We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

2v8 is never being coming permanent



  • Gmoore23
    Gmoore23 Member Posts: 193

    Huh? I didn't say anything about the mode being either Killer or Survivor sided. I mentioned queue times were long for killers but for a reason that makes sense (there's only 5 choices and most people have wanted to play with a second killer for a while).

  • Phartmagick
    Phartmagick Member Posts: 1

    The 2v8 game mode was fun, but it needs tweeks to be successful long term.
    Unfortunately I feel it brought out the worst in people, both survivor and killer. All sense of honor and sportsmanship went out the window in this game mode! Which made it very frustrating to play at times.
    Then there's the "class" issue where no one really played their class and it was too constraining as a player. Not enough variety. Same goes for playing the killer. I would like to see this mode in the regular rotation but no class restrictions and no killer restrictions.

  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 580
    edited August 7

    2v8 is fun but this isn't sustainable longterm. I would rather a rotating modifier queue that alternates with events, a different mode every Month.

    Lights Out was a failure but that's because it didn't provide enough for Survivors, they literally had next to nothing. Reiterate on this, make it more balanced and less obviously Killer-sided, and give both sides a bit more to help them out in tracking, and the mode could be just fine. It really needs to go back to the drawing board and get some fixes because for the majority of Survs it wasn't fun and as certain Killers it was too easy. Personally I liked it on both sides, but it really needs reworking if it EVER comes back - and I hope it does, because a jumpscare mode that's also a hardcore Survivor mode is a fun idea and was a fun idea.

    Chaos Shuffle was perfect. Don't change a thing.

    2v8 is for the Killers. It needs more for Survivors to do, it needs more maps and more Killers and classes, and it needs some heavy balancing to make it fair. Some classes are too strong, others are very weak. Some Killer combos are super OP and others are too weak. I have no clue how you'd make some Killers work at all or be anything near fair in this mode. Since Survs understand the gist now, maybe have 10 gens? Let us pip in it too, and also the queue times NEED to be made more fair. Killers like this mode because it's less stressful and you get to have a friend, Survivors find it kinda boring after a bit and the only incentive was the BP.

  • Grumblephant
    Grumblephant Member Posts: 93

    I think 2v8 is the closest we'll get to a "casual" dbd experience. Preset perks and enough leeway to learn from mistakes.

    People have been wanting away from comp dbd and I believe 2v8 is setting the course for that. Hell, add a few more classes for like boons and deceptions and it'll get better. I hope.

  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 580
    edited August 7

    I actually think Chaos Shuffle was closer to casual DBD, 2v8 has too many things that can be optimized from Killer combos to Survivor classes to ever truly feel "casual". I fear the same competitive creep that 1v4 suffers will worm its way into 2v8, destroying what made it casual - the chaos when everyone didn't know what to do yet.

    Any time you give things that can combo, especially in strong ways, to the players they will find a way to optimize it. Chaos Shuffle you could not do that, and arguably it was much more casual for it than 2v8 could ever be. Already 48 hours before its end, we've found that Killers and Survivors have optimized the mode. It will only get worse for 2v8 as more things are added unless the Devs balance things out better so that cannot happen as readily.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,501

    Dbd survivors want to be tunneled/camped/slugged in regular mode… Neither of those really happen in 2vs8. I can see swf going back to 1vs4 quickly because they want to use flaslight and do saves so I would like to see pallet/flaslight saves in 2vs8 then we can think if there should be more gens but 8 is enough because killer does not has to carry survivors to hook.

    In future there will be lot more variety with different killers and maps. But even in regular mode it's same few perks and killers and strats now... I been playing 2vs8 10 hours a day now 2 weeks and regular mode would bore me much faster. I could play current iteration of 2vs8 years though obviously my playtime a day would drop. Sad it ends tomorrow.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,501

    I only find killer aura reading is too strong it should not show instantly that unhooked is being healed. That scenario allows free tunneling to happen. Not sure about "optimizing" otherwise it's much more casual.

  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 580

    I agree that aura reading should be muted if the person is healing after being removed from a cage in 2v8. I don't like that it enables possible tunnelling.

