The hatch should automatically close if the killer stands close to it for a few seconds

tl;dr Forcing the hatch to automatically close if the killer stands close to it for too long means the killer can't hold the game hostage by standing on it.
To me, hatch seems like a mechanic that exists in the 1v1 to help wrap up the game asap and prevent the game from dragging on through the actions of either side.
- The survivor can't hide for an hour because the killer can find the hatch and finish the game in 2 minutes.
- The killer can't hold the gens for an hour because the survivor can just escape through the hatch and finish the match immediately.
Despite this, there is one way the killer can continue holding the game hostage - which is by standing on top of the hatch. (There are other ways like bodyblocking the survivor in a corner, but that's another discussion)
This is shown in DeadlyNaya's recent post on twitter, where a wraith held the game hostage for close to an hour by standing on top of the hatch.
Instead of dealing with whether or not its bannable (which adds pressure to your report and bans system), just make it impossible. Much like how pinhead can force the box to teleport by standing close to it for too long, the killer standing near the hatch should force it to close. Make the duration at least about 15 seconds to allow the killer the option to give the survivor the hatch.
No thanks. Happens too rarely. It's no different than Tombstone standoffs in Locker. Both sides are wasting each other's time when Survivor can just surrender.
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Repair the generator, open the gate and escape.
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so if the killer just stands still, what’s stopping you from fixing the generator?
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go do the gens?
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Not really holding the game hostage when you can do gens
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I want to be very clear on the wording here, so that no misconceptions arise and that no false reports are made to our player support team. This is not a comment on the feedback however, which is duly noted.
This is not a hostage situation, the killer is not preventing the game from ending - both sides are able to progress the game, the survivor can do generators, the killer can close the hunt / hunt the survivor.
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just remove the hatch its undeserved win for survivor and unfair one less kill even if you play perfect and win at 5 gens. all we can do is slug for 4k to avoid this stupid system.
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As I see all ppl suggest to do gen.
The problem is when you do gen you reveal your position.Nobody want to lose time, the killer here is litteraly taking fun losing your time.
So if you dont see it as a problem , i hope you dont see the " go next " as a problem to.
Because, I mean, you don't want your survivor to go next fast to have a game and fun? Just don't tunnel, or camp or whatever1 -
Chill out it's just a game.
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Great to hear its noted down, I hope you guys can do more with some lil mechanics and tweaks to stop unpleasant trolling Killers, as it is literally the few experiences that spoil the bunch because humans tend to focus more on negative experiences than positive ones. Let me list them:
1BodyBlocking - when two player hitboxes touch for 5 seconds, those individual hitboxes lose collision for 5 seconds.
2Bleed Out - when all other team-mates are dead and you are downed, give them the option to bleed out instantly cutting time short and preventing the Killer from repeated, carry, grabbing.
3Reconsider the Finishing Mori - I have no idea why you didn't implement the full Finisher Mori, but it seems to be able to prevent so much more griefing behaviour in this game. You must have your reasons, but the griefing behaviour continues.I think the Community overreacted badly to this, who ever designed this system really understood the pains that these sorta of bully Killers can do to the game, and I loved that PTB, I really did. Either way the Mori Update, seems not so good in comparison to me.
Like I'm a Killer main, but I understand how awful we can be to Survivors, but this is a game, its not a torture simulator and so I don't think you should let these problems sit on the priority list and age cause they we turn survivors away and that cant be allowed to go on forever. These trolling behaviours must be solved with anti-game-hostage mechanics, I beg of you.
I would scream to the heavens if I thought it would make bhvr react to this better, but I know its better to write to you guys here.
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Thanks to the lovely audio/visual issues on console, it's not uncommon to lose a survivor after I down them. On multiple occasions I have given up looking for a survivor in the dying state and instead found the hatch. I do not want the hatch closed for me, as that would activate Adrenaline (and oh boy do a lot of them have Adrenaline).
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I used the phrase "hostage holding" because that's what it felt like but I should have been clearer in my original post.
My point about about wrapping up the game still stands - in a 1v1 situation where the generators are incomplete the survivors have lost the match and the hatch exists to finish the game so both people can move on, the fact that the killer can stand on the hatch unnecessarily drags out the game. In other words I think it's a boring and stupid scenario that shouldn't exist.
Everyone says "do the generators" but to use the Twitter post as an example, there are four generators to complete with one survivor alive. The survivors have lost (the wraith can close hatch and down and mori the Yui immediately) and I don't think it's reasonable or enjoyable in a game meant to be for fun to expect someone to complete four generators in such a situation. 4 gens is 6 minutes plus travel time when the game could just finish.
I also saw comments saying that they want the option to protect hatch without it automatically closing, with slugs getting adrenaline noted as a concern - to me, the ideal distance required to auto close hatch would be a small distance with a tiny buffer only to deny bodyblocking it directly. So you could even stand next right next to it but not on it, and it wouldn't force close.
Alternatively, the system could only activate when the survivor comes within 10m or so of hatch, so you can protect it easily until the survivor appears at which point you can no longer grief by bodyblocking the hatch and must instead chase and down the survivor.
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Well, in this case, only two things can happen. You can do the rest of the gens in peace while the Killer continues to stand on the hatch, or they'll come after you when one gen is done, catch you, hook/mori you, and end the match, thus allowing you to go next. Either scenario would be fine with me, personally.