We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

no more self unhook PLEASE BHVR

it isnt fun when my random team mate kills their self cause they dont like blight and we got a blight. :( now my team cant win and it sucks. just get rid of self unhooking without perks like slippery meat or diliverance. u dont even need the unhook it should be players unhooking players and this gives killers a reson to hook too cause its pressure now.

pls remove self unhooking without perks on.


  • A_T_E
    A_T_E Member Posts: 112

    I find myself agreeing with this idea.

    The fact that it's only a 4% chance to unhook to begin with, it's so extremely rare to see anybody manage it without the mentioned perks. So; sure, might as well get rid of it to stop the self-unhook suiciding that seems so rampant lately.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,021

    You know that removing it would archive nothing more than just removing another fun mechanic from the game. What makes you think they won’t just immediately run towards the killer to get hooked again.

  • Grimlet09
    Grimlet09 Member Posts: 77

    wathts any fun about my teammate dying bc they dont like myers :(

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,021
    edited October 7

    That’s not a problem of this mechanic, it is a problem of players mentality and how behavior addresses other issues in this game. What makes you think they won’t just immediately run to the killer to get out of the match? Removing it wouldn’t make it any better.

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 627

    Its only fun for the survivors. Meanwhile the killer gets their 4k snatched because lucky, or the mechanic is used as a free dc. Basekit self unhook without a perk to get it is just a dumb, badly designed mechanic that serves as a luck based unskilled clutch.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,021
    edited October 7

    That can be said about so many things killers use, there are so many unskilled clutch things for killers, that are a lot more frustrating than luck. Just saying one word tunneling.

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 627

    Not to defend tunneling, but at the very least the killer has to chase somebody to do it. Obviously, an injured survivor wont be doing much on their own, but that's where the innumerable anti tunnel perks and team play come in. Its possible to completely stop a killer from tunneling by taking protection hits while your team does gens etc. And while every survivor coordinating to take hits is pretty much a SWF exclusive let's not forget that one survivor can go down to protect the death hook if they so choose. Thats typically the play I employ when my teammates being tunneled and I'm not death hook, do my best to find then and take 2 hits for them. Even if im death hook I'll take a hit if I'm healthy. Plus then theres flashy and pallet saves, sabos, protection hits, etc etc. I'd actually advocate for tunneling to exist only as a risk-reward mechanic to clutch losing games if the devs could design for it.

    Meanwhile the killer cant really do anything if the hook survivor happens to luck off hook when they pick up someone else or something like that. Then they'll go unhook at least one other person which can completely turn the tide of the match. The killer can go down them again but that wont change that theres another guy running around hooking everyone else now.

    TL;DR Survivors have many many powerful options to prevent tunneling (which takes some killer effort) that are only held back by the limitations of soloQ, while killers have next to no realistic options to stop a kobe from clutching a match.

  • Grimlet09
    Grimlet09 Member Posts: 77

    my frend is a trapper main and ppl give up agaist him all the time just cause they stepped in a trap they didnt see and not even one he set. my other best friend plays ghostface a lot and they always get people dcing when they mark someone and down them at the start of the match before a gen is done. ppl need to stop giving up when the killer just uses there power its just how they play the game its not like they cheated. :/

  • Grimlet09
    Grimlet09 Member Posts: 77
    edited October 7

    i rather they run to killer and die than give up on hook so killer gets a kill and we at least get time to maybe do a gen or heal or breath or smthg instead of killer goin to us immediately next cause someone wasted time tryin to save the guy who just wants out :/

    it would make it better bc the problem would be on who is responsble for it - person goin next. i think u just want this to stay so u can go next when its a killer u dont like. i hope i never end up on your team in soloq u dont sound like u enjoy the game much :(

    how is chase person no skill u have to chase a person to tunnel i thought????? u dont make any sense. :/

  • BritneyMitch
    BritneyMitch Member Posts: 160

    People are still just not going to play, getting rid of this would just make ur experience with a ######### teammate longer

  • Wezqu
    Wezqu Member Posts: 53

    Like this would not change anything if person wants out of the match they will just AFK on the hook or run to the killer again to get hooked. It will not change anything else than make them stay in the match for little bit longer. You are not going to get rid of a problem by removing a game feature just because some people abuse it as they will just do it other way.

  • Yoshirama
    Yoshirama Member Posts: 374

    This wouldn’t fix anything, they can just stay afk until the killer kills them. This is not about a game mechanic, is player mentality

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 627

    but then we can detect an afk player and start handing out penalties for that too. that way no matter what the survivor who wants to leave does they'll be penalized.

  • cclain
    cclain Member Posts: 82

    If killer take someone before first 2 min in game then the chances of losing as survivor are drastically high, maybe they just go next.
    Like league of legend , ff 15 when u lose and go next to have a win

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 790

    Yeah I will never understand that, but people will still try to tell you it's the games balance and they would stop if it would be more "even" (funny enough it is for me if the matchmaking actually works for once xD).

    The truth is that people like will net stop dcing nevermind how balanced it would be:

    Your Killer is strong and you downed them - OP killer, dc.

