Dracula shouldn't get bam in bat form
Its WAY too strong, especially in solo q and combined with his slowing add-ons and low cooldown on batform and teleporting to windows. It's guaranteed hits a good majority of the time. Outplay his hell fire or wolf form? No biggie, batform comes out, TPS to the nearest window, bamboozles it, hinders you and smack your down. No window nearby? No worries bat form catches you in seconds totally ignoring pallets and windows. It's just too much going on and there's no drawback to missing for him. Hell fire especially should be changed to a longer cooldown on hits and shorter on misses.
Shapeshift is likely being adjusted soon, as I think they realise it was overbuffed, the hinder plus window block together with the new shapeshift is insufferable.
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Bam is an addon, is not basekit. I agree it is somewhat strong.
Without that, TPing to a window in chase is mostly useless. The survivor sees you transforming into a cloud and going into a window, and he can just go into another direction while Dracula keeps teleporting to it.
Also, what is wrong with hellfire? It has cooldown, slowdown, counterplay (bait it and dodge) and its hindered by not being able to go through high obstacles.
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if they nerfed add-on and didn't touch base-kit, i'd almost be more happy. it is just that i know that they'll weaken base-kit when base-kit is in a good spot for bat form.
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He can trap you at tons of locations with hellfire being on a 6 second cooldown, guarantee hits through vaults and pallets slides but take no drawback being able to shape shift to bat and catch up in seconds and repeat. It's just too much counterplay to anything a survivor does. 6 second cooldown on miss is fine but on a hit and then you bat form, catch up and hit again with it is wild
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He could already hit you and catch you in bat form before the Bat and Shapeshift buffs. And yet Bat form was deemed underpowered.
Also, the cooldown thing doesnt make any sense. You want him to have more cooldown if he actually gets a hit? So he gets rewarded for playing well by having more cooldown?
Also, the "guaranteed" hits in pallets/windows have been a thing with Nurse, Huntress, Plague (with activated power), Demo, Deathslinger (on some pallets, all windows), Pyramid Head, Nemesis, … But as you can imagine, on most of these killers, Dracula included, it can still be baited or the pallet pre-dropped if you reach it in time.
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I would be happy if they just made it so that in bat form he can't kick gens or pallets. Like currently there is no real reason to get out of bat mode until you are right on top of the survivor. This would at least force the killer to change if he wants to get rid of a pallet or kick a gen and could not stay in that form.
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The window block + Hindered addons need to be nerfed.
Bat Form for map traversal is fine and doesn't need to be changed in that regard. But it's too strong mid-chase
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I think Bat Form's true potential didn't become as obvious right away until they buffed it.
I originally thought it was underpowered as well. Now, I think I was wrong about that.
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I do think it was underpowered. The teleport speed was atrocious for how restricted it is. I didnt have much of a problem with the normal movement speed so the buff to 6.5m was a bit weird but i dont think its that insane.
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I forgot the teleport speed used to be lower, that I agree with you on, it was too low before.