Please note: Although we may stop by occasionally, this is not a developer Q&A.
We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Disconnecting due to dedicated servers

bdzr Member Posts: 40
edited October 8 in Ask the Community

Anyone else having this issue? I'm on ethernet, I've tried everything to fix this. Closing my post won't help either by the way, I have called my ISP, verified game files, reinstalled the game, and now I'm getting disconnected every other game for no reason and now I'm banned for 24 hours for something I'm not even doing and I can't appeal the bans because they aren't accepted. I just want to play the game and I get disconnected every other game and I'm on Oregon servers.

What do I need to do differently to stop this from happening? It's so common for me now that I can't even play the game without it immediately doing that. It has been happening for around 2 months now. I haven't changed anything on my setup, my internet, and I have tested all issues on my side that I possibly can. BHVR needs to address this or at least give some information because I guarantee the exact reason there is no way to appeal a matchmaking ban is because of this. If anyone has a fix PLEASE let me know because I'm really tired of this happening to me.

Also I have videos too. It's not me leaving the game. The killer just starts walking into a wall for me and then I get kicked and it says "dedicated server is not responding" and then I'm banned for another 24 hours.


  • A_T_E
    A_T_E Member Posts: 109
  • bdzr
    bdzr Member Posts: 40
    edited October 8

    Here's the videos. Sorry for no audio xbox game bar is crappy and I've only recently started documenting these due to how frequent it has become, but these videos are all related to the screenshots above. Video 1 has the longest gameplay before the crash, the other two you can see the game start to freeze up and then kick me. I don't understand if I'm doing something wrong, but if it is my internet that would be great to know so I can fix it accordingly. I've seen a lot of people recently start posting about this more and more, and it seems to be ignored even though it is impacting me and others consistently.

    Crash 1:

    Crash 2:

    Crash 3:

    These are all happening now and it seems more common. For some reason, it seems to fix if I were to switch to another account, but playing on my main account the issue is consistent, I played multiple games on a separate account with no lag, no disconnecting using the same ethernet, same PC, same room, nothing changes except my account and the issue still persists should I switch back to my main. I have tried switching up to wireless vs ethernet as well but it seems that does not work as well.

    At first, it started for me with only a general few disconnects but now it is every other game I play. I'm just looking for a fix, if it's my internet or my PC that's the issue then it would make a lot more sense, because right now I see no general fixes or explanation for this and the game is unplayable because it will just continuously ban me, my current ban is for 24 hours and I'd just like to fix it/have it fixed because I don't know what's happening anymore.

  • A_T_E
    A_T_E Member Posts: 109

    That is definitely worrisome, and strange to hear that it doesn't happen with another account.

    From my experience, the footage doesn't look like it's Internet related. You can see the progress bar in the 3rd clip very clearly moving, right up until the moment you disconnect. If it was an Internet issue, usually the delay is longer, because the server attempts to give a chance at reconnecting, before tossing you out.

    I'm not about to go full conspiracy here, but I definitely hope you get in contact with some BHVR dev who can properly help you with this and analyse logs.

    I completely empathize with your situation, it's one I'd absolutely hate to be in myself.

    I wish you best of luck.

  • bdzr
    bdzr Member Posts: 40

    Thank you. If it is my internet, I have no problem with that. But it confuses me should I switch to another account the issue will cease to exist so I don't know if it's a setting I've changed or what. Wish I could just fix this and be over with it considering it has consistently screwed me over the past 2 months.

  • JocelynAwakens
    JocelynAwakens Member, Administrator, Mod, Co-ordinator Posts: 1,639

    Can you also upload a log from the other account that is not having the issue, please? @bdzr

  • TerrainGhost
    TerrainGhost Member Posts: 5

    I have been getting the same issue on windows store dbd it's happening since this last update. Every other game it dc, i switched to xbox and it hasnt disconnected once. Also when i first installed this game last week because my ssd went bad it kept saying anti cheat not installed when it was i fixed that but now this, i have a lot of money invested into cosmetics but now im getting banned all day because of this issue really upsetting.