Seriously, what's the point in playing survivior anymore?!

Gates not getting opened, survivors giving up, killers sweating like their mom's lives are on the line. What is the fun aspect here?! What i can get tunneled at 5 gens and then humped for 4 minutes oh great. Seriously I'm getting so sick of this game and if the devs think I'm buying ######### DLC and outfits they can think again!
now the question is: are these problems with the game or problems with the players?
26 -
It happens to all games with MMR at some point in their life cycle.
You go into a game to have fun. The other side is going all out for the win, full meta. You think, screw that, and next game take more meta stuff. The other side gets stomped trying to have fun and next game they go more sweaty. Rinse and repeat.
16 -
It's the players fault if Devs take action but BHVR says it alright to do so. So its fully on the Devs for allowing this type of Toxic plays.
26 -
This is just the problem that is gonna occur with asymetric multiplayer games. Some people play to win, and some people play to have fun. Unfortunately even if BHVR implemented a "ranked mode" people who play to win would still enter the casual queue.
7 -
Not in my lobbies. My survivors are the sweatiest of the sweatiest….
9 -
Im sure they are!
11 -
So it's the devs fault that, to quote the op: "survivors giving up, killers sweating like their mom's lives are on the line."?
No, we don't lay that at the devs feet. The devs allow players freedom of choice, unfortunately people are choosing to be arses.
16 -
If you're having rough games, I think it's probably to do with splitting the queues. The matchmaking system goes kinda wild when BHVR put on events or time limited modes (and it's not all that great at the best of times).
Today I've been dunked on by a gen rushing SWF in one match, only to get near beginner players with green and yellow perks in the next.
Your games will probably go back to being closer to normal for about a week after the Halloween event ends. But only a week, because 2 Vs 8 will be back and matchmaking will be iffy again…
1 -
Also to quote the OP.
'What i can get tunneled at 5 gens and then humped for 4 minutes oh great'
This Toxic behavior from players is something they have said the wont punish. So yes people will keep doing so cause the devs said its alright.
17 -
I definitely feel what OP is saying here. In the last several days, for the first time I really didn't feel like I'd get any enjoyment out of playing survivor since I see tunneling, camping, and/or slugging for 4k in almost all my matches now.
Cap that off with people engaging in abusive behaviors like repeatedly hitting the third survivor on hook to get them to give up and let the killer do a free mori, and I'm not really getting any enjoyment out of survivor matches anymore. I keep going back every couple days hoping for better, but it's been pretty downhill since about the time of the finisher mori update for my games.
28 -
usually when i play surv and understand how miserable it is, i just play a lil killer, and after like 3 matches i hop off and enjoy the rest of the day. just dont stress over this ######### game and ull be fine trust
3 -
Ha fair
Now in seriousness how are they going to punish that is the thing? You can make a argument that they could railroad players for tunneling but how the stupid dance (what was refered to as "humped") without going into intent. And why stop there? What about being gen rushed and survivors "twerking"? The devs fault and are supposed to railroad that too?
We're not even remotely convinced that the bad behavior of players is the devs fault. The devs can't control how people play without limiting everything so there's only one way too play. Is that what you really want? If so then fair enough, but we'll fight every step of the way.
5 -
Just curious - what is an acceptable level of effort that the killer is allowed to exert to try to win so that you won't complain? Should killer players complain if survivors complete the gens and escape too quickly?
Also - what killers are humping survivors for 4 minutes? If killers are doing really that, then it seems like it should be easy for the rest of the survivors to complete all the gens and escape.
6 -
Someone mentioned in another post that some of these behaviors can be handled. Like at the exit gates, teabagging can be moderated by having the game count the number/rate of crouches you do and if you exceed a certain rate/number when you could otherwise escape, put an entity block on the gates for some time. And the entity block duration increases if you keep doing it. Then if you crouch a few times to thank the killer or duck Vecna's power, no problem, but if you teabag too many times, your exit is briefly blocked.
The W+D thing though would be very hard to moderate.
4 -
We vaguely remember something like that. That said as funny as that would be, to implement that would be a disaster waiting to happen (not the idea, the fact of who knows how many things Bhvr breaks adding something like this) [This premise technically could also be used for the WD]. Then there's the tagging outside the exit gate. Remember if we're going for this go all in.
1 -
You say that like you are surprised.
1 -
shocked even!
0 -
No way!
1 -
run off the record and made for this bro, almost you´ll never have any problems with tunneling anymore! trust me, i also combine it with lithe and bloodrush (ik it´s overkill)
1 -
"run a perk you are forced into playing that doesnt prevent but just prolongs tunnelling"
Running anti-tunnel doesnt solve the issue in the first place. 2v8 and getting randomly teleported somewhere after a hook was really the only counter to this playstyle13 -
Killers have been toxic all event. As I type this I am bleeding out to a knockout and no hook Chucky.
