We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

So... A distortion change



  • Autharia
    Autharia Member Posts: 94
    edited October 11

    It was also a dead perk VS a scratched mirror Myers. Still is really as he has perma aura reading.

  • Autharia
    Autharia Member Posts: 94

    That meme build also runs play with you food that completely counters his slow part. as building up 3 tokens for 15% speed is a joke.

  • hacendado
    hacendado Member Posts: 5


    1. Glass Fragment
    2. Green Dress
    3. Lantern of revealing
    4. Olson's Address Book
    5. Prototype Claws
    6. Reflective Fragment
    7. Blue Dress
    8. Compound 21
    9. Gold Token
    10. Infrared Upgrade
    11. Mirror shard
    12. Rat Poison
    13. Stylish Sunglasses
    14. Willow Wreath
    15. All seeing blood
    16. Advance Movement Prediction
    17. Amanda's Secret
    18. Cigar Box
    19. Crew Manifest
    20. Diagnostic Tool (Construction)
    21. Diamond Cufflinks
    22. Distorted Photo
    23. Flint and Steel
    24. Glowing Concocton
    25. Greasy Black Lens
    26. Healing Poutice
    27. Helicopter Stick
    28. Jailer's Chimes
    29. Jill's Sandwich
    30. Lavalier Microphone
    31. Light Chassis
    32. Matias' Baby Shoes
    33. Oily Coil
    34. Robe of Eyes
    35. Scratched Mirror
    36. Stab Wounds Study
    37. Tape Editing Deck
    38. Uroboros Virus
    39. Vanity Mirror
    40. Victor's Soldier
    41. Warg's Fang
    42. Amanda's Letter
    43. Black Incense
    44. Death Throes Compilation
    45. Improvised Cattle Prod
    46. Iridescent Crystal Shard
    47. Iridescent Seal of Metatron
    48. Leprose Lichen
    49. Outdoor Security Camera
    50. Remote Control
    51. Renjiro's Bloody Glove
    52. Tattoo Man's Middle Finger

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,267
  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,267

    As someone who runs this build regularly, getting 3 tokens rarely happens and costs you so much time it's not worth it. You get 1 token at a time if you're lucky, if you try for more you lose gens.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,715

    If that were true, then for the past years we'd have only seen info metas on killers. But that's not the case. Without slowdown the game is still too fast paced for the killer to do much. Most killers barely lose any time in looking for survivors anyway because they already have an idea where to go thanks to their experience and the fact that survivors usually don't hide either way.

    A balanced build with slowdown and info is better than just overcommitting on one thing (very few exceptions).

    Survivors are your objective but that objective becomes unobtainable after a certain amount of time. Meaning, you have 2 ways to try and win.

    1. You do your objective faster.
    2. You try to buy yourself more time to do your objective.

    The second option is the more common for killers because there is only so much you can do to increase your own progression speed. After all, survivors have a direct impact on this and there are some time traps that you can't avoid normally (picking up, carrying, hooking, traversing the map).

    We also nerfed the best chase perks for killers, STBFL and Sloppy (for the sake of the argument I'll consider it a chase perk because chases with an injured survivor are way shorter). So that already makes point 1 harder. Meaning, you'll need to decrease any other time losses you have, which you do by using info perks. The time you can save with this approach however is finite. Even if you were to see survivors at all times, you still couldn't win the match infinitely fast. So at a certain point more info doesn't do anything anymore.

    With slowdown perks nerfed, the approach to buy yourself more and more time has become less effective, which means that the hybrid playstyle of both saving time and slowing down the game is the most effective way to play.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 125

    The reason why info was not meta is because it was just nurses bbq and bitter Murmur lol ,why would info be meta then?

    Now starting with neme then up to knight the aura reading perks and add ons is through the roof why are taking about the past like that matter, it's about today and the future.

  • TerraEsram
    TerraEsram Member Posts: 654

    Just little correction :

    Leatherface, Knight, Amanda and Onryo have an add-on to see the aura of the survivor

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 125

    Excellent and killers dear ask why we bring distortion. I wonder how comes its fine lightborn to negate a entire blind builds all trail or a plague to counter every healing perk and freely cause give 0 emblem points for altruistic things.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 402

    people don't realize that slowdowns are top tier shift for every killer player that gains enough game sense to not rely on full aura builds and chase builds so often.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,458

    Am m1 killer is chasing me with no antiloop power, how scary...said no one ever that knows how to loop.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,447

    BBQ was meta and Nurses wasn't uncommon on many killers.

