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If Hooking we’re incentivized, what incentives would you want to see?

Member Posts: 1,394
edited October 2024 in General Discussions

Myself personally, a Mori that can be acquired that isn’t just on the last survivor, perhaps sooner.

What would you want to see?

(Ignore the autocorrect in the title)

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  • Member Posts: 1,394
    edited October 2024

    Ya know, given that the Killers position is globally revealed to all Survivors when the Survivor is placed on Hook (survivors Hook notification), I’d even like that kinda change just for a tit-for-tat kinda reasoning.

    It’d also toss in a dynamic of uncertainty:

    If everyone is in the know that the Killer sees the Gen with the most progress after a Hook, they could be wary of that and try to stealth early, or caught off-guard if the Killer goes elsewhere. And all survivors know which Gen is and isn’t the one with the most progress (at least of theirs is or not) thanks to the HUD. (Only some small edge cases if a Gen is left at high-progress will survivors information become faulty)

  • Member Posts: 1,394


    that’s one facet of gameplay can be targeted: points/currency.

    Some people like visual/audio spectacle, others points, some a competitive advantage, many a combination of things.

  • Member Posts: 3,376

    After hooking a survivor, every survivor screams revealing their aura for 18 seconds. Every gen loses 15% of its total progress, survivors will have 45 seconds of mangled after being unhooked and survivors only have 15 seconds to pull their teammate off the hook until phase 2 hits.

    I’d love this, thank you. 😅🤣🤪🥸

  • Member Posts: 5,449
    edited October 2024

    Faster movement speed for 30 seconds as a reward and motivation to go out into the world and find a new Survivor.

    Wouldn’t apply to death hook.

  • Member Posts: 603

    Because of how strong and easy tunneling is compared to spreading hooks, there is no real incentive that would make spreading hooks better than tunneling without flat-out breaking the game if the killer chooses to tunnel. So any incentives would have to come after huge tunnel prevention changes.

    But ignoring that (we could always push incentives first and see how bad it gets), basekit 60s of gen blocking on the generator closest to the hook and a 10 or 15% pop after hooking a survivor you haven't hooked in a row. Now I don't have to worry about someone insta unhooking and two-manning a nearly completed gen by the hook, and I get a little incentive to go away and apply my pop somewhere else. The gen blockage also means I'm disincentivized from camping the gen by the hook or hooking by a gen to pop and then camp it.

  • Member Posts: 1,394
    edited October 2024

    Oh. Ooh.

    Strategic Hook placement allowing you to potentially block a desired generator, especially if you spec into carry perks (which are generally kinda lacking), which can also play a part in retaining the concept of strategic hooking that will likely be damaged with any anti-tunneling base-kit changes.

    I really like that.

    And there’s no harm in trying to workshop ideas on the incentives with the nerfs, to better “appease” both sides with a simultaneous change on such an impactful topic.

  • Member Posts: 2,617
    edited October 2024

    • I have a few suggestions (I'm not suggesting all get implemented; just that there are many ways to incentivize it)

    • Provide a gen repair speed debuff while all survivors are alive and replace the debuff with a gen speed repair buff that scales higher with each dead survivor. Theoretically, this should switch the balance to a 1K to 3K being more likely than a 4E or 4K

    Put Ruin back at 200% but deactivating upon survivor death

    Let Pain Res activate upon each hook but it deactivates upon survivor death

    For pure incentives I like the serious incentives listed above as well. My general thought is I like gen defence being more powerful while all survivors are alive to slow down survivors at the strongest point for them and increasing survivor gen repair speed the more that survivors get sacrificed. That way, snowballs on either side become less likely and it's more likely each side gets a chance to play instead of getting stomped.

    I also have no idea why my formatting is so messed up on this post 🥲

  • Member Posts: 1,815

    I don't know why everyone says old BBQ effect basekit, BPs are literally last thing I care in this game, I literally tired to waste it and I'm more than happy with amount of them on killers. And it's more incentive to non-tunneling than to hooking itself.

