Survivors need nerfs

right, I’ve been playing this game for years and use to be a surv main thinking killer was too strong and whatnot. Playing the past year constantly as killer I can say survivors are beyond broken it’s actually a joke. Ik people gonna say skill issue and alla that but when you’re at high mmr and go against these types of survivors it’s an actual joke. I feel weak as any killer. It’s beyond difficult and too stressful. Gens need a fat nerf, hook times need a nerf , loops need a nerf and imo surv movement speed as a hole should be nerfed holding forward is so strong it’s actually a joke. Like I love this game but I’m actually losing the plot on how survivors are this busted and still not been nerfed. You can seriously tell the devs are more bias towards survivors. Playing a killer should be the power role but it’s not in anyway shape or form I feel weak and powerless. Survivor shack (my personal name for it) is broken asf it’s not even fair. 4% off hook should also be removed from the game as you’ve worked that hard to get the down for it to be taken by luck and bs. Hatch is just a pitty way out for surv yet another chance, while killers are getting nerfed on repeat with little buffs to compensate. What I’m trying to say is surv needs some serious looking at as playing killer at high level is barbaric and so unfair. I pray that the devs seriously look at survivors, loops and gems and nerf them, 2 gens off 1 chase is a joke especially when they spawn on a gen while you as a killler have to transverse the map to find someone then chase them then down them and then hook them = 2 gens gone. It’s just become an actual joke all these anti tunnel stuff for surv and nothing for killer. As a high level killer main people will understand you HAVE to tunnel to even get a draw if lucky a 3 man. It looks like I’m going back to a surv main as killer is far too hard for far too little reward and when I play surv I feel powerful and that’s the complete opposite to killer.
I agree with you about the gem issue. Survivors keep pulling out the Chaos Emerald and sending me into the Shadow Realm. It's making games borderline unplayable, to be honest.
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I'm with op, solo q is in dire need of a nerf! I want to win zero out of 10 games now!
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What killrate for your killer games would be fair?
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killrate doesnt equal to win rate and win rate is very unreliable because survivors give up at the start or killer plays friendly and lets 4 man escape
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i think healing needs a nerf. since sloppy and mangled got nerfed into the ground, its time to make healing 24s.
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mmr works off kills not hooks so you have to tunnel to get mmr but now the devs put so much anti tunnel it makes it near impossible and if you don’t tunnel you lose
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Nah make healing take 120s lol
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While we're at it, let's make survivors start on hooks at the beginning of trials and immediately be sacrificed
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movement speed needs a nerf imo holding forward is broken asf, like surv just have an answer for everything. Pallets and windows in chase , after down pallet drop save or flashlight save or body blocking, then when on the hook 4% and end game hatch and obvs borrowed time off hook longer hook times like what does the killer get in this regard and it’s nothing they took away hook grabs so now when you goy a surv on hook end game and there’s 2 or more left then you’ve lost essentially I just can’t fathom on how strong survivors are compared to killer and how easy it is compared to killer.
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you clearly don’t know what it’s like to be a high mmr killer then with that reply cuz I play both and ik for a fact survivors are beyond strong then they need to be.
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when you play perfectly as killer and I mean perfect you still lose you only win by survivors making a mistake and it shouldn’t be like that at all
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I agree. We need a nerf for exit gates. When the gate opens, there should just be more killers inside!
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you cant talk over win rate before talking over killrate because you have to kill survivor to win.
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it’s crazy i just played a game there and spawned on a totem Litt right in front of my face and guess what was next to it a gen so that was easy while the killer lost 1 of his perks 2 seconds in and lost a gen
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But if my personal criteria for "winning" is aggressively going for 8 Hooks then playing "nice Killer" until Mori'ing the Obsession with Rancor, I am skewing the data for killrate being an absolute measure of skill for MMR.
Unfortunately we don't really know how many other players play in such a manner. But as far as I'm aware, I've created an outlier in the data if only kills are looked at as a measure of "skill".
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unfortunately that’s how the devs see skill is getting kills not hooks so playing “nice” will most likely lose you the game as too much pressure and gens fly you have to tunnel to even get close to winning or playing “unfun”
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If you're just looking at "winning" like the devs are, yeah, you'll lose more by "playing nice".
But honestly I've never had more chill games:
By adhering myself to an 8 Hook "nice Killer" playstyle (and further I even typically try to be sequential about hooks), my MMR settles to a point where I'm matched against survivors of skill levels where that's consistently possible.
Which is in stark contrast to when I'd try to hyper-tunnel/slugout survivors with Bubba. After several matches of that, whoof, the sweats and cheaters I faced for a while.
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that’s the problem I shouldn’t lose by playing “nice” it should be hook counts not kills then killers have more incentive to actually go for chaces and not tunnel for kills but I play to win I’m competitive but I like to play both sides so I’m not biased. And I think that killers atm are just weak survivors imo especially when they know every loop every map are far far far too strong in chases and gens.
