Fix the sprint boost for the Mastermind

There should be a cool down on how long The Mastermind can use the sprint boost attack that harms you because I just went up a mastermind and the person playing him spammed it way to many times to trap me and other survivors
I am still genuinely surprised the PTB didn't include any nerfs to him. I think this killer is extremely poorly designed for a high mobility power.
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He doesn't need any.
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To be fair, neither did Hillbilly and he got stuck with that horrible overheat mechanic for a while.
It wouldn't be the first time. The difference is that Hillbilly's situation was a mistake, it should have never happened. With Wesker I think further nerfs would be justified.
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He needs to be nerfed bc it's some total bs that he can just spam that move to trap you. It needs a cooldown
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I think Wesker is the most perfect designed killer ever.
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It HAS a cooldown.
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If by zoning by spamming power that would imply its 1 dash wesker which is… bad. If you're getting zoned by THAT its a skill issue.
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I think he should be nerfed way more than that, to be honest. His kit has way too much in it.
You're entitled to your own opinion, of course. I just disagree.
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Out of curiosity, why?
He needs skill to use his power and its not that hard for the survivors to dodge. He is one of the few killers in the entire game that if it hits the survivor when the survivor is finishing the pallet/window jump, he will not hit with the power while almost every other killer hits (before it actually did but got shadow nerfed).
He got his infection nerfed to both address tunneling (good) but also the hindered effect from 8% to 4%, making survivors a lot of times just not cleansing it as if there is some decent loop you can still loop him anyways.
Also, half of the time when the loops are with rubbish (rocks and trees) you cannot even hit with your power due to being in a straight line.
I have mained Wesker until Dracula came out, and i think he is one of the most overrated killers in the entire game. He should not be more than a B+ killer honestly.
Post edited by albertoplus on6 -
Because of how bloated his kit is, for a power of that nature. Hyper-mobility can be tricky to balance because of the way survivors have to play around it. They are powerful abilities, after all.
Hillbilly and Oni are good examples of well-designed killers with hyper mobility. Hillbilly has the charge time to keep in mind and Oni has to build up his power, but in return they are gifted a good power. That is fun, and fair.
Wesker in the other hand, is a perfect example of a horribly designed killer, for a power of that nature. He has barely any charge time to worry about, he can vault, he creates a countdown towards Hindered and he gets a notification of your location as soon as you get rid of the infection (which you have to do). Passive slowdown and information are good abilities, but they cannot be paired together with mobility. This is way too much.
Even if you somehow play perfectly against him you will go down, because you will get slowed down and once you're fully infected he only needs to get you once, while not worrying about… well, anything. And it doesn't help that the few resources you can use against him are scarce, thanks to the map reworks, so regardless of which direction he throws you (which shouldn't exist as an ability to begin with), there is a good chance you will be stuck on a deadzone with nothing to use. His hitboxes are extremely inconsistent. Not to mention his incredible potential for tunneling, which thankfully isn't as intense as it used to be before his nerf.
Also, he doesn't even contribute to the horror atmosphere and his voice-lines are annoying.
He is not unbeatable, of course. No killer is. But I don't think his power is healthy for the game. I would be happy to never see him again.
Terrible killer design.
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Weskers virulent bounds have 2 tokens, which can be used consecutively, doubling the reach of the second dash. Each token has a 6s (soon to be 5.5s) cooldown, and goes faster based on how many people are infected. What do you mean by trap you? As in like, he was keeping you from the exit gate by throwing you over and over? If thasts the case, just dodge.
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Honestly it just seems like a personal hate against the killer (dont get me wrong, i also have some vendetta against some killers even if they are not very good: i just hate playing against them).
Its kinda interesting that you did mention Hillbilly as a "well-designed killer" when after the last buffs he got he is starting to be considered again a top tier killer, usually top 5 and sometimes even top 3 just after Nurse and Blight.
Well after that he got some nerfs so its probably not top 3 anymore but i still see people putting him at top 5 consistently, higher than Wesker.
