2024 Halloween event is terrible for survivors

theTARNavsky Member Posts: 161
edited October 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Compared to 2023:

  • Survivors lost the endurance and haste effect when depositing energy in the void (no haunts)
  • Killers got an additional power to injure survivors
  • The smoke bomb is utterly useless, you can't see anything yourself and doesn't make things harder for killer at all
  • The killers know when survivors are in the void…
  • …but survivors don't know when the killer is in the void AND the killer is undetectable (unchanged)
  • Killers now can use powers in the void

To sum up: killers got buffs across the board, and survivors only got nerfs or nothing.


  • vol4r
    vol4r Member Posts: 373

    Also bloodpoint gain is bad compared to last year.

  • Jacknalls_Paw
    Jacknalls_Paw Member Posts: 239

    This event is utterly useless overall. The amount of BPs you are rewarded with is ridicolous so traveling in the void is a waste of time (the smoke bomb is laughably lame).
    I guess I will play it for challenges only and then leave it alone.

  • sirlemonhead
    sirlemonhead Member Posts: 89

    It's even boring to watch survivor streamers play it

  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 787

    so you cry when it’s killer sided but then don’t complain when it’s survivor sided? Lol

  • dwight444
    dwight444 Member Posts: 448

    feels like events should be where fun and creative ideas come to life but most of the time events just feel terrible as a player and the question arises as usual - why does no one notice this as they're working on it or brainstorming ideas?

  • theTARNavsky
    theTARNavsky Member Posts: 161
    1. Who said I didn't? I probably didn't create a post about it, but I defo did complain when playing killer then
    2. We already had a killer sided anniversary event, both of them actually, it's a bit too much at this point for me, that's why the post
    3. Also the huge difference between last year's and this one contributed to my frustration enough to speak out about it
  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 998

    The event is rather slightly survivorsided but more overall balanced and not terrible for survivors. Removing the endurance and haste is a good change because last year it was so stupid when another survivor came from the void to take an endurance hit for their friend. The new power is funny but not really strong and forces the killer to waste their time in the void and in many matches you don't have the time for this and in these matches where you have the time, you don't need it. The smoke bomb is a funny item and can be used quite effectivly. The killer kewn it last year too by looking at the HUD and see the survivor with the broken status effect. This year it is just a little QoL change. No big deal. Undetectable is a rather weak status effect if the survivor just look around and the void is open and there are not many oppunities to sneak up, especially when you want go to the top where you have a nice spot to look around. And survivors have pallets and windows to deal with killers. The main issue was that survivors could just jump into the void to wait out Oni's power mode, to completly shut down Nurse, Spirit, Deathslinger and to escape a chase with Victor or the Guards from Knight.

    Overall, the event is more fairer for killers and no longer stupid easy for survivors. The main goal of an event should be that both sides have fun and can enjoy the event and not that one side has super strong oppotunities and options to let the other side suffer.

  • _solaa
    _solaa Member Posts: 5

    I feel they struggle to hold killers in event modes other than 2v8 and part of the incentive is making a lot of these events killer sided. Along with them trying to “keep things fresh”
    That doesn’t change that there’s really no incentive for the killer to go into the void, other then if all surviors are in there or if they really want their void power. And still, it’s easier to just camp the teleports for when they return. The void power is not enough for most to care. They just want their 4k

    Even worse, is most are slugging the last two to get that mori.

  • ownoka
    ownoka Member Posts: 47
    edited October 2024

    I hand it to BHVR, because I think for once in a long time they turned ON MMR on Friday, October 18, 2024 for the event. Game matching took longer and I'M SO OK WAITING FOR 5M for a game if it means I have a chance to demonstrate and build skill in the game — matched to killers at my skill level. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE turn MMR on for these games on weekends or give us an option with button or something. It was so much fun!!! On Saturday, October 19, 2024 MMR was off, matchmaking was fast, but it was just an exceptionally awful experience and why I am not playing DBD as much anymore.

    UPDATE: It seems as if BHVR is turning on and off MMR every other day. Probably as a test.

    Post edited by ownoka on
  • CrossTheSholf
    CrossTheSholf Member Posts: 328

    Such a downgrade from borderline invincibility in the void with the killers unable to use their powers boo hoo

  • Lentara
    Lentara Member Posts: 61

    Yeah, the event is totally trash for survivals. Wow, I got some smoke-bomb what doing nothing and never has saved any1, but killer can now oneshot cus quess what?? This new thing doesn't have same cd with m1 so basically I'm just instadown in 1 sec (in right place pfc). Very-very cool. Also killers have 2 charge and survs only 1.

  • Lixadonna
    Lixadonna Member Posts: 420

    Because the Devs idea of Balance is to remove everything deemed Survivor favored and turn it into Killer favored.

  • Yoshirama
    Yoshirama Member Posts: 417

    Another event ruined by killers, nothing new

  • ownoka
    ownoka Member Posts: 47


    Developers put so much time into something that is barely being used the longer the event goes on. Killers have too much power punishing survivors for going into the void by following the and snipping and dropping from the higher levels. You could change this by eliminating the visual for killers.