Game is pretty much unplayable.
11 -
Today I played 5 games as survivor and escaped two of those, but yeah, the tone of the games has definitely shifted. I tried a full anti tunnel build (DS, OtR, Cameradry, Blast Mine) and it did quite well the one time I got hardcore tunneled, but I have more fun with my time-honed mischief build (Blast Mine, Quick n Quiet, Head On and either Plot Twist or Flashbang).
I think I will experiment a bit with the anti tunnel build and maybe throw in an Unbreakable to counter slugging, but I still had fun and managed to catch up and do all the third event tome challenges, because I couldn't play for one week.
1 -
I don't know how often I proposed my absolute favorite thing that BHVR could possible introduce: a new, general killer perk called "Just Leave!". I would equip this perk on all my killers first perk slot and never take it off, ever again.
- If survivors linger in the exit gate area for 40/30/25s the Entity blocks the exit gates, their aura is shown to the killer and they become exposed.
- The gates stay blocked as long as the survivor lingers in the exit gate area and in a 24m radius around them.
- If the killer downs the survivor in the exit gate area, the survivor can be moried.
- If the survivor leaves via the exit gates before the gates get blocked, they get a "7.000BP Awesome person" score event.
12 -
Haha! That's fun!
I know a lot of survivors, including myself, linger around the gate region at endgame to heal and get other survivors out, but this could also encourage everyone to be smart and just hide near the gates instead. People hanging out to teabag, well... Maybe they get a lesson :)
2 -
I seriously wonder if devs play their own game or if they're all killer mains. Like how can they play just a few games of solo Q and think it's fine? Killers don't even have to try to win unless it's against some elite swf. It's practically unplayable for solo q right now.
3 -
Thats the whole idea about this perk ^_- It could also serve as a similar role like Bloodwarden, so that survivors always have to take it into account and we would see way less BMing and twerking at the exit gates, be it in play or not - but the fact that I would perma-weld this perk to each of my killers load-outs shows how often I encounter this behaviour and how much I loath it!
5 -
Me too. Unfortunately this is when I'm playing myself and I'm not on the survivor role.
2 -
I play solo queue and as long as my teammates are competent players, it's usually pretty competitive. The game stats prove this as well. In solo queue you should be escaping on average ~40% of the time. That seems very reasonable to me for a horror game. When kill rates were closer to 50%, killers were basically just a punching bag for survivors, especially SWF teams with comms. I suggest you try playing killer yourself - you'll probably find it's not as easy as you think it is.
5 -
Honestly, NOBODY is forcing you to play Dead By Daylight if you don't think the game meets your expectations or is no longer fun. I just don't understand why there is so much hate directed at killers. Yes, it can be boring to be tunneled, camped, etc., but is it really worth spending so much energy getting mad about something so insignificant? After all, it's just a game and there will always be situations that don't go your way.
To malloymk: How are killers actually "toxic"? I think the word "toxic" is used way too much and often completely wrong. In my experience, it's almost always survivors who start a discussion in the in-game chat where they threaten or bad behavior to other players because they don't like their playstyle. People have different ways of playing, and there must be room for that too. It's about having fun, and sometimes you just have to accept that others play differently than you do. :)
7 -
Yep! But people aren't ready for that convo. Like keep buffing killer and see how fun it is to slug 3-4 bots because no one wants to play the survivor role
9 -
Already killer wait time has gone up dramatically.
4 -
The same could be said about killer gen perks, they often don’t prevent the gens being done just prolong it in hopes of getting time to play the match.
How long is a survivor expected to last in chase and then work that out for 8 hooks before you can kill anyone compared to how long it takes the other 3 survivors to complete gens, then add in how long it should reasonably take to find a survivor chase them across the map walk to a hook and find another to chase. Unless survivors aren’t doing gens while someone is being chased it’s not really feasible to spread hooks and is completely in the survivors hands how much time you get to play during the match.
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WHAT kind of question is that? I only read complaints here. That doesn't make it any better
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I kinda want to see something like Alucard's Shield add-on become a perk (maybe with the Entity's claws instead of Hellfire). Something like staying within the open gates for 30/25/20 seconds will activate it and anyone caught by a claw will be instantly sacrificed to the Entity. Also, reveals the aura of Survivors when active, so the Killer can watch the show from across the map.
Obviously a meme perk, but would be very risky to hang around to teabag if something like that was in effect.
