vault and killers vaulted half the speed they do now so it was literally impossible for the killer to catch someone there people still went down and died.
Quoting stats the devs say to take with a pinch of salt anyway without knowing what happened during any of the matches doesn’t really mean a thing. Maybe 60% of matches have someone hookicide during the first minute or have at least 1 person locker jumping to avoid afk crows hiding for hatch as soon as the trial starts. No one knows and it’s pointless to assume anything from binary statistics with no context.3 -
Just for argument I would say if the killer gets one or 2 downs super early in the match survivors will have almost no chance to come back and win whearas if the killer doesnt get a down in the first 40 seconds it really doesn't affect their ability to still win in any significant way. Maybe against a super good team it would.
Post edited by doobiedo on0 -
DC/give up epidemic is multilayered and can't be explained by just one thing; it's a cascade of issues plaguing the game
solo queue has been a dumpster fire for months now, absolutely miserable time which supports why players giving up occurs so often nowadays. At this point I just aim to get into chases with killer because I know the odds are too high against me to queue up with decent teammates, let alone have a chance at escaping
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My initial comment was clearly humor. Hardly hypocritical unless you take everything at face value.
Do you remember when the killer could mori with no hooks? Do you remember when ruin regressed a generator unless you got a great skill check? Do you remember release legion?
Things aren't "evening out" they are swinging heavily to the killers favor. DCs are a sign that the survivor experience is suffering with key pain points, just like it did back then.
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It's just entitlement. People have decided that the only games worth playing are ones where they win in the way they want to. Anything else is just "go next" , because very little has been to done to reduce the reward for match shopping.
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I don't think that is the case, though.
It is very unlikely that survivors giving up is being caused by the game's balance. That doesn't mean the balance is perfect, far from it, but several disconnects or hook suicides have nothing to do with scenarios where survivors are at a disadvantage.
As I've mentioned, I've had people give up against me while playing Pallet Freddy. I've had teammates who abandoned trials that were clearly winnable. And recently this has been happening way too much.
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this is exactly my feeling on this.
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It's not necessarily balance on who is stronger although i think thats part of it. But its like edgarpoop was saying, the flow of the game is flawed. I would say in my games the vast majority of the time it happens the game was lost anyway. I think you just remember better the times when the game was winnable and it happens, but from my experience that is more the exception.
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Essentially the game has become more macro-oriented over time, and the macro game is like 5x more in the killer's favor when it's a solo queue team, and 2x in the survivor's favor when it's a full, competent SWF, give or take the number depending on map setups (which the map pool has arguably become killer sided lately due to poor pallet design/poor loop distribution & replacing jungle gyms with garbage tiles on old maps). It's pretty incredible that all of the survivor nerfs over the years almost explicitly made solo queue worse and barely affected SWF at all. Because all of the survivor nerfs made survivors less self-sufficient and more reliant on their team to do basic tasks, so of course it was easy for SWF to adapt when they can ask Timmy to come heal them over at shack and ask Molly to go get Jimmy off the hook in the meantime.
And yeah, @GeneralV, people give up against pallet Freddy. Because they're not bringing the mindset of "oh it's pallet Freddy" into the game. They're bringing the mindset of "oh, my past 4 matches have been absolute dogwater, and my teammates over there are doing nothing in an age of 90 second gens and slowdown stacking, great, guess it's GG". People bring tilt into their future games all the time. And they continue to play because the game is an addicting grind fest these days, and DbD still has 0, absolutely zero competition.
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I never said that balance was the only reason people disconnect. Freddy is an extremely boring killer to play against for some people, pallet Freddy even more so. Trials may be winnable, but at the end of the day, this is a game made for fun. If someone isn't having fun, there is no way you can keep them in the match, despite everyone else wanting the full team there.
That being said, from what I've seen, most survivors DC against killers they don't like, 4 slowdown, awful ping killers, etc. They aren't disconnecting because they lost a chase to some random Freddy with 2 gens left and only 3 hook states.
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What reward is there for lobby dodging.
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But if a survivor is going to give up because of something that happened on a different match, why bother hitting "play"? At least let their teammates have someone who will actually try.
I'm heavily against the idea of leaving the game because you dislike the killer, their build or the match isn't going your way. Before Wesker was released I had never left a match because of the killer, and even against him I've only done it thrice.
From my understanding it seems to be what your comment implied:
Things aren't "evening out" they are swinging heavily to the killers favor. DCs are a sign that the survivor experience is suffering with key pain points,
To be honest, I don't agree with your comment here. Yes, the game is meant to be fun, but not every single trial will go the way a player wants it to go. We should never encourage, normalize or think the scenario where someone leaves because the match isn't going their way is something that just happens.
They aren't disconnecting because they lost a chase to some random Freddy with 2 gens left and only 3 hook states.
This is unnecessarily harsh and disproportionate to my comment, I was merely sharing an experience that I've had.
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Pain points being: balance, core game design, meta killer builds, camping, tunneling, frequent killers due to dlc releases, etc. That is more than simply just balance alone.
