

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,205

    Survivor seeing killer breaking stuff with Alert, no survivor input required.

    Kindred: doesn't matter if you or your teammate is hooked, it shows the aura.

    Object: every 30s you see the killer while you do nothing. See the killer when they see you and still do nothing.

    Bond/Empathy: do nothing

    Should I go on?

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,205

    True. Distortion was the only perk who rewarded aura-safety through being stealthy.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,427

    Object does require you to be the obsession for the every 30 seconds reveal.

    Also Windows is probably the biggest offender of "no input required" aura reading.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 974

    After more consideration, I will stopp defending distortion. It’s incredibly fun to use aura perks now that they don’t have a counter anymore.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,205

    I have been playing with Object for 3 years now. And in 80% or more matches I am the obsession. Also sometimes it s better not to have the passive reveal.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83

    People run alert? I probably see that perk maybe once every 3 or more months, survivor aura reading perks other than windows is a complete waste of a perk slot else their pick rates am sure would be up there but it's not not even kindred, windows is the only one and I don't run this perk so even if it was to be nerf ty God this way Sable can stop throwing all the pallets when I need them.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83
    edited October 8

    Umm killers have 8 perk slots, that will be their 4 perks+ two add on + their power . Oh how about a plague killing every healing builds in the game and robbing the arti emblem for free is fair? I think she should be changed then and what's wrong with asking for aura reads to be more limited to 4 stacks like distortion. If survivors ain't to perm stealth killers should not be fed free info 100% of time. Use nth 4 time's? Ok now you gotta search harder to find a survivor via old tools scratch marks pools of blood or game sense and knowledge of possible hiding spot. Also again lighborn should not negate a flashlight or flashbang infinitely for self defense or team saving but I guess it's OK right?

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,075

    How do you say these activation requirements don't require input from the killer while simultaneously describing the input the killer is doing?

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83

    Is it hard to open a locker or kick a gen? How can you kick a gen if it has no progress which requires a survivor to work on it which it's the survivors Input or ill be more straight forward what skill does opening a locker or kicking a gen takes from the killer to get free informstion?

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,075

    That's stuff they're doing, that's input. You could say it's too much reward for what they are doing, but it's inarguably something they are doing. As killer every second is valuable and they're using the most valuable resource the killer has: time.

    You're sitting here saying free this, free that while ignoring that the killer spent a perk slot on this stuff, on top of the other activation requirements and limits these perks have. None of them are "free".

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,188

    So it's not about activation via killer input, it's about the killer 'earning' the perk. Which would probably in your opinion require interacting with survivors, yes?

    But if the killer is not finding survivors, how are they going to 'earn' the aura reveal that helps them find survivors?

    There's more to kicking a gen than just "a survivor worked on it." The killer has to take the time to kick the gen in the first place, and time is more precious to a killer than to survivors. Also, killers are limited to how many times they can kick a single generator, so if there's not much progress on it they have to choose whether it's worth kicking for the possible aura read, because there's no guarantee they will see an aura after kicking the gen.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,427

    I didn't realize Killers could run 8 perks. I should log in and run a build like Pain Res, Pop, BBQ, Lethal, Corrupt, Nowhere to Hide, Surge, and Bamboozle with this newfound knowledge.

    If you want to count "addons and powers" then survivors have 16 perks, 8 addons, and 4 items compared to a killer's 4 perks, 2 addons, and 1 power. Survivors have more tools whereas Killers have stronger tools.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83

    It is free else it would have a token limit like distortion and that is what all killer aura reads should get just like how pain res was change to 4 tokens only so should all aura read perks even if it's survivors too I could not care less. How does getting Wall hack free hits from chucky with rat poison even fair. There is also so add on too that does too much aura reading shouldn't stack anymore either just like how endurance stacking is not a thing no more.

    Why can't 4 uses only of aura read be enough for you why must it be 24 7 its just not a shameful thing to say no killer cant play without aura read. Give me 4 slow downs because as i said if a killer cant catch a looper then those 4 gen slow down mean nothing cause you have to hook to use most gen slow downs.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,205

    Alert is a very good perk. The problem is that there is so much that is miles better.

    Same with aura perks on killer. They got hard countered by one perk so only some people used more than one (except maybe Huntress). Gen defense is way better. Now Distortion is no longer a brain dead perk, so more killers will use more aura again

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,191

    How many times a match do you think your aurora is revealed a match?

