freddy time

It has finally happened, my friend!
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Let goooo
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Equally excited and nervous to see what they're cooking up. I hope it's more of a return to his older gameplay, but updated to modern standards.
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Any idea when we'll get more detail?
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The whole Nightmare on Elm Street DLC is getting buffs? 😱
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I hope thy know what they're doing.
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It's crazy to think this is the second rework he's gotten. I really hope they've learned from past mistakes and do right by him.
Please listen to the PTB feedback.
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I was taking a break when Freddy first came out, so I hope some of his original kit is in this new version so I can finally play with it
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You're the first person I thought of the moment I saw him on the roadmap
Happy for you my friend :)6 -
I hope they keep dream pallets and make them base kit, its so fun to play with them
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I need dream pallet to be at least 10 then it can recycle the old ones.
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Am I dreaming?
We're actually living in a time where BHVR update Freddy again! What a time to be alive.
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Thank you, friend <3
I'll say, I am really happy right now! After five years with a boring killer there is finally hope for him.
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Congrats! Hopefully it's like Billy and other adjustments leaving him so much better in the end!
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Oh please @BHVR, dont mess my boy.
Freddy DESERVES a GOOD update, not a shitshow. PLEASE!Finally its happening!
We will give you the best opinions about Freddy in the January-PTB, right @GeneralV ?
The route is clear:
Option A: Dream Snares and Dream Pallets Basekit, remove the speed penalty while holding a snare und decrease the Teleport-Cooldown + Addon-Pass
Option B: Give OG-Freddy a return, but keep the Dream Projection. In Dream Transition, install the Incapacitated-Status-Effect + Addon-Pass
Post edited by KaTo1337 on3 -
It never made any sense, when they nerfed the snare count, that they also nerfed the dream pallet count, as if that was something overpowered he had. Basically none of him was overpowered. Just a glorified M1 with slowdown add-ons. Drop him at his peak strength in today's meta, and his tier placement literally wouldn't change.
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Listening to PTB feedback is just as dangerous, because people say stuff like, "This killer could get me, so they're OP."
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Is this really happening? Is the dream coming true?
Freddy’s Dbd journey in and of itself has felt like some surreal nightmare meta AR experience lol
To all the forum Freddy mains: Let’s all hope you’ll be causing the nightmares this time instead of experiencing them 😂😂😂
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You're right. I'm sure they'll nerf him for reasons like that.
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funny thing, whenever we discuss Freddy in work and especially with this update, I always think of GeneralV as well :)
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Please dont Pharmacy these perks and characters PLEASE don't Pharmacy them! Or Freddy them.
I'm excited to see what's in store
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Oh, thank you! I am really happy to know that!
This means a lot to me. To be someone that people think of when discussing my all-time favorite character is an honor, really.
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Been a long road, maybe after this you can finally retire in peace.
I'm hoping for the best myself as someone who also wants the best for freddy
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Peanits mentioned that the old variation or any form of him would not be coming back. What's the reason behind this?
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I mean, gonna be honest, they probably want to leverage the UE5 engine with him. Can probably do much fancier things.
Though who knows if it’ll just be a reformatting of his existing kit.
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I'm just happy for @GeneralV more than the reworks! Poor chap has been steadfast and loyal towards Freddy for as long as I've known him, and that is absolutely commendable.
BHVR better do something good with Fred! @Mandy It would also be good if they could honour the General in some way, to honour his long-standing service to the cause, since he comes up in your discussions. :D
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Thank you so much, my friend. It warms my heart to read this.
But it would be a honor that I do not deserve.
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Do not deserve? Why not. Its just a game. You main the guy. The OG Freddy. Stop being so humble! You DO Deserve it.
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Old Freddy was one of the worst things they ever added to the game. He was a giant DC magnet and hardly anyone liked him.
They said around the time of Legion that they were moving away from aura-reading as a basekit power component, hence why Killer Instinct was created. Mega gen slowdowns are a no-go as well. It was also super unfun trying to guess where he was while he was dragging you into the Dream World.
Suffice to say, bringing back old Freddy would be a disaster.
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Is this it? the day I've dreamed off. please don't screw this up lol. Sadako will go on the backseat now. Freddy I'm back to you again.
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I hope they add the original Robert Englund Freddy. It's just not the same with wish dot com Freddy.
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What's deserved and what's right can exist both together and separately, General!
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Snares and pallets combined are interesting but the problem I have is that snares are frankly… boring. Id much rather see him get a more dangerous trap than a slowing trap
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I just expect nothing big so maybe I can have a positive reaction when I see the patch-notes for the PTB in January.