I miss old movement so much.

I want to talk about some things that I think shouldn't have changed. Let's start with survivors model movement, the animations. Before the Silent Hill chapter your survivors model would react to wherever you moved your mouse, whether it was to the left, up, right, down, in any instance as long as you weren't locked in a different animation. Then the Silent Hill chapter happened. How do I remember this, well I still remember the disappointing discovery of how your characters head would no longer move up or down when you're crouching, moving while either crouched or stood up, or running. Now I know the animations have changed further since then, but all of what I'm saying still stands.
Yes, the survivors did get a better posture, they were no longer hunched, looked more natural. That part improved. However by not making the character react to up or down movement is the opposite of improving, rather it's just lowering the interactivity of the model. It wouldn't react to certain movements anymore. To this day they haven't "fixed" it, and to this day, it bothers me. I had so many funny or cute moments, still saved up on my PS4, where this kind of movement was utilized.
Another thing that was changed (afterwards, if I recall correctly), was survivor movement. I don't remember when exactly it was done, but they made the maximum speed of how fast a survivor can turn, slower. I can see what their motivation with this was, it was to help (no offense), bad players fare better, since they probably had issues with 360s. But actually by making the movement more sluggy they affected the skill ceiling of the entire game. Even back before the movement was nerfed, good players barely ever got 360'd. But now it became even more rare to succeed at one, and hitting a survivor as a killer became easier. A little less freedom, a little less skill expression, just to help players that perform worse.
Speaking of a little less skill expression, it's time to move on to the last thing I wanted to talk about. Flashlight saves. Sigh. You know, if you make things quite easily achievable by even the newest of players, you make the game a little less to look up to everytime, by taking that tiny margin of possible skill improvement needed to perform something, away. Flashlight saves used to take skill, you had to time them correctly in a rather short and an accurate window, you'd have to blind the killer late enough so they wouldn't still be in the pickup animation, but early enough so they couldn't look away in time. Now, even if you blind some time before the animation ends, you get the save. This means that even for an average player it is relatively easy to time it correctly. It also won't cause a sense of accomplishment as big for succeeding.
Old DBD was without a doubt broken. There was OP things on both sides, survivors were far stronger back then. Tiles were far better, and spawned more frequently. But some things would just have been better off left alone in my opinion. I still have fun by playing the game. But a game doesn't go by where I don't miss how these things were before they were changed. Especially the nodding. God, how I miss it.
*Alright looks like when Silent Hill came out, you could still nod somewhat properly, at least when crouched, not sure about running when being injured. So that part was misinformation, the changes happened after that at some point.
I miss the car engine sounds while repairing generators.
Yes this is extremely unpopular opinion.
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I also miss the old movement and I hated and still do don’t like that they ever changed it. I remember when they first updated it and it was horrible for a few months. Crazy times.
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I remember that. I also remember how the gens were a different color, a very bright yellow.
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Yeah, they removed it because people complained about it
I think it should have stayed but only when survivor are repairing the gen on the side where you pull the levers
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Aren't those gens for small interiors ?
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oh. Based on the title i was prepared for defending the new running animations compared to the old ones but luckily thats not what you meant. I remember how folks actually said the new injured ones looked like the survs ‚needed to #########‘ when that was WAY more true for the old ones
I agree with you with the head movement and will add that the current idle standing animations are super boring and feel out of Place, i wish they could somehow add Lobby animations here. Not sure on the 360s - that always felt more like abusing hit detection/aim assist and not actually skill expression from my PoV as it was dependent on Controller/mouse movement and sensitivity setting..
for the flashlight saves… i dunno, there is still that short window and I havent really experienced saves that happened before the animation ended? Are you sure its not latency related?There is atmospheric and iconic things we lost from old DbD and i do Hope those get revisited at some point.
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I didn't play back then but I want the old animations back just for the nodding. The way their entire upper body would move when you were nodding, looked so goofy.
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Flashlight saves used to be way easier before the moment you are referring to as you could blind at any point in the animation and it would be a save
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360s are just exploiting the aim assist bug that can steal hits from the killer. It’s not skill expression, it’s literally a game bug.
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Before flashlight saves were changed you needed to start flashing the moment the killer kind of "yoinked" the survivor on their shoulder. If you did it before the animation ended, you would get the blind but not the save. I know at some point they tried to make flashlight and pallet saves so if you blinded or stunned during the animation you'd get the save every time the animation ended, but as far as I know, this was way before and they patched that really fast. In the games current state you can time the blind so you blind before the animation finishes, and you'll still get the save. They changed this a while back.
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You're implying that the aim assist is supposed to 100% lock on to the survivor, like aiming in GTA V multiplayer. That's not the case. And if spinning to avoid a hit, and making it harder to get a hit as killer isn't presenting the opportunity for more skill expression, or a higher skill ceiling, then what is it? It's not like the game will 360 for you, and 360s were never uncounterable, even on consoles.