    I had some idea of how to incentivize both non-tunneling and hooking. I think they are still pretty good.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    I mainly talked about old BBQs bloodpoint bonus, BUT there is also this to consider: every killer back in the days had BBQ equipped for the bloodpoints, but each hook also showed them opporunities and peeled them off the hook naturally. So what if the killer got a base BBQ with a single survivor that has the least ammount of hooks? That would have a similar effect, especially if combined with the other effects we mentioned.

  • Member Posts: 266

    Way too weak, you gotta pump those numbers up. Aura reveal to 60 seconds and all gens explode for 200% meaning they would have to be repaired for 110% to stop regressing. Then each unique hook spawns a new generator that has to be repaired. Then the game MIGHT be balanced.

  • Member Posts: 266

    We just need more perks that activate on hook that are actually viable and not trash.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    New characters, perks and items will always be released. There will always be something to grind for.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    pain res on every hook so that time sink of hooking for 6-18 seconds is 0.

  • Member Posts: 3,376

    You're right. I agree. What was I thinking. Honestly, if you are on a hook once you might as well have been on it 3 times, lets just go ahead and call it a wrap for that survivor.

  • Member Posts: 706

    I think the killer needs to be sneakier. Every time a survivor completes a gen, it should turn into a hook, and the survivor is on it.

    And every time you go to unhook a survivor, the unhooked survivor turns into a hook, and you are on it.

    For real though, probably something small, like if you leave the hook for a large enough distance for a certain amount of time, you get killer instinct to indicate the rough region of another target. I think slugging as a strategy against bully squads needs to remain viable though, so I like the idea of promoting hooks with a very small bonus.

  • Member Posts: 895

    Killer instinct reveal on other least hooked survivors, maybe an increasing global regression/gen block for every consecutive "freshest" (least hooked) survivor so killer is encouraged to repeatedly go after different people and actually afford to do that more.

    But I doubt this will really help. The moment game starts to go even a little south, it would be unlikely any fair amount of reward for getting those hooks will make it possible for killer to make a comeback. And people don't really enjoy playing out already lost matches.

  • Member Posts: 1,993
    edited October 2024
  • Member Posts: 80

    Killers get orange glyph debuf after hooking the same survivor within 60 seconds of being unhooked.

  • Member Posts: 444
    edited October 2024

    I'd change the aura reading part to killer instinct, similar to Legion, that goes away after a few seconds with a small temp move speed buff, that way the killer is still incentivised to leave the hook but isn't given direct info for free, you'd still need a perk or add-ons for that.

    ETA: But there would have to be a movement speed debuff/penelty for hooking the same survivor within a short timespan (say 20-60 seconds), that way there's no incentive to just tunnel/camp one person out for the bonus BP.

  • Member Posts: 1,394
    edited October 2024


    Drawing on some of the examples so far:

    Hooking a survivor blocks the nearest generator until they are unhooked.

    After every survivor has been Hooked once, gain 10K BP, Hooking every survivor twice awards an additional 10K BP. (Harder, yes, but the BP kept lower given it’s not an expectation. A flat bonus as to not accidentally become multiplicative with large bonuses/be more encapsulated)

    (And my addition:) After Hooking Survivors 6 times, the Obsession can be Mori’ed while on Deathhook.

  • Member Posts: 1,061

    May I suggest using Devour Hope? It's a great perk precisely for the reason that it incentivizes leaving hooks and spreading out hooks, and yet still allowing you to win decisively, giving you that Mori ability.

    On the chance however that this topic was created with the silly notion that "slugging is better than hooking" and needing incentives to hook altogether: tunnelling and camping are the strongest, most reliable killing strategies, there can be no greater incentive than that.

    What is needed are incentives specifically to not camp and tunnel, as well as some moderate nerfs to those strategies. Perk-based incentives would already go a long way to change up the meta of playstyles. A lot of killer perks could be a lot stronger - as long as the killer isn't tunnelling much. Grim Embrace is a good example of a perk that encourages spreading out hooks, although it still doesn't go far enough as it doesn't actually punish tunnelling, granting the same effect even if you tunnel out one survivor and only then get the fresh hooks on the others. Changing it to something where the time it blocks gens for depends on the number of gens left at the time of each fresh hook would much more directly encourage spreading out hooks from the get-go, as well as punish players that go for the same survivors or stick around hooks, as more gens getting completed in the meantime obviously leads to further fresh hooks granting less blockage.

