Buff suggesstions for Cut Loose!

Cut Loose (OLD)
After performing a rushed vault in a chase, this perk activates.
While this perk is active, your rushed vaults are silent for up to 4/5/6 seconds and successfully performing a rushed vault during that time resets the timer.
This perk goes on cooldown for 45 seconds.
Cut Loose (NEW)
After performing a rushed action, Cut Loose activates.
While active, your rushed actions are silent for up to 8 seconds and successfully performing a rushed action during that time resets the timer.
When the timer expires, Cut Loose goes on a cooldown for 40/35/30 seconds.
With these changes, the perk:
- Has longer duration of flat 8 seconds (was 4/5/6 seconds)
- Works on all rushed actions (was only on vaults)
- Has a lower cooldown of 40/35/30 seconds (was flat 45 seconds)
- Also works outside of chases (was only in a chase)
I have also improved and clarified the description of the Perk so it's clear when it goes on a cooldown.
This would make the Perk much better and more "build friendly" because you could finally combine it with more than vault Perks! What do you think?
I 100% agree with all of these changes. Cut Loose is a really fun perk with good potential but the hefty cooldown and chase requirement hurts it a lot.
I'd honestly go as far to even say that the cooldown could be 20 seconds, the same as Quick and Quiet.
I'm not sure why this perk wasn't changed with the latest midchapter, it seems like they did an informal pass on all of the Tools of Torment content. Whether this perk slipped under the radar or was simply left out due to lack of dev bandwidth, I don't know, but I'd love to see it buffed.
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Isn't this just better quick and quiet?
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I think with a buff like this it would be equally as strong as Q&Q, one requires you to make a loud noise before being hidden and then you need to keep vaulting or doing rushed actions to keep it which could make you predictable, the second just work whenever but has a shorther cooldown, so it could be potentionally used more times in a chase!
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Oh, I was misunderstanding. It's a loud noise and then subsequent actions are quiet? That sounds like a good sidegrade.
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I like it.
I had a similar idea, but with an additional mechanic that every time you vault a new window, you get a stackable vaulting speed boost.