Guys they did it!

They buffed springwood we totally asked this. Now we got another im not going there. And another infinite loop. We totally asked this and not for a nerf for this map
I really, really do not understand the direction they're taking with map reworks. They were on a roll for a while, but this past year has seen them nerf several things that are already too weak and buff things that are already too strong. At this point I feel they need to start referencing player feedback, maybe get a team of Fog Whisperers to run stuff by, because they are batting L after L and it feels like they're the only people who don't see the problems with these changes.
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Making it so getting crows disables collision: ❌
Adding a bandaid fix window that only fixes the issue in one specific spot: ✅
BHVR really works in mysterious ways
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They added a single window in a former death trap location to prevent survivors from being held hostage indefinitely. If not being able to trap players until servers close is a nerf for your play style… good?
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probably to balance out what they did to coldwind and Macmillan and crotus and eyrie and… etc.
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They created an infinite. They created old Haddonfield 2.0. This is problematic
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It turns that house into a stronger loop. It's easy to play around the window directly on the top of the stairs, and also easy to recover if the survivor fakes and doesn't jump that window. The gen room window is much stronger both in faking and committing, having both a longer path and an LoS blocker.
That house was one of the easier structures for the killer to play in Badham, when they're also contending with House of Pain, the preschool, and shack.
Meanwhile this doesn't fix the many other rooms with identical trapping potential (Hawkins upstairs gen, various RNG rooms in The Game, any little nook with a totem) which could have been addressed by a blanket solution that people have been suggesting for years.
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new infinite is here
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Imagine being so oblivious to the fact they created an infinite lmao.
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Wait so where is this supposed infinite on badham?
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theres a gen room in one of the buildings where survivor cant leave if killer sneaks up on them. now they added a window. which means survivor can do an infinite if they are good
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they asked none of their consultants about that change lol. however it should've been an obviously horrible change, consultants or not.
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This is what happens when the devs make changes to the game without getting any player feedback. Anybody who has played this game for even a little while could have seen how obviously problematic this is. I haven't seen a single comment yet on this forum or anywhere else that thinks this was a good change - it's literally 100% negative feedback. Also, instead of breaking a map with a low-effort bandaid fix, why not implement a solution to address the bodyblocking-to-hold-the-game-hostage problem across all maps?
Maybe this will get changed due to univeral negative feedback, but as usual we're going to have to suffer with this broken map until the next patch comes out who knows when. Until then, expect Springwood map offerings galore and killers DC'ing like crazy to avoid it.
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Funny is you can still easily bodyblock someone there with a stealth killer at least.
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Apparently it is a nerf?
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Hens is trolling or having a bad take. Or get this, this is his idea
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I mean, I trust his judgment more than I would trust the judgment of most of the Forum Users. And in fact, I dont really see much difference between the new window and the already existing upstairs window. And since the window below is gone, there is not really anything where the Survivor can get in time.
Unless it is to a different tile, but this is nothing new.
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So this mean they gonna have to add a hole or something to the tiny gen room in the upstairs area in Demogorgons map? Cause it's the exact same deathtrap if a killer sneaks up.
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Hens takes are 50/50 at best
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25/75 hes 25% right and 75% wrong
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so you think that window is on par with front upstairs window which is a guaranteed hit if killer knows and chases the right way? with that extra window both sides have a safe window so killer can't zone the survivor off one.
i agree with most of hens' takes but he doesn't speak god's words, he is simply wrong here. this window would only be acceptable if badham didn't have variables and that side of the house was always a dead zone.
a map 85% of forum users voted that it is heavily survivor sided and the only ever change in years to it is up for debate whether it's a nerf or a buff, it's kind of insane.
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Regardless, someone has already posted up a youtube video as pig where they trapped someone on that generator. They changed it almost certainly because of that one video of someone that got 3 survivors stuck in that little room which is a one-in-a-million occurrence, while leaving every single other spot a killer can trap survivors in play.
Instead of fixing the issue at the root, they put a band aid in that doesn't help in the majority of cases.
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L take by the OP and very revealing to anyone agreeing with them.
Already knew this personally, but I guess exposure is nice for anyone else seeing them.2 -
And I forgot Haddonfield
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L take by hens and his fans
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So much for your false infinite theory above lol. Its not even an infinite.
Cant go back now!
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it is an infinite.
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They added a powerful window to an already strong buildings in one of the strongest realms instead of fixing bodyblocking by making it so survivors with crows have no collision, neither with killers nor other survivors. They should have implemented that years ago but for some reason they haven't.
That would solve more than just bodyblocking in a corner by the way, it would solve killer standing on top of hatch then going AFK, or both the killer and survivor getting stuck in a doorway together trying to get to hatch and then getting into a mexican standoff because hatch never closes by itself. Or survivors bodyblocking teammates to try and get them killed to EGC while they barely run out, etc.
All fixed by just making crow survivors have no collision with other players.