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I'm sorry but Infection just isn't a significant effect anymore. It's ~100 seconds after the first hit for a -4% Hindered effect.
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I find the comparison between Billy and oni vs Wesker to be inaccurate, as though their powers have similarities, they have different drawbacks and strengths to keep them in check. For example, billy has a big wind up because he instadowns, curves, and has no cooldown; Oni has to earn his power because blood fury is billy if billy didnt have any limits. Wesker doesnt really have the strengths to justified the drawbacks. Oni and billy's highly lethal mobility speaks for itself, but weskers just got a strong chase with decent map traversal, made up for with slowdown as a reward.
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A killer being strong doesn't necessarily mean they are unfun, and vice-versa.
Hillbilly has always been fun, in my opinion, and for a long time he was the second most powerful killer in the game. Trickster on his release was weak, but still miserable to go against.
Wesker doesn't have to be among the top to cause problems. He already does.
It shouldn't be a thing at all, imo.
His power doesn't need to work the exact same way as theirs, but it cannot remain in its current state either.
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Agree to disagree I suppose.I'll definitely agree that oni and billy are the absolute goats to face though lol. Out of curiousity would you say that blight is an unhealthily designed killer as well? Asking because I personally feel hes much more similar to wesker than billy/oni.
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Yes, I think Blight is a bad design.
But I think he was better handled, because BHVR got rid of his busted add-ons and exploits. He is not fun, he was definitely not healthy for the game, but he is not as terrible as he used to be.
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I agree with you 100% specially as an re vet. Compare to far annoying killers like spirit,chucky etch he is fine and I miss him everyday. Getting at least one is the easiest way to make me happy.
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May I ask if you dislike him more than skull merchant? Also imo nemesis is far more annoying than wesker as he is now huntress 2.0 with insane hit hoxes, his zombies can be annoying specially indoor maps , your trying to complete an important gen and ken and barbie is forcing you off it or your trying to loop him and get a good loop only for said ken and barbie to hit you or down you for him and ofc he also gets info because the zombies raises their arms like someone is around here look here. Imo his power the poor design one, should have been the rocket launcher. Neme has far less vaccines to use vs wesker who has 2 fas per case and he too gets killer insticts so he has more info than wesker cause zombies alerts him as well.
As in voice line chucky is far more annoying along with unknowns cause chucky gives that cocky ######### like attitude that I wish I can yank him out the screen and unknown is some demented person sounding like a person who needs a ward.
Wesker voice line and power is designed from his re5 game, these are the exact things he says mind you and yeah re 5 sadly was not scary. A billy able to spam his saw after missing and up on your butt with no slow down is far more bad designed imo and wesker power has a bad cooldown.
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I find most my issues with high mobility killers is small maps and server jank/desyncs. They seem to do hit validation different for every killer.
Chainsaw goes through people on billy if you lag, Wesker gets a force grab, chucky gets a bus hitbox (the way it looks not the way it actually is), Blights hit dressing makes it look like he can turn further than he can, Wraith just hits walls and you go down coz of how fast uncloak hits are.
Wesker's a strong tunnel killer because of the infection revealing where the recovering survivor is, and that's what they should have targetted.1 -
May I ask if you dislike him more than skull merchant?
Yes, because I don't dislike Skull Merchant.
But there isn't a killer I hate more than Wesker.
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Ah fair enough hehe we all just dont like something no matter what and I respect that. I feel the same whenever its spirit.
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Have you got a clip so we can see what you mean
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hillbilly had no cooldown besides a stun, so he could effectively always 1 tap with a extremely fast weapon. Many loops against him became useless and with addond, even dropping pallets resulted in getting hit
overcharge was a mechanic that solved all these problems, whilst its a buff its much harder for a hillbilly to control and just zone survivors with, it basically served as a double-edge ability, which newer hillbillys loved and meta hillbillys.. were inconvenienced by to say the least, though the change was awhile ago, so there might be some players who overcame it
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Honestly well the cool down isn't that long bc after 5 seconds it seems he it using it again and again
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I agree with you on this statement right here
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Literally tho