    In the last few days I did and do see optimizing. Everyone is Huntress and Wraith or Trapper, and everyone is running ONLY Escapist and Guide, with a Scout or two. It's been optimized.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,501

    It was not good time to take 400% bp off as last days people will want to play killer even more as it's last chance before it leaves. Also castlevina ptb takes players away from survivor now so killer queques are worse.

    I think it's time to think how survivor role can be more fun as 2vs8 shows killer is much more fun. Even I escaped practically every game in 2vs8 I still prefer killer. I would honestly give class with old dh to survivors in 2vs8 that was fun perk to use.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,890

    I think it was wise of them to not roll this game mode out as being permanent. Having experienced it now, I think this mode should come back quarterly for a week. That feels like the right ratio.

  • DbdRules
    DbdRules Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1


    Hater 2v8 is very loved by dbd YouTubers and this mode was just a beta it will be permanent in the future so suck it up hater And this is more popular than 1v4

  • Cadpig
    Cadpig Member Posts: 47
    edited August 8

    2v8 got me playing Survivor for the first time in forever. Sure, I barely escaped a trial, but the larger teams made it a lot less stressful. It's also the most I've ever played the game at one time (probably the furthest I've ever gotten in a Rift) and the first time I've spent Shards because of that.

    I want 2v8, and it would be my primary mode.

    For the record though, I have absolutely no reservations about playing with and/or against bots. If that's what it takes to get 2v8, sign me right up.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,759

    In order of importance:

    More killers

    More roles

    More maps

    2v8 felt like a fun little diversion. I enjoyed it, but it never really felt like DbD, kind of a mini-DbD.

    I'd be happy with it coming back every couple of months with additions, but they need to figure out something to do about the que times and get more people to play survivor. Long que times for killers, and trying to bribe survivors to play with BP that are only relevant for the 1v4 mode (and even there, barely), are not long term solutions. If it becomes a permanent mode, I think that will decrease the survivor pool even further as it loses the mystique of being time limited.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    I don't understand why people would be upset that 2v8 is a more enjoyable mode for some people. Like for me personally, it brought me back after taking a 2 year break from this game. THIS mode brought me back to this game. This is the most fun I had in this game since I began playing it. I could see this mode overtaking the regular mode if the added more maps, and all that good stuff. Like for real this is a fun, not a stressful mode. I get that the queue times are horrible, but I think people just wanted to play that role considering some may have been waiting for 8 years. I know I was waiting for 4 years to get a mode like this, so for the me the queue waiting time was worth it. But yeah I'm sure if they would make it permanent it would fix it self, since people would find their mode. Like I also heard about these others mode they brought it. But none of those modes even brought the numbers as 2v8 did. I knew people who had been inactive like I was, that came back just for this mode. Like honestly no other mode has had this impact.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    The 2v8 game mode was a fail due the insanely long queues for killers.

    Some people state that the reason is because it is a killer sided mode, but I think the reason is because it is the first time we can play killer with a friend, a breath of fresh air.

  • TWS001
    TWS001 Member Posts: 157

    If they made 2vs8 permanent in its current form it would be beginning of the end of DBD.

    It started off fun playing survivor but the novelty soon wore off due to the complete lack of variety in killer and maps. Also once killers had worked out how the cages spawned it turned into tunnelling simulator 2.0 and without perks to help and if you were in a dead zone, easy picking for the killer more often than not.

    Fun was well and truly gone by the time I'd done the event tome and now in the normal mode, the two games I've played against Huntress, both times people have disconnected as soon as they're heard her humming.

    Sorting the queue times somehow and way more variety in everything to do with 2vs8 and it will be a fun diversion again in the future for a short time I'm sure. Until then, it can't come back without harming the core game.

  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,142

    Easier to find 1 other friend than 3 other friends to play with. I enjoyed playing both sides, i think the proper way to go about it is to give a big boost to survivor bloodpoints. I had more fun in 2v8 solo and with a friend as killer and survivor than i have in the regular game mode in a long while. A few adjustments to it and it would be great.

  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 580

    They've extended it for a week so this entire week for those who wanna play anyone other than the main 5 Killers is kind of a wash. The mode is fun, it should return, I love it, but NOT in this iteration. I would much rather play Chaos Shuffle as a permanent mode, I had a lot of fun with it and liked the non-sweaty chaos of it. In this mode, people have already optimized it both sides and there's not much to do as Survivor. It feels like DBD with the soul stripped out after a bit, and at this point I am only playing for tome stuff and because my friends want to. I don't even get the satisfaction of getting a pip up.

