Off the record

This perk dominates way too often. 80 seconds of endurance is too strong on top of that 80 seconds of uncounterable iron will and no aura reading. Please tune it. At least deactivate iron will and aura reading once you’ve done a conspicuous action. What most of these people in this thread failed to realize is that when killers don’t tunnel the person who is abusing otr will use it to body block someone else wasting your time. How exactly are you supposed to counter that? There’s no counter. And to assume that the reason I want it nerf is to tunnel is absurd. I want it nerf because people use it like that which can cost games especially if they are all running the perk with decisive strike.
Distortion nerfed: check. Next!
They're already working on WoO. OtR is AFTER WoO. Work with your party.
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Just either hit through it or chase someone else.
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It's almost like there are 3 other people to chase instead of 1 with a perk for anti-tunneling.
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simple solution: don't tunnel
Solution if you arent tunneling: hit thorugh it without hesitation. they'll now need to mend which kills time.
Yes they have endurance for 80 seconds. but the moment they touch a gen, hook, survivor, totem, or anything to progress anything it is gone.
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It has the easiest counter - chase someone else.
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Cope and stop tunneling. Devs already favor your side enough as is. We don't need more survivor nerfs, ESPECIALLY not to anti tunnel.
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We're having the strangest hope of whenever players whine about something they buff it to broken lvls until it becomes normal…
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I’ll get hate for this but OTR is insanely overpowered. Iron Will, Distortion, and a second life that can be used after being fully healed to body block for another survivor. It’s duration should be reduced to 60 seconds.
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No, bunny. Enjoy your aura builds without Distortion, it's powerful enough.
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You're too early, Windows of Opportunity hasn't been killed off yet. Once that's done, you can move on to OTR.
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time to get some aura perks nerfed for killers. then you can take out OTR
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The aura's aren't the problem. Aura's on killer are meh at best. OTR is for the endurance off the hook. To no aura read is just a bonus.
With BHVR, I would laugh so hard if they nerfed an anti-tunnel perk. They have no way to defend such a change.
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Yes, that's right. But DS was also nerfed back to 4 seconds. I can honestly imagine that if they nerf OTR it will be a one-time use like DS (probably pre-death hook activation).
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Or it only works after you've completed a gen, opened two chests, cleansed a Hex totem, and danced naked under the full moon. That would put it more in line with recent perk requirements I think.
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Why can't more perks be a few useful perks in one? OtR should be setting the standard :)
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Lol Distortions pickrate is essentially unchanged specially after it got an insane buff.
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Are we really complaining about OTR?
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what’s crazy is that before they gave it endurance this perk was regarded as garbage and no one used it. Thats with the old effects it had
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Don't tunnel and the perk is useless, the survivor is running the match with 3 perks
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Are you going to complain about lithe and deja vu next?
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they already do
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Otr can be shut down by just tunneling harder. If it upset you then run pyramid head or even pinhead to give endurance or to cage them.
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It’s a proven strategy
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Distortion went down like half of its usage rate. What was the buff that you're talking about? It was at 8 ish% down to 3.13% according to lol.
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Yeah bro, you are on your own with this one. OTR is strong, no questions asked, but its full strength only unfolds if you tunnel that survivor and invest the time into doing that, THEN its a huge timesink. But thats the point of this perk. I sometimes wish that it would be a bit more obvious that its in play, like giving a little cue "do not tunnel this survivor, let them go Of The Record" and not only possibly deducting that the perk is in play, because that survivor is silent, which could also just mean Iron Will, but besides that nitpick, the perk is fine.
Post edited by Akumakaji on5 -
I think if you want off the record nerfed you have to scrap lethal pursuer and bbq and chili, give those up I’ll happily accept off the record getting a 10 second nerf.
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Off the Record is the most overrated Survivor-Perk and IMO it is just trash. It also does not have 80 seconds Endurance, it has as much Endurance as the Killer allows it to have. Hitting the Survivor after the Unhook removes the Endurance for OTR, meaning the Survivor had only a few seconds at best of it.
It is just a sad excuse of an Anti-Tunnel-Perk.
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How can this perk even dominate? Are you unable to chase other survivors?
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I'm using OTR myself but I wasn't sure about some details, so I've checked the wiki.
The Endurance aspect disappears with a conspicuous action. Right.
But apparently, the aura blocking and grunts of pain aren't disabled by a conspicuous action? Is that right?