    Likewise, there wasn't much slowdown either. You had Thana, Dying Light and Ruin. Pop was there for regression.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,918
    edited October 11

    People aren’t opposed to killer aura perks and add-ons. They’re opposed to reliable counterplay to these perks and add-ons being hampered to the point of uselessness. It’s a different argument. Killers should have aura reading abilities; survivors should have ways to reliably counter them. There’s always a risk that a build you run could be useless (at least for survivor), but that’s a risk that survivors accept when they queue up. What is unacceptable is that there are certain playstyles or killer builds that cannot be countered. Not so for survivor, obviously. That’s the problem.

    The rest of your post reads like killer apologia & clock SWF boogeyman argument.

    Less than 5% of survivor teams consist of a 4-man SWF. It’s difficult to guess how many are on comms (realistically not all of them are), and it’s impossible to know with 3 and 2-player SWFs how many are on comms though the benefit shrinks when there are fewer players directly communicating match details. In any case most players are solo queue, and those that aren’t still don’t appear to see an impactful advantage from using comms.

    You cleaned it up at the end but I felt the need to address the impact of your statement.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 402

    Survivors aren’t a team.

    what are they then? An orchesta quartet or?

    And if you’re struggling to handle four survivors in today’s DBD I have news about your skill level.

    maybe you should analyze how survivors play rather than jump to instant conclusions based on the match outcome. I am on my Agi only streak with only and streak exists purely because skill of survivors i play against is...very questionable thanks to the MMR that is close to nonexistent :D

    It’s not cope. I don’t use slowdown (I run aura reading) and do fine. It might also help that maps are shrinking (I definitely exploit this), dead zones and unsafe loops are increasing (I exploit these), and killers received a ton of basekit buffs (I make good use of these). I’m sure those elements have something to do with it.

    again, only maps that received the relative shrinking are Haddonfield and Coldwind realm ones, Ormond received quite a minor shrink level. Deadzones discussion is vast exaggeration and many of survivors literally lack chase skills in the very amount that they run themselves into deadzones because they don't know the map they are playing on at all.

    Regarding basekit buffs, like c'mon, you even gotta be joking here.

    If you’re personally struggling perhaps you should consider leaning into some of these features? They’re meant to help killers achieve that < 60% WR.

    as i already said, i'm not struggling, but it's all thanks to bad opponents i get thanks to a magnificient and reliable MMR system wink wink.

  • emilyoberlin
    emilyoberlin Member Posts: 9
    edited October 11

    so glad it's getting nerfed as a SURVIVOR MAIN. it will finally force people to actually take chase and not play an unhook simulator! maybe more of these survivor mains depending on distortion will finally leave mid mmr once they learn the hardest and most important mechanic in the game- looping!

    i'd be fine if distortion players threw themselves at the killer when they had less hooks than the person on death hook, or if they actually sat on generators but are usually too scared to even do that because generator noise = survivor is near, right?! distortion has taken being stealthy to a completely different level and created its own game style.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,715

    The rest of them are slowdown. So this confirms what I said. Running full info builds is more gimmicky than useful. It's a lot better to run a build with both info and slowdown.

    Without the info, it's harder to use your slowdown perks often enough to buy yourself the time you need and without slowdown you don't have the time to act on the information you get.

    Distortion, Tinkerer, BBQ, Nurse's, Bitter Murmur and Infectious Fright all existed when I started playing and they were used, just not as often as they were now because you had something like Pop, Ruin + Undying and mostly Corrupt Intervention as the most common killer build.

    All of these 4, literally ever single one, was nerfed. Ruin + Undying have become pretty rare and Pain Res has been nerfed a few times too.

    Killers used to run 4 slowdown perks because they were so strong (and even then most would use at least one perk for something different). People complained about not wanting to play against 4 slowdown perks every match and whenever the devs released another slowdown perk that wasn't crap it would become meta by virtue of it being slowdown.