2 -
A lot of people really enjoy DBD or other games, but then encounter playstyles that lead to one or more players not being able to really participate in the game other than by essentially being bullied. And playing a game with other people in a way that makes those people unable to participate is bad sportsmanship regardless of the game being played.
In DBD, tunneling, camping, and slugging for 4k can all have that effect. Tunneling and camping can even ruin the entire match for someone, and it tends to make it impossible for the targeted player to involve themselves in the game except to be chased non-stop, often without being healed. Although a lot of people doing it don't see it this way, tunneling especially is really a bullying tactic that makes most people on the receiving end wonder why they even played that game. There are certain tactics a lot of games that might not be strictly prohibited by the rules, but nobody will want to play the game with anyone who plays in those ways.
I'd say that when people are seeing these behaviors more than normal, it's pretty reasonable to complain about it. When one or more players can completely remove the fun of the game from others through tactics that barely even have a counterplay by people experiencing those things, it's something the company that develops the game should see. That gives BHVR the ability to understand whether people are enjoying their game, and adjust it if needed.
10 -
These aren't comparable situations.
If a killer wants you out, you're out. (tunnel/camp).
If you want to be left alone, for another target too bad ("anti-tunnel" perks)Anti tunnel perks just prolong the issue. You get chased downed and camped, not much play involved.
This only gets worse with the stronger killers where you REALLY have no option.
Generator regression perks are not required to allow you to actually play the game.
Again 2v8 showed us what hooks honestly need to do at this point (a pseudo cage mechanic). And they can work from there3 -
Yes, they DCed when they failed quickly. And after that, it comes the complains about meta perks & other things…
1 -
Survivors have been super sweaty and super toxic when I was playing killer in the afternoon. Ashamedly I might allowed myself to become a toxic killer in response. Had a SWF that took 3 hook separation offering and map selection and all ran to a dead zone where it was impossible to hook and made sure to make lots of noise. Not even trying to be toxic but they got slugged because what else could I do and running unbreakable so I just spent the entire match stood there slugging when they got up and ended with 3K in the end. Needless to say I got some nasty messages for out playing a seriously boring game of their own making.
10 -
I mean, if that kind of thing happens, what else can you do? It's like when someone does a hook sabo, so you drop the slug and put pressure somewhere else (or go after the person hiding nearby).
I'd say there are definitely times when slugging is warranted, and times when it's just an obnoxious playstyle. And it's only my personal opinion, but I think what you did is fine :)
7 -
sometimes people are the architects of their own destructions… and this poster definitely isn’t winning any friends.
2 -
Just curious - what is an acceptable level of effort that the killer is allowed to exert to try to win so that you won't complain?
I think it is somewhat expected for killers to play as they used to play, as if Old BBQ was still around: spreading hooks and prioritizing the stacks over actually killing survivors.
That doesn't mean people didn't camp, tunnel or slug in the past, because they did. But generally speaking you could expect a killer to play for 12 hooks and I don't think this will ever go away, even if the perk that encouraged this playstyle no longer exists. I still play that way.
7 -
Honestly, I think this could lead to fewer complaints and more overall enjoyment of the game by all players. It's definitely the case that the survivors need to feel threatened with elimination by the killer, but incentivising playstyles that allow the 80% of people in each match who are survivors to have fun (i.e. discouraging tunneling, camping, etc.) could go a long way to improving the experience for a lot of people. Especially because tunneling done effectively can end up destroying a whole team when a 3v1 gets created early.
Personally, if I have the same survivor hooked twice for some reason in the early game, I'll practically never put them in another hook for a while. Even if I down them, I'll leave them slugged so they can get back in the game and do stuff.
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Not trying to bait but I just posted an idea on how to fight that.
0 -
I'm certain that if patch 6.1.0 had never happened the game would be in a better state, for everyone.
6 -
I feel in casual, they would limit what you can bring. Like 2 meta perks for killer, 2 for survivor, maybe even 4 max, but that for all 4 players combined.
0 -
Just came out of a game with 4 minute bleedout and humping. The killer has 145 pages of -rep on steam.
Always remember, this is exactly what BHVR wants. Otherwise they would change the situation.
17 -
But devs are in charge of perks and gen times, and they've aimed for a 60% kill rate which means yeh, they are. There are also issues that have not been addressed. You can't make one side hell to play and expect people to still be happy and buy dlc that's what im saying.
3 -
Yep, it's getting worse, I'm playing like 5 matches and only like 1 or 2 have actually been worthwhile.
6 -
See i don't see anything wrong there. If one side is going all out like that then the other side can too. If you can't hook because they are saboing hook instead of doing gens then yeh your valid.
I personally play solo q where were just trying to get gens so when a killer goes all out as if we're a 4man sabo squad I'm like "erm…hello?"