So in essence, it's better than both Distortion and Iron Will taken together?
It sounds much better than I remember.
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That's correct but also at the negative of having to be hooked and most likely proxy camped ATM.
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It got buffed to buffed to be 15 seconds to regain a token instead of 30.
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given the timeline calling that a buff is misleading. It's what should have happened after thr ptb already; it's a slight number tweak to the nerf. turning it from distortion being absolutely obliterated into nerfed.
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Also with some killers getting 15 seconds of what the game calls a chase is a chore. Death slinger constantly drops the chase part on reloads if they miss so you get 5-6 seconds every 9-10 of running from them. I've had killers follow just out of the 12m chase range so they don't actually start a chase till they know its a hit or keeping the survivor out of that 35 degree mark of center screen.
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It is for a fact a buff though and can not be argued with at all. They halved its token regen time after the PTB.
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You know that this deactivates once You stop tunneling? If surv wants use whole time of this perk, it means it's more beneficial to not tunneling killer since it means two survs are useless.
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omg just no! They have already destroyed distortion. Not this too. Just chase someone else. My god. The killers have so many aura reading abilities and the fact that killers are crying about distortion and now this only proves how useful they are. Just remove aura reading PERIOD on both sides.
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And phrasing it as such while ommitting the context is misleading.
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OTR is necessary, otherwise the only real free anti tunnel perk survivors would have is Dead Hard, but that's not very usable for newer players. If you really wanna counter it, slap the survivors right off hook.
There is an argument to be made for reducing the duration to 60 seconds from 80, but if you haven't done a conspicuous action and removed the Endurance in 60 seconds then you're just wasting time. I know you keep aura reading blocking and grunt suppression but whatever.
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the aura prevents to killer from simply relocating the vulnerable survivor after they've done a conspicuous action.
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otr deactivate when you do a conspicuous action and can only be used 2 times in a game. it supposed to conter tunneling if the perk is nerf it's gonna kill it and increase the amount of tunneling so it's a big no.
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No it’s literally not at all whatsoever. It got buffed. Factually. It happened. It would be misleading if it didn’t happen. It released and a weak later it got a buff. It got buffed and I said it got buffed and it factually did.
You’re wrong. That’s also a fact. Nothing misleading at all whatsoever.
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I'm starting to think you don't know what "context" and "misleading" means.
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People saying to "just chase someone else!!!" and "don't tunnel 5head!" have never had someone aggressively use their OTR to take a hit while you're chasing someone else. Especially egregious is when you're chasing someone and your previous hook comes in while healthy to take two hits (yes I've had this happen).
To avoid those situations and because I think you're not being tunnelled if you've had time to heal, OTR endurance should deactivate once you get fully healed. Endurance should also deactivate after 60 seconds because if you've not been hit after 60 seconds you're either not getting tunneled (in which case why aren't you on a gen?) or you didn't need it. Those extra 20 seconds only really come into play against weaker killers but does nothing against the S tiers.
Imagine a blight and a trapper sees an unhook cross map and wants to tunnel, the blight just rushes cross map and can get a hit in 10 seconds whereas the trapper can spend nearly 20 seconds just getting close enough to be in chase. And once they get the hit, the blight can quickly catch up while the trapper cries.
To everyone saying OTR is the only good anti-tunnel - decisive strike, blood rush + exhaustion, resurgence and similarly we'll make it, camaraderie and reassurance (can't be tunnelled if you're on hook), for the people, flip flop power struggle (esp. with DS or plot twist), borrowed time, babysitter.
I'm only talking about endurance needing a nerf, I don't really care about the iron will/distortion aspect.
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Reassurance is a trash perk with VERY LIMITED uses
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That requires camping. Why would you think I’m camping?
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But if you're not camping and the OTR user wastes their time to run and bodyblock someone you haven't even hooked yet, how is that a problem? Then you can just focus them again. The only time OTR bodyblocking is strong and annoying is when they have both OTR and DS. Otherwise they're putting themselves at way too much risk for something as small as a bodyblock, especially since they've already been hooked while their teammates might not have been.
The solution to OTR is to just focus someone else off hook, and if the OTR user decides to bodyblock, hit them and chase them down. If they have DS, you either eat the DS or leave them slugged.
I still don't get why it lasts 80 seconds though. All the other antitunnel lasts 60.
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OTR would be perfect if it lost it's collision when body-blocking same for DS. It's meant to be used defensively not offensively.