We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

8.3.0: SM's New State is Catastrophically Bad

PixelBush Member Posts: 117
edited October 9 in Feedback and Suggestions

Everyone knew this was going to happen. Let's go through the changes to Skull Merchant with a nit comb and talk about what makes these changes such a comprehensive failure.

  • Stealth Mode going means that the setup playstyle where you leave drones in the environment and hide them to catch people out is totally invalidated.
  • Moving at 110% while holding radar out punishes you for using your tracking power to track Survivors. Yay, I love being encouraged not to use my power outside of chase or track Survivors who are Clawtrapped!
  • The fast vault change combined with moving at 110% while holding radar out means that drones in tiles are more trouble to use than they're worth 90% of the time. If you can get Survivors in a position where the drone can scan them, you're almost always better off just not using your power and M1-ing instead. That takes a full health state, doesn't make you 110%, works with Bloodlust and can actually hit Survivors vaulting pallets and windows.
  • Lasertagging doesn't work: your drone beam doesn't spawn consistently out of the front any more, but instead at a semi-random angle. This means that placing your drone intelligently in such a way to light up a Surv with your beam by aiming it at them does nothing, meaning you're 110%-ing yourself, burning your power cooldown and breaking Bloodlust for a power that has a 90% chance of doing absolutely nothing even if you aim correctly.

So you can't trap, you can't precisely aim, and rotating a drone already placed in a tile slows you down, takes several seconds to start up between placing and pulling the radar out and is countered by a Survivor using a pallet or window. The anti-chase power is hard countered by a Survivor's basic chase mechanics. This Killer's power literally has nothing you can do any more; every mechanic she had has been removed or made unusably restrictive.

In my first game against new Skull Merchant, she didn't even get a single Lock On stack until three generators were completed. Not a Clawtrap, A SINGLE LOCK ON STACK. Clueless Survivors will still lose to her but only because someone on their team gave up (or because they're so incompetent they would lose to a Killer without a power.)

One beam Merchant with no Haste was a great idea to rebalance the Killer away from randomly hurling drones at tiles and encouraging a more methodical and strategic play style around precisely manipulating drones. With these changes, the only rebalancing that was done was rebalancing her into the dumpster, and the only strategy you can use to win is the strategy of not playing her and playing any other Killer instead.

Players both in and out of the Skull Merchant playerbase left plenty of feedback both before and after the midchapter PTB to provide suggestions and signposts to make Merchant a healthier Killer without slaughtering her, but it fell on deaf ears. (For what it's worth, I will be leaving my own suggestions in another post in the appropriate section of the forum). I truly wish I was not so angry, I know BHVR has a lot to do, but it is not acceptable to leave a Killer in this state for a year: something has to be done, and quickly. If you could find the development time to hurl my favourite Killer into a mincing machine and call it a balance patch, you can find the time to fish her out again.

Post edited by JocelynAwakens on


  • strvmpet
    strvmpet Member Posts: 12

    sm 100% needed changes but it feels as if bhvr somehow tried to gut the killer, which I kind of get, if you basically freeze sm by making them completely useless it means that sm will be less hated, which sure ig is an option. overwatch did it with brig and she's pretty liked now despite her release state.

    but the issue is they tried to strike this inbetween and it just ended up messy and gross, they really shouldve just gave her speakers basekit and the one beam and she'd be significantly weaker but atleast the players who love her arent ######### over. Hell even changes such as increasing how long drones are off for or decreasing clawtrap time would make her alot weaker but atleast that character at it's core is the same. it's upsetting to know she's gonna be frozen for atleast a year now

  • strvmpet
    strvmpet Member Posts: 12

    gonna add because i didnt explain it well at all, freeze as in they basically do nothing. it'd be fine if the character's core was kept she was just made weaker but they did significantly more than that

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,126

    haven’t played SM.

    When placing her drones, is it kinda like a nurse blink?

    Holding the placement button causes it to fly to the point (or go up/drop down at the point), with the point going further and further away until the maximum?

    (Probably being able to cancel it like a huntress hatchet)

    Or is it just dropped at your feet?

  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 705

    There's so many underlying things wrong with the way BHVR manages things and Skull Merchant is no exception. The ironic thing is if their goal was to gut the killer and prevent people from killing themselves on hook against her they failed at that too because they kept the thing that everyone hates about her in as you and Scott both said. I'd be willing to bet that people are STILL going to hook suicide against Skull Merchant and she's still going to have a kill rate that is not remotely proportion to her ability.

    I really wish I could gather a bunch of people and create some competition and learns from the mistakes from those that tried. DBD has to be the worst balanced game that still gets actively updated and it's no wonder everybody gets excited (then let down) whenever something looks like it might be able to get BHVR to raise their game.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,126
    edited October 9

    Oh, so survivors had no chance to dodge the initial beam? And also probably favors high DPI to flick to a beneficial angle on button press if dealing with corners?

