So much complaining about slugging for the 4k

what should the killer do? Hook the 3rd survivor and gamble the last person finding trap door and tbagging? Honestly. If the killer doesn’t slug and find the trap door there’s still another chance an survivor gets to escape it’s bad design the trap door has to go.
While agree when the games get down to a 1v1 it should be made a little less RNG reliant, I don't think its too unreasonable for people to get annoyed at the fact they are just being left on the ground,
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The survivor objective is to complete the gens and escape through the gates. If the survivors don't complete the gens they lose, even if the 4th survivor escapes through the hatch (what you call trap door).
The hatch exists so in the 1v1 the game can just end because it's not worth playing the normal game - so either the surv escapes through the hatch (which is at most just a pity win but not a real win) or the killer closes it and the 2 minute endgame collapse timer starts. If they remove the hatch, I can't wait for you to have to deal with survivors hiding in some random corner of the map for 20 minutes.
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I deal with survivors hiding all the time. I say when the 3rd survivor is killed force the last survivor to get chased to be able to win. It’ll be a fresh and new mini game for survivors that I’ll take anyday. Imagine looping a killer for let’s say 2 mins while everyone is dead. Wouldn’t that feel good? Then escaping right after for lasting a certain time? The trap door is extremely pity us killers get nothing I mean they added basekit by and haste during endgame…
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for two minutes (which is more than three times the intended chase time) on a dead map? That's neither "fun" nor "a mini game". That's straight up encouraging the killer to power trip at the expense of the other player.
Once only one surv is left the killer already won. Everything else is just to a) make the game end b) not make that a miserable experience. It's a game of roulette. The match is already over. Both sides now have the fun mini game of looking for the hatch, whoever finds it first gets to end the game - and that's all there is to hatch.The Mori was supposed to add a "and if the killer finds the surv first, here is that cool other thing" — which has already been ruined by a fair share of people being absolutely hellbent and unsportsmanlike about forcing that "cool small feature" (the amound of times I've been slapped on hook non stop as the next to last surv is mindboggling).
Killers are not entitled to a 4k or a Mori.
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I think when there is only 2 Survivors left, the slugged survivor should get a speedbleed out option after like 60 seconds?
We may disagree on what the seconds should be, but cant we agree that at somepoint its too much for the slugged survivor?3 -
It’s annoying as hell. The hatch has to have some sort of timer for survivor.
Some options:
1- Make the hatch spawn visible for killer from 32m away.
2- The survivor has to complete a few skill checks to actually escape from hatch.
3- At end game, if the survivor is not interacting with anything, and just waiting for you to close hatch so he can immediately open door, accelerate rate at which you get notification of his location. (3 crows)2 -
I kill the 3rd survivor and give the last survivor a fighting 50/50 chance at hatch. 3k is already a win…it shouldn't matter if the last survivor gets a few extra BP.
Hatch is not a victory, it just means to go next.
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'Hatch is not a victory'
This is true: 3k or 4k is probably more or less the same reward at the end for the killer (BP + MMR increase).
To escape by the hatch for the surv' is more or less the same reward (BP + draw match).
But to slug is the easiest strat' to do…2 -
The trap door is pretty smart design as it keeps the last survivor engaged in playing the game and gives them some kind of chance to escape, which can make the endgame fun or even satisfying.
From the killer perspective, it's necessary to remember that the game isn't solely about stopping all gens from getting done. Catching each separate survivor is a separate requirement for getting each kill. From the survivor perspective, the game isn't over for each survivor until the killer gets that specific survivor (or a timer runs out).
If a survivor has been able to loop the killer, do saves, work gens, take protection hits for their teammates all game, there are still cases where the last survivor simply looped better and got ignored by the killer or had better game sense than the other survivors and ended up being last. In those scenarios, what I'm hearing is that OP would like to be given a situation where the killer has an incredible advantage so they can more reliably take down the last survivor.
Also, remember that the game is designed so the killer should be averaging more than two kills per match anyway, and that's without considering friendly killers who lead to an artificially enhanced escape rate, which BHVR then compensates for by decreasing escape chances further. In the current environment, that means that the game is designed in a way that makes it very likely to get down to two survivors left in most matches, at which point slugging for the 4k will almost guarantee a 4k. This is not fun for the survivors involved, and it's practically easy mode for killers.
Since (i) the game isn't over for the last survivor until the killer actually sacrifices them, (ii) it's common for the killer to take down survivors who have a much higher skill level than them, and (iii) the game is designed in a way that intentionally gives killers an advantage, it's pretty reasonable to give the last survivor a chance at hatch. That last survivor player would also like to enjoy the game, and the current hatch design is a way to ensure they have something fun to do until the end of the match.
Viva la trap door!
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I usually hook the third survivor.
It doesn't really matter that much if the fourth escapes. A 3k is already a win.
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This only affects you if you are hungry for 4K
3K is already a win, don’t waste everybody times and yours just for an extra kill.Slugging will never be fine
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what should the killer do? Hook the 3rd survivor and gamble the last person finding trap door
Yes, that's exactly what's intended. That's why the hatch exists. So that the last survivor has a fair but random chance of escaping.
You're not supposed to be able to guarantee a 4th kill simply because you already scored 3. That's not how things are supposed to work.
That's no different to saying: "why doesn't the 4th gen just automatically repair a 5th gen instantly? What am I supposed to do? Just repair a 5th gen if I want to escape?"
If you want your 4K, you need to earn a 4K, you need to find that hatch before the last survivor does, or find the survivor before they find it.
This scenario is already in the killers favour. You have two solutions to the problem (finding the survivor or finding the hatch) and you are faster than them, particularly if you're playing a killer with higher mobility or info.
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This is my feeling exactly. Also, as killer, I never slug for 4k, but I find it pretty easy to get the fourth if I want it because as killer I have a huge number of advantages.