    Now we changed the game so much and nerfed slowdown overall and people are complaining that killers start to use something other than slowdown?

    Really, what perks is the killer supposed to run?

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,248

    I don't have problems winning a faire share of my games, but I still fail to see how aura reading alone would win games. You still need to be reasonably good at chases and make decisions influenced by your game sense. There are so many situations where I see a survivors aura, but I don't act upon that, because of lots of reasons, for example (and not exhausting):

    1) I am in chase with someone and can end this chase in a reasonable time, 2) the gen in question is on the other side of the map, and traversing there isn't feasable, especially since all the pallets on that side would still be up, 3) a gen close to me or at a strategic position is getting worked at and defending that is much more viable.

    In all that cases I could see the aura of all the survivors permanently and it probably wouldn't influence my decision of what to do that much. But aura reading often helps to get into the right chases, to stay in said chases and, yes, sometimes to win mindgames, but there is a limit to what level of information will "essentially play the game for you" and when showing some auras is better then gen regression.

    To me this whole discussion feels like moving the goal post. I was always in the camp that claimed that DH was an abomination that should burn, and MFT should have never even be conceived in the state it released, because it broke so many rules of the game, BUT even when I sometimes rolled my eyes at a game with four survivors having SB and sprinting away or how Lithe often was a "nope. Lets and this chase before it even starts", I never asked for this perks to be nerfed, because I got what I wanted, I got what I asked for and I recognized the need for survivors to have exhaustion perks. Sure, some killers every now and then asked for nerfing Lithe or SB, but most of us couldn't care less for such calls, as neither of this perks felt even 1/10 of oppressive then DHs domination did.

    But when a sizable portion of the survivors now cry and whine over aura reading of all things, it feels so dishonest and crooked. Did it really feel better to have regularly repair two full extra gens, because 4 gen regression was so effective, then being regularly found by the killer and dragged into chases? Is easily sidestepping the killer by leaving the gen when you heared the terror radius and move behind any number of walls within 15m, and keeping them at 2 hooks all game really that much more fun and exciting?

    6.1 and the following changed irrevocably burned the playfulness out of the game and breed efficency into the player base, that won't ever go away now. So unless BHVR does a big rework of the base game mechanics, we are stuck with extremely fast and efficient gens with split up survivors, while killers must be killy enough to keep up with the pace.

  • AGlassOfOJ
    AGlassOfOJ Member Posts: 36

    Bro it's 24 which is extremely feasible on most maps, like I can only think of a handful it wouldn't work on

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,656

    I wish I was going against these killers running 4 aura-reading perks. It'd be a lot more interesting than all these killers I'm actually getting who are all running Pain Res + Pop + Surge, which is a teeth-grinding experience when it feels like it's happening 10 games in a row. Especially in soloQ.

  • OtakaChan
    OtakaChan Member Posts: 199

    Uh I've gone against Chucky, blight, nurse ,nemesis, weaker, hag, billy, bubba, vecta so far today and all had aura and the games lasted like not even 7-19 mins most times no one got over 10 k....even with distortion

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,928

    I mean i would rather face aura reading than gen slowdown. Some people complaining about aura reading just don't like to get chased.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,703

    That must be it.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,738

    Are you sure you quoted the right person? All i did was present the frustrations about aura reading vs Comms perspectives and insinuating how much they have in common. You don't need to fire off a bunch of unrelated things you personally take issue with, i even emphasized that I am being reasonable about factors such as lower frequency. Never meant to argue.

  • Grimlet09
    Grimlet09 Member Posts: 77
    edited October 11

    y are killers not alloud to run anything for gens or aura bc thats all i hear ppl mad about???? what r killers alloud to run now?

    i dont have issues im fine i can hide perfectly well. maybe u just bad at hiding??????

    maybe its time to admit it not meant for surviors to win evry chase or loop for five gens. maby its time to be ok with killers chasing u a lot, i thot we all want chase more??????

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,703

    Maybe they can make it so that you lose a token when attacking so it takes you a ludicrously long time to get any semblance of speed back when you down someone!