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Then still go for the 4K but while "playing nice". Just remember that doing so competitively will mean that there will be wins and losses, and falling prey to temptation to tunnel when you feel you're behind will start your MMR sliding towards necessitating that kind of playstyle.
I agree, I'd like there to be more pomp and flair for going for as many hooks and chases as possible, but that's not what the current gameplay loop provides: By far the most satisfactory checkpoints are Hook deaths and now the base-kit Mori.
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If you are competitive and want to win so bad then you should accept all that comes with the "High MMR" fantasy.
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but the issue is the killer should be a threat and they’re not high level surv just are toxic t bag cuz they know they’re the power roll I don’t expect to win every game but when I’m struggling to get 1 even 2 and depending on the map it’s just bs I don’t feel powerful and that’s the issue
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Survivors in high mmr die more frequently than the average & I rarely see teabagging in high mmr killer streams
maybe you're not as high mmr as you think, or maybe your mmr is boosted from where it would be from your current skill level
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False. You can win without tunneling. Plenty do it. All the time. Perhaps you just need more playtime under your belt?
What a strange and very false take. No one plays perfect though. Ever. And your level of perfection might be a lower level than someone else's. Perfection doesn't belong in dbd talks. It just doesn't work.
Ahh, holding W tech.
You're literally complaining about basic functions of the game in this excerpt. A lot of them lol.
Seriously, I know I just referenced three things from this one poster, but its just ridiculous the claims being made. Just play the game. You're doing more complaining than playing. And making stuff up to boot. I do enjoy these comedic posts from time to time, but wow lol.
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I don’t feel powerful and that’s the issue
Ahhh, thats the actual problem. The Narcissism climbs out of the well like a cursed spirit.
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Depends on who you watch on stream i personally watch true talent , otz and a fair few 100 mains. Survivors in high mmr especially if they’re a swf will easily escape most of the time. 100% communication is insanely strong.
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I disagree with everything you said. I’ve got 6 years under my belt I’ve seen survivors and how they were really broken so they have come along way from before but they still need alot of work. Holding W is a very strong form of time wasting, every second holding forward is a second on gens you clearly don’t understand how every second counts on a killer. Playing perfect is literally how high level surv swf will wipe the floor with the best of killer fact. that’s how the game works and they play perfectly. Once you know the loops by the back of your hand and maps it’s very difficult for the killer to zone. And Tunnelling is used because of gen speed which they nerfed for killer and buffed for surv which obvs applies insane amounts of pressure for the killer because you’ll get gen rushed. I personally think yes I do have high mmr when they’re prestige 100 4 man swf most of my games or high level solo queue surv who know every mind game and map an also put map offerings on with flashlight , sabotage kits. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions I wanted to share mine on how unbalanced the game truely is.
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I agree with OP , as a killer main with high MMR the gen speed is nuts. Even when i play as nurse to have more chill games and my chases last a few seconds the gens are still flying and i need to tunnel to win the game.
Ofc survivor mains trash talk me at the end game chat for not caring about their feelings and not following the survivor rule book.
Lately (past month or two) i have being playing survivor and oh my god it's so fk chill and fun compared to playing as killer.
This itself should show how unbalanced the game is and how survivor side it is.
Heck you can even check the tournaments that people do with teams like eternity or however they are called and u can clearly see survivors are winning.2 -
How to say u are a low MMR killer and barely play killer without saying it.
You might as well chech this as you don't have a lot of exp in the game. -
48.3% escape rate is not "most of the time"
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Oh you poor soul. A HUGE assumption based on absolutely nothing. You're an average human being, imo. (Shouldn't be insulting, but if it is, apologies! Just my opinion.)
Not only do I win most of my killer games, I do it with only Trapper. If you have a squad, I'll happily do some customs with yall and humble your entire team. :)
Have a good day!
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As a Killer main with hgh MMR
You have no idea man. No one does. I can say you're low mmr and have the same credibility. It doesn't make your opinion any more valid than anyone else.
Even when i play as nurse to have more chill games and my chases last a few seconds the gens are still flying and i need to tunnel to win the game.
If one feels like they have to tunnel with nurse, how 'chill' is that to you, exactly? It's more accurate to say one -has- to tunnel with weak killers. But you are getting on the strongest killer and saying 'I have to tunnel'. Well, you probably do. Its a skill level thing. BUt most don't with nurse. I'll happily take this argument.
Ofc survivor mains trash talk me at the end game chat for not caring about their feelings and not following the survivor rule book.
And you shouldn't. That rulebook thing has always been bad lol, so agree with you there!
Lately (past month or two) i have being playing survivor and oh my god it's so fk chill and fun compared to playing as killer.
This itself should show how unbalanced the game is and how survivor side it is.
That doesn't actually show anything. At all. What a strange thing to try and link together.
Heck you can even check the tournaments that people do with teams like eternity or however they are called and u can clearly see survivors are winning.
