Pig latest changes is a failure
When the last time devs touch Pig they said it would be a buff but it became huge nerf again (thats not even funny nerf her every single patch). Pig cannot see her boxes anymore and this really hurt her map pressure and also was a shadow nerf to specific addons (Video Tape/Tampered Timer/Crate of Gears). And what buffs Pig get for compensation? Unnoticable and small QoL changes to the most boring part of her kit (ambush and crouching). Does this buffs help? Absolutely not. SBFL is still most popular choice on Pig and even when you see Pig mains with high prestige play her they didnt use ambush even once. Also Pig became hard tunnel much more after this changes, and i cannot blame them cause her RBT is weak untheatning garbage right now. So she desperatly need another tweaks for her power. Here is what i thought:
- Increased the Movement speed while Crouched from 3.8 m/s to 4.0 m/s.
- Return the ability of The Pig to see the Aura of Jigsaw Boxes.
- Reduce the Pig's the Terror Radius from 32 metres to 24 metres.
- Reduce the Cool-down for successful hits from 2.7 seconds to 2 seconds.
Reduced the Cool-down for missed or obstructed hits from 1.5 seconds to 1second.- Increase base kit RBT she is caring from 4 to 6
- RBT active timer no longer stop when survivor in chase
Addon changes:
- John's Medical File: reduce RBT timer by 15 second for every hit by Pig (max to 60 sec reduce)
- Amanda's Letter: increace RBT she can carry from 2 to 4
- Shattered Syringe: If healthy non-trapped survivor get protection hit for injured trapped survivor they became broken for 45 sec
Agree with 1,2,3, those should definitely come.
4/5 Don’t think she needs help in that regard.
6 Would need to get tested
7 No, that would remove her counterplay. I would rather make the timer shorter by 10s and they activate after getting unhooked.
- Amanda’s letter: 100% having only 2traps makes this addon too bad.
- Shattered syringe could work
- John’s Medicare file would have 0 counterplay, so no
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i mean if the goal is to make pig S-tier, stronger then 5 blink nurse with mori's than this rework is well off.
The three changes that are alright are :
Increased the Movement speed while Crouched from 3.8 m/s to 4.0 m/s.
Reduce the Cool-down for successful hits from 2.7 seconds to 2 seconds.
Amanda's Letter: increase RBT she can carry from 2 to 4
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Whats wrong with reduce terror radius and rbt buffs? It makes her high B tier for sure, also rework some weak addons to strong one
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if bvhr can help it, they rather not have many inconsistencies. yes some inconsistency do show up in TR… Like deathslinger 32 meters as 4.4 m/s but they generally want to avoid inconsistencies. Pig doesn't need custom TR. She already has crouch which grants undetectable. you could even buff crouch to 4.6 m/s.
RBT buffs are so strong that they'll guaranteed a mori every game with minimal killer input. it is like 1 down and your dead.
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Pig is fine, and it's clear from the proposed changes that you have a very strong bias for her.
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She is not all part of her kit mediocre or garbage at best. Ambush is garbage cause even Pig mains dont use it and sbfl still number 1 perk for her, crouching is garbage cause you very slow and with RBT nerf they became mediocre at best. So no, she is DESPERATLY NEED A BUFF
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RBT buffs is not that strong but make them actual threat and not a weak joke as they are now
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Whats wrong with John’s Medicare file? The only thing you need to do is play stealthy after unhooking
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make pig able to pick up traps that were disarmed 🙌🏻
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How is being 4.6 when crouched a feel good change? That just makes it so she can chase when crouched and guarantee a head pop with no counterplay from the survivor.
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I love your idea a lot, from your comment I came up with these changes:
- After a survivor removes a bear trap, you see the trap in a red aura at the jigsaw box.
- 80 seconds after the trap has been removed, you see it in a yellow aura, and you can than reset it.
- Pressing the active ability button when at the trap will allow you to "reset" it, this action takes 5 seconds to complete, afterwards the trap will be given back to you so you can place it on another survivor.
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You see why this isn’t working. Just stealth when the killer tunnels you.
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you hook survivor, gen pops, you hit survivor to proc BT → Survivor dies due inability search 4 boxes, made easier by your 4→6 trap limit and add-on stacks with tamper timer.
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she can already do that with her current movement speed.
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At 3.8 there is room for the survivor to be creative and lose her. If she's 4.6 then it would be straight up impossible.
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nice, i'd just remove the waiting time. Going to pick the trap up is already a waste of time.
But yeah, the idea would be that traps could be slightly useful. As they are right now, they are barely a minor inconvenience
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yeah maybe against new player but i am not losing the survivor ever. i know how to follow scratch marks and i understand survivor routing to a dime. the m/s only hindered pig from using her ability and makes her a poor stealth killer. buffing her stealth will elevate her power-level without making her too strong with reverse bear traps.
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There's no chance that BHVR will make changes that make it easier for bad Pig players to cheese kills with head traps. That's why the OP is asking for head traps to not deactivate in chase. People want cheap garbage that has no counterplay.
You can't have super fast movement speed whilst in stealth, because bad players will just use it to cheese kills.
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bad players already cheese kills with pig. it is design flaw in pig's ability. it is why i don't like reverse bear traps. their concept is inherently unfair and can be exploited by the killer player to get mori kills. this is why they have also taken measure to make it more difficult for pig to cheese killers with reverse bear traps by removing aura of jigsaw boxes. unfortunately, losing information doesn't remove ability to do said gameplay. it only increases skill-floor for a player optimize it. In other words, you can still do everything post-pig as before. it is just that pig's base-numbers on stealth, crouching and ambush dash are marginally better. the ability is still inadequate and not strong enough but it is step in right direction for buffing pig to be stronger killer without the cheese.
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So we agree that Pig is terrible and should be removed from the game. Awesome.
Seriously though. I'm in favour of BHVR reworking the traps. Then you can turbo and it won't be a problem.