  • Brightened
    Brightened Member Posts: 314

    Again, you are completely ignoring the fact that they also nerfed the loops into the ground.

  • ErebusSurge
    ErebusSurge Member Posts: 24

    we all know killer mains will collectively jizz themselves over distortion nerfs. But the second you take away lethal pursuer, BBQ and chili etc they would be up in arms about having to actually work to find people.

    It’s the same old story, defend things that benefit you, kick off when they don’t.

    The right answer is to have both or neither.

    If you want lethal, we get distortion back, if you don’t want distortion, let’s remove the 3 aura reading perks sat in the top 6 most used list and see how happy you are then.

    Whilst we are at it let’s remove no terror radius, oh and no teleporting, and match survivor speed no boosts. Let’s see how happy you are when you are in the survivors position but as killer..

    you’d be screaming for speed boost and aura reading..

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 125

    It occur to me that this seem to be only two things killers run but complain on survivors running only meta.

    Even some killers you always expect the same perk set up here is a few

    Artist= always pain res and deadman

    Pyramid head = am all ears nurses

    Huntress = lethal bbq iron maiden and a random perk

    Myers= corropt

    I tried an all expose build as wesker the other day and was getting quiet alot of value with 1 hits dragon grip make your choice starstruck and floods on midwitch.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 125

    Or as another suĝgest keep only kindred and bbq cause i mean the whole come back from killers oh you want us to run 4 gen slow down is abit stale too, thing with gen regress is while annoying yes its does nothing IF all survivors know how to loop and I admit we do have alot of ways to hammer out gens anyways, survivors who complain on 4 slow down i find weird tbh. I feel am more losing matches that contains 3 to 4 aura builds than 4 slow down. M

  • OtakaChan
    OtakaChan Member Posts: 199

    You forgot the shrunken maps. I get them a lot. You are basically on top of each other all the time and with several aura perks the games last 5 to 10 mins of we are lucky. It's just a slaughter or slug fest because there's really nowhere to go.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,248

    Without aura perks most of my games last about the same amount of time, due to the insane gen speed and efficiency that has been breed into most survivors since 6.1

    Lets face it, the genie is out of the bottle and won't get back in, the game has changed and since the community has embraced gen efficiency and tunneling as often needed to win (no matter if that is right or wrong, but its perceived as such), this two playstyles are here to stay.

  • Brightened
    Brightened Member Posts: 314

    The fact that the maps are so much smaller and they get to see us at the beginning taking no time at all to get to someone for the first chase…

  • brewingtea
    brewingtea Member Posts: 247

    You have to play around the perks as if the killer has them, because you can't see their loadout. hth

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,447

    Most killer aura perks are not a real concern since they don't see much use.

    The ones you will actually see are as follows:

    Lethal - aura reveal once at start. Changed Distortion still starts with 1 token if you don't want to be the first one chased. Otherwise just pay attention to your surroundings, something you should be doing anyways.

    BBQ - Hide in a locker after the killer picked up a dying survivor.

    Nowhere to Hide - Best thing to do is to get far away from the gen before the killer kicks it.

    Nurses - Don't heal inside a killer's TR. If a stealth killer, be alert.

    Friends - Really the same counter play as BBQ and just hop into a locker as the obsession. You can use the expose duration as a timer.

    Undying - Killers aren't really using this for tracking. It tells you the first time you step in range of a dull, so start looking for hexes.

    Weave - About to get changed, but currently it tells you when you are being shown so use that knowledge.

    Honestly the best thing you can do to beat aura reading perks is to just be good at chase. It doesn't really matter if the killer knows you are there if they will either waste time chasing you or ignore you to try to chase an easier target.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,408
    edited October 12

    Not really. You'd can often times figure out a killer's loadout from behavior. If I see a killer run to an area that DOESNT have a survivor after hooking someone, it's safe to rule out BBQ. There's also perks that basically announce themselves like Thwack, Friends til the end and Weave.

    Alot of aura stuff isn't even to FIND survivors but to be used mid chase, which ironically new distortion will be stronger against. Perks like new zanshin, I'm all ears and just about every addon fall into this category. Mirror shard isn't going to reveal any auras on survivors that werent already spotted.

    Post edited by LordGlint on