We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Unfair Games

Jaroslavus Member Posts: 16
edited October 13 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hello, I would like to ask when you will finally make fair games. Are killers faster than survivors? Why! It's unfair, they have Power and addons in addition to perks.Why the Doctor doesn't get a Rework! It's unfair that his Power can go through objects and you can't use Palettes or Windows with it.Add some protection against the Doctor to Stop him (preferably permanent).

Why is there no Ban system? Survivors would choose 1 Killer they don't want to meet before the game. If there are 4 different Killers, 1 will be chosen at random and not allowed to play that round. If at least 2 survivors match, the selected Killer will not play.Also add Power for the Survivors to even out the powers!!!I'm sorry, but the game is pointless when Killer is always on Top, because they're the only ones who get love and the others are frowned upon.

If anyone cares about the game, the Survivors will get at least 2 perks, which will make the game more difficult for all the Killers. Palettes are useless there anyway when he's a Range Killer. Then there's no point in even playing because it always gets you.Great game!!!

Camping and Tunneling - the best mechanics and best friends of the Killers. Mechanics for which there is no penalty. Cool! Killers always have advantages.
It's not nice and unfair when the Killer runs after 1 Survivor or waits. He still gets a pat on the back for that. These Killers (kids) should be Banned!!!

One can't even really enjoy and play the game! What's the point then?

If anyone comments on this post, just normal comments. Thank you.
Not the type of players crying for Killers etc. Normal comments


  • Jaroslavus
    Jaroslavus Member Posts: 16

    Normal Comments:

    • no swearing
    • no pampering of Killers
    • only an objective view
    • no Spam
    • somewhat supportive comments (for better gameplay)
    • Survivors welcome

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,996

    I think Doctor is already pretty well balanced, even tho it might seem unfair he can shock through a wall.

  • Jaroslavus
    Jaroslavus Member Posts: 16

    Please no comments criticizing me or my content. Thank you.
    Only those who want to support or encourage the fight for Survivors' rights and a fair fight should write. Thank you once again.

  • Jaroslavus
    Jaroslavus Member Posts: 16

    One just wants to point out what is wrong with the game. It is perhaps difficult to understand that one wants to enjoy the game!
    But it doesn't work if the Killer side is on a higher level than the Survivor side. Then the game loses its meaning.
    If you don't understand it and prefer to support the prevailing party, then please don't write. Thank you for your understanding.

  • Jaroslavus
    Jaroslavus Member Posts: 16

    It's hard to throw a post on here and see normal responses etc. Because people often like to screw it up.
    It was a mistake to put something here. People don't have respect and repsect.

  • Jaroslavus
    Jaroslavus Member Posts: 16

    I'd rather write to support, that will be better

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,093

    I think you're looking for DBD Twitter or tiktok. They'd eat this screed up.

  • Jaroslavus
    Jaroslavus Member Posts: 16

    If you want me out, say so right away. Why should people like me even write anything. To complain about something.

  • CrossTheSholf
    CrossTheSholf Member Posts: 250

    I asked you questions that I wanted you to elaborate on.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,249
    edited October 13

    Is that what you really got from my comment? No one has tried to push you out. But perhaps you should take a short break and go do something that relaxes you. If you feel that people who are trying to help you are actually attacking your or trying to push you out, then it seems like you are having a dramatic emotional response to the video game and to people trying to help you better enjoy said video game. No one is personally attacking you. Disagreeing with someone is not a personal attack, and if you don't realize that then you have been spending too much time with people who parrot your opinions. It is a normal part of life that we come across people with whom we disagree.

  • Jaroslavus
    Jaroslavus Member Posts: 16

    Not slower than the Survivor, but the same.
    The Doctor needs Rework, especially when he uses the ability across the entire map and even through objects.