Not every trial will go your way, I agree. I also believe that every game should have the ability to be fun for every player, regardless of outcome. Please tell me how running 4 slowdown on A+ tier killers or weave attunement + franklin's is fun for any of the survivors involved. I am not advocating DCing in that situation, but this is essentially the point that's being made. People want to have fun. These situations are not fun.
"We should never encourage, normalize or think the scenario where someone leaves because the match isn't going their way is something that just happens."
I think this is a bit melodramatic. Nobody is encouraging or normalizing anything. The majority of people will not disconnect if the game is fun for everyone, even if you lose. You will still have people that disconnect for extraneous reasons, but that will always be the case.
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I have far more people hookicide than DC on both killer and survivor combined; if we remove that option to bypass the DC penalty then it would be a great start and then we would only have to worry about actual DCs which are punished and running at the killer beckoning and which can be reported as not participating in normal gameplay.
I would be happy if lobby dodging and last second item switching went away as well. Then while some will still presumably hard close the game instead, it at least goes some way to making it more difficult for these kind of players who want and easy out just because they don’t like the look of something or the game isn’t going in their favour.
I personally would still like these quitters to be put into a queue together and they can ruin each other’s games and let the rest of us play normal matches wether they look like they’re going to be difficult or wins/loses etc.
You can not like things in the game and give feedback on it but no one should be excusing this kind of behaviour unless extreme circumstances like hackers or game hostage situations.
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I personally would love to see them bring back rank (at least with survivors). Honestly playing solo I feel I'm constantly playing with people who don't know the game. So if my rank goes up and I'm facing tougher killers and my team is not as good....it's a short match. Now there is no way to confirm this and this I feel I'm usually out with lower rank teammates and higher skilled killers.
I literally had a killer join my stream and tell me they let me go in the end because my team was so bad. This is the norm.
On another note …given the blood point bonus that's constantly survivor these days.... I think people are just done with the survivor role. Even with the bonus it still takes forever to find a match. The game just isn't worth playing when you are with a bad team and you find out pretty early if you are
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my frend is a rly good gostface and they get dced on just for the first mark of the game into a down… cause the surv couldnt run them. :/
so yah ppl will dc cause a killer used their power correctly. idgi.
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I will be open about why I personally go next - NOT promoting or encouraging it, just being honest:
- If the killer will slug and tunnel/camp at 5 gens then I feel like they want the win more than I want to play with someone who thinks they are in a tournament.
- There are a small number of killers I absolutely despise playing against, I am not able to dodge or block being queued with them so I am forced to play matches I don't want to play. I try to do what I can so I don't let my team down but it is hard to find the motivation to want to play a SM/Trickster/Twins match and put my all into it.
- As killer if the survs seem more interested in BM than actually doing their objectives, I would personally rather be out of that match than put up with babysitting 4 children
However even as I admit I do sometimes DC (though not that often), even I am left wondering why on earth some people DC and I don't think there is a way to solve some of these as they make no logical sense (people are weird).
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You won't get an answer because the elephant in the room is that killers lobby dodge magnitudes more frequently than survivors do simply because they have the knowledge of every item being brought. "4 toolboxes? And I'm running Deathslinger? Dodge." "3 flashlights? Can't take off one of my four slowdown perks to put on lightborn (one of the most unfair perks in the game might I add), dodge." "4 survivors running the same cosmetic outfit? SWF, dodge. Similar usernames? SWF, Dodge." "This might be a SWF. Dodge." Let's not forget that until recently with hiding prestiges, if a lobby had at least one p100, the likelihood of the killer dodging exponentially increased.
The "reward" for the survivors from the killer's POV is that they weren't able to play against their impossible skill check doctor on Midwich, 4 slowdown blight, or proxy-face-camping pyramid head, since even the killers know there are some builds that are specifically designed to make the survivor experience tremendously tedious and completely miserable.
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personally I’d like to be able to choose killers and decrease the likeliness you go against them. There are very few killers I cannot stand but a handful do apply either because there’s something about their base kit that I can’t stand (like Plague) or because everyone who plays them seems to play in the same scummy way (like Trickster) and i dread the matches to the point of wanting to be out of them ASAP. I understand why this can’t happen though as no one who plays the likes of Trickster would get a match as no one would want to play against them.
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worst part is they rework relatively balanced maps that were just a bit too survivor sided into midwich on crack… but the only one they left op was garden of joy :(
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No clue what they were on about with that one. Dracula is a free win on that map thanks to bat form tp not even gonna lie.
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I am not advocating DCing in that situation
Then we can agree that no one should DC / suicide on hook simply because they didn't like the killer / build / map / result of the first chase. Because this is what ruins perfectly fine games.
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I'm not going to agree or disagree with you. I'm simply stating in that situation, I would not advocate DCing. There are plenty more things that ruin perfectly fine games than people DCing. The actual source of the problem is boring killing builds/overtuned killers/bad maps/bad ping/etc. What someone "should" or "should not" do in that situation is up to someone's own subjective view on the matter. It is different for everyone, and someone's personal ethics of whether or not it's okay is way beyond the scope of this thread.