We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.


MissClove Member Posts: 10
edited October 13 in Feedback and Suggestions

Almost every game I’ve played tonight, killer had slugged all or nearly the whole team. It’s not fun. You literally do nothing but lay on the ground while they go slug everyone else.

Set a timer where the last person slugged can get up on their on. Some sort of penalty.
please do something. You can’t even play the game. You just crawl around and bleed out.


  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,247
    edited October 14

    Want to be a pain in a slugging killer's butt? WGLF, Unbreakable, Soul Guard, and Plot Twist. Make your own fun.

    You may not have Soul Guard and Plot Twist, but WGLF and Unbreakable are the more important perks and they're on free characters who come with the game. Normally I wouldn't suggest an entire build to deal with one issue, but if it's happening almost every match then it makes sense to focus your perks around it. No Mither is also an option to avoid being slugged, but the broken status can ruin what would otherwise be a fine match, so it's not something I'd recommend.

    Edit: I should point out that Unbreakable and Plot Twist don't stack. The gag here is you can pick yourself up if the killer downs you or you can put yourself on the ground and pick yourself back up into the healthy state; the only way to pick yourself up twice is when Plot Twist resets during EGC. If the lack of stacking is an issue, feel free to replace one with a different perk.

    Post edited by TragicSolitude on
  • MissClove
    MissClove Member Posts: 10

    I really appreciate the build info. I sometimes use no mither with another build I use when I use weaving of spiders. But that’s the only time.

    The slugging has always been an issue, I get that. I’ve played dbd since the beginning but I’m

    Seeing a lot more lately. Just wish they would address the issue. Maybe somemore perks that stop it too.

  • smurf
    smurf Member Posts: 53

    I think when we're at the point where you have to run certain perks to avoid common bm play styles, it's a sign that the game design has gone wrong somewhere.

    But I could see that build being fun for matches where it gets a lot of use. In a bad use of unbreakable, I once picked myself up and took off running right in front of the killer when he was coming to pick up myself and the other remaining slug, even when I had plenty of time to do it while he was away. I think it made him laugh bc he spared both of us in the end :)

    But back to the point, UB is a bandaid, kind of like Lightborn for people who struggle with audio tracking. I agree with op that the current slugging meta needs a nerf (probably some minor tweaks to hooking and slugging to make it less useful to slug). Though I think we need to preserve the ability to slug for bully squads, so the balance might be tricky to find.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,247

    I miss old Buckle Up, where both survivors got the Endurance effect, but the updated WGLF speeds up recovering someone else and it gives the slugged survivor Endurance so it's worth trying.

    Plot Twist is part of my normal build, so I can often mess with slugging killers. Pretty sure a few decided slugging is no fun when a survivor does it to themselves, or they at least stopped taking the match so damn seriously.

    like Lightborn for people who struggle with audio tracking

    Or players like me who are on previous-generation consoles and simply can't reliably mechanically counter blinds. But also, yeah, trying to track via audio can be awful on Switch. Turn the camera half an inch and you can't hear the generator you're working on, and there have been times I couldn't hear the hatch five feet away out in the open.

    I think when we're at the point where you have to run certain perks to avoid common bm play styles, it's a sign that the game design has gone wrong somewhere.

    the balance might be tricky to find.

    Which is why I think slugging still exists in its current state: the balancing is tricky. The game is designed around it being an option for killers. It may not be fun to be slugged, but making a drastic change to it could wildly swing the balance of the game.

    Slugging has been complained about relentlessly for a long time. When the built-in final mori mechanic was first introduced, it came with unlimited built-in Unbreakable. The built-in Unbreakable was way too powerful so it was scrapped, but it does suggest the devs are looking for ways to mitigate slugging and simply haven't found anything viable yet.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 402

    it's crazy how so few players in this community actually have sense of logical thinking to sit down and think "wait, but why is slugging so rampant, why do killers avoid hooking before they ensure there are 2+ survivors on the ground?", but majority is immediately jumping on to begging BHVR to bring more handholding basekit mechanics.

    There are so many perk that revolve around hook related actions as an activation condition, there is a whole sabo strategy buffed to further encourage denying hooks, hook stage timers are increased, hook grabs have removed, plethora of things have devalued hooking to the point where slugging is less punishable, even with all the anti-slugging perks.