    Your Killer is weak and you downed them - the killer has cheated/this killer is OP, dc.

    You play any ranged killer at an okay level - nice aimbot/wall hacks, dc.

    They'll never stop and even if it's increadible sad, I still find it so damn funny how easy it's to predict who dc's you can already see it coming while downing them, and 90% of the time it's the map offering in otzdarva fashion xD

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,116
    edited October 8

    One major difference is afk/helping the killer by wasting pallets is reportable, SoH is not.

    I would like a way to make the game harder to leave but also allow kobe. The reason unhooking you self exists is because survivors are dependent on each other to succeed, but if your team aren't helping you, you have to try to save yourself. This is why the feature exists, to give survivors a last ditch effort at recovering from a hopeless situation. It's the same reason hatch exists.

    If you make it so it's impossible to survive if your team is inept, then there is no reason to try once the game goes south, and you might as well just let the killer kill you... we do lose a number of things if we take away kobe that are not insignificant: suiciding for hatch, attempting to recover a 4 man slug, or trying to escape when there are only 2 of you left.

    The problem is you also have to have a harsh penalty to do it, otherwise everyone just tries it every time.

    My best suggestion to address it is to have a mechanic where the Entity prevents you from suiciding on hook if you "haven't experienced enough pain yet".

    • Survivors get 3 attempts to unhook themselves during the summoning phase.
    • Each attempt has the same 4% chance, gives them a yellow token above their sacrifice progress bar.
    • After 3 attempts the Entity becomes "summoned" and pins the survivor in place (signified by the survivor gripping 1 smaller Entity digits either side trying to stick in their ribs), preventing further attempts.
    • When a survivor enters the sacrificing phase (either by being left on hook for 70s or hooked a second time), each token is consumed and removes 23.33s from their sacrifice timer, or immediately sacrifices the survivor if they have 3 tokens.

    Something like this:

    The idea is a survivor attempting to SoH still has to wait through the 70s of the first hook stage to get out, which means their team doesn't have to immediately stop what they are doing to prevent them, and if unhooked the killer is the one who let's them leave, not the survivor themselves.

    I would also make it 3 uncontested skillchecks during the sacrificing phase to SoH. This also would help against slugging for the 4k, cause the killer can hook a survivor and a survivor can't immediately out themselves for hatch, so the killer can hook the survivor to secure the kill and not risk losing them via bleedout, but still ensure they have decent time to find and catch the other survivor.

    This does also have the result where hooking a survivor for the first time during EGC means they effectively get 3 attempts for free, since the survivor is there for 70s either way so their team can make a save.... but I feel pushing the winning scenario for killer better and the winning scenario for survivor better is probably a better trade off than allowing things to stay as they are.

  • Grimlet09
    Grimlet09 Member Posts: 77

    i think that is a good change and what we need if u want to ######### on hook it should feel like a chore to do. it not fair to everyone else.

  • AngelOfHope2017
    AngelOfHope2017 Member Posts: 101

    I think we need the ability to try to get off hook. Especially if all four people are being hook, the ones with no previous hookstate need the ability to get off of the hook to possibly save their team.

  • VantaNite
    VantaNite Member Posts: 43

    The issue is matches have no value. They are quick turn around games, so when something happens that ruins what they are trying to do they'll just try again next time. Self unhooking isnt the issue and if you think it is you're crazy. People dont care about punishment, all it'll do is make them salty and just start trolling or doing anything they can to get out. Block one way and they'll find another or just afk until it's over. Staying and playing to win needs to have some benefit or players will just look for their fun in another match.

  • VantaNite
    VantaNite Member Posts: 43

    Reporting does nothing but getting players banned and shrinking your playerbase. If you wanna solve your issue with a heavy hand, you'll just find more and more players lashing out or just looking for even more ridiculous ways to escape.

    Players dont care about getting reported, and even if they did. Once the intent to engage is gone they'll just stop playing seriously until they die. Can you really say that a player that's picked off a gen or killed quickly in chase is trolling or just bad. Good luck playing that case. A person can just play half-heatedly to the same result of getting killed and out of the match quickly.

  • Khastrx
    Khastrx Member Posts: 156

    There was one match in 2v8 when everyone got slugged and each survivor was put on a hook one at a time after the sacrificed completed. They could do absolutely nothing for 60s because this mode did not allow unhook attempts during the first stage, so they had to wait it out, but eventually they let themselves die on the second stage. The killers repeated this process on subsequent survivors until most just bled out from all the waiting. If you know the match is a bust you want to go next; as being essentially held hostage for over a minute due to these hook mechanics isn't actually that fun. Granted I know this is a very specific situation and is not 1v4, but if self-unhook wasn't an option, it would have an even worse detrimental effect to the longevity of the game.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,994

    I agree that self-unhooking should only be available in perk and hopeless situations.

    Meaning if you have a perk OR if everyone is downed, killed or on hooked I think at that point Survivors can take the chances.

    This would clean up matches IMMENSELY imo.