We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

8.3 Feedback on proposed Distortion changes

"Dev note: Distortion counters a lot of Perks & Add-Ons. The token system and recharge mechanic makes Distortion far too effective and allows Survivors to go unseen for the entire match."

Huh? It TEMPORARILY hides your AURA, it doesn't make you invisible. It has ZERO effect if the killer isn't using aura perks, such as full chase builds. At some point, killers still have to HUNT and SEARCH with their eyes and ears and not let magical perks do all the work for them.

You get 3 uses PERIOD vs a Scratched Mirror Myers, and its difficult to keep your charges vs an aura spam Huntress, Trickster, or other low TR killer/perk combo. Aura spam Nurses sure didn't need a buff.

The whole reason it was given regenerating charges was because the original 3 would get instantly blown out by aura heavy builds making it a dead perk. 1 per chase isn't much better, and arguably worse in some cases. Especially since some killers can 'chase without chasing' like Huntress or Wraith.

A split second reveal from any number of aura perks/addons instantly negate any kind of usefulness. You'd have to make it so any reveal under 3-4 seconds doesn't break the Distortion 'bubble'. The extra 2 seconds do nothing for an effect that is canceled by a split second reveal. And quite frankly, why would ANY killer need or have the ability for a 12 second reveal? Survivor Queue almost always has a bonus to BP, so it's not like we're at a shortage of killers that need HUGE reveals in order to find survivors.

What Distortion DOES let you do is play around lazy killer gameplay, such as kicking generators and magically seeing everything near them without any kind of searching.

It was also nice for weeding out hackers, who would somehow magically come to your specific location without any kind of searching when Lethal Pursuer or whatever is blocked and there's nothing else to give you away such as scratch marks, sounds, crows, killer instinct, etc.

If you're going to go this route, then you really need to add the 2v8 reveal ping to normal gameplay.

Do you realize how many new players leave because Lethal Pursuer Blight/Nurse/Billy, etc zoom to their location and down them before they even know where they are themselves and have literally no way of knowing why as they can't even see the killers loadout unless they stay to the very end?

You should be making better players, not rewarding lazy ones.

By all means, change Distortion, but make it performance based, such as 1 token per 20% generator progress, or being near uncompleted gens, as this is where killers should be finding survivors most of the time anyway.

Additionally you should be reviewing other aura blocking options for survivors that reward GOOD gameplay.


  • Attckcat
    Attckcat Member Posts: 59

    Update regarding the October 3rd Dev update:

    Someone was REALLY scared of Distortion. Now it's 30 seconds per charge in chase? Not even just escaping now? Now its REALLY bad vs wraith/huntress/non-chase chasers and still 100% useless against killers not even using Aura perks.

    It doesn't reward anyone who plays well, such as rescuing, healing or doing generators; it just rewards runners who probably were never using Distortion in the first place and are MUCH LESS likely to use it now, since there are MUCH better runner perks.

    Good job invalidating one of the very few perks useful against an increasingly lazy killer Aura perk meta.

    This change still doesn't solve the problem of players just hiding in a locker in a corner with Sole Survivor or camped out next to a Shadowstep totem or whatever the next "anything but gens" meta is.

    If you're suddenly so concerned about helping killers find AFKish survivors why don't you just drop the crow timers to something ridiculous so that anyone not on a generator, running, healing or in chase gets crows after 20 seconds?

  • SuspiciousBrownie
    SuspiciousBrownie Member Posts: 22

    It needed to go. Killers ran 4 slowdowns and they got gutted a few months back. They switch to aura perks because of it. Either bring gen slowdown back or deal with aura reading.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,024

    Wait, I thought it was 30 seconds for both tokens, not only one.

    Nah that's really bad.

  • TheRealConsent
    TheRealConsent Member Posts: 239

    Killers have 4 perks

    Survivors have a total of 16 perks

    1 Killer perk should have the same value as 4 Survivor perks.

    Distortion can counter not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 perks, along with loads of add-ons.

    Even though you have 3 charges, you refill them throughout the match. And unless each perk is triggering Distortion EVERY SINGLE TIME, those 3 charges will rid the Killer of info AT LEAST the first half of the match, assuming you don't even get more tokens.

    That first half is when the Killer needs info the most. When he's at his weakest and needs to pick good chases.

    1 perk shouldn't give you an escape from so many different things.

    SM Myers is a bad example, it's like 1% of all matches, even less.

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 627

    Complaining about auras is such a self report especially saying that distortion should be able to counter 2 or more auras for one perk slot. Distortion is far lazier gameplay than the killer who just wants to not play walking simulator.

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 743

    Yeah...Distortion is dead.

    The average player will go down in chase (according to stats BHVR released a few month back indicating average chase time per trial) in around 1 minute (and that's only if we're talking about a pure M1 chase without traps or insta-downs). Nearly every chases will end on a hook unless something or someone gets in the way.

    This especially is bad for players that aren't very good in chase/newcomers since that perk essentially is now useable for very good players that can loop a Killer for ages but nearly useless for newcomers/casuals, which is weird because good players don't need to hide and are usually looping the Killer for their team.

    All this change does is it will make those rat players hide in lockers more and bring entire builds around stealth instead of minimaly helping since rats didn't go into chase anyway and aren't good enough in chase to get much use out of the perk. Another change that makes a perk worthless and doesn't fix the core issue.

    If the intent was truly to make rats unable to hide the whole match while not helping, the perk should have been tied to gen repair instead so that aura blocking would be reliant on helping yoour team. All this does is make another non-gen-speed perk too bad to use over a gen-speed perk or Sprint Burst/Lithe.

    It's better than a single-use thing, still not worth bringing unless you can confidently run the Killer for a while and manage to escape chase on the regular.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,021
    edited October 7

    Completly agree with you, the change is just sad, but like always if behavior wants to remove a perk they do it.
    I laugh if people start to complain about boon: shadowstep, becauae it might replace distortion.

    I’m hoping behavior adds the aura is shown symbol from 2vs8 to normal 1vs4, that would fix most frustrations with auras for me.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,538

    I'm sorry, but what is this bullshit? Do you guys complain that perk isn't endless now or what? If you can't be in chase 30 seconds, when every exhaustion give you 20 seconds of distance against non S tier killers, blame nothing but yourself. It had 3 tokens overall before and even with this nerf it still will have AT LEAST 4 tokens, even if you are clueless Sable which stuck on every tree and know nothing about looping except where is yellow and how to use Lithe.

    And even if killer brings these HOOORIBLE 4 aura perks, I can say nothing but thanks to him, because they have absolutely nothing to slowdown the game and end up chases faster. "Oh no, killer knows where I am", good, what's now? Pig become Nurse and start ignore pallets and windows or what? Demo now will eat you through the ground and will take you to the Upside Down? You can't use your keybord and mouse, when killer sees you? The only really stupid thing with full aura build is Nurse, it's probably most braindead thing you can have on killers. Because even 4 auras Huntress become extremely predictable, when you have half working brain and knows what she is trying to do.

    Community just proves its major skill issues more and more, I swear. You asked for more chases for less slowdown, get it and sign it now.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,520

    Goodness… you're really worked up about this. Do all of you feel this way, or just one?