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I agree extremely unpopular. Half the reason I stopped playing the Halloween event until I have to for the rift is the sucking sounds the gen makes when survivors are powering it. Stealth killers are having a field day. O_o
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No. I’m implying that aim dressing makes proximity checks that are completely separate from the actual hit validation checks, and when survivors 360, it tricks the proximity checks into thinking the survivor is “too close”, which forbids the killer from making a lunge… but then when the actual hit validation check happens the game says the killer missed because the survivor was too far away for a short m1 attack.
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I doubt the game would last long if 360s was not to be a thing, there are even challenges that say avoid basic hits.
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360s never caused the lunge to not go full length. You could blame the game for it, but if you weren't looking at the survivor when the swing would make contact, you would simply miss. 360s aren't an exploit, they're not uncounterable, even back when they were better they weren't uncounterable by any means.
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you could also nod while runnig and it looked so goofy seeing a dwight running by, his head fully looking up
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Those challenges also get progress when a killer swings at a window or at a pallet its not just 360s.
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It did end lunges early then say you didn't get a hit any og killer has seen it at least a handful of time of them getting "spun" by a survivor ended their lunge early while they are moving in a straight line at a spinning player. It wasn't common but it did happen and assuming everyone consistently attempted it you would likely see it every 2-3 matches now adays as general skill improves.
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I've played this game since 2018 and it hasn't happened to me once, and as far as I know, the aim-assist system is still completely the same (I'm on PC so I've actually disabled it through the .ini file but I used to play on the PS4), as before. I don't recall 360ing causing the lunge to be ######### up even once. I do recall some killers making the mistake of not holding the lunge, as the survivor spun.
This meant that the whiff got just close enough for the auto-aim to slightly direct your whiff, but you just weren't close enough to hit. These incidents were 100% a skill issue. You needed to hold the lunge and push forward into the 360, unless you were right up their ass.
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No like you will lunge at them in a straight line, halfway through the lunge the camera will do the snap like its going to hit a survivor, it will end the lunge early even though you could have held it another ~0.2s longer. It will swing and it will whiff.
Again its not common but if you played against enough people who spin you would eventually see it happen a few times. As someone who notices and remembers small things and details I remember it happening at least a few times.
Its not a skill thing its a chance thing that was abusable with the old system.
Sorry you never experienced it or saw it but it definitely existed and other people dealt with it
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You can literally just stand in front of a hooked survivor, hold down the attack button, and notice you’re forbidden to lunge, and a short M1 attack happens instead.
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Play as Spirit and hit a survivor on hook as they are being sacrificed; that camera pull is insane. 360s try to mess with that
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Here's a tiny bit of an old clip I took on my PS4. 24.12.2019. I used to do this, a LOT.
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Yes, if you're right next to a survivor this happens. The hit connects automatically since you're right next to them, and you're aiming correctly.
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I always played as a rank 1 killer even back on my PS4, I don't recall a 360 messing up my lunge even once. And I got maybe around 2600 hours on DBD with it. I'd like to see even 1 example of this.
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That works on any killer. When the survivor is dying on hook (the entity takes them), and you try to hit them, the camera goes apeshit and pulls you away from where you were trying to hit. This has never happened with 360s, and doesn't happen in regular gameplay.
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I miss the nodding and the spinning on the ground when slugged.
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The 360 exploit works on the same idea, where the proximity check thinks the survivor is “too close” for a lunge, so the game either forbids the killer to lunge, or forces the lunge to end early.
The whole idea of the 360 exploit, is the survivor briefly goes into the “too close for a lunge to be allowed” range, but then quickly goes out of the short M1 attack range. This causes the proximity check to forbid a lunge, then causes the short M1 attack to miss.
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Listen I have no idea where you've gotten this from, but 360s never were, and currently aren't, an exploit. They never stopped you from lunging, the quick turning just made killers miss because they couldn't aim their lunge correctly. And no. There's no such thing as a proximity check causing you to miss. If the survivor isn't right next to you, you'd need to hold the lunge button and go forwards, until you're close enough for the hit to proc. What you just described, does not happen with 360s, ever. If you miss against a 360 that was/is always on you, not on the game.
What made people miss against 360s, and still do, is the survivor spinning out of killers field of view. Not some technical issue with the lunge mechanic.
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I miss when I could look up or down while crouching or using an item. I think it changed around when Ghostface was added but your timeline may be more accurate. I thought it was cool how animations would be more reactive to my input but it's okay now but could be a little better. I feel with the movement change there's still a high skill ceiling just the skill floor was changed but admittedly I don't even feel it's easier for everyone it's just different.
For the most part I'm fine with all the gameplay changes but I do miss the old visuals. A lot of DBD's visual charm was lost with redesigns and optimizations especially to fog and lighting. Admittedly I will blame "Blendette" for changes to both lighting and other visual changes.
Somewhat related and I don't miss it but I remember when Huntress was added and landing a hatchet played a loud explosion / alert sound instead of the hit sound. Not important at all but I thought that was hilarious.