    Aurora Reveal? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your DBD match?

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83

    Still havent answer my question but Its fine just dont be surprised when every aura perk starts being complained about the top one being no where to hide with its none low cool down down.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83
    edited October 8

    I just pointed one out, lets do darkness reveal for example then since your not getting what am saying, opening a locker how does that take any skill? I can understand its more huntress/trickster needing to reload but still getting value of opening a locker (even though you need to reload your stuff takes no skill.

    Ill repeat, Why is my aura reveal for doing my job as survivor where it healing myself or a team mate, why is my aura reveal for unhooking someone? why is my aura reveal by that lil annoying mouthy doll to get a free hit through walls. Ofc I can list all the stuff that requires almost no skill on a killer part when it comes to aura reading but ofc with the 70 + combination of aura add on/perks that be much so its fine.

    The only respectable perk ill give out there is BBQ simply because the killer is doing hard work downing and hooking someone to get awarded for it, all other reading perks are not awarding and usually requires a survivor interaction for killer to get free info from without them needing to do it thats all am saying. Notice no one complains about BBQ? Any survivor who does that is honestly I take killer side and say your wierd as a survivor for that and its counters are much more forgiving compared to annoying things like no where to hide/nurses calling, Weaves+franklins.

    I just hope I dont see complains of nerf shadow step/nerf OOO and dont be surprise when aura perks become a huge nerf request session best of luck out there. Still waiting on you or anyone to give me a reason why cant aura reading be more limited in terms of 4 uses only like pain res?

    It tells me without 24 hour wall hack killers cant do much, as at least with gen regress it requires hooking for most of them and thats not easy very people who know how to loop. Aura reading allows you to do way more things like shutting down a chase quickly , see no where to hide nurse for example.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,188
    edited October 8

    I was simply talking specifically about Nowhere to Hide because you mentioned it.

    Opening a locker doesn't take skill, but it does take time. Again, time is precious to the killer. A Nurse's Calling was added to the game because people would heal the moment they dropped chase while the killer was close by, and so the perk is designed to make that risky. Not everything is about skill. Hell, a lot of perks aren't about skill. Botany takes no skill for a survivor to use, it just works. Alert takes no skill (I see it all the time in my matches, it must be a regional or MMR thing). Sole Survivor rewards someone for letting their teammates die (and yes, it rewards that much more often than it rewards performing better than their teammates). My survivor build is Empathy, Botany, Self Care, and Bardic Inspiration. None of those require skill. One perk is information that activates because the killer has played well, one's nonstop increased healing speed, one allows me to have some chance of surviving in solo queue, and the final one is a lute.

    Perks are perks. You get four slots, and you choose where you need help with gameplay mechanics or you choose something fun you want to play with. For killers, a lot of perks are about adding risk to the survivor side.

    The only respectable perk ill give out there is BBQ simply because the killer is doing hard work downing and hooking someone to get awarded for it, all other reading perks are not awarding and usually requires a survivor interaction for killer to get free info from without them needing to do it thats all am saying.

    BBQ allows the killer to stay active. The killer is able to go from one survivor to another, limiting down time. It also benefits the survivor on the hook by helping the killer find someone else to chase instead of returning to the hook. If a killer has trouble finding survivors in the first place, BBQ isn't much help. Any perk that requires a lot of interaction with survivors for aura reveal will be of limited help to a killer who needs help finding survivors in the first place.

    Notice no one complains about BBQ?

    This is incorrect. You're new to the forums it seems, so perhaps you haven't seen it, but it has indeed been complained about, even after the removal of the Bloodpoint bonus.

    Any survivor who does that is honestly I take killer side

    I agree. I have always considered BBQ pretty healthy for gameplay, for the reasons I listed above and because a survivor who really doesn't want their aura seen has ways to counter it.

    at least with gen regress it requires hooking for most of them

    See, there's a big different between gen regression and information. Gen regression does something for the killer, and it's either automatic or it requires a small amount of action. So, something skillful like getting a hook is required before the regression. The regression is an action that then occurs automatically or with a bit of input. Meanwhile, auras do not in and of themselves do anything. It's not an action, it's information. The skillful part is what's required from the killer afterward. They have to decide whether or not to use that information in the first place, and then they still have to catch the survivor.

