General Discussions

General Discussions

The reason the kill rate is so high is because there are bad survivors.

Listen, when you have one side of the game with more people, odds are you're going to have more people who DC, kill themselves on hook and/or bodyblock and willingly throw the game. This happens at any skill level because like I said, most survivors get salty that they got slammed and decide to DC or kill themselves on hook.

And then you have the trolls. The people who don't do gens, don't heal, don't unhook teammates and of course, bodyblock and "troll" their teammates.

What I'm saying is, when you have more people on one side of a match. That side will more than likely have terrible people on it.

I've played countless survivor/killer games and have seen so many instances of survivors DC'ing after one down or just blatantly not helping their teammates and people seem to wonder why the win rate for survivors is so low. It's because of you guys.

And don't even get me started on the survivors who say, "When i see [killer], I DC" Like cmon guys, give me a break.

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  • Member Posts: 238

    I couldn't agree more.

    All the killers with secondary objetive have a very high killrate because many players don't know what they have to do against them and neigther have interest in learning. And it's not like any of them are particularly strong either… Sadako was a steamroller when all you had to do was hold on a tape to negate her power.

    The game needs tutorials that teach you about all the killers powers and the basic concepts of looping. It's crazy how many people with thousands of hours of gametime do nothing but run around the map totally lost.

  • Member Posts: 2,412

    I thought it was because it has good killers

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Indeed. So all this should give us an accurate representation of who actually escapes and who doesn't, even though a couple of outliers exist here and there.

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    I mean yeah even the "average" of dbd survivors isn't what you would expect average to be.

  • Member Posts: 298

    not even high level players . So long as you have a full team of players are the goal for all of them is to escape then your chances of winning are very high . The thing most matches will have at least on survivor who is goofing of doing tomes and not caring about winning . That is all it takes to turn a win into a loss . Hence why having is a 4man is much stronger then even a 3man swf . Solos too often play for themselves instead of the team .

  • Member Posts: 137

    I'm a mid survivor, my chases last maybe 1min at best ? Maybe 2 if i get lucky

    But as a killer, i stg 80% of my matches are against god-like surv

    But overall, i try to be chill in both roles, if I die that's ok, even 5 times in a row and if i got a 4 men escape as a killer, it's ok too

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    How do they know which matches to not include for hook suicides?

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    How would tutorials help with the issue you stated though? There's a ton of killers with unique powers and addons/ perks. How is a tutorial suppose to help you memorize all that?

  • Member Posts: 1,105
    edited October 2024

    With the new mori system this doesn't happen often. You are encouraged to kill all of them.

  • Member Posts: 1,147
    edited October 2024

    I mean yeah, Survivors don't always play well as a team. Then again, this is a "team" game with a grand total of two emotes with which you can communicate to your teammates with, so is it any surprise we often don't make the right play? How am I to know that the Jake doing nothing on the hud is going for the save or if he really is doing nothing? And thanks to the Distortion changes and Killer aura perk buffs, if you can't loop, well good news!, because now you can't hide either.

    So if Survivors are really so bad, why have BHVR spent the last year buffing nearly every Killer in the game?

    Let's face it, whether we play Survivor or Killer, most of us suck at this game.

    Post edited by tjt85 on
  • Member Posts: 880
    edited October 2024

    For that aspect, I think a lot more in-game guidance is needed. I know having minimal HUD/on-screen elements is part of the visual design, but IMO that’s doing a disservice to a lot of players.

    What I’m imagining is this, for example: if you get infected by singularity’s pods, the game should state right on the screen “use an EMP [with a pointer to the nearest EMP box] to remove the pod!” If there’s a camera in range, it should get a “disable this with an EMP” note. When it re-enables, put “camera re-enabled” on the screen. If he teleports to you, it should say something like “Killer teleported to you because of the pod on your back! Remove it with an EMP!” Once a survivor has this stuff down, they could have an option to turn it off, maybe on a per-killer basis.

    Same with various sound cues. If a twins player unbinds Victor, it should say something like “Victor has been released!” That way people can actually learn what the sound cues mean.

    I’m sure there are game UX folks who could make that better, but that’s the kind of thing I’m thinking about: on-screen, clear messages and HUD elements about the game mechanics.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    Having arrows point out everything kinda screws with gameplay. We really shouldn't be pointing out ever camera placement anymore than the killer get an arrow saying "ATTACK the survivor that is hiding behind THIS bush" or "Remember, you can pull survivors out of lockers".

