Killer mains rework to Knockout
Knockout makes it so when a survivor is put into the dying state by the basic attack, they're aura is hidden from teammates further than 16 meters away, and inflicts them with the blindness status effect while they're on the ground. The result is that this perk is used for a very sluggy playstyle, and often in a match where the killer will never hook, but instead just make everyone bleed out. For survivors on Discord, it's pretty easy to just tell they're teammates where they are slugged, but solo que players obviously can't do that.
My rework would be this:
When a survivor is put into the dying state by any means, there aura is hidden from all survivors, and they suffer blindness like before, and the killer will gain undetectable status effect. This will last for 8/10/12 seconds, after which you're no longer undetectable, and the survivors aura can be seen again like normal. This perk deactivates until you hook a survivor.
The idea is to make it so this is a perk allows for short term slugging that survivors don't really have a problem with, and allow the killer to surprise people on generator and get multi-downs for extra pressure. The reactivation of the perk after getting a hook is pretty self explanatory, it will make it so the killer can only use it to gain pressure, not to continuously slug. The reason I want to make it so any instance of the dying state works, is to encourage killers to use there power over M1, and allow for more interesting synergies with a killers power. I realize this would open the gate for Nurse to use this too, which is unfortunate, sorry.
If hooking were made to be less punishing/time-consuming, it would be more attractive than "slugging" for the effects of the hook perks. But currently, off-the-hook perks are too effective at cheesing their intended function on killers who are actively NOT trying to "tunnel."
Knockout doesn't need a rework, off-the-hook perks do.
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Tis a good idea, keeps the original purpous and gets rid of the exploit. But what hes saying in the previous comment makes it seem like killers believe the goal is to kill all survivors, not get as many hooks as possible. Which the only way i can see clearing that mindset is to make killers get next to nothing for kills with 1 hook and bleedouts. Maybe a points multiplier for each time youve hooked someone.
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It's not a belief or a mindset, the killer is literally instructed to do anything in their power to stop the survivors.
Reference Photo: In-Game Manual
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Thats like saying an online shooter's tutorial litteraly tells you to spam grenades into the enemy spawn because thats how the game should be played lol your avoiding the issue of how the game is played
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I'm not avoiding anything, you on the other hand are attempting to argue with the real instructions of the game manual.
The fact that a player gets 3 phases on hook does not mean the killer needs to hook them 3 separate times or at all.
In Counter-Strike, just because most people have a shootout until the opposing force is dead, it doesn't mean you shouldn't try to plant the bomb.
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Then tell me why the hooks exist at all if they are not meant to be used?
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And u also seemed to miss the fine print in your manual that says carry survivors to hooks for the entity to consume.
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I didn't say they're not meant to be used, I said they don't have to be.
It's generally best to put everybody on hooks when they're all down and have lost the game.
It's not MY manual, it's THE manual and you seem to have missed the ultimate goal highlighted in red for your convenience.
Like it or not, the killer role is about preventing escape, not getting hooks.
Have a nice day ✌️
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So thats why the game is so toxic these days. Game manual said to team slug, grief, hump survivors, tunnel, face camp, and let everyone bleed out because at the end of the day we are not playing with actual people who want to enjoy the game, but simply emotionless bots.
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I like it, I think that's a version of the perk that'd occupy a much healthier niche while still being genuinely useful. In fact, it's a version of the perk I could legitimately see myself using.
My condolences for your thread getting derailed, lol
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Indeed lol sorry about that guy, it is a good idea, i even like the thought of an extra stealth perk since they dont make many stealth killers these days
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My rework to knockout:
No longer hides dying survivor's aura
No longer has basic attack requirement
Prevents survivor from crawling for 15 seconds and slows down recovery speed by 50% (was 25%).
Doubling down on its secondary effect and making knockout the signature perk for short situational slugging - survivor cant crawl under pallet while you kick the gen or check for potential savers, nor can they recover fast to prevent quick medkit/WGLF pick up.
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Hmm, I think the idea is decent on paper! However there are a few issues with this change.
Even tho the slugging is short term, the Perk still promotes slugging by making the Killer Undetectable. Which tells them to leave the Survivor slugged and patrol other people to make the most use out of the effect.
I have an idea to rework the perk tho!
Knock Out
Survivors put into the dying state cannot crawl for 15/20/25 seconds.
Hooking that Survivor before the timer expires makes all Survivors repair 10% slower for as long as the Survivor is hooked.
Now it prevents the downed Survivors from getting into position of a pallet or flashlight save, and it rewards the Killer if they quickly hook them! It also now works on all attacks!
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This is cool, preventing survivors from crawling is unique and could also be strong near exit gates too as well as near pallets with players hovering like you mentioned. Fits the perk thematically too. Maybe it could even have a special animation with the survivor lying knocked out on the ground without moving or something.
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That sounds a lot more reasonable actually.
Though I think you could keep the temporary reduced recover speed and reduced crawl speed, the aura blocking being permanent is really the only problem with the perk and your rework fixes that.
This is also a good idea.