Please fix anti camp to line of sight and extend the radius. This is maybe the 8th match that I've had a killer do this crap and the anti camp bar doesn't fill because they stand right outside the radius.
It's already hard enough for us who SoloQ, made even harder with this upcoming update that destroyed Distortion alienating an entire group of stealth style game players. I know you all have a big player game base so me saying I'm going to stop playing won't bother you all in the slightest, but damn… the game has been saturated with lazy players like this that camp and tunnel the entire game while relying on the abundant amount of aura reading perks and abilities.
To recap:
- Extend anti camp radius.
- ADD line of sight penalty that is at LEAST DOUBLE maybe triple the anti camp radius.
- Fix to where if a survivor is downed next to a hooked survivor and the killer is camping, the bar resumes filling.
- Keep distortion exactly how it is as of today October 07, 2024.
- ADD chase recharge to distortion, to combat The Shape's scratched mirror.
If above video is not working, I will be happy to send it to an email or drop box if necessary. Will add to this post with new information as it arises.
Its the anti face camp mechanic designed to stop the killer from standing directly in front of the hook. If hes outside the radius its doing its job and the teammate can save you without a trade.
Also asking for distortion buffs specifically to counter scratched mirror myers is certainly a take11 -
Womp womp
Do you want to reduce the number of generators to fix to go down to 2 as well?
I personally don't camp, but people are mixing this up. It's anti-FACECAMP, it was introduced for that reason.
And even if it wasn't, tripling the radius is dumb.
Adding a LOS factor is dumb for open maps
And BUFFING Distortion is the biggest cope ever.
If anything I hope this is a troll post and I'm naive enough to have fallen for it.
Also I don't think I need to point out how ridiculous it would be to buff a perk because a random super rare killer build that's not meta counters it.
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Wait you want a mechanic to counter scratchmirror? It's almost impossible to really win anything with it if you don't use a specific build + map and even then it's brutal, why would you want to destroy him even more?! xD
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I think it's fine, however, VOICE COMMS would be nice or a hud indicator as oftentimes I can see that I'll reach the unhook meter but then my teammate shows up and just hovers around hook and still lets me go 2nd stage
teammates dying near hook is just a misplay, if you're healthy then in most cases you should have a trade at worst case or with good timing, it's not a trade.
In solo q you'll find that the unhook is a free for all and you can't assume the person with no hud activity, no hooks, or the only healthy survivor is going to do the unhook. You might end up having an injured person come because of 0 coordination. Just more solo q problems and not AFC's fault. It's a wonder how much could be mitigated if solo queue wasn't the garbage that it is
Post edited by dwight444 on0 -
I do agree that line of sight needs to be a factor of the anti-face-camp system, and I hope bHVR takes this into consideration.
Its a really good idea, because where the Camper looks is so very important to performing Camping on a wider range and it would discourage watching the hook from outside the anti-face-camp range.
Post edited by Emeal on4 -
So you want to punish killers simply for looking in the direction of the hook
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Yes, you do understand that one little look wont do much, but standing staring will?
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Its anti face camp not anti "be In the general vicinity
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If anything I hope this is a troll post and I'm naive enough to have fallen for it.
Trust me on this: unfortunately it's not.
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To this day, we don't we have an anti camping mechanic in the game and that will likely never change.
We have an anti FACE camping mechanic and that's it. Camping is not supposed to be stopped because the devs consider as a valid part of the game.
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How do I "save without a trade" when a huntress stands 16.1 meters from the hook with a locked and loaded refrigerator?
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get a teammate to help?
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Yes, it's especially discouraging to play against ranged proxy-campers. An added LOS effect that would work like Myers's stalk (super weak at a distance) would be great!
However, as you see in your thread here, killer mains will whine and cry the loudest if bhvr takes away the easy-win mechs. They even complain about hatch because apparently 3/4 kills is JUST NOT ENOUGH (they should have everything and survivors should have nothing). I think you have a good idea, I just know it won't be implemented because a killer's job is to kill and they want it as easy as possible until the day the only survivors that are playing are the bots. 🤖
Dramatic exit
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Lol sure let me just coordinate that without comms, while giving one of the highest burst damage killers 3 targets in one spot, while taking 3/4 of the team off doing objectives, and if anything goes wrong the match is over. All from the galaxy brain amazingly high skill killer play of, wait for it...staring at the hook with a hatchet raised.