Also, that's both accurate and hilarious about the fifth gen repairing itself. Thank you for that :)
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Exactly. I don't even mind when I'm an M1 killer and the 4th kill is basically a coin toss. 3Ks come easily enough that if the last survivor gets the hatch it really doesn't matter, I'll probably win the next coin toss anyway.
I'd much rather score multiple hooks per survivor than an extra kill.
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Yep and I will continue to do it till something is done about it.
It’s not fun at all. I don’t even care about living but don’t hold me hostage because you want a 4K. You literally do nothing. Why would someone want to play a game where they just lay there?
come on now.4 -
Hatch mechanic is undeserved free win for last survivor. Untill this stupid mechanic is exist slugging justifying in every form. And no hatch mechanic is always favourite survivors cause its programmed to spawn randomly but closer to last survivor. If last survivor left at 4 gen game should not give him free win by rng, he needs to repair all generator left by itself withount any hand holding mechanic. Imagine if killer screw so badly and kill no one when all gens repaired, but can get 4k with base kit mechanic (not a perk).
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I highly disagree. Everyone works as a team as a survivor, if you’re the last one who alive, then do deserve a shot at leaving when it’s 1v1.
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I make example if killer screw so badly there is no comeback mechainc for him. But last survivor get a win cause his team screw and left him with 3 gens.
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if you’re down to one survivor, that’s a win. You’ve already killed 3. Why does a 4K mean so much?
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Adept, satisfying mori, do not let t-bagger escape. Plus hatch mechanic favours survivors cause its always spawn closer to them and also if survivor is healthy they garanteed find a hatch first cause speed boost from injure do not let killer catch them before that.
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I've never heard of the hatch spawning preferentially near the last survivor. Also, the killer's move speed is higher than the survivor's and the killer doesn't have to hide or run away if the survivor shows up. So the killer has an easier time s mm getting to hatch first unless the survivor specifically spent a perk on Left Behind or Clairvoyance or something.
Also there is no circumstance where I'm going to deny my opponent the chance to play the game as intended just so I can get an achievement to show up on my steam profile or to accomplish some other goal of mine.
The only exception I have is for bully squads. If other players are trying to make me not be able to play the game as intended, then they can get what they give. And that's only for whole squads going out of their way to coordinate head on saves, flashbang, flashlight, etc while ignoring gens. If one player wasn't getting into that business with me, they still get fair treatment :)
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Hatch is always called as a "null" thing (even if the survivor escapes, for the killer it does count as a 4k). However that is just not the truth. The survivor gets the BP for escaping but the killer does not get the same BP as if did kill the survivor as far as i know, so its not a "null" thing and it actually favors the survivor.
So one of those two things should be done:
- Give the killer the exact same BP as the survivor for escaping, or just remove the BP from the survivor.
- Give also the same RNG mechanic for the killer. The survivor can get the hatch on a losing situation as a last-resort win. Make so if 3 or 4 survivors escape (which is usually a "loss" for the killer), there is a chance that one of them are sacrificed by the entity instead when they are about to leave.
This would make things the same for both the survivor and the killer, giving them a RNG chance of transforming the "loss" into a "win" situation.
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The hatch was implemented to prevent stalemates. If slugging for the 4k becomes widespread, survivors in response will simply go afk until you find and close hatch,(which, they already have)
Youve already won the game, why go the extra mile?
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The 4k isn't that serious. The amount of BP you get for a 4k is what? a common item in the bloodweb? There are no leaderboards, rewards for the 4k. A hatch escape is still a win for you, mmr still goes up. I don't slug at all on killer, I just have a pretty good idea on the locations the hatch usually spawn. Not very often does the 4th get hatch. If its that meaningful to you, just use a hatch offering so you know where it will spawn.
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Some would complain saying well they want to ensure they get their last person mori lol. To me that simply puts the 1v1 even more in the killers favor as not only does the last survivor have to find the hatch before the killer finds it or them, the killer will also mori them on the spot regardless of hooks so why bypass the entire round climax just to get an easy mori, just making everybody miserable, instead of an honorable duel to the death lol
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It's true. Hatch always has the ability to appear next to a survivor. Which means the killer can't afford unnecessary risks.
Here are images taken over several years as proof. With some luck, the survivor could even escape!!! Now imagine what happens when you hang a survivor on a hook instead of a slug.
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The hatch location is predetermined at the beginning of the trial and is revealed and opened only once one survivor remains.
It's proximity with respect to the killer and survivor at the moment it's revealed is dependent only on where the killer and survivor happen to be standing when hatch opens. Its position is essentially completely random and not biased toward the survivor or killer.
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But how do you explain these screenshots? Am I the unluckiest person? I have been seeing this picture with enviable consistency for several years now when I am not playing for 4 kills. Hatch is always given to the survivor, and I only see it when I am next to the survivor.
This is especially noticeable on The Onryō and Wesker. One literally had him appear next to the gate before escaping. The other literally gave him the second survivor's escape through the gate.
In this situation, I trust my eyes more than what is written somewhere.
Once a coincidence. The second time an accident. The third time a regularity.
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Hard to say why you see that happening. Sometimes people can have confirmation bias (something like noticing when things agree with our suspicions or assumptions). Sometimes it could be luck.
I guess it's also not impossible that your survivors go to hatch spawn locations when it's time. I know that if I'm not far from a known hatch spawn location when my last teammate gets picked up on death hook, I'll get in a locker nearby if possible. That gives me a small chance to be right next to hatch when it opens if I was lucky enough to choose right. And the locker should keep me invisible to BBQ.
It used to be the case that during the match you could literally walk on top of the invisible hatch and know its location before it opened because your character (survivor or killer) would stand up just a little higher when you were on top of it.