Unrelated but you have a very based name - I'm currently working to p100 my Ace.
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—Another thing I noticed, I was looking at some old clips I took, when the Silent Hill chapter came, survivor animations actually stayed the same when you were healthy, but when you got injured they were different so you could no longer nod properly. That change was also applied to healthy survivors later than the release of Silent Hill, apparently.—
Further edit, nevermind, you could still nod when injured back then. Huh.0 -
You're probably correct and I'm wrong, I'm currently watching my old PS4 clips, when Silent Hill came out, the injured animation was changed, however you could still nod when crouched, looking at these clips, not sure about running or walking as injured though.
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That was fun.
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Got almost 80gb of old DBD clips on my Ps4 for when I want to reminisce. Skybilly, weird ass bugs, most of them just being funny moments.
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There is a proximity check that can forbid a killer from lunging, and then a hit validation check that can say the killer was too far away for a short m1 attack. That is how 360s can steal hits from the killer.
You literally can't lunge at a survivor if you're next to them, and facing them. And my main theory is the proximity checks are done on the killer's client, and then the hit validations are done on the server side, so the game can forbid a lunge when the killer's client thinks the survivor is too close, when in reality the survivor is a bit farther away on the server side. The movement of a 360 can mess up aim dressing, because it is quickly weaving in and out of the forbidden lunge range.
The actual problem is the aim dressing mechanic is functionally an auto aim, because it changes an attack before the hit validation check. If aim dressing functioned as an actual aim dressing mechanic, it would validate a hit before changing an attack.
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So if I end up BEHIND the killer at the end of my 360, does that mean that the killer should have achieved that hit?There is a difference between a 360 and a whiff due to aim dressing, the latter if which, to my understanding, CANNOT be achieved consistently. Otherwise you would be seeing matches where the killer is unable to get a single hit ALL match.
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No, you can't lunge if you're next to a survivor, because the hit will connect then… You're trying to say so hard that it's the games fault if you miss a 360… I'd like to see even one example of this happening, because I haven't seen this happen once during my 4k hours of playtime. What you're describing, that a survivor can "trick" the autoaim by coming up close and then spinning out, can't be done. If a killer misses when a survivor runs into the killer so that the survivor disappears from killers fov, the killer taps the hit button because they assume the survivor is right there, and miss because of it, it's your fault, and the lunge isn't causing it.
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Here's a video, with a mouse and keyboard overlay, that proves the proximity checks are separate from the hit validation checks. Notice the game forbids the killer from lunging, and the game yanks the killer's camera, but then doesn't give the killer the hit.
If you 360 behind a survivor, and it didn't trigger the aim dressing bug, then the killer should have been able to easily hit the hit by quickly spinning their camera in a 360 motion while the lunge is happening, because the game would have stopped the lunge and the camera movement when the survivor got in front of the camera.
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I have been playing since 2017 and I am quite certain flashlight saves were possible at any point in the animation for a little as I was (still am) terrible at them but I could achieve such a feat before. I can do it now on the odd occasion but most of the time I won't even bother with flashies
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Yeah that existed back in the day
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Can't you just stand still to avoid getting 360d?
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No. Sometimes survivors will 360 more than once, and sometimes the killer doesn't notice the 360 has started until after they started holding down the M1 button. Also, the bug doesn't always trigger, so the killer is usually better off just going for the hit and risking the bug.
Because as I said before, if a 360 isn't triggering an aim dressing bug, then it should never work on a mouse user with a decent DPI, because the killer spinning their camera would hit the survivor even if the killer had no idea which direction the survivor was.
The proper solution would be for aim dressing to wait for a positive hit validation before altering a killer's attack or camera.
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One of my favourite clips of highlighting old movement sorta is my arm just breaking
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You're literally hitting the object on your right at first, then you move a bit so it's not on the way. Then you're swinging a couple times from too far, not holding W and holding the lunge, then at the last swings you're doing it correctly, holding W and holding lunge until you reach the survivor. I genuinely don't understand what's wrong with this video. Nothing stopped you from lunging correctly here.
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You can avoid getting 360'd by hitting the survivor.
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Or BHVR could actually fix aim dressing so it's not stealing hits from the killer.
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So if the survivor is spinning more than once why not just back up and swing shortly after? I do this all the time someone attempts to spin me and it works 100% of the time unless I somehow make a mistake.
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360s don't steal hits from the killer… The killer just misses, it's what I've been trying to say the whole time. I haven't seen an example of a 360 stealing a hit the killer should have gotten, ever.
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How do you explain what happened in the above video, where the game forced the lunges to turn into short m1 attacks, and forced the camera to move, but didn't give the killer a hit?
The game can clearly do things to a killer's attack and camera, before the hit validation check is made.
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You were literally just standing too far, not moving forward when you were lunging. Do you expect the aim assist to just suck you onto the survivor? With the last swings you moved forward properly. And another thing, even if there was something wrong happening there, which there isn't, the Jake isn't even doing a 360…