Killer mains rework to Knockout

Knockout makes it so when a survivor is put into the dying state by the basic attack, they're aura is hidden from teammates further than 16 meters away, and inflicts them with the blindness status effect while they're on the ground. The result is that this perk is used for a very sluggy playstyle, and often in a match where the killer will never hook, but instead just make everyone bleed out. For survivors on Discord, it's pretty easy to just tell they're teammates where they are slugged, but solo que players obviously can't do that.

My rework would be this:

When a survivor is put into the dying state by any means, there aura is hidden from all survivors, and they suffer blindness like before, and the killer will gain undetectable status effect. This will last for 8/10/12 seconds, after which you're no longer undetectable, and the survivors aura can be seen again like normal. This perk deactivates until you hook a survivor.

The idea is to make it so this is a perk allows for short term slugging that survivors don't really have a problem with, and allow the killer to surprise people on generator and get multi-downs for extra pressure. The reactivation of the perk after getting a hook is pretty self explanatory, it will make it so the killer can only use it to gain pressure, not to continuously slug. The reason I want to make it so any instance of the dying state works, is to encourage killers to use there power over M1, and allow for more interesting synergies with a killers power. I realize this would open the gate for Nurse to use this too, which is unfortunate, sorry.