    Was that indicated in the power description? Or just a commonly used tactic that arose from the technical implementation?

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,126
    edited October 9

    hmm, okay, so at the very least it’s a zoning tool, though unfortunately with no indication of a beam prior to the beams activation without prior knowledge on the survivor side of how it works.

    A potential zoning tool, and an area denial tool, potentially an information tool, that is also entirely reliant on the SM having traversed the point of placement of the drone.

    So ultimately making her feel more like any other kind of zoner Killer, just that she leaves behind drones as she patrols.

    … As far as drone concepts go, the placement is kinda dookie. Seems more like a camera. Would be more interesting if the drones could be placed forward, and survivors then needing to navigate/crouch the beams up ahead. Or placing it farther away at a generator to get a read on who’s there if it does an initial scanner pulse/ping of some kind.

  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 705
    edited October 9

    There's a lot of good things articulated well here. It's all been said in different ways before but it's well said here. The food analogy is absolutely spot on. They would have to completely redesign her in one of the many ways I've seen, even rename and redesign her base apperance before she has a chance of being accepted.

    The worst part about it is that it's self perpetuating. People who want easy/easier wins and don't care about other people's enjoyment know people suicide on hook vs. Skull Merchant, so they play her and make sure to check as many 'you are not going to have any fun this game' boxes as possible. People then complain about Skull Merchant and BHVR's data supports this which we know they don't understand correctly only looking at raw numbers rather than how they got there. I wonder if this trend will continue seeing how weak she is now, but my money is on yes.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,035

    I don’t really understand any of the changes they ever made to SM. All people ever asked for was to not let her put a drone up in the same place once it had been deactivated for a certain amount of time and to not let her overlap the radi of multiple drones. Everyone seemed to concur on this yet they’ve reworked her about 3 times and never really improved anything.

  • KingStotch
    KingStotch Member Posts: 3

    I really hope she doesnt get any more changes/updates until her rework in 2025. Instead of wasting more time and resources for a temporary bandaid solution, they should focus on the big rework instead. Im sure there are also many other things way more important that they rather work on. Just accept your killer sucks for now, this is the nicest way to do it without kill switching the character. You have to understand that there are also 4 other players on the other side of the end that have to deal with this annoying killer, and we had enough of it. This is a big relief.

  • Senile_Grandpa
    Senile_Grandpa Member Posts: 21

    They killed Knight too with their recent 'reworks' as of late. Haven't played him ever since.

  • Massquwatt
    Massquwatt Member Posts: 433

    I'm glad the drone orientation was being pointed out because I thought I was going crazy or something. I was playing a bunch of matches with low power mode and drones would veer randomly 15 degrees to the left or right of where I was pointing at and it's so annoying. It kinda kills the playstyle that the addon offers altogether because what's the point of using it if the drones don't orient themselves to where you want them?

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,929

    Oh no they didn't try they straight did with the first set of proposed changes. A trap power that doesn't work well as a trap power and blood lusting literally being better than to try and hinder the person mid chase.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,781

    The nerfs don't change the fact that her power is still extremely badly designed. She required far more effort to counter than she did to play, did not have adequate counterplay, and got way too many things for free just for existing. She can't be salvaged with nerfs, she needs a rework and her power needs to be changed, but she deserved to be nerfed in the meantime. It's a bandaid, and admittedly not a very good one, but she was far too problematic to be allowed to remain the way she was for the next year.

    They should fix her bugs including with the drone beams facing the wrong way initially but other than that they shouldn't spend any more resources on her until she's reworked. There's no fixing her current iteration, her current power will either always be obnoxious or terrible.

  • Massquwatt
    Massquwatt Member Posts: 433

    Dang I didn't expect a response but thank you very much. That's reassuring to know.

  • Laurie268
    Laurie268 Member Posts: 575
    edited October 10

    Remember BHVR, the forums do not represent the majority of the playerbase. Almost everyone I know is happy with these changes and thinks you should have even went further with them.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,002

    Hey good sir! Good to see, that you have found your way here as well. Enjoy your stay!

  • This content has been removed.
  • BlueV
    BlueV Member Posts: 7

    I feel like survivors know they can just give up in matches and get whatever changes they want to killers they dont like now. Congratulations BHVR for creating this type of metagaming.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,929

    Waiter waiter more obnoxious killers to go against like basement camping bubba please!

  • PriestessPoppy
    PriestessPoppy Member Posts: 33

    Old Skull Merchant was weak and whatever, but they can't keep a killer with a 80% killrate in the game. They didn't have time for a full rework and decided to put the killer "on hold" for now so that there are no outliers in their stats. I think this was the best way of doing it. Either that or a Killswitch.

  • PixelBush
    PixelBush Member Posts: 117

    She definitely needed changes: I don't think anyone is arguing that she didn't. But the changes they chose to go for were way too heavy handed and, in my opinion, came from a position where they didn't understand the Killer well enough to know what to do. It's like the Hillbilly changes from years ago when they realised his addons were a bit too good so they added Overheat and smashed the Killer with a welding mallet where he was underwhelming for years, except worse because Billy's power at least FUNCTIONED on a fundamental level.

  • CosmicScarab
    CosmicScarab Member Posts: 157

    All of these changes feel awful, but the biggest biggest problems I have so far are the removal of stealth mode, the removal of one beam, and the slowdown when using a drone.

    The removal of stealth mode is the most mind boggling choice, as it removes her as one of the very few trap killers we have in the game and makes skull merchant an exclusively anti-loop killer, which is what survivors complained about the most about her in my experience. She isn't even decent at being an anti-loop killer either, due to the bug with laser tagging and the ability to ignore drones entirely if you fast vault. In this regard she feels like a significantly nerfed version of Clown.

    The removal of one beam also hurts her significantly in my experience and seems to make her too easy to play around, but that could just be a skill issue, and I could just need to get used to it.

    The slowdown is also a baffling choice, as you get a measly 5% haste for tagging a survivor. That is the exact same amount that you slowed down for simply using your power in the first place, meaning you functionally get nothing.

    I genuinely think SM might be one of, if not the worst killers in the game now. There is almost never an instance where using your power would be better than M1ing. Even Freddy, who people consider to be a terrible killer at least has some form of map mobility and can slow survivors significantly easier than SM can.

    I really hope the upcoming rework actually happens and isn't thrown on the back-burner like Freddy, or abandoned like the Twins were. And if it does happen I hope it at very least brings back her trapping playstyle, because it was so much fun.

  • EvilTwin
    EvilTwin Member Posts: 51
    edited October 10

    All of this while Nurse still ignores the very fundamentals of the game. There are so many perks and mechanics that simply can’t be in the game because Nurse exists. But no, these mid/low tier killers are way too problematic for the game.

    the fact that someone at bhvr came up with these SM suggestions and someone else okay’d it is very worrisome for the games future. And let’s not forget all the other reworks we’ve had like Twins, pig, freddy, sadako, billy etc. Is anyone actually trusting that when the SM rework finally arrives it will be well implemented?

    Get your ######### together bhvr and if you can’t figure it out on your own, LISTEN TO THE COMMUNITY AND PLAYERS who have thousands of hours of experience on certain killers and the game.

    I genuinely feel so bad for anyone who enjoyed playing Skull Merchant, as someone who played Sadako since release, I know how frustrating this is.

  • CosmicScarab
    CosmicScarab Member Posts: 157

    If people giving up and refusing to play against a killer is enough to get them to be completely gutted, doesn't that set a horrible precedent? People seem to really hate Clown and Trickster, so if people give up and decide not to play against them should they also be nerfed into the ground until they can get a full rework?

    I really don't think killers should be ruined like that simply because people don't like them, because it will allow people to weaponize it.

  • PixelBush
    PixelBush Member Posts: 117

    Yeah, I think SM's the worst Killer in the game right now. With lasertagging fixed then maybe she's better than Freddy and Trapper and Myers, but in her current state… yeah she's in the toilet.

  • PriestessPoppy
    PriestessPoppy Member Posts: 33

    I mean, if people are giving up SO MUCH then the design of the killer is very bad and needs a rework anyway (?). Hopefully without gutting completely that kille, but I think doing it one time is fine as long as they don't get too comfortable with it.

    I've been saying this since Skull Merchant 1.0, they told me that the killswitch was a drastic measures for fubdamentally broken things, wich skull merchant 100% was. Now with skull merchant 2.0 I was kinda fine, was painful in soloq but with my other friends it wasn't really a big deal. I didn't like the place a drone at the pallet and just get tons of value, but knight was kind of the same "just leave to loop" play style so I just held W while people worked on gens. But one thing is I'm not the whole dbd player base, I like to maximize everything so I knew how SM 2.0 worked, maybe more casual gamers didn't and couldn't really understand (there's no way of knowing she has haste unless you read it), I agree with what @PixelBush has answered to me earlier, but maybe they just didn't have that much time? I think doing it once is forgivable, for the first time there was a really big outlier, what's unforgivable is how they messed up a killer power twice after 8 years of game development (especially SM 1.0)

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,024

    My opinion on her is still the same no matter how they try:

    They should remove her from the game (and compensate her mains, ofc), rework her from the ground up, maybe even with a brand new power, change her lore so it's not a mess, change her base cosmetics, so they don't look so inconsistent, and after all that, re-release her back into the game.

  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 271

    Thanks at least us survivors managed to get the game about .0001% less killer sided.