Survivors need nerfs



  • TimelessData
    TimelessData Member Posts: 33

    He says while they nerfed gen defence and nothing for surv so gens fly even faster

  • TimelessData
    TimelessData Member Posts: 33

    you bring a totem in the game oh guess what surv spawn on it right next to a gen goodbye perk 10 seconds in the game and goodbye gen since they spawned on that 2.

  • TimelessData
    TimelessData Member Posts: 33

    Reworked eye of the crow and it’s still just as broken what about Freddys map absolute joke n don’t get me started on meat plant pallet heaven.

  • TimelessData
    TimelessData Member Posts: 33

    Or maybe the killers are slowly starting to become the powerroll as you know they’re the killer after all and it is a 4v1 it’s crazy how people think that surv aren’t when it’s a 4v1 situation. Survivors for the past 6 years have been broken beyond belief to being strong and they still got a long way to go as to killer getting stronger cuz they’re the powerroll and should be feared but r not you just t bag cuz you know ur in control on surv.

  • TimelessData
    TimelessData Member Posts: 33

    Once people realise sitting on a gen holding 1 button sometimes 2 and having chases isn’t exactly HIGH HIGH level skill gameplay. Killer has constant pressure 24 7 surv is a breeze I love when I play it I can sit back relax and chill no stress ik what loops are busted how to loop them it’s great and the killer feels helpless but I don’t t bag cuz ik exactly how they feel. I escape more as surv then I do get a 4k as killer because it’s just easier to do and it all depends on the killer. I main Vecna atm and he’s ass b tier killer so I’ve got no chance against a swf or high level survivors no matter how good I play. Fingers crossed he gets a decent buff this month.

  • TimelessData
    TimelessData Member Posts: 33
  • upsideinsanity
    upsideinsanity Member Posts: 103

    That doesnt explain tunneling at 5 gens and it goes back to what I said, you sweat, tunnel and camp to get the win, your MMR goes up then you cant handle that MMR because youre not actually good at the game.

  • For now, the bug where stun grenades can be thrown silently (when will it be fixed?)and at least fix the Ada bug with the base kit Iron Will?

  • Look up high end games and they have no issues winning about 60-70% of their games. I think what happened is you hit a threshold of gaming at that character playstyle and have to change it up. No harm admitting you hit that cap everyone has a different threshold or limit.

  • TimelessData
    TimelessData Member Posts: 33

    tunnelling and sweating is also high skill as survivors have so much to counter that so I don’t know what ur saying tbh. If I want to tunnel at 5 gens I can there’s no rule behind it and the most effective way of getting 4 mans is tunneling Litt most high level killers say this.

  • TimelessData
    TimelessData Member Posts: 33

    You can’t change anything up expect abuse gen slow down because they fly to quickly and because I don’t use high tier killers I have a harder time to keep up at high mmr.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,561
    edited November 2024

    No, it doesn't need to be, Sloppy is just as effective as before it lasts more than long enough to maintain pressure still.

    What the game needs is improvement to the base game for both sides IMO that slowdown momentum when it gets out of hand without perks:

    Anti gen-rush for killer: Deadlock and Corrupt for killer would be great to buy time for killers stop the early game genrush spawns and fix when survivors get too much momentum allowing the killer to make more mistakes

    Anti tunnel for survivors: DS and Unbreakable wtihout the speed for the TUNNELED survivor to give them a second chance if the killer is tunneling outright, can still keep the pressure by slugging but not keep it for free to derive from focusing them and to buy time for others to help.

    We need to make the game more forgiving for Solo Q and Killers who wish to use anything other than full slowdown IMO.

    Maybe doing an experimental mode with these or other ideas to test to see if people like it is the key

  • smurf
    smurf Member Posts: 716
    edited November 2024

    I'd agree with upside on this. 'Sweating' is fine, but if you have to tunnel and camp to do well, you're in an MMR that's too high for your skill level. It's the same with lower skill survivors who constantly hide and don't develop their skill in chase.

    Don't get me wrong, my feeling is that most killers available aren't fit for top level DBD matches.

    Post edited by smurf on
  • Gen times just need to be increased more.

    And there need to be stronger measures to deter camping and tunneling.

  • The_furf_of_July
    The_furf_of_July Member Posts: 26

    I think the bigger problem is, killers ending up in high MMR and getting their rear handed to them repeatedly only to keep matching against strong survivors.

    The game is NOT this unbalanced if your matchmaking fits your skill level, when matched against people that match your capabilities I have found most systems work as intended.

    Against weaker survs I can get 4ks, against coordinated teams I get 1-3k. But in the past I have been to MMR hell where the survivors always know what to do and, wow that is a nightmare, I agree.