    However… If people love this mode for the fast BP, and don't care about pips and grades anymore as a result… could that not be a sign that Grades and pipping entirely need to be removed from the game? I can make more BP with the 400% in 2v8 even when I lose than I can grinding pips each month. It begs the question… are grades and pips now too sweaty and unneeded in modern DBD? Would anyone care if they got removed? I know for me, I'd be happy to see both go, I think they incentivize competitiveness in a bad way. Why measure how much we play a month at all? Just make Survivor have a permanent 400% BP. With the number of characters and stuff in this game, surely that wouldn't be a problem these days.

  • BritneyMitch
    BritneyMitch Member Posts: 160
    edited August 8

    I mean there really isnt a way you are going to get survivors to keep queing up in 2v8 without some massive changes. The main thing is getting chased by two killers basically just defeats the entire point of the game from survivor side. Nobody is playing this game to do gens or hit healing skill checks. I think if you were to give endurance for like 10 seconds after getting hit by a Killer. That would stop two taps from happening when getting chased by both killers at least forcing them to win a chase twice like the game was intended.

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 877

    If people don't play to do gens or hit skill checks, them 2v8 makes perfect sense for survivors as they receive double the fun with double the chase action.

    2 killers on Lil ol me is 7 other survivors(lol) on generators

  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 580
    edited August 11

    The problem with that is they CAN'T give that sort of mechanic due to how fast paced the game is in 2v8, everyone including Survivors is already overpowered in the mode. Something like that on everyone would make chase unbearable for M1s in the 1v1 with someone, let alone the 2v1…

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,060

    2v8 > 1v4

    SAWII Member Posts: 107

    More players sounds better in a vacuum, or for a symmetrical game. But DBD needs a 4:1 ratio, so it doesn’t do any good if tens of thousands of people come to the game but they all wanna play killer; queue times suffer game-wide. It’s a worse experience for almost everyone. That’s what they mean when they say it was unsuccessful.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,024

    If Cote himself recognized that Lights Out was a flop, we can be sure we won't see it again.

    Which is nice, it's a snooze.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,630
    edited October 13

    They need to make survivor matches be more fun, so people want to play that role.

    IMHO: - The removal of pick ups and carry survivors to the hooks, also removed a HUGE chunk of skill expression and fun elements from the survivor gameplay in 2v8 mode.

    Flashlight saves, Pallet saves was basically removed, while these ones actually fun to do. (If you do it right)

    I think they need to bring this basic gameplay mechanic back and adapt it for 2v8, it will surely bump the interest of playing survivor in 2v8.

  • AGlassOfOJ
    AGlassOfOJ Member Posts: 36

    Honestly I played 90% killer when 2v8 was active and I had a blast. Yeah the queue times sucked, sometimes up to 10-15 minutes long especially when the survivor bonus went away, but after 7 years of going it alone, finally being able to play killer with a friend was worth the wait.

    If your main complaint about it is the long queue times, that's totally valid and should be their #1 priority to fix, but calling it "unsuccessful" is laughable when you consider the direct correlation between player numbers and revenue.

  • AGlassOfOJ
    AGlassOfOJ Member Posts: 36

    This is definitely true, but to me it's less that survivor is boring in 2v8 and more that killer is just WAY more fun. Like, survivor is very fun in 2v8, it's a chaotic mess and I love it for that, but boiling it down it's more or less the same game, just messier.

    Killer on the other hand is a brand new and extremely engaging and fun experience for the simple fact that you finally get a teammate, and can finally play with your friends. This, understandably would clog up queue times from killer mains who want to play with their friends, returning killer players who felt killer was too stressful playing alone, newer killer players who felt it would be easier to learn with a friend, etc etc.

    I think adding more incentive and fun gameplay mechanics to survivor will definitely make it more worth playing, but I feel like killer queue times are always gonna be pretty long because of how dynamic and unique the experience is and will always be compared to survivor.

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,540

    Regardless of opinions of how good the mode actually is, you would be lying to yourself if you think it isn't gonna eventually be permanent