We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Why do people complain on both sides killer and survivor

theonryo123 Member Posts: 53
edited October 16 in General Discussions

I notice when I read these discussions a lot of people complain on killer perks and survivor perks. Let’s get one thing straight for example I had really fun playing Chaos shuffle along with 2v8. In my opinion those modes made the game really fun and enjoyable wanna know why?? Because not everyone is running the same meta perks on both sides and don’t have to rely on them. Chaos shuffle was a really good addition to the game because people didn’t have to really on their usual meta perks often it’s a mix up which made the game very balancing. 2v8 was good as well because there’s no perks at all and it was still enjoyable.


  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,919

    Theres a lot of factors to the answer. Is there something specific or an in general?

    If we were to give a quick & butchered answer is because people come with expectations and see a small picture of the whole game.

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  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,149

    It is very stale seeing the same perks over and over again, it's like seeing the same map or killer constantly. Variation makes the game more fun in general. The issue is even if the meta perks were nerfed or changed other perks would take their spot and be the new meta.

  • Unequalmitten86
    Unequalmitten86 Member Posts: 205

    It's actually predictable because all of a sudden all the same perks are used and you sit there like which creator did this?

    On the survivors side everyone uses a different blend but I have seen head on used a lot more and the one that pauses the hook.

    Killer tend to stick to the same perks so it almost becomes easier to know which ones they carry and a lot don't stray from that.

  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,149

    oh yes i remember a week or so ago when otz released his magical unhook yourself and heal build. Was kind of annoying to deal with so i had to put on franklins.

  • angel_pellegrino
    angel_pellegrino Member Posts: 28

    There's playing a game to enjoy playing the game. And then there's playing the game in order to win. I'm not knocking either playstyle. And some people's style falls in between the two. The issue becomes when a killer refuses to play a match if they're not going to win, or a survivor does. And soon it becomes a grudge match over perks, game choices, endgame tactics, etc. DBD places an immense amount of pressure on survivors to escape and killers to get everyone (or at least most). Getting stomped on can also be very frustrating, and some people also carry those feelings into their next trial.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 405

    people complain because they need proper excuses to throw when losing a match, due to ego not letting them admit that they were...outplayed.

  • Z3r0Fear
    Z3r0Fear Member Posts: 11

    When playing as the hunter it is simply not fun to face off against a bunch of players in a voice chat who will easily be able to communicate and perfectly time each gen ending matches in less then 5 minutes at times. It really stands out when they have one person making themselves visible early on to be chased to be the distraction while the other 3 just work the same gen or 3 at a time.

    I get matches instantly when playing as the hunter and when playing the survivor I'm waiting upwards to 10 minutes at times to get one match going because there isn't enough people solo queueing up as most of the people playing survivors appears to be premade teams which is a bummer as its fun to play as a survivor compared to the hunter but waiting upwards to 10 minutes is insane for a match!

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 792
    edited 5:31AM

    I mean some things have their reason:

    flashbangs being able to be dropped inside you looking at a wall is just dumb and the only thing I can do is slug, because looking at walls is the only thing you can do to counter blinds. Also they are bugged since ages that they don't make sounds behind corners, so you have to look at the (sometimes) beautiful sky to not random get blinded because you didn't hear the flashbang that you should've easily heard xD