The Pig Pen Hangout
My best advice is antspur rapier with a bleed infusion to make the fight last significantly less time. The boss is pretty weak against scarlet rot.
Otherwise, a shield with 100% damage negation is the safest (but most boring) way to beat the boss. Poke until death. Almost every attack is blockable.
Strafing to the left is recommended to evade almost every attack. It makes the fight significantly more bearable.
Do you have problems with specific attacks? I know that phase 2 can be a bit "overwhelming".
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Shes still missing the trap in her hand…
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I just get horrible RNG. He always spams those attacks like the meteors that afterwards changes his attention to me and does his follow up clone attacks. There is another one where he does an attack with his swords and sends out massive beams of light that seems to be undodgeble. Also overwhelming is the understatement of the century. I have resorted to using NPC summons which I do use in ds3 just because they feel more connected the story buy not usually in ER. Thanks for the stats I am currently using dual +10 bloodhound fangs and now have no ancient smithing stones left I think 🐽😔.
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I would not recommend using any of the npc´s. Both do awful damage and increase the boss´s healthbar by a lot. Not to mention that they die very fast. They make your job worse.
The first attack is the meteor attack phase two. I learned that one on my 4th playthrough because i couldnt understand what i was doing wrong.
The idea is the same as with the first phase. When he charges it, run towards the opposite of where the boss flies. Then run back as far as you can until the meteors come flying. When they come flying, run to left or right and do a final jump to avoid all of them.
In phase two, its almost the same. The trick is, that the illusions, the boss sends out have a range limit. If you immediately start running backwards whern the boss charges the meteors, jump the last ones and then contuniue running, you should be able to outrun the illusions range. Careful thouogh, the boss themselves dont have a range limit. They will come down after the 4th illusion. If you do this this way, you only have to jump the meteors (which also have a range limit, so if you run far enough, the will dissapear mid air) and dodge the final tp attack of the boss themselves. Its tricky, but if you do it correctly, you will get a highe punish window.
With the beam of light, do you mean the one where the boss starts levetating in the air before a massive light - nuke erupts the arena? If yes, there are two things you can do to easily avoid it.
- The boss normally starts phase 2 with it. However, this is not scripted and can change dependeing on your position. My advice is to just stand still when phase 2 starts. The boss will usually start with the move if done so.
- When the move starts (the light pillars start to appear beneath your feet) just run in a straight line. You will outrun it.
If you mean the massive map wide pillars of light at the end of the 5 hit combo, then my advice is to learn the move in first phase, where the attack ends in a ground slam with rocks erupting. If you dodge consistently to the left. the attack is basicly the same.
I hope this helps.
Post edited by radiantHero23 on0 -
A good game / proper game would give the player a choice.
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That would actually be a pretty sick feature across the board… first person mori's and third person mori's…. you should suggest that :D
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I beeped the snoot and got a piggy 🐷 back ride to the hatch!
Look, she was even using Distressing so I wouldn't get jump scared!
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- JMF and Straps for crouch shenanigans
- Cruel Limits and Fearmonger for that Demodoggy flavour
- Pain Res to commit to an anti tunneling playstyle
- Distressing because she has absolutely massive ovaries
A true lady of culture you found there ^🐽<
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It's 2025 and we still pigging out on items found around the Fog. 🐷
Anyone has an interesting build for 2025? I'm trying to think of something interesting to run for my loadout.
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Maybe the new scourge hook thingy? Together with something like floods of rage, that provides good and consistent aura reading.
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Describe your boop etiquette.
Do you let survs boop leave, no boops, or something inbetween?
Let's Discuss.
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I usually only accept boops if I am wearing the Second Chance pig mask, and then only the first survivor gets hatch. If I am wearing the broken Reverse Bear Trap, then I kind of play it by ear as that's my "Perkless Pig" end game build. But if I am wearing Black Leather then I have chosen violence and everybody dies.
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Everyone gets one... after that the right to boop must be earned to my mind.
I will accept the first boop... but I expect a genuine effort to win the trial after that, not meme all game. I will happily accept boops at the exit gate, and a death hook survivor who surrenders and boops will be pardoned...
However, teabaggers, sandbaggers, flashlight clickers, rats and Boil Over users shall not be spared... 💥🐽💥🔪
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I was finally beaten and quite badly as Pig recently. I got one hook only after all gens were completed using NOED.
The map was Toba Landing and I was humiliated. I had dominated all my Pig games since playing her and then this team just cooked me. Ggs to them though. I let them unhook and save their friend.
Is this a notorious bad map for her? There just seemed to be too much clutter to use her dash appropriately.
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There are some frustrating tiles that can waste a lot of time for Pig on that map, but it's not too bad.
What probably cooked you is if they were on comms, your biggest problem will have been the fact that all the clutter makes it hard for you to see, and your main strengths in it (small profile and relatively small map to sneak around in) will have been completely taken off you and caused you a lot of problems.
Your head traps also won't have been fantastic because small map is a double edged sword, where although your map traversal is better, your headtraps are much less lethal... and your NOED would also have been easy to find as well. I assume your NOED was cleansed pretty quick?
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They didn't find it. I hooked her by an exit gate and when I saw two of them sneaking around, I opened the gate, signaled for them to save and walked away. I couldn't even see the aura of it, probably because of the more vibrant colors.
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Bless you Count, that rough a game eh?
Don't sweat it/let it get you down, we all have games where we get fed to the wolves every now and again. Pig has many layers of gameplay, and there is always something to learn, even from games like this.
Brush yourself off, take a break if you need to, and go next with a fresh head 😁🤘
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New Pig P100 Today :) ... I hope it receives Buffs in the future just like Freddy did
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Congrats!!! ♥️🐽♥️
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Nice! Anyone you got next to P100?
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The outfit is a big part of the decision of "live or die". Choose to boop when I'm not wearing Black Leather and you may live, but when wearing Black Leather then everyone is fair game 🤭
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I'm a meme Pig as long as it's not Black Jacket goofin hours. If I get a boop it's all over for me…It's like my kryptonite. Instant connection and that surv is gonna probably get gate or hatch. Unfortunately, boops have been few and far between recently...
Looks to the north wind
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I don't play a lot of survivor anymore, but if I see a Pig, I still usually try to boop at some point. Sometimes it's as soon as I see the Pig, but I've actually been granted more boops when I get chased and acknowledge they've got me.
I remember one time when I was up against a Pig who definitely had me, so I turned around and pressed the button to put me in the point animation as I took the hit that downed me. So actions went like this: (1) Pig hits me to put me in the dying state, (2) snoot booped, (3) I collapse immediately after boop animation is done. That Pig picked me up and let me wiggle off and live :)
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That Pig is a rare breed. Bless them…When I encounter Pigs as a surv it usually ends up being ones that play similar to @UndeddJester and if you boop them once, they will leave but then it is fair game afterwards when they see you. I'll die to boop a pig because every single one of you is special to me for even being able to stick through so much of a rollercoaster of a character lol. The highs are insane but the lows are way low, like Jester and @CountOfTheFog were discussing.
Interestingly enough, I feel like early game is the perfect time to boop pig because its early and it gets to set the tone if that Pig is going to want to deal with your ######### or not that match…haha. If its a Black Jacket tho, watch out because they looking to fight and only know how to inflict pain 1000 different ways…😅
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Welcome to the club. We got another dub in the club.
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Pig Buff? On a Thursday??? 🤩😍
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I instantly got reminded of the Pig mains when I read this. A cause for celebration indeed.
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If you see a Black Jacket Pig... you better get steppin'
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🍻 🎉 🥂 🎉 🥂 🎊
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