    Information does not in and of itself equal a successful outcome. Unless you hook someone and forget to kick a gen with PGTW, in general gen regression automatically provides some bit of success for the killer, even if it's minimal. The result of an aura being shown could be literally nothing, the killer might not even be looking in the right direction at the time it's revealed.

    Post edited by TragicSolitude on
  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83

    As I say do not be surprise when aura reading perks /add ons starts to more complain about, but hopefully you and every killer also dont cry nerf shadow step/object if some how they become popular which am sure regardless it be complain about as killers want every survivor perk to be in the garbage bin. Hey I even seen a post about nerfing hope…….of all things lol a perk that only works end game.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,427

    survivors already do. The fact still remains that killers still only have 4 slots for perks. Weave is on the next batch of perk adjustments and it's the only too strong aura perk killers currently have.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,188
    edited October 8

     killers want every survivor perk to be in the garbage bin

    It goes both ways. For any perk one side has that benefits them, there are players on the other side who dislike that it hinders their fun/winning and thus they want it nerfed. Both sides complain non-stop about what the other has. That's just kind of how it is in a game some people take too seriously despite how so much of it is dependent on RNG.

    do not be surprise when aura reading perks /add ons starts to more complain about

    I've avoided aura perks (except for Tome challenges) since BBQ lost the BP bonus. For the rare times I bother to play killer anymore, I run the same lazy BP build I always have (Distressing for BP, Beast of Prey for BP, Lightborn because I lost the ability to counter blinds on console ever since dedicated servers became a thing, and either Unrelenting to help with the performance issues on Switch or Deadlock because I don't know what else to run on PS4, there's no Bardic Inspiration perk for killer). I mostly play survivor, either in a 2-man or solo, and I was fed up with teammates who ran Distortion so they could avoid playing the game (no generators, no saves, no chases, no healing, why even queue up if all you want to do is hide behind rocks? Who finds that fun?? How is doing nothing to escape with 8k points for getting the hatch worth anyone's time???). Distortion was fine when it was 3 tokens that didn't regenerate. The buffed Distortion allowed survivors to hide their auras, and to regain the tokens for hiding their auras all they had to do was hide some more. It countered way too many killer perks and add-ons and players could use its effect to help them recharge their tokens, and it encouraged the worst behavior in teammates. It was terrible perk design.

    And really, with the number of survivor players I saw complaining about teammates who use Distortion, and with the way devs altered Distortion, I think it was survivor complaints rather than killer complaints that got the perk changed. (Or it was changed because of some data BHVR has that we know nothing about, which is also quite possible.) Killers mostly adjusted to buffed Distortion by either countering Distortion with a boatload of aura reads or by not running aura perks.

  • Philscooper
    Philscooper Member Posts: 48

    unfortunately, distortion probably wont return in that state ever

    best you can do is probably play object or try other stealth perks to compensate, it is really unfair because of the few minority of players who abused it just to hide all game, but behavior seems to be working on very little time to make concrete changes for both sides (they couldnt leave sm alone after a nerf, lol)

  • CrossTheSholf
    CrossTheSholf Member Posts: 230


  • Rick1998
    Rick1998 Member Posts: 241

    aurora borealis ?

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,205

    Yeah? The 4 perks of the killer are supposed to be stronger than those of the Survivors.

    What is your problem?

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 310

    next time maybe you should work around and try learning not to crutch on perks.

    This is the exact reason i never wanted to hardcore rely on old Eruption, old Ultimate Weapon, camping 24/7 to win etc.

    When you notice you are getting hard-carried by a perk that is already considered problematic and actually lowers or completely removes skill aspect from your gameplay , you should realize it's time to push it out of your most common builds.

  • Hadji
    Hadji Member Posts: 17

    I took a break when Ultimate Weapon was a good perk, I come back and I see that the perk is useless dogshit even though it's the only counter to Windows and Distortion.

    The audacity survivors have when they cry and whine when their perk is nerfed from A tier to B tier when killer perks go from A tier to D tier

  • francesinhalover
    francesinhalover Member Posts: 39

    than behaviour should fix the matchmaker so ppl don't need this perk to win a match or two.

    Idk about crutch. got 760hrs so far and i lose 90-95% of my survivor games. says a lot about the matchmaker.