Quality of Life Suggestions

- The ability to trade/sell unwanted bloodweb items for either bloodpoints or other higher addons. No one needs 3000 brown medkits. Those could be traded for a fraction of the bloodpoints spent on them or several of them could be traded for a higher level medkit.
- The ability to see your progress in the game in each of the 4 categories. This could either always be on the top right or maybe even toggled on or off for those who do not want to see it. They flash by so fast that I never get to see what I need to do in order to get the most bloodpoints I can.
- Introduce some kind of penalty for survivors that hide the entire game and don't do objectives, especially when there are only 2 survivors left.
- Perk Randomizer in the main game for both survivors and killers. It would be very fun for streaming. Make it part of the game as an option.
- Raise the Bloodpoint cap to enough to Prestiege 3 a character 4 to 5 million. This would help for when BHVR comes out with a new character that we really want to play!
- Let the Daily Rituals repopulate instantly once one is complete. Or create a set of challenges that repopulate once the challenge is complete. Something to keep us in the game.
@buggybug in comments made the suggestion that maybe we make all survivor perks universal so that they are shared among all survors. I think this is a great option too!
@atom7k suggested a "spend a million" button that would automatically spend it on the blood web. I think this is a great idea or maybe a "prestige one level" button to automatically spend what is needed to prestige a level.
I 100% agree with all of these especially the 2nd one and the 5th one, they really should increase the bloodpoint cap a little more, 2 million too low!! Especially during events and when we get 2x blood points. And i would love to see the category progress so much! Being able to know what i can do more in the game to get more blood points would definitely keep me more engaged and make it more fun! Like an additional challenge almost :)
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3. Well it depends on the number of survivors. If there are only two left, once one gets found, they'll be chased, slugged and then the killer will go looking for the last one left. And now with the Mori changes, you can bet that one of the survivors is going to get killed. Three or more survivors hiding... well that is probably a skill issue.
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I see your point. I only slug for the 4K if they are toxic. Otherwise, I give them a fair chance to get out hatch.
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I know that number 2 is my biggest one here. I really want to see that progress in the game. It goes by way to fast for me to read it in time.
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they need to retire maps and add something else
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I wish we can just have the ability to use the same inventory so that I am not forced to go itemless in a trial with a survivor example escape as Jonah who I never play as so his inventory is empty. It's probably tricky for killer since they all have different add on and power.
Some items really need to go map offerings,sac wards, broken keys,shrouds are just so pointless, overall survivor items needs some updates like how killer add ons get changed. Why is there no iri flashlight for example?
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Interesting thought… I think universal add-ons for survifors (since they all have the same add-ons anyway) would be a great idea, I wish I would have thought of that!
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Yeah, there are a couple maps I'd love to see gone. Although, my friends might disagree lol
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Yes and sorry my phone went bonkers and and let me send out a ton of gibberish xd. Oh maps for Midwitch, Haddon. Dead Saloon and Hawkins for sure then again 90% of the maps now are bad another topic would have to be made.
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I could agree with Haddonfield and Hawkins, but I would add Lery's and Decimated Borgo.
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I wanted to add that I only say the Decimated Borgo because it's so clunky, I'm always running into something on it. Both as killer and survivor. Also, it has one window that they haven't fixed yet that you can not jump through, even though it has the yellow sheet over it.
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I included your suggestion in the post!
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Thanks let us hope for the best.
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I'd like to add a button to "Spend a Million" and instantly increase to the next prestige. Get a prexied amount of all add-ons. I still spend too much time in the blood web
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That would be awesome too! Especially if you don't care about what addons you get.
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I added this to the original post too!
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I posted this in the DBD Discord Chat, hopefully they upvote it!