  • The_furf_of_July
    The_furf_of_July Member Posts: 26

    Figure out how to make the game fun.

    It's a hostile environment by nature, and I had to learn how to change my approach so it didn't burn me out again. If I begged the devs to "fix" how much pain I was facing back then, I'd still be hurting.

  • TimelessData
    TimelessData Member Posts: 33

    true I agree

  • TimelessData
    TimelessData Member Posts: 33

    Problem is the game isn’t fun when 3 gens pop at once or 2 when ur having a chase there’s just too much pressure for how quick the gens fly it’s not hard to sit on a gen for over a minute and complete it and with the perks survivors have to quicken the gen speed it’s just so much on the killer and is just not fun I shouldn’t feel weak and powerless and I do.

  • TimelessData
    TimelessData Member Posts: 33

    Yeah I agree 100% with you I lose 2 games against a swf go against bots the next get a 4k and its back to ultra sweats like I just played as Vecna there and they just held forward I have a fly ability but it’s just not enough to catch me up. It’s just really really stressful when you know the gens are being worked on at a rapid pace and you can’t really do much about it.

  • TimelessData
    TimelessData Member Posts: 33

    That evidence is for everyone not specified high level surv swfs and that’s all I go against and it’s not fun like.

  • TimelessData
    TimelessData Member Posts: 33

    Fact you say skill issue shows it’s not that and you clearly don’t have constant high level swf because 0 killer can go against a good swf and win sometimes you might but not all. Extremely easy when they have off the record or ds then body blocking the gens will fly. This is personal experience and watching high level players. You cannot get better against an impossible win against a swf or high level survivors who make 0 mistake.

  • TimelessData
    TimelessData Member Posts: 33

    Literally that I feel like gens just fly too fast for how long chances can last and it’s just a lose lose situation. All gen speed perks need to be removed from the game as they go fast enough as it is.

  • TimelessData
    TimelessData Member Posts: 33

    Yeah it’s just annoying I spawn in and by the time I find one or couple on a gen across the map it’s 70% then the chase and by that time that gen is already done so you start with 4 gens. And the most annoying thing is totem spawns on gens so there goes one of ur perks before you can even stop it.

  • TimelessData
    TimelessData Member Posts: 33

    I see your point, but whenever I try to not tunnel I don’t get a 4 man because hooking chasing and whatnot takes too long while the gens are being worked on. I need to apply pressure and the only way I can get that early game is tunnel. It’s not like I enjoy it but that’s the games incentive is to get kills not hooks.

  • TimelessData
    TimelessData Member Posts: 33

    No matter how good you’re there will be a 4man survivors who will just be better. Because it’s near impossible to win against them with any killer. It is a 4v1 after all so you’re already at a disadvantage ya know. It’s like they’re the bosses the power roll and it shouldn’t be.

  • TimelessData
    TimelessData Member Posts: 33

    And when you do well but not good enough to win they t bag at the end to rub it in and yh it’s easy to say ignore but it’s just annoying when ik for a fact they’re just stronger and I can’t do nothing about it except take the l even when I played well.

  • The_furf_of_July
    The_furf_of_July Member Posts: 26

    From what I'm hearing, you are in fairly desperate need of a break from the game.

    This isn't "just a skill issue". It's important to treat your emotions with respect, and it seems pretty obvious this game has made you feel awful lately.

    I sincerely think it would be a good idea to find a different game to play for a while, and come back with a clear head.
    A break can work wonders for thinking of a new approach, especially after getting stuck in a burnout rut like this.

    I wish you the best 💚

  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 593

    "Specified high level surv swfs" are included. The evidence includes everyone. Unless you're suggesting that Behavior goes out of their way to lie about statistics, and are blatanltly hiding or skewing data because they are… malicious? Which is quite a hefty claim.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,287

    Not true at all. See for example

    If you are insanely good (which means you have insane "not normal" skill), you will win literally hundreds or more games in a row (there are multitudes of killer mains going for very long kill streaks) in public games. The game is indeed killer sided and if nobody makes any mistakes, survivors are guaranteed to loose. Provided you play strong killer of course.

    But even if you play "bad" killer, you will still win most games in pubs even without camping/tunneling/slugging/using abilities. It's just hard, but it's still all on you as a killer and on your knowledge - see

    And note that it's not just Hens and it's not just those 10 games (watch the very end for details).

  • smurf
    smurf Member Posts: 716

    This brings up a good point. I've watched some streamers just stomp group after group. DwichaelJackson comes to mind, but I've also watched someone play Nurse and just get 4k after 4k nonstop.

    Having said that, even a lot of talented streamers will admit that they're not playing at comp level, even some that have done comp on the past. Anyway, I don't think I'm at top MMR, so I'll let others debate those things :)