  • Member Posts: 880

    I see your point, but I think some guidance would be appropriate.

  • Member Posts: 76
    edited October 2024

    yea why bother learning anything in game when you can just cry on the forums about anything challenging and bhvr will come running

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    for sure, but you cant mess with gameplay in the name of "guidance". If I found a nice angle to stalk from as Ghostface, I wouldn't want a glowing neon arrow with a message saying "Break LOS from this guy right here". I feel like this is why they have the system they currently do with the loading screen messages. Those provide useful information against that killer for the first few times you face it without interfering with the match itself.

    The problem is... there's so many killers that's it can be hard to remember them all unless you're like me and try playing as them all. Killer updates make this situation worse.

  • Member Posts: 160

    It’s crazy how this game is not designed in the slightest for new players (mostly on survivor side). You can jump into a game like Call of Duty having never played before and have time to figure it out. DBD? Good luck, hope you have a friend to carry you.

    I legit feel sorry for new players.

  • Member Posts: 895

    dbd has noob mmr for like a dozen hours assuming your poor performance.

    after that yeah, you're thrown right into the same pit as everyone, including 1-10k hours players that played their killer ten times more than such person even knew about the game.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited October 2024

    There might be too many killers to effectively cover in training/content. However more could be done to teach new survivors the basics, so that when they encounter a new killer they have something to fall back on.

    Currently you get one go through a few training exercises, a couple of bot matches, and then you're thrown to the wolves. That's nowhere near enough to actually learn how to play the game.

    There should be a modest single player campaign. A gauntlet of about 15 bot matches that pit you against the first 5 killers (which have bot programing already thanks to 2v8) on the five core realms, with increasing difficulty owing to the killer gaining more perks, taken from the pool of their own perks plus the generic ones. E.g. match 1 is Trapper on Shelter Woods with Agitation and Brutal Strength, match 2 is Trapper on Suffocation Pit with Agi, Brutal and Unnerving, match 3 is Trapper on Coal Tower with Agi, Brutal, Unerving and NOED. Match 4 is against Wraith... and so on. And you only move on to the next one after you've escaped.

    This would expose you to perks like Tinkerer, Nurses Calling, Huntress Lulaby and NOED. All of which could be safely highlighted without negatively affecting their opponent. It would teach survivors how to deal with a range of different killer powers, traps (trapper), stealth (wraith/tinkerer), ranged (billy/huntress), anti-loop (nurse), exposed (NOED) and Hexes in general. That's enough to get the fundamentals.

    Make it repeatable. Give it a modest but fixed bloodpoint reward (from 5K up to 15K per match depending on the "difficulty"), with a one time 250K reward for completing all 15 for the first time to set them up with some perks.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    It's definitely a reason, but not "the" reason. It's too simplistic to bear weight on that alone.

    However, it is probably the biggest reason, because of how many Survivors still kill themselves on hooks, or deliberately troll and so on.

    I still would rather play with 3 other Survivors who are just starting out, yet willing to play to the end, than 3 better players who just give up when they hear the TR music. Obviously, this is not representative of the player base as it's just my experience, but it is more common to find higher Prestiges quit in my matches than lower. I don't know why that is, but maybe game-weariness.

    The best games are when everyone fights on, and in those trials I have escaped much more than not. When someone just trolls or gives up, this unsurprisingly results in more deaths than escapes. It messes the MMR up, amongst other things (both devs and the more childish of the playerbase are responsible for the MMR system being a bit screwed).

  • Member Posts: 895

    would be nice if new players were locked from matchmaking (unless they accept SWF invite) for a while and could only play bot matches (where you could still progress and earn bloodpoints/pips) until a certain milestone. just so to confirm they arent completely clueless and get at least a few dozen hours of experience before thrown into the real games.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited October 2024

    I don't agree with that. The single-player/training should remain optional, for cases where experienced players are on a new account, or when friends start playing the game and want to jump straight into playing SWF, as SWF can be a decent learning tool in itself and this only hinders their own friends.

    Just have it telegraphed well enough with a decent reward so entirely new players are still funnelled into it.

