Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Dracula is BROKEN. Period.

Member Posts: 605
edited October 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Pyramid-Head + Demogorgon + Spirit in one killer.

This guy is in desperate need of a Nerf. Its just too much.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 473

    I'm not disagreeing with you, but they already revealed they're going to work on him. I'd assume this means a nerf.

  • Member Posts: 5,949

    Agreed. Although, I would like it if the sound clue for the wolf's attack was a little easier to hear. As it is I can never tell when he is about to attack.

  • Member Posts: 435

    His fire is so hit or miss and goes through some rocks but not others

  • Member Posts: 1,072

    I am struggling to win with him. Only had 5 matches so far, though. The best I had was 2K or perhaps one instance of 3K. I have to admit I keep spamming Hellfire as it is great especially near pallets. I do need to make use of his wolf form more to see his full power.

  • Member Posts: 600

    Can't really say, in my experience I rarely ever encounter Dracula.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I agree that he needs a nerf, but I think Wolf form and hellfire are worse than bat form.

  • Member Posts: 1,382

    This isn't really a hot take to be fair. A lot of experienced killer mains on twitch agree with this sentiment. He's like the 3rd or 4th strongest killer right now. He's basically a better version of spirit.

  • Member Posts: 497

    I often just try to play him as casual as possible. Meaning i only use either his vampire form or his wolf form the entire round, never using bats unless i just need to go upstairs somewhere. And i still win 80% of the time.

  • Member Posts: 431
    edited October 2024

    Honestly then you could go any ranged killer and win almost 100% of the time. If what you are saying its true then you are basically one of the best players in the world.

  • Member Posts: 497

    Well i do maintain 100% of the achievements/challenges but i wouldnt say im one of the best. My main is xeno. Im used to playing without tunneling/camping etc. Im just pointing out that dracula is strong enough to win without using all his forms

  • Member Posts: 431

    What i meant is that is not an indicator of Dracula being strong. Its either one of these 3 things:

    • You are not saying the truth by saying you win "80% of the time with a hindered Dracula"
    • The people you play against are honestly absolutely terrible
    • If what you say is the truth and the people you play against are good, then as you are playing just as a "hindered ranged killer" that means you can play any other ranged killer and win almost 100% of the time. Hell if you think Dracula is strong on that state then killers like Huntress, Nemesis, Pyramid Head, Deathslinger, Xeno etc are absolutely broken and needs to be heavily nerfed
  • Member Posts: 497

    Most likely second option. New killer - newer mmr. My xeno goes against swat teams every round and its 50/50 and i have to sweat everytime to get anything lol, then i sometimes get a group that isnt like that and they get obliterated. I guess i mostly get the lower mmr teams on dracula, but i was just playing for fun using a hindered dracula just like playing twins without victor somehow i still won even there lol but yea. Probly the people im against as if i had the swat teams from my xenos mmr of course theyd blitz gens in 2 minutes or so lol

  • Member Posts: 100

    damn it’s a chore fighting a character who isn’t click a button to deny power, oh wait people do against singularity and his power is simple to counter. This is just a skill issue, if you can face these three you mentioned you’ll live

  • Member Posts: 51

    Maybe the VR add-on is just too strong? Other than that, there doesn't seem to be any problem. The wolf form needs a buff.

  • Member Posts: 160
    edited October 2024

    I’m curious as to how this killer mmr is supposed to work because… if a new killer drops, on day one you pretty much get them every match. However, based on the assumption that this is a killer that you’ve never used before you should be getting brand new players, and yet people who have been playing this game for a long time and who are in a higher bracket MMR get the new killer all day long just like everyone else.

    So how does that happen? Or are we just getting the people that played the PTB and already had a week or so to figure him out? That would probably make the most sense because even my first game as Survivor on a new killer launch I’m getting people that immediately seem to know what they’re doing with the killer and there’s no way that somebody has it figured out that well on day one first match.

  • Member Posts: 531

    I could be wrong but how mmr works on a newly released killer is that it's mmr is either set around the same mmr as your highest mmr on another killer or its set to the average mmr of all your killers. I just know they use your mmr from the other killers you play to set the new killer's mmr. A newly released killer mmr is usually never set super low unless you are really new to the game.

    Personally I kinda hate it works like that because since I pretty sure I have above avg mmr on the killers I main, every new killer that comes out my games feel miserable bc I'm going against survivors I would go against as killers I'm good at. It makes learning a new killer a miserable experience for me bc it just end up being stomp fests for the first 5 to 10 games.

    Hope I explained that okay, I'm sure someone else can correct me on any mistakes or explain it better than I. I just know that a new killer's mmr is rarely ever set low especially for ppl who have 1000s hours in game like I do.

  • His fire abilities are the big problem the wolf are mid

  • Member Posts: 863

    Well, guess that's that. Roadmap confirmed.

    He's getting changed soon, likely nerfed (or at the very least his Bat form is getting thrown in the bin), you won. Congrats on reducing Killer variety again.

  • Member Posts: 787

    In my MMR very high 5k hours almost as survivor I legit rarely escape vs Dracula with my SWF I just hope Wesker gets buffs.

  • Member Posts: 337

    Well, a change is necessary. The game should remain fair for both sides.
    And a lack of counter play isn't fair.

    This may not be a problem if you only play a single side, but it is still a fact.

  • Member Posts: 863
    edited November 2024

    If recent history is to be believed, there is no middle-ground when dealing with even slightly-overtuned stuff recently, it's either nerfed into uselessness or absolutely meaningless changes that either don't fix the issue or create a new one (each not being mutually exclusive).

    I'd like to be optimistic, I really do, but I honestly have very little faith in the coming Killer changes/tweaks. The only hope I keep is that Wesker won't get nerfed again (wishfull thinking maybe) and that the Freddy/Myers changes won't be a repeat of Twins rework (almost universally hated and unhealthy, got almost entirely reverted).


    I don't "play a single side", this applies to both "sides" and I play both sides (although I stay away from SoloQ since Finisher Mori).

  • Member Posts: 531

    I feel the same as you. Im very sure bat will be nerfed really heavily to the point it's useless. If we learned anything from the recent SM change is that the devs don't really care that much about true balance, they only care about those who compain enough and are the loudest.

    Do I think he needs some minor changes? Yes, I don't mind a few nerfs if they wandered. In fact, I wouldn't mind them nerfing Bat if they also buff Wolf since I feel wolf is the weakest and most unfun to play part of his kit. I wanted Wolf to be really fun but it's just the worst demo shed or Wesker Dash. That is not going to happen tho, the only change he will get is a heavy-handed Nerf to bat since it's the part of him that most ppl complain about.

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