Yes… yes lets look at the top 0.1% and say the game is busted.
Now that I know you are 100% killer biased, I can categorize your posts moving forward in the 'Dont need to pay too much attention here.' You false claims are just kind of meh and plentiful on these forums. Enjoy your games!
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when you’re at high mmr
…then you're clearly not losing enough to complain.
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High MMR should be tough. It's the best players up there. If you're unable to compete at that level then perhaps you don't belong in high MMR?
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"Killer good, survivor bad"
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high mmr doesn’t mean swf tho. You can be high mmr solo queue. A full comp swf is pretty much a loss, only cuz gens fly and them stats are before gen slowdown nerfs.
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Agreed! But depending on maps it decides a win / loss and swf or not. But I’m saying killer should not be as stressful as it is because gen speed is crazy and survivors are extremely strong when organised.
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If you tunnel to win, your MMR will go up. If you then cant handle that higher MMR you don't deserve to be there and should learn to play without those styles because yes you will get the anti tunnel perks and the survivors that can counter that playstyle.
I watch plenty of killer mains' streams that win on high MMR without tunneling. Its possible if you have the skill for it.
But most importantly, it's a game. Stop being so competitive and make it fun. This is a "party" game after all (according to the devs). If you're not having fun, or intentionally trying to ruin the other team's fun, you're doing the video gaming wrong (this statement works both ways).
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Its interesting seeing these stats from almost a year ago. I wonder how much lower the eacape rate is now because the game has gotten way more killer sided since then.
Post edited by doobiedo on3 -
Every map rework will look like trash new Haddonfield in the future.
Escape rate will only keep getting lower.
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"Laughs in low MMR"
The weather is nice down here, want to join?
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Brother i don't know what copium you are inhaling but everything i said are facts you want to believe it or not.
You playing trapper and claiming you win your games and you are high MMR just shows with how low level survivors you play with.
Against a good swf survivors will coordinate and disarm your traps making you a simple M1 killer and of course you are gonna use the add on that injures healthy survivors or not being able to escape the trap by their own and claim that i am getting nice hits or you just hooking them on basement and trap the whole place making it impossible to save the hooked person.
Me playing survivor in solo q and having more chill games compared to killer is a thing that many main killers say. It's just facts you just sit on gens do skill checks 1-3 times you will have some chases and that's it.
No need to even mention how more busted it is if you are in a vc with others cordinating and doing call outs.
Maybe if you show the game as wider you will notice 1-2 simple stuff.3 -
You have no idea man. No one does. I can say you're low mmr and have the same credibility. It doesn't make your opinion any more valid than anyone else.
That's the thing tho i am not the only one with this opinion so it can't be only me who is delusional.
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The MMR is a lie, and anybody who uses it as an argument is wrong.
(Conspiracy theory)
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lol, I laughed when I saw this post.. if they did that there would be more survivors who would give up and go next.
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BHVR has to make the game balanced for the majority of players not the high MMR SWFs groups who do everything perfectly otherwise the kill rate will be more like 90% and a lot of people will just outright leave.
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All good. You just deny anything I said and give nothing back. Enjoy your games!
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Legit you did the same. Enjoy yours too!
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I have a similar approach to this. I don't explicitly go for 8 hooks, but I refuse to tunnel or camp unless I have a bully squad. My goal is to make sure all five players get a chance to have fun in the match.
Usually I'll also give last person hatch or open the gate for them too so that at least two of us get a 'good outcome'. But there was a time when I played for 'wins', and as you said, doing that will lead to hard matches by design.
Regarding OP's experience, I don't know how high my MMR has ever been, but I think there are a small handful of killers who fit the needs of high MMR play. Nurse and Blight come to mind, but generally high mobility killers have a chance I think, so maybe Wesker and Billy have some potential. In the end, I think BHVR has a massive challenge to balance the game for all of us :)
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This i agree with to a degree. You aren't the only one saying this. You're part of 1 of 2 groups on the forums, and there's just as much on the other side complaining.
Its rare to have someone actually be neutral around here. I used to be, but its a LOT more fun picking one or the other. And since the game is currently hand holding killers, I choose the underdog side: survivors.
Me playing survivor in solo q and having more chill games compared to killer is a thing that many main killers say. It's just facts you just sit on gens do skill checks 1-3 times you will have some chases and that's it.
From what I understand, killer MMR isn't tied to survivor MMR, so if thats true… of course you wouldn't have a hard time. You're not going against ridiculously competitive killers.
Delusion has nothing to do with it also. I genuinely believe your experience is what you say. It's just not everyone's, and people are just calling for changes based on their OWN experience. Its just an endless cycle. Not sure how to tackle that issue myself, honestly lol.
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it don’t work both ways when you have 4 man sef gen rushing you and you got no chance of winning its that simple survivors are jist too strong and need an overall nerf I shouldn’t have to tunnel but the game for a win you have to i watch high mmr killers and they tunnel to win so I don’t know who you be watching