Please revert distortion.

I know I’m not the only one on the board asking this but distortion should have been left alone. The dev team focuses so much on “unfun gameplay” when it comes to decisions but fails to realizes that this distortion Change encourages it too. Now killers are running leathal to take distortion out so you can’t counter the 2 other aura reading perks they’re using.

Whoever thought this distortion change was a good idea should be told it wasn’t


  • JiWONG
    JiWONG Member Posts: 10

    I agree as long as dm it is still reversed

  • Philscooper
    Philscooper Member Posts: 48

    unfortunately, it went through ptb, meaning it will take a long time to revert the changes if they even want to do that at all

    its very unlikely though since people hate this perk with people essentially hiding all game and not progressing the game.
    and overall made stealth perks/alternatives a tribalistic hatred towards stealth from killers.

    we can only realistically hope that they are working on reworking this perk to be a better healthier stealth/anti-aura perk, because the whole aspect of stealth is just gone and pointless.

    this is a massive better change then making it a mix of chase/anti-aura
    object is just better by that aspect because i dont have to scared that the killer is running more aura perks and i cant tell due to tokens taking an eternity to charge + force being in chase

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83

    But killers using aura reading perks aint as crutch a distortion, are yall so lazy yall dont know how to find people like old days?

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,075

    You don't know how to stealth like you did before distortion regained tokens?

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83

    There was no need to because there was less crutch aura reading perks with bbq being the only balanced and fair one that had counters to it.nice one there but try again. keep making all the counter backs you want you just not gonna admit at the end of the day your just as bad needing free information as bad as a distortion user, oh cant look up and avoid flashbangs/flashlights without needing lightborn?

  • Unequalmitten86
    Unequalmitten86 Member Posts: 182

    I feel a lot of killers are assuming it was distortion without looking at perks. These lazy players just hid on the edges or in lockers. A lot jumped from locker to locker in the basement. It wasn't distortion it was knowing how to hide. It won't stop. I really think they used Object if Obsession that way they could track the killer and move away from them. They also had bond so they can run into you on gens.

    I was a distortion user and was in a lot of chases too. All distortion did was tell me to get away at the beginning of a game.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,482

    yeah I used distortion and I took chase a lot I wasn’t afraid of the killer. I just countered all the aura reading perks

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83

    The amount of matches I have recorded where the distortion user did far more than the non using one. Heck cant tell you how many times I had people with no distortion still hides all game doing jack squat. But ofc they are just gonna always blame the perk.

    Just hope when things like nth gets called out for nerf and what not you see how defensive they get. But aura read for killers is just as lazy too like lethal, who cares if it's just 10 seconds , yeah 10 seconds and down go someone by a Billy before they even get a chance to blink and check out how the map is set for them. Funny thing watch when everyone now runs sole survivor it really be hilarious especially since that perk makes opening the gates booming fast.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,482

    like killers have grown used to aura perks helping them find people lol

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 303

    revert Distortion so that bad people can stay play and so that griefers can hide all game and wait for hatch, very smart

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,205

    I do. I usually don't use more aura perk unless I am on Huntress. And that's only the case because I am practicing orbitals.

    I can also say something similar: "Yall are so lazy. Yall don't know how to properly hide in lockers anymore like old days."

    Because that is exactly what you did back in the old days. True there was not really anything besides BBQ and Nurse's that was used (and the occasional Bitter Murmur), before more got added.

    Today you need to play around it. And the solution is to position yourself properly, loop for as long as you can and do gens.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,205

    It has been working wonders for me since its' nerf 3 years (?) ago.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,066
    edited October 9

    People really claim the Distortion rat playstyle is uncommon?

    Maybe if you're good and in high MMR, but I'm gonna tell you a secret... most of the DBD playerbase are not good... in low and mid mmr Distortion rats are a lot more common.

    Contrary to popular opinion, DBD MMR does actually work reasonably well. If you have any newbie friends or players better than you to play with, just watch how much easier/harder looping becomes. Most players are low and mid MMR, how do we know? Pig and Sadako vs. Blight and Nurse killrates.

    Around mid and low levels, trust me, you can almost always tell a rat player with Distortion. I've legitimately seen maybe ⅛ of Distortion users use it properly (and that is being rather generous). The rest:

    • Only do the safest gens on the edge of the map, always resulting in 3 genning us.
    • They are insanely inefficient where they always hide the minute there is a chance the killer comes anywhere near them (even if the killer is currently occupied in chase, off they walk).
    • They almost never go go for the unhook, leaving the injured Yui with 1 hook or the death hook David to do it, even though they're on 0 hooks.
    • Even if they do unhook they certainly ain't gonna stick around to heal you or make themselves obvious to try and distract the killer off the tunnel.

    As Survivor I get really annoyed at Distortion users, you watch them do the above, and sure enough, you see Distortion every single time. Would they change everything with this Distortion change? Probably not, but Distortion working how it used to makes games so much harder. At least with new Distortion the killer can actually find them and give some room for the rest of us to breathe. As killer more often I win, cause as described above, they make the game easier for me in various ways. The reason I always hated Distortion was I like to spread hooks and pressure, and avoid tunnelling, win or lose.

    I have had plenty of games where I've simply not been able to find rat survivors and ending up tunneling out of necessity; even saying out loud "someone better knock off this hiding crap and show me their ass right now or Claudette is going to die". It always results in the person I would actually give hatch to cause they played well and stuck it out like a trooper, is the only one I can find.... it sucks, and I'm glad it's gone 😒

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83

    Ye let's give stealth killers a more easier game and huntresses more free snipes.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83
    edited October 9

    Exactly but they won't admit to it and know aura reading is just as or more crutch as distortion is. I bet you if bvhr one day decide to limit aura reading to just one and you can't stack them and give them the pain res treatment of 4 use of any aura read including lightborn fully negating flashlights all match what a hissy fit they will throw. @Rick1998

  • A_T_E
    A_T_E Member Posts: 109

    I like the nerf to Distortion. Please, BHVR, keep it as it is now (at a stretch, you can reduce the required chase-time to 15-20 seconds for token regen, instead of 30 seconds).

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 981

    That would be the most fair solution. Requires you to not be a potato at looping to get stacks, but still does it's job, if you do well.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 974

    I played a full aura build yesterday and I quite enjoyed that survivors have no counter anymore

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,075

    What aura reading perks? You're just waving your hand like most of them do anything. When's the last time you saw hangman's trick? How about alien instinct? Awakened awareness? Is the answer never? Because they're really really bad? I like the random segue to lightborn by the way. Definitely relevant.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83

    Again your trying very hard and you must be bored, but here since your bored. Lethal,nurses, friends till end, face the darkness, darkness reveal,no where to hde and ofc lightborn makes sense how is it fair to deny a flashlight all game where it's one of the few defenses survivors have other now unsafe pallets? Try give a good one about lightborn . Finally Wall hack add ons like blights/chuckles in other worst the 5 constant use aura perks and ok I give you that others may not vlbe as common like alien instinct since BBQ does its job far better but you get what am going at.

  • A_T_E
    A_T_E Member Posts: 109

    I don't think there's any point in arguing with this guy. I'll refrain from saying more colorful things about him, but it seems very clear to me, that he's not going to change his position. He doesn't like them, therefore bad. If bad, then; remove/nerf perks to the ground.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83
    edited October 9

    I mean same can be said for killers too. Must I remind you about adrenaline an end game perk that's been born with the game where survivors are only playing with 3 perks all game and yall cry to gut it when the perk never use to be complaint about for years but all of a sudden it became an issue why?

    Post edited by buggybug on
  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,482

    the one change to adrenaline I’m okay with even as a survivor is that it doesn’t kick in when you come off a hook. That always felt weird to me

  • Unequalmitten86
    Unequalmitten86 Member Posts: 182

    I'm totally ok with this or even including gen time as part of the 30 seconds. 30 seconds is forever in a chase especially when the killer drops a chase frequently.

  • HPhoenix
    HPhoenix Member Posts: 601

    I feel like I am the only one that Disto need a small buff.

    -Start with 3 tokens.

    -gain a token after being chased for 15 seconds.

    Otherwise, I love new Distortion as it forces rats to actually do things than hiding thoughout the whole game.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,482

    the rats still exist without distortion I had a bill in a game tonight who did nothing the entire time and waited until I’d killed everyone and then tried for hatch. He was cocky running no mither too. Let’s just say he didn’t make it

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 303

    but then, you also have another kind of players: those who don't know that chases also matter. You are mot supposed to be on a gen and pray killer won't find you, you are supposed to have a plan B and actually be able to draw the killer off your tail. If you don't, your gen repairing dedication has no real use since you end up 2-tapped anyways and actually benefit killer by saving their time more than you were useful by sitting and repairing that gen

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,620

    If a killer dedicates three perks to information, shouldn't they be guaranteed to get some information from their build? Isn't it bad if Distortion just completely shuts down all three for the whole match?

    Furthermore, isn't it good for the survivor team that the killer only has one perk that can affect generators or chases?

    Finally, doesn't Distortion being a little weaker open up the possibility of using other aura-block/stealth perks?