I'm eager to see the Skull Merchant stats in 3 months

My bets are on 0% killrate with self sacrificing on hook not counting in the equation.
I had success with trapping people on loops and just endlessly turning the rotation till the become injured, boring but it works not that I overly played her before.
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They went way too far with her nerfs, it was way too much.
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i still giving up instantly against her. I dont care, its not how much weak or strong she is. She is absolute unberable and i cant stay in the matches against her. She should be the first delete charather in the game.
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That only really works on people who are clueless against her and in that case almost anything works. Unless it's a really unsafe loop most people will just stand still to be immune and wait until you make a move that forces them to leave. The vault immunity also gives them a lot more wiggle room too, frankly I've found it really hard to scan people normally? I dunno, if it weren't for the fact that low power mode is bugged(?) that's the best way I've found to scan people since you can force them into it.
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I'm sure her killrate will drop, but a 0% kill rate will never happen for any killer.
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It won't be 0%. Even Freddy manages to get kills because of bad players.
A good example of why balance changes shouldn't happen because of crybabies and quitters. Nothing will satisfy people like this.12 -
BHVR mistakes, she is hated because BHVR release her knowing about her problems and they insist bring to this game every 3 months instead delay and fix the problems before. BHVR gave a green flag to every single people hate her, leaving her in that first state on release. She is blurried now and nothing will change that. I still not undertanding how developers put SM on PTB without see A LOT OF PROBLEMS she was carry. After early 2023 BHVR lose the way. A lot of boring killers to play as or against, every single perks changes, always aura reading, soloQ is unplayable after all these changes, maps changes, and 80% killer reworks nobody liked. Every perks changes just the Top tier killers could benefit from their .Now they are releasing modifier trying retain the gameplay base. Years ago when we had a license chapter every people were excited, now, u cant see any hype about chapters even the license chapters.
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How are they gonna get stats on her when her playrate drops to absolute zero?
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i think mass groups of SM players should go next in matches to drop that killrate
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SM mains now may dc at the start of the match. An eye for an eye!
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The only survivors I've beaten with her so far, I could have beat with anybody. Otherwise, I was just getting bullied all match, and they threw it at the very end for no reason. Her scan lines randomly becoming 1-foot long for some reason is killing her.
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Nah that isn’t possible, I got 4ked by her and the undetectable is still incredibly annoying and super random.
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Kill rates do not include any game with a disconnect.
And they've already given us stats that only 3% of her kill rate includes games with anyone dying on their first hook.
This killer has a 68% kill rate naturally, not counting disconnects or deaths on first hook, and people still somehow think she needs nothing but buffs and not a complete rework.
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i doubt stats will drastically fall, people still give up way too easily against her because "omg it's SM 😡😡😡"
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This is the DbD community. You have to account for the magical server with the magical players at the magical MMR at the magical time of day in the magical region that you clearly aren't playing at and the stats aren't accounting for. Anecdotal evidence is more valuable than the average results from tens of thousands of trials. It's science.
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I wish you could pin comments.
I guarantee none of the regulars or people who posted in this thread will respond to you lol.
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If zero games will be done with her in this 3 month, the killrate stays at the 69%, showing that the nerfs were not effective, more nerfs would be needed to rectify this situation.
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So what in her kit made her such much more killy then Nurse, Blight, Hillbilly or Spirit? Was the random injuries when she was nowhere near that brutal? Oh wait, thats still in her kit … dayum.
I believe that actually nothing made her this killy, but survivors behavior who didn't want to play against her, fostering some age old resentments against her original form.
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Mass throw then thats what im doin
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If the devs goal is 60% kill rate, then those killers are objectively overperforming. So if the devs are actually wanting to maintain balance they would find a way to reduce that performance, yes.
I'm not sure why you think this is some kind of slam dunk argument when you provided the official stats that support this conclusion.
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Thinking that Freddy needs nerfs is…certainly one of the ideas of all time, I'll give you that.
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Not sure if it is even possible to nerf him any further. He barely has a power.
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While I agree with you position regarding SM, saying freddy and sadako need nerfs is a lmao moment for sure.
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So, in your opinion, the official stats are somehow not over performing devs goal of 60% kill rate? The data is literally right there. Denying those facts is the textbook definition of delusion.
If so-called M1 "weak" killers are consistently able to blow that metric out of the water, and they've been near the top for at least a year or two now, are you saying they need buffs? By what basis?
ETA: you're both missing the obvious conclusion that's also the same as SM here. These killers need reworked.
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you are confirming the well known theory that people in dbd community act like "fun matters in the game, but god forbid if someone enjoys playing a specific killer", and i'm directly saying this as a huge SM hater.
Even though i hate her, there should've been ways to actually do something about her that wouldn't render her unplayable for people who love playing her and in general.
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These killers need reworked.
This is true for Freddy, yes, but not because of kill rates. His kill rates have way more to do with the people who still play him than with how his power works.
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Definitely not a bad thing lol <3
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They've explained their process for evaluating killers ad nauseum, yet the community still debates it. They don't *solely* look at kill rates. They've said repeatedly that it's quantitative and qualitative e.g. kill rates along with player sentiment/fun factor. Kill rates are one part of the picture. But outliers can indicate that something needs to be addressed. The community just chooses to ignore the devs when they speak.
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man wants to nerf pig insane
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I tend to lose to more Pig players then nurse/blights cause pig players don't respect using a box with ticking trap, its already short enough you can only get to 4 of them before it goes off most maps so you have a 20% chance to just die cause of luck. But let you spend 90% on the box that might not be the one of the 5 you need to just down you and rehook.
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By using these stats to conclude, buff or nerf characters we should be buffing killers like nurse, which is absurd if you have ever played this game more than 10 matches.
Using the raw data bhvr gives ignores a lot of factors, but hey I will leave you to believe that nerfing freddy and buffing nurse is what the game needs.
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Yeah, before she was at best an a tier killer, bur mostly B tier. Survivors just sucked and couldn't be bothered to understand how she worked.
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All Skull Merchant players are my enemy, and must suffer. They must be punished.
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They could always make his M1 abilities weaker then other killers …
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I mean then survivors just get to go next. If 4 survivors DC against you as SM you're forced into a bot match and can't leave without getting a DC penalty yourself. That should be changed.
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So let's buff Nurse then is that what you're saying? She has the lowest killrate iirc.