    Similarly, Pain Resonance could regress its gen by a much heftier chunk of progress, but that amount being decreased if any survivor has reached struggle stage. Or it could have a somewhat heftier regression, but be disabled completely if any survivor dies. Pop Goes The Weasel could grant more regression on fresh hooks than consecutive hooks, or just more regression but being disabled once a survivor dies, or yet much more regression but only on the gen furthest from the hook that has progress (which it would highlight for the killer). BBQ could gain tokens again, granting a movement speed increase for every token, but any survivor hitting struggle stage removing a token. It would also be beneficial for it to show the auras of survivors without hook stages only (no distance requirement), until everyone has a hook stage, then as per usual showing all auras beyond 40m. Ruin could grant the 200% base regression again, but be disabled automatically again once a survivor dies, as well as perhaps reduced to 150% once any survivor hits struggle stage. Call Of Brine/Overcharge could increase regression rate by a lot more, scaling with how many survivors are still alive and/or haven't hit struggle. And so on.

    There could also be base incentives though, of course. Base kick regression could be increased to half a charge per second, decreasing back to a quarter once any survivor hits struggle stage. Killers could get a permanent movement speed boost, stacking for every fresh hook, as long as no survivor has hit struggle. Or it could simply change the specifics of the Bloodlust mechanic, scaling with fresh hooks (e. g. after the second fresh hook, instead of 15/25/35s, Bloodlust kicks in after 10/20/30s; 5/15/25s on the third fresh hook; and after the fourth fresh hook, the killer constantly has Bloodlust I, Bloodlust II kicking in after 10 seconds, III 20s - once any survivor hits struggle stage, Bloodlust reverts to its normal behaviour; if any survivor dies, Bloodlust is disabled). Pallet-breaking speeds could be increased until a survivor hits struggle stage. There are countless possible ideas for both base and perk-based incentives against tunnelling/camping, that give killers significant power-ups and notable regression/slowdown effects, as long as survivors aren't hitting struggle stage or dying.

    Moderate nerfs to camping and tunnelling could also come in many forms, from buffing survivors in those scenarios (showing the aura of the most-recently unhooked survivor to all other survivors, making unhook Endurance unhook invincibility, increasing repair speeds if the killer is around the hook/chasing the most-recently unhooked survivor, or if a survivor has been sacrificed (depending on how many hook stages happened before that point or how many gens got repaired), showing the anti-facecamp meter to all survivors, …) to nerfing killers' ease of employing these strategies, such as by removing the auras of hooks survivors are hanging on, removing the unhook explosion notification, not showing the hook life bar of the survivor to the killer - we just accept that these things are that way, but why are they? They directly encourage and support camping and tunnelling.

  • Member Posts: 1,394

    This is more from the perspective of this post:

    Were proxy-camping/camping made nearly impossible to perform, and tunneling much more reliant of hunting down a survivor, what would you want to see the act of Hooking itself do.

    But as to your points on this post:

    Devour Hope itself is a perk, and while it does offer competitive advantages, and visual flourish with the Mori, it lacks BP gains some might be interested in. It’s also designed around being a hex (and a perk), rather than something baseline. It’s a cool perk though I agree.

    Incentives and disincentives are needed, but you need some degree of mechanical inability for some things too, to cover those that do things just for spiteful reasons, or simply due to it being the most efficient method.

    Making perks that promote spreading hooks competitive, even meta, can help the issue, but causes a lack of perk diversity and a feeling that you need certain perks to be competitive. And if they’re the same strength as non-spreading perks, the non-spreading perks mean you play with less need to micromanage hook states/multiple chases, therefore being the path of least resistance.

    As far as needing to redesign every perk:meta perk to be dynamic regarding hook states, I am not fond of that idea. It becomes convoluted and annoying to learn, making it harder to onboard new players.

