2v8 Has Some of the Worst Slugging I've Ever Seen

Because of the whole "More Hooks = More Gen Speed", a large majority of the matches I've had so far as survivor involve killers never worrying about hooking and instead leaving survivors on the ground to bleed out.
This is absolutely ridiculous. Please for the love of all things hotfix this specific thing out of the game. It leads to the most boring matches imaginable as survivor. You can keep the "More Gens Done = Less Gen Speed", I don't care. Please for the love of all things remove the incentive to slug.
What a surprise. When you punish hooking, killers don't hook.
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Punishing the Objective always = Bad.
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Gens be flying and they removed insta hooking so… Tunneling and bleeding will be more common now. I've played now 7 games and the gen speeds and the buffs survivors got are ridiculous.
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I really hate this mindset of "Punish the killers for playing well" the devs have.
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Yeah its crazy the gen speed that survivors get for the killers doing their normal objective.
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Absolutely expected outcome.
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You can keep the "More Gens Done = Less Gen Speed"
Punishing the Objective always = Bad.
The forums in two sentences.
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Didn't they also add something that works like base kit unbreakable to prevent mass slugging?
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Yeah, slugging is getting bad, and its just day 1
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Well what do you expect when they make the survivor objective faster for the killers doing their job? Survivors got basically double pallets, double amount of players, double the amount of hook states but only +60% to their objective while killers got… negligable slowdown per gen completed because by the time the first 2-3 cages happen 4-5 gens should be around the same progress if not completed.
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Easy solution is to allow survivors to have quick recovery and basekit unbreakable. But, this is DBD where survivors are not supposed to not have anything. Apparently BHVR still hasn't figured out how to make survivor fun and interactive.
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They gave them faster gen speeds and a delay so they can get pallet saves and flashlights
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so they can get pallet saves and flashlights
Can they?
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What do you mean? Right now this mode is a borderline free win for survivors.
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They have everything, especially in 2v8. "The killer gets rewarded with survivors doing gens faster when they hook survivors." And assuming you're getting chased every game, where's the lack of interaction?
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It is, but that's when survivors know what they're doing. Because most players on this game don't, you'll usually only feel that pressure as killer, but never as survivor, because of BHVR's genius matchmaking.
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This entire system was unnecessary and it was blatantly obvious that killers would slug so they can only profit from it. Imo it should be scrapped or tweaked to change "cages" to "downs" and then adjust the values accordingly.
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A lot of you guys talk like you don't know there is basekit Unbreakable in 2vs8...
Your class skill doubles up as an Unbreakable of the killers slug, they really make it hard to win by slugging cause they have to hook at some point, as every survivor can pick themselves up every 90s.
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Yup it’s called different people with different opinions!
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Except killers can't profit from this system at all. Mass slug is not working thanks to base kit UB and medic class but killers have to do that because hooking survivors for some smart ( not ) reason makes defending generators harder.
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They need to hotfix the gen speed buffs out and only have the slow part in the event
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The better way to change things is replace hook states with survivor deaths for the gen speed buff. If it's based on hook states it punishes spreading hooks and rewards tunnelling. If it's based on deaths it's the inverse.
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queue times for killer are 10 minutes long. accurate matchmaking is not something i'd look for in 10 minute queue times. i am happy with just playing a match.
they already have base-kit unbreakable.
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My Huntress teammate was really risking it last night, she left people slugged for a long time.
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This is just an information battle people can and will adapt because you deal with it in 2 ways
Everyone has basekit unbreakable
so how to you abuse this to get back at the sluggers
FORCE grabs out of lockers when about to go down (the more people that learn to do this the weaker the strat will be and the better off survivors will be)
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Maybe I've just been lucky but my matches so far haven't had any slugging issues. The only time I've seen the killers slug is when they are downing someone else that was nearby, but the first person tends to be picked up halfway through recovering. I thought slugging would be way worse in this iteration because new mechanic but so far killers have been choosing to cage and deal with the gen speeds.
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Survivors getting slugged en masse when they all have basekit infinite Unbreakable seems like a level of learned helplessness that cannot be fixed externally.
Survivors, you have to take responsibility for your own gameplay at some point.
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Slugging is pretty much a non-issue this time around.
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I have no remorse for killers that slug so with that, enjoy your queue time.
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I haven't experienced this at all. Only when there's 3 left do i tend to see slugging as they don't want hatch to spawn
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Slugging is quite literally not viable due to the basekit ub power you have & also just jump in a locker and they're forced to hook you lol
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Tunneling is the solution as always. You can spread out hooks and give survs big gen bonuses or straight up remove a player from doing gens while giving them less bonus speed.
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I do not like sitting in 20 minute queues to be punished for 8 minutes for playing effectively and get nobody dead as a result.