    And the Force wouldn't hurt the Survivors, or more perks if they could use them

  • Jaroslavus
    Jaroslavus Member Posts: 16

    No, it's not like that, but I don't like it when people sympathize with killers. I'm mainly a survivor and I just want to get something out of the game, some fun. You can't do anything in that game.
    And yes, I'm also emotionally frustrated because I'm going through an illness right now and I have to sleep with a breathing mask at night because of it.

    But I appreciate what you wrote, I know, but minor changes could at least be made, at least 1 perk to protect survivors.
    So sorry for everything.

  • Jaroslavus
    Jaroslavus Member Posts: 16

    And I would like to ask where the concepts for the new Killers and survivors go, I have something and I would like to show it.

    And I apologize to everyone

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,249
    edited October 13

    I am sorry that you are going through hard times. I will be straight up with you: DbD is not a good game for times when you are emotionally stressed. Even if the changes you suggested were made, they would not be made tomorrow, they would take a very long time to implement.

    Dead by Daylight is a notoriously bad experience for new players. It takes hundreds of hours to learn how to play, because it takes learning all the maps, learning killer powers, learning perks, learning add-ons, learning how to loop. There's no getting around those things, they are core parts of DbD and they change and grow with each update to the game.

    Taking breaks from DbD is good. I myself take long breaks from DbD. I play both survivor and killer (much more survivor than killer, lately, but I don't completely ignore the killer role), and I pretty much only play for events. Maybe I turn the game on for new tome challenges, but mostly events. It is good to take breaks from this game. Most people who play the game will agree that if they don't take breaks, it quickly becomes unfun.

    You should take care of yourself and play something more suited to your state of mind, whether that's a symmetrical PvP game or a story-driven PvE game or even something relaxing like Animal Crossing (I play Animal Crossing, it's a relaxing game if you don't take fishing too seriously and don't focus on the crushing debt). Mental and emotional stress negatively affects the body and can have damaging physical repercussions even without illness involved. No one wishes that on you. We want to see you enjoy the game or, if you can't, we want to see you understand that sooner rather than later so you don't lose time to something that will only make you unhappy. Time is precious to us all.

  • Jaroslavus
    Jaroslavus Member Posts: 16

    Thank you very much for your understanding and I apologize once again, I should probably take a break, a longer break.
    I mainly play as a Survivor, I haven't found a Killer yet that I enjoy and that I would like to learn.

    I know you're right and so are the others and what I wrote is nonsense, but at least something tiny could definitely be improved, for both sides.

    Thank you again for your understanding and I hope to enjoy the game better after the break.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,249

    Thank you very much for your understanding and I apologize once again

    It is no problem at all. You are absolutely not the first person to be frustrated by this game. It's a natural reaction. We have all been there.

     I haven't found a Killer yet that I enjoy and that I would like to learn.

    It can be tough because killer is lonely. It's a completely different experience from playing survivor. If you didn't play killer during the first release of 2v8 mode, you may want to try when it releases again in November. There will be a few more killers available to play as than there were during the first release.

    I hope to enjoy the game better after the break.

    I hope you do, too :)

  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 634


  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,209

    Have you ever watched people play on medium or higher levels? Survivors usually have the upper hand in most cases.

    It is normal that killers are overwhelming for new players and they often think they are op, but they really aren't. Maybe you should play some killer for a while so that you see that after 20 wins with the same killer you will get much harder matches.

    If it comforts you, 6 years ago I also thought that Doc is op, because you could not hide against him (back then he was even more annoying lol) and that it was unfair that killers are faster. But I quickly leant (because I also played killer) that the extra speed is necessary because a) the killer has a larger hitbox and therefore can't loop as efficient as a survivor can (Videos on YT can show that well) and b) they would take forever to get you. If you want to see or experience how tiring it is to chase survivors when you are barely faster, watch a video with a Mirror Myers (Myers with Scratched mirror makes him 105% instead of 115%) or look up any video of someone using Hope and Made For This from about a year ago (both perks together made you about 110% or something).