    The same sentiment with incremental/minute changes to stats for the Killer at base. The powerups need to be simple, obvious, and noticeable at a a glance, otherwise it makes it harder to onboard new players/does not feel impactful.

    And the same goes for survivor methods of fighting back against those things.

  • Member Posts: 328

    Passive slowdown for each survivor on hook

  • Member Posts: 239

    Killers need everything but further basekit stuffs, all they have is already more than enough.

  • Member Posts: 1,394

    And if tunneling and camping is severely hindered? Will they have enough?

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    So you're happy with the game exactly as it is right now in terms of how much you are slugged and/or tunneled when playing survivor?

  • Member Posts: 347

    Basekit BBQ & Chili with increased BP bonus

  • Member Posts: 1,725

    Personally I wish that hooking granted some sort of progression for the killer's win condition, maybe like a flag or a tally on the survivor that got hooked. If I manage to hook the same survivor 3 times, they get killed, similar to how they normally die if I let them bleed on the ground for 4 minutes. Too bad BHVR would never make a mechanic like that 😉

  • Member Posts: 1,394

    I dunno man. Seems a bit too simplistic. I’d love it if such a tally created a dead zone that the other side will typically no longer frequent, potentially acting as a safer zone, and a place that the other side may not want to be led through as it draws them away from their other objectives that I (we) can then target, potentially meaning that drawing my opponent through such an area might end up with them disengaging.

    Of course, maybe I could try to remove an element from the game, reducing the other sides efficiency, changing the back and forth dynamic in that manner. But for some reason the opposing team seems rather dissatisfied if that’s done too quickly.

  • Member Posts: 5,921
    edited October 2024

    I think fundamentally the entire game needs to be rehauled from an objective point of view.

    Basically i would massively nerf, or completely rework every single gen defense perk, and then buff killers basekit gen defense and then make tunneling and camping impossible while punishing survivors for getting hooked (beyond just being eliminated from the game).

    So imagine a world where there are no gen defense perks effectively, and instead:

    • Basekit regression is 200%
    • Basekit gen kick is 10%
    • Add a basekit corrupt that lasts 30 seconds
    • Add a basekit corrupt on totems that lasts 30 seconds
    • There is now a "hook bar" and you must get 8 hooks in order to start killing survivors. Survivors now effectively share the first 2 hook states.
    • Remove the anti-face camp mechanic, and rework it so if you hang around the area for more than lets say, 15 seconds, with a 10 second grace period (even if other survivors are nearby) The survivor is automatically teleported to the hook that is closest to the survivor that is furthest from the killer
      • This basically means that camping is removed entirely, and the survivor can quickly get unhooked
    • Survivors get basekit kindred
    • A survivor who is unhooked goes on a 30 second "timeout" where they
      • Have no collision
      • Make no noise
      • Are invisible
      • Make no scratch marks
      • See the aura of their teammates
      • Move at 200% movement speed
      • Cannot do any conspicuous actions
      • After the timeout is over, they are automatically healed to the healthy state
      • This means survivors now just automatically get healed, they literally CANNOT as in, it is literally IMPOSSIBLE to be tunneled. Even if they were tunneled, you can't remove anyone from the game until you hook 8 survivors
    • Hooking a survivor makes a noise notification at the location of the survivor that is furthest from the hook, showing the killer where they might want to go next.
    • Increase the penalty when working on generators together even further to 20-25% slower for each survivor.
    • Generator times probably can get reduced potentially even to like 60-70 seconds at this point, but by how much remains to be seen and this would all have to be tested first.
    • Probably also need to add some kind of basekit unbreakable mechanic to prevent full slugging 4 people, perhaps it kicks in if you have 2 survivors on the ground, then they are able to automatically pick themselves up, but if 1 survivor is on the ground and someone comes for say, a flashlight save, you are able to slug them and chase the other person still and force them to find someone to heal them.
    • Rework pallets and loops so every single loop and pallet can be mindgameable.
    • increase the number of pallets in the map, or make pallets respawn after some amount of time, or survivors can spend time "rebuilding" a pallet or some other mechanic.

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