  • Member Posts: 501


  • Member Posts: 895

    maybe, but I still believe that at least first session should not involve playing against real players.

    Dota2, for example, has matchmaking against bots. You play with real players (usually noobs like you) however your opponents are replaced with bots which ensures more fair and controlled environment to grasp the basics of the game.

    Ideally, new players, especially survivors, should not get into the pvp part game until they at least overcome their basic fear of the game or anxiety induced by being chased.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    That might be a thing in the future, but killer bots are still a work in progress. I remember reading just recently that there was an issue that killer bots didn't react any differently if blinded. They'd still go directly to you. The bots in this game having wallhacks kinda makes things tough. Maybe one day though something like you said could happen without the Nurse bot always knowing EXACTLY where you are.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    That example you gave is why I have 0 faith in its validity. There's no way in he'll SM, the most hated killer that so many people openly admit to killing themselves against... only had 3%.

  • Member Posts: 9,039
    edited November 2024

    well yeah? I wouldn’t exactly call recent killer designs new player friendly per say someone who bought the game like a month ago dies instantly to vecna and Dracula for sure

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    Survivors were always bad as most people are casual survivor players, this is nothing new at all.

    What has happened over the years is maps and the admittedly broken survivor second chance perks have been nerfed hard (most needed to be) so the game is far more killer sided than ever before, even if killers have seen some more broken perks nerfed too.

    Not advocating DCing but the influx of really unfun killers (Knight, Chucky, SM, Trickster, Twins etc) has not helped the situation as no matter what you implement, you cant force players to stay in matches and many of the newer unfun killers seem to almost guarantee someone will go next.

    Solo queue is pretty rough these days, I would say I die 90% of matches now

  • Member Posts: 127

    I think that, at it's core, there are two issues going on with Dead By Daylight on the survivor side. One is absolutely everything that you said. The other issue is players who just want to have a casual game and are just not looking to sweat. Some killers, especially with strong builds in a higher MMR, you HAVE to have a competitive counter. You can't just sit on a gen and hope for the best. And I think sometimes survivors rise up through the MMR playing more inexperienced killers, and they are not really prepared to go up against a killer running super strong builds who they can't really hide from.

    That's why I think the devs just need to let people have custom matches where they can play against bots only and still get bp and do challenges. Just so some of the more casual players have their own place to play without all the throwing matches stuff going on.

  • Member Posts: 271
    edited November 2024

    Which means actual killrates are like 70-80% cuz i swear someone D/Cs in 1/4 of my games

  • Member Posts: 223

    Say it again for the people in the back!

    No seriously bhvr needs to stop nerfing to benefit bad players

  • Member Posts: 444

    Agree, I see far more GhostFace and Myers than I do Freddy, Hag and Single Larry combined. I can remember how to counter GhostFace and Myers (and every other common killer), because I face them a lot.

    But Freddy, Hag and Larry? Maybe once in a blue moon when there is a sudden resurgence in their popularity for about a week, so I have to learn their counterply on the fly, only for them to vanish again. To reappear again a few months later when I've completely forgotten how to deal with their shenanigans, and the whole song and dancd starts over again.

    Like, there is a first time for everything, which is why the PTB exists, but there needs to be some update to the tooltips or even tutorial bots where you can face against each killer in a 1v3 or something just to learn their counterplay. Idk, just something to help casual and new players out and remember how to counter killers at their base strength.

  • Member Posts: 1,390
    edited November 2024

    granted, if every one in however many players is an arse, that arse is more likely to end up on the surv side (assuming arses don't prefer playing as killer).

    — Though, if that had an effect on overall killrates, it would only mean that a quantitative approach to balancing this game would not work. You'd have to do closed testing with verfied non-arses that are still representative of the whole playerbase and use that data for balancing.

    The question: Does it actually have an effect on overall killrates? Is it causing killrates to be higher than they normally would be? — I'm inclined to say no. There's a counterweight and that's called farming killers - or just nice ones who don't feel like taking a free 4k cause Jimmy decided to off themselves on hook at five gens. There's also a fair amount of killers who go out of their way to "punish" a surv who went against their rulebook and throw an entire match just to tunnel them out and bm them. — Plus, occasions where there's a pattern of players consistently quitting against certain killers/playstyles have to be taken out of the equation (cause that suggests it's an issue with the killer/playstyle).

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