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If all else fails just do gens. she is kinda just standing around waititng for you.
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Add in all the exploits killers have found to avoid the timer (Hidey Ho mode, etc.) - too many ways to camp and very little impact the current anti-camp system does. The extended radius in a prior event was better but a bit too much.
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It's a typical useless feature that is good on paper but doesn't work in solo q.
Survivors don't know how much of the anti-camp meter is filled.
Survivors can't cooperate to make a rescue.If you trade and the killer decides to tunnel, then you're on the ground, and the guy is still dead, gg.
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Tell me you haven't read anything Killers wrote without telling me you haven't read anything Killers wrote.
No one's complaining about anti-facecamp. We're only complaining about what he SUGGESTED (TRIPLING THE RADIUS?!?).
And if you believe that's a good idea, you're ridiculous.
A LOS anti-camp either has to be so slow that it doesn't do anything, or so fast that it punishes Killers for nothing on open maps.
As for the hatch, we're fine with hatch. We are however NOT fine with working for a 3k, then getting a 50/50 hatch, then STILL having the survivor escape through the gate. It's too many conditions met at the same time. Keep hatch, auto kill the 4th survivor, and we're dandy. We don't like closing hatch, and the 4th guy camping the exit gate escaping before we can even hold W to it.
You tripped on your way out during your dramatic exit.
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Time to add my opinion to the mix, oh boy.
I think the anti-face camp is fine, it is simply a mechanic to discourage camping, not prevent it. Camping is a part of the game like tunneling and slugging, and while it is annoying for Survivors, the devs agree that it is a part of the game. That is why there are Anti-Camping perks (Kindred, Camaraderie and Reassurance), Anti-Slugging perks (Unbreakable, Soul Guard, Flip-Flop, and We're Gonna Live Forever), and Anti-Tunnel perks (Decisive Strike, Off The Record, Babysitter, Borrowed Time, and now Blood Rush). These are perks that are used to counteract these strategies. I'm aware people say that just because we have perks to counter these playstyles doesn't mean that these playstyles should be allowed, but that also makes me ask something. Does the community hate these playstyles, or just hate losing? If the devs wanted to remove the ability to camp, slug, and tunnel, they would have. Let's say that being within 32 meters of the hooked Survivor fills their bar, everyone has basekit Unbreakable, and Survivors are immune to being injured and lack collision with the Killer until the Killer hooks the rest of the other Survivors at least once, and then a Survivor on hook stage 2 cannot be injured until all other remaining Survivors are also on hook stage 2. Now obviously all these "annoying" playstyles are gone, but now Killers are severely underpowered. To compensate for all these base kit buffs for Survivors, Generators now take 180 seconds so that Killers have enough time to look for all the other Survivors, because now if a Survivor decides to hide the whole game, the Killer has to find them before he can hook any other Survivors, which wastes so much time. Along with Survivors being immune to the Killer until he hooks that last Survivor, that is free time to do gens completely safe without worrying about being grabbed or injured. And can't forget that because Survivors are immune to being injured, they can go for Flashlight saves or Pallet saves without worrying about going down as well, even when right in front of the Killer, and the Killer having nothing they can do about it. This is what will have to be done to remove tunneling, camping, and slugging entirely while still making it fair for Killers. If Survivors are fine spending 3 minutes on a Generator to finish it while guaranteeing they are safe, then this is worth it to them. Personally however, I don't want to spend 3 minutes on a Generator, or any amount longer than 2 minutes. Cause Gen Regression is also annoying to deal with, but Killers need that to win. BHVR would have to think very hard and carefully about how they would go about this. Or they could just keep the game with how it is and have tunneling, camping, and slugging be part of the game's balance. It's like how BHVR isn't doing anything about Gen Rushing because that is just part of the game's balance. Gen rushing is just the Survivors doing gens efficiently. Tunneling, camping, and slugging is the Killer getting kills efficiently. It's ridiculous for Killers to complain about gen rushing for the same reason it's ridiculous for Survivors to complain about camping. It's just either side complaining about how they didn't get to win the video game.
tl;dr Anti-Face Camp is fine with how it is. Just consider camping, along with tunneling and slugging, the Killer version of gen rushing. Rushing the objective because you